Strip club addiction?

avatar for serpentx
How often do you guys visit strip club? I used to go every other week and spend a couple hundreds. Recently I found my self going at least twice a week. Am I addicted to strip club?

I usually get long dances from one particular girl who is a 10 but with low mileage (Detroit standards, means no bj or fs). Other times I just visit different clubs and tip on stage, a few dances once in a while. Not a big fan of extra at this point. Good thing is that i can still set my budget and stick with it, so far.


last comment
avatar for gatorfan
14 years ago
Addiction would have something to with how much of your income you spend and the need to go see tits than pay your bills
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
just wondering what strip club are you addicted to? being addicted to penthouse might be a pricey addiction with the $7 valet, $12 drinks, $15 weekend night cover, $20 for a booth, etc. etc. It is expensive.

But I think if I was a detroit local hanging out at H8S would not be too bad.
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
I'm addicted to strip clubs in the same way that I'm addicted to breathing and eating. They're an essential part of my ability to live the way I want to. :))
avatar for shadowcat
14 years ago
I have been retired for almost two years now. I have a lot of free time and not hurting financially. So yes I am addicted to strip clubs and even worse I am addicted to TUSCL.
avatar for Dougster
14 years ago
I say I would average 4 visits a month, but some months as little 2 and some as much as 8.

The question of addiction would have to do with how much it is causing harm or neglect to other areas of your life. You would consider areas like affect on family, work, personal finances, build of normal relationship, affects on normal recreation, any changes in the way you perceive yourself and others as a consequence of it. You should also factor in not just time inside the club, but time outside the club in which strip clubs are consuming your mental cycles. Also keep in mind that most with an addiction will be in denial about it until things really start to fall apart and it becomes pretty much impossible to deny. This, of course, will generally take some time.
avatar for jackslash
14 years ago
I'm addicted. I visit a strip club at least once a week and sometimes two or three times. And I find I'm spending more each time than I used to. I like to sit and drink with the most attractive dancers before taking them to VIP, and I like plenty of dances from several girls. And I won't even mention the additional cost of extras. Last month I blew off a business meeting so I could hook up with a girl who's a 10. It was worth it. Well, I've got to wrap this up. My damn children are crying because they're hungry and cold.
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
How often do I visit strip clubs? About once a week.

Well, once a week for dances. Then maybe 1-2 times a week I'll just pop in, have a drink and do some stage tipping.

Addiction? More like a habit I could quit any time I wanted...ok, that's probably not true, but I could definitely cut back if I had to. At least I like to think so.
avatar for samsung1
14 years ago
if you live in detroit and want to add some variety to your sex life, try windsor hotels and book an escort with a legal escort agencies like executives choice.
avatar for shadowcat
14 years ago
From the 12 steps of Strippers Anonymous: We admitted we were powerless over strippers-that our lives had become unmanageable.
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
Once or twice a week. I don't always get dances but I like to check out nearly naked women.
avatar for dw.buck
14 years ago
not addickted to SC i go once a month when i am out of town on business. its more of a hobby - watching sexy girls shake what their momma gave em for tips.
avatar for Dougster
14 years ago
A fun topic might be if you had to choose an addiction which would it be?

I imagine a stripper addiction is better than a drug addiction, at least you can't do much physical harm to yourself (unless you catch an STD!). Compared to gambling, at least you would be getting something for your money (although it could be debated that some professional gamblers do, in fact, make money, but are still addicted).

Work addiction might be the seemingly least harmful and "better" than a stripper addiction.
avatar for glen_livet
14 years ago
I know lots of guys who spend a whole lot more money and time on golf, boating, etc. compared to our "hobby"
avatar for Player11
14 years ago
I have not been in a SC since early November when I went to Heartbreakers for lunch and spendt $40 on dances. The gal I have been seeng otc about once a week (married stripper / student) keeps me very busy. She is well worth it performance wise and the price beats going to SC's - the last two sessions averaging $120. She is a terrific fuck.

However, I still want to go to this extras friendly club and get some strange itc but I know it would prob cost $200 and up. I just keep telling myself the money is better spent with my gal but my SC addiction is certainly there.
avatar for dudeanonymous
14 years ago
Definiely a hobby; not a way of life. What I spend in clubs is a modest fraction of my entire recreational budget.
avatar for Slin
14 years ago
Daaamnn you guys have a lot of money to burn. I start getting worried if I visit a club more then once a month. That said, I do seem to spend more time then I like thinking about previous hot lap dances....

I don't do drugs and don't drink much so I'm always joking at least my hobby doesn't do physical damage. I've always wondered if I was getting emotionally or mentally damaged though.
avatar for lopaw
14 years ago
I go typically once a week. I'm waiting for the day that it becomes boring and I get tired of it and give it up for something less expensive, like knitting. But it's been 9 years now and this I mean "hobby" for me only seems to be getting more intense.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
Lately, a couple of clubs each day, a couple of times a week, but that is not the norm.
avatar for rickdugan
14 years ago
Addiction? What addiction? This is a hobby and I could quit anytime, I just choose not to do so. ;)

Rehab is for quitters anyway - lol.
avatar for Rod84
14 years ago
I go a couple times a week and have also wondered whether it's an addition, or an addiction, to my life. I think in part my concern comes from a desire to indulge in an activity that some others judge as immoral. If I played golf a couple times a week, spending ~$200 each time for greens fees, cart rental, supplies (balls, tees, etc.), and perhaps drinks/dinner afterward with my buddies, I could say I do it because I find it relaxing, socially engaging, and fun, and nobody would say a peep. If somebody asked me whether without it, I'd feel deprived or missing out in any way, I could say yes, because I find it offers an respite from the stress of my work-a-day world. People would understand this and say so long as I have the discretionary income, and don't neglect other responsibilities (e.g. my job, family, bills, etc.), then knock myself out.

If I spend $200 at SCs a couple times a week for the identical reasons, suspicion immediately crops up as to whether I "need" to do this, there's "obsession/compulsion" involved, or SCs being "my friend." Of course, if I say no, I do it because I find it relaxing, socially engaging, fun, and it offers a respite from my work-a-day world, then people suggest I might just be in denial. If I get upset they'd jump to those conclusions, then it just becomes more evidence in their minds that I'm in denial.

Is there something wrong with this picture? Of course there is. In Germany where brothels and FKKs are perfectly acceptable parts of German life, nobody worries about the moneyed gentleman who stops by a couple times a week to relieve stress, socialize with beautiful women, enjoy restaurant-quality meals, and relax in the spa. As with any diversionary activity, if it's done to an extreme, resulting in an impoverished home life, unpaid bills, missed work, etc., then intervention may be warranted. But it seems to me, in some our backward American cultural ideals, we in a sense "create" a problem, or burden ourselves with undue concern, where nothing more than normal male biological/psychological desires are being addressed.

In other words, the problem is "without" instead of "within." The only reason SCs persist, despite the constant drive to abolish them, is because normal heterosexual males (which comprise most of us) really want it in a big way. We're "wired" to enjoy sexal titillation, male/female banter, touching/hugging, and sexual release, at least a couple times a week, if not more. It's normal, healthy, and part of a balanced life. That our society attempts to block this is the real tragedy. So I say, carpe diem and live la vida loca, but as with golf (or boating, rock climbing, traveling, or any discretionary activity) enjoy it within your means and never neglect other aspects of a well-balanced life.
avatar for kingcripple
14 years ago
twice a week i generally spend $10-30 dollars. thats is only because i am a 24 year old college student and cant afford to spend more. i totally wish i could though
avatar for uscue13
14 years ago
What do you two do on a $10-30 budget?
avatar for heshootsandscores
14 years ago
Here, here Rod..well said. My southern psychologist, and I did not have to pay a dime for that bit of I have a few more shekels to spend at my favorite clubs...
avatar for serpentx
14 years ago
Thanks for all the reply. I think Rod summarized it very well. As long as I can keep a well-balanced life I should enjoy SCs instead of questioning myself.
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
"What do you two do on a $10-30 budget?"

Well sure, you're not going to Vegas on that, but if you're cheap, er, I mean frugal, it can be done. Go to a lower-tier club on an off night (say Monday) when there's reduced or no cover, drink specials (say $2 drafts), and cut rate lap dance prices (say $10 dance). You can have a couple beers, do some $1 stage tipping, and even get a lap dance or two for $30 bucks or less.
avatar for spudd
14 years ago
Anyone want to form a group?

"Hello, my name is Spudd, and I'm a Strip club addict."
avatar for Dougster
14 years ago
avatar for Slin
14 years ago
Hmmmm on second thought maybe despite my lower frequency of visits I'm probably spending about as much money on average per month if you guys are only dropping like $30 per visit. I got once a month usually but I typically spending between about $200 each time.
avatar for magicrat
14 years ago
There are clubs in North Carolina where you can get a decent tableside dance for $5. Just don't expect much and you'll be ok.
avatar for DougS
14 years ago
I'm addicted, but to beautiful women, sex... Strip Clubs, I could take it or leave them, providing I'm getting quality OTC time.

Even though I readily admit that I'm addicted... I do NOT want to break the addiction!
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