Stripper Names

Why is it that so many dancers use the same old names? Every club I've been to has a Diamond, Sapphire, Kat, or Precious. If they want to be remembered, especially if they move to another club why not a name that isn't used often? I met a dancer named Lyric, only time I heard of that name and yet it's still easy to remember.
Freakanomics had a great chapter on names, how they cycle up and down the socioeconomic ladder over the years.
It's a union thing.
Actually, favorites have mentioned the dancers getting together in the dressing room with a new girl to help pick out her stripper name.
Most clubs have a rule that they can't have two dancers at the same club with the same name.
Surprisingly, over the last few years I've seen an increase in girls using their real names.
I will say, original names stick out easier. I remember them on repeat trips quicker.
But these names can be a window into a sense of creativity or cultural illumination.
Favorite stripper name ever...
Favorite stripper name ever...
sheesh earl, you just brought back a strange memory. years ago i was a member on a private forum that had a moronic male member that couldn't spell and had terrible grammar.
his screen name was swallow.
the running joke was did he spit or swallow.
The second club, well back before Thanksgiving I met Sandra (from Peru) at this club and had some wonderful dances from her. She even gave me her number but I never used it. Hadn't seen her since. She is a late shift dancer and I am an afternoon customer. Anyway, today this lovely dancer on stage when I enter is announced as Sandra. I thought, she must have cut her hair and done a lot more or I had to much to drink before and I didn't remember her well. She comes around for her tip walk and I give her a bit more than the norm. She asks if she can join me when she finishes her tip walk. Well of course she could. When she sat down, I still couldn't remember her that well. She also had the Latin accent, so I asked if she was from Peru. No, Colombia. I mention the Peruvian Sandra. She said she knew her, but her hair was longer and she was a night shift dancer. The mystery was solved,and she also said Miss Peru had been in New York for over a month.
Long story just to mention two clubs in one day with duplicate dancer names.
Maybe more strippers are using their real names because in the 80's parents were giving their girls stripper names :-)
Why don't you ever meet a stripper named B.J.?
I did meet a girl named Easy and another named Cash.
I remember a girl named Hamilton because that's what a table dance cost.
Why do a lot of girls immediately tell you their real name (like in the first 60 seconds of conversation)?
Clubber: I also knew a Mia but she got caught up in the musical chairs syndrome and was always having to change stage names. It got to the point that every time I talked to her, I had to ask what name she was using today.
At my favorite club it is the manager, not DJ, that is responsible for keeping the dancer names straight. But they fuck up once in awhile. Which causes confusion for the DJ and customers.
Recently I heard a DJ announce the name of a previous favorite dancer. "Oh boy" I thought. Wrong. It was a different dancer.
Met a dancer the other night who introduced herself as "Penny," and asked my name. I told her she could just call me "Uncle Gadget."