
Too chubby to dance?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010 9:27 PM
I've been having an argument with a friend of mine who is considering dancing but feels she is too chubby. I, however, don't think this is true at all. She is a thick girl, yes, and does have a little bit of a belly, but in my opinion is nowhere near too big to dance. I have added four pictures of her to my photos (i couldn't figure out a better way for you guys to see them since i can't embedded in message). She is the girl in the purple. I told her of my patronage of this site and offered to get opinions from "the pros". So, does she need to lose weight before she starts dancing?


  • latinalover69
    14 years ago
    She's at the outer edge. Any more chunk and yeah she's too chub. She does have nice pleasant curves though. Kind of sexy for a normal girl. For a dancer not so much. I would stick to bikini or topless, not nude. She better have a good personality and attitude and a thick skin from other dancers and rude custies.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    Some guys go for thick. Truthfully, I would pass on her. Sorry if that hurts.
  • kalel15
    14 years ago
    This is why i posted here for honest opinion. She is thinking about a local topless club, wouldn't feel comfortable with completely nude.
  • txtittyfan
    14 years ago
    She would do better if she toned up. I would pass on her.
  • sinclair
    14 years ago
    I'd pass on her. Too much belly and the boobs look like they may sag a bit. Needs some work.
  • sinclair
    14 years ago
    I'd pass on her. Too much belly and the boobs look like they may sag a bit. Needs some work.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    my comment is based on what i see and i have to figure that the corset is hiding and holding in alot. imo she's too heavy. oh btw, we aren't experts, there are no experts. some of us are just experienced and opinionated. others aren't experienced but still may be opinionated.
  • sandyman
    14 years ago
    She will have to work a little harder to overcome the first impression, but if she has a good personality, I think she could do fine. Several of my regular dancers carry some extra pounds and we have a good relationship because they are fun to be with and enjoy having a good time.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    As long as they are high mileage I don't mind a few extra pounds. I have done some lap dances with porkers and I have sore knees and back the next day. Be sure to have some ibuprofen or something to help relieve the aches lol
  • kalel15
    14 years ago
    She hasn't said as much, but I see her being fairly high mileage. In considering dancing because of financial difficulties, so I would imagine she'd be doing a lot for the extra money.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    samsung1 says: Posted: 12/15/10 I have done some lap dances with porkers and I have sore knees and back the next day. ----------- ^ huh? lol so what exactly are you doing with them sam? you're not supposed to carry them on your back or let them ride you like a horse lol
  • EarlTee
    14 years ago
    I too would definitely pass, but I've seen bigger dancers than that making money in the clubs.
  • RapturousOne
    14 years ago
    I've also seen bigger dancers. I wouldn't pay her for a dance, maybe others would. She looks like she could be cute if she was able to drop some weight.
    14 years ago
    Depends on what type of club (rules, etc.) and what's allowed. May be a better option to just file bankruptcy and start over and skip the dancing career. Then again she may meet her shining knight. Troop, your comment brings back memories of when I saw a dancer use a guy's belt (looped around his neck) to lead him to the VIP area. I made some surprised comment to the dancer seated with me and she said, "Oh yeah, he pays the girls to beat and stomp on him."
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    troop, lol yeah I should tell them to just stay down on their knees! They grind on me and they weight so much!
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    Not ready for prime time. Needs to tighten up. May find a few customers who like the chubby look, but young spinners will be very tough competition.
  • whimsylights
    14 years ago
    There was a girl roughly her size who was told her contract was going to be terminated unless she lost weight. Haven't gone back to see but she was on one of those starvation diets. Depends on the standards of the clubs and how many girls are available. I would probably politely pass.
  • kalel15
    14 years ago
    Looks like the verdicts in. Seems i'll be telling her to hit the gym for a couple of months before she even considers it. Thanks to everyone for "weighing" in :).
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    She has a nice shape, and while I too prefer slimmer girls (after all, if I want to look at overweight, I'll just go to the mirror), I probably wouldn't *automatically* tell her to get lost. There's a fair bit of curvaceousness that would appeal to a significant segment of the population, based on what I've seen locally.
  • kalel15
    14 years ago
    That was my thought as well georg. I was kind of surprised by the overwhelming negative, but i figure the guys here are representative of the sc population thats likely to spend the most.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Calling the forum participants here representative of SC goers as a whole is probably not accurate. It's true that i spend significant amounts of money at clubs, but your friend probably ain't gonna want to go there. :) Unlike many here, most club customers are casual, there only occasionally, and see pretty much *any* naked woman as a novelty, and your friend is by no means the least out of shape girl at whom I've watched obviously freshly minted young guys stare in rapt fascination. Yes, the hot ones will, if they do things right, generally make more than the not so hot doing all the same things right, but I've seen lots of girls like your friend making bank. As long as they don't start spending it on drugs.
  • kalel15
    14 years ago
    Also good points. I guess there's no harm in trying. If it doesn't work out hit the gym and try again.
  • snowtime
    14 years ago
    Too big for me as I prefer the spinners. That being said, I see alot of dancers like her that seem to get their share of dances.
  • dw.buck
    14 years ago
    i have seen worse at a SC plenty of times. as long as she understands she isnt the stunner in the club take a few guys rejecting her she will be fine as llong as she follows these rules, has to have a great personality, willing to spend time with guys to show it off, high mileage and possibly do extras ITC or OTC. i have seen a girl twice her size making money in the clubs by doing just this and she was huge (300 pounds). also have her look at the right club for her, a upscale genntlemans club probably isnt for her moreso a dive bar to start off
  • kalel15
    14 years ago
    Thanks for the tips dw. I'll be sure she realizes she's going to have to spend time with the guys and not just be a "wanna dance" girl.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    I agree with Troop, I think a lot is hidden by what she is wearing. Two other points, I would prefer her over a dancer that is basically bones and sharp edges. And secondly, were there an Asian head attached to that body, I could overlook a lot more. All that said, from what I see, I'd take a shot figuring high mileage.
  • bumrubber
    14 years ago
    Too chubby for me, but there are plenty of clubs where most of the girls look just like that.
  • inno123
    14 years ago
    IMO she can start. Until she tones up she will earn less than most of the other dancers and will need to make up the difference with personality. But why not earn money getting her exercise while dancing instead of spending money in a gym?
  • kalel15
    14 years ago
    As neative as the early responses were I think the latter ones have placed things on a more even keel. I am going to keep encouraging her to go for it at least to try it out. I think she will be successfull esp considering the club she would most likely work at doesn't require dancers to dance on stage. That way she can give lappers and work on tightening up before hitting the stage.
  • bubbaloo
    14 years ago
    Are you kidding me? What's with you guys? I'd Spend all the time I could with this girl. Look at that ass! If she has a cute face, pretty smile, and nice personality I would hand her my wallet at the door.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    kalel, there are clubs that would take her but most of them are down market. She better have some real competitive advantage if she's going to sell much though, such as a charming approach or...well...we know the other ways to do it.
  • Prim0
    14 years ago
    Guys are visually stimulated...that's just how we are. We're first going to notice her looks and some guys will stop right there. If she has good lines/personality then she might be able to break through that barrier and get a guy interested in her enough to spend some money on her. We all want different things at the SC and she might be able to fill a niche that others don't. The key is for her to really learn how to get through to different kinds of guys and make them feel like kings, that's usually when I spend more of my cash. And there are guys who just want high mileage from anyone. If she's willing to do that, then she just needs to be careful of LEO, club rules, jealous dancers and STDs.
  • bigdude012
    14 years ago
    If we're talking about the lady in the purple theny yes I would get an LD. personality and skill matter so much more than a little weight and in this case we're just talking about a little weight. or in short: I'd tap that
  • StrongSilentttt
    14 years ago
    She should look for a club at which at least a couple of the girls are heavier than her. Work there. The dancing will tone her up then she can go market Incidentally if you want a truly informed opinion show us at least a topless pic!
  • kalel15
    14 years ago
    Strong had a good point. Not sure if anyone else is still watching this thread, but i uploaded 2 more pics. One topless and one in nothing but a jersey and heels. Maybe these will help
  • troop
    14 years ago
    well she looks better in the full shot but here jersey is still covering alot that won't be covered in a club. i could tell in her 1st pics that her upper arms looked heavy which tells me that she's probably top heavy in more ways than her boobs. her legs look ok but she seems to be heavy from the waist up. i've seen heavier girls dancing but i won't spend money on them. depending on how her personality was and what she was willing to do, i might consider giving her a dance tryout. and the guys with the she can work it off dancing comments are wrong. besides a change in diet and lifestyle, to shape up takes more than a few dances a few nights a week.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    "her" jersey that is ;) wish we had a damn edit function!
    14 years ago
    She has an attractive face. Boobs are nice. Will we ever see anymore of Kalel??? (And no, that doesn't mean a closeup of the toes...)
  • 59
    14 years ago
    Flabby arms. Fat ass. God only knows what she looks like under the outfit. I'd pass.
  • kalel15
    14 years ago
    You lost me ctqwerty
  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    I am spending the winter in the SC waste land of southern France. Send her over here and I will shower her with euros - even more if she is UHM!!!
  • kalel15
    14 years ago
    I could send her over, but im pretty sure that'd make me a pimp. lol
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    farmer, I thought you found a local hookup that is taking care of that. If that is not the case, you really should consider Miami for your winter destination.
  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    rickdugan: That was once only and alcohol was involved as was a boring public charity event. New Year's Eve will tell the tale if I am in the game for the rest of the winter. Pray for me!!
  • jackslash
    14 years ago
    She looks a little heavy to me, but some guys like them heavy. She might try dancing in a primarily black club, where they appreciate a thicker girl.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    For those that keep talking about the "jersey", go back the READ the original post!
  • inno123
    14 years ago
    Having seen the exta pictures her legs are nice but she will have to get a nicer hairstyle. Her breasts are not too saggy which is good. Since she likes corsets she might try dancing in an underbust corset as her signature, at least until she has trimmed down enough to be proud of her torso.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    Think of jj. Similar, and jj knows how to make it work.
  • glen_livet
    14 years ago
    Cute face, nice curves. You indicate that she has the right attitude for the job. IMHO, those qualities are more important than being supermodel skinny. If I saw her in a club, I'd buy a dance.
  • harrydave
    14 years ago
    I used to go to the Hiliter Lounge in Phoenix a lot. This club has been in TUSCL top 20 for a long time. There are always a few girls there like this girl - a bit thick but not obese. The ones who move confidently and project a positive attitude do very well. Quite frankly, a woman like this is more "real", and for some guys she would be less intimidating and more accessible. If she has the attitude, go for it!
  • rl27
    14 years ago
    I have seen many dancers in clubs a lot heaver than her, and quite a few with her build who have done good. If she wants to dance, she should go for it. She may have to start in one of the lower tier clubs at first. She may find that her weight goes down quite a bit after dancing for a few months. There are several very popular dancers in the higher tier clubs that you would never know were once built similar to the woman you posted, unless you had seen them a few years earlier. Many of course had a few thousand dollars worth of plastic surgery, but a few didn't need any.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    kalel: ctqwert is A, assuming you're female and B, requesting naked pictures of you. :)
    14 years ago
    Yes and yes. But NO pictures of the toes!!!
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    Shucks, CT, maybe there are some feet fetish guys here. Not me, but there probably is.
    14 years ago
    Okay... we're losing our focus here... Vince, while I admire your willingness to stand up for the foot fetish folk, I am not so inclined. May they start their own thread, live long, and prosper. In the meantime, hope you're enjoying the Florida sun. It sucks back in the frozen tundra!
  • DougS
    14 years ago
    I prefer them to be slim... bordering on skinny. I'm not a breast man, either. I DO like the jersey and heels pic - she has a pretty face. With a pretty face and nice hair (long, straight, silky / shiny hair), I could overlook some of the thickness.
  • kalel15
    14 years ago
    Thanks again everyone for the responses. The constructive criticism is appreciated. Ill keep encouraging her to give it a go. Sorry to disappoint, ctqwerty, but I'm all dude. And I can garauntee you really don't want pics of me lol.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    Well, CT, I am , I am not going to say that it is hot down here, it is pleasant. Beyond that, I won't be specific, as I know how it is up in Michigan.
  • motorhead
    14 years ago
    OK, I'm a little late here, but felt I should respond since the overwhelming response seemed to be somewhat negative. She is just fine. I thought the pic of her ass was fantastic. I will admit that I do like ladies that are thicker. And she fits the bill. That's why there should be variety at strip clubs. We don't all go for the uber thin, skeletor look of the young spinners.
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