
Comments by dallas702 (page 16)

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    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Sex Trafficking.
    There are between 318 million and 350 million people in the US (depending on who is counting illegals). Police and medical reports collected by the FBI, BLS (really, the Bureau of Labor Stats does collect data on sex jobs -trafficking), HHS and CDC appear to indicate about 50 to 75 cases of POSSIBLE "sex trafficking" per year. Most of these cases involve an illegal alien (often Hispanic, Eastern European, Sub-Saharan African or Asian) but only a small percentage of these are "under-age" by US standards. These "trafficked" women are almost NEVER under-aged by the standards of where they originated. The fact is, the media and "great" liberal causes spend millions on TV "documentaries" and special charity drives to deal with a possible problem that is more tied to illegal immigration than to sex slavery. In order to justify all the attention, the promoters of the "sex trafficking" scam do conflate employment in every sexually related industry with "sex trafficking." There was another "documentary" a few years ago that claimed adult toys (dildos, blow up dolls, vibrators) contributed to sex slavery. I find it remarkable that these liberals will so loudly denounce "sex trafficking" and claim to be disgusted by sexual abuse of underage women while giving Slick Willie Clinton a pass on his 50+ plane trips on his (now convicted) pedophile buddy's "Lolita Express."
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    8 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Dealing with Racist Strippers
    If I want to fuck a woman's mind I don't need to go to a strip club. It really does not matter to my other head, what a stripper says as long as she stops talking long enough for a satisfying blow job. If she hates whites, but still fucks me, so what! OTOH, we are ALL judgemental and we ALL have preconceptions about race. I am saying that ALL of us are, to some extent "racist." I have encountered Hispanics who believe all blacks are smelly, mean, drugged out, gangbangers. And I know a middle aged black man who is convinced Asians are not the same species as the rest of us. Personally, I am convinced Black strippers give better blow jobs. Over the past 8 years, this nation has become over sensitive to issues of race. It hasn't been a good experience for too many people. It is not healthy, it is divisive, and it will cause even more problems. Fact is, there will always be a little of, "me, mine are OK and the others are not" in all of us. I have no idea what the solution is!
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    8 years ago
    Prime age for looks
    My ex-father-in-law used to wear a T shirt with the statement, "It took me 75 years to look this good." I doubt that 75 was his "prime" but somewhere along the way he learned to just appreciate what he had. Too bad he wasn't into strip clubbing. Personally, I doubt any man younger that 35 is in their "prime." What few advantages a younger man has in physical abilities, or prowess, are far less valuable than the wisdom of experience and maturity. The "prime" years are those years we experience with stamina, joy and anticipation, believing we can accomplish many things and not worried about our limitations. At some point declining physical abilities, accumulated damage to the body, and failing stamina overcome the experience - only then is someone "past their prime."
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    8 years ago
    Stripper high heels
    I was standing at the bar in a South FL strip club when a brunette, well endowed stripper approached and groped me. She was my height (I knew she was in heels but i wasn't thinking about her wardrobe) After some conversation and her manual manipulation proof that those generous C/D cup wonders were all natural, we moved to VIP. When she took off her heels the top of her head didn't even reach my shoulders. I was so surprised that I actually sat down and picked up one of the shoes. Those crazy things were nearly a foot tall!!! Then she laughed and stuck a boob in my face and I forgot all about the shoes!
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    8 years ago
    What is normal?
    I am normal. The rest of you PLs are just fucked up! ;<)
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    8 years ago
    When will they make one for stripper to men conversations?
    One - the Babel Fish in Hitchhiker's Guide was way cooler, but did have some problems. Two - the only way this could function would be literal, word for word, translation - and that could lead to serious MIS-understandings. Every language has differences in sentence structure, idioms, and even similar sounding words with dramatic differences in meaning. The device would have to guess a lot about inferred meaning! I can imagine a stripper saying she only does extras ITC never OTC and the translator saying meet me at the Holiday Inn in 30 minutes.
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    8 years ago
    Crazy Town USA
    was this guy a TUSCL member?
    The dude lives in the basement of his Mom's house, where he prints obviously fake $100s to buy lap dances at strip clubs. Damn, that does sound like some of the trolls on this site!!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Florida cop who beat up handcuffed strip club worker left unconscious woman unat
    The facts are, in my mind, even worse. The cop who beat her (two separate times - once in the parking lot of Scores and once in the booking area of the Sheriff's station) just walked away after the second beat down. Other Sheriff's deputies failed to stop the beating AND didn't bother to check on the downed stripper. The Jacksonville, FL (Duval County) Sheriff's office did announce that the cop who did the beatings was fired, but have not announced any action against other officers who failed to take any action during or after the beating. The other cops may have assumed she was just drunk, but that cannot excuse them for not even checking on her! I get the frustration of officers in trying to deal with a drunk, angry and violent stripper. Anyone who frequents strip clubs has seen evidence of how unstable some women can be, especially when drunk at the end of a bad shift. I even understand the urge to MAKE her stop. Witnesses report that the drunk stripper cursed and debased the officer almost non-stop from the Scores parking lot until the beatdown on video. That does not excuse the rookie cop, and it certainly does not excuse the other officers in the vicinity. I anticipate additional news reports will include some reference to disciplinary action against other officers.
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    8 years ago
    Bikini fails
    Thanks, I needed that.
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    8 years ago
    OT: Captain Kirk to take new command
    Elmo Russell (Bud) Zumwalt, Jr., the son of two physicians, Elmo Russell and Frances Zumwalt, was born at Tulare, CA, in the San Joaquin Valley, on November 29, 1920. He went to Rutherford Preparatory School (1938-1939), then entered the United States Naval Academy. Academically, he was in the top five percent of his class and in the top two percent militarily. His disregard for meaningless regulations placed him near the bottom in conduct. His later reforms as chief of naval operations seemed to reflect his desire to see "common sense" prevail in the Navy.
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    8 years ago
    Food at the club
    Married men eat shrimp at the strip club and have an excuse for the smell on their fingers when they get home!
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    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Shadowcat is back home.
    Best wishes for a speedy recovery. We'll know you are truly back, and recovered, when you next report on getting back in the saddle at Follies!
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    8 years ago
    Big Natural Tits and a Small Waist
    Still crazy after all these years? Patsy Cline - big tits small waist, and I think she might have been a singer.
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    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Your fave car grwoing up ?
    Triumph TR-3, I actually had one in high school. My first car was one of the original VWs imported to the US (small back window, very under powered 30hp air-cooled engine). When the Bug broke down (died of total compression failure -all 4 cylinders leaking air, oil and gas!!) I was desperate for any wheels. The TR3 was sitting under a tarp in a side yard and the guy's wife sold it to me for $300.00. It barely ran, but I did drive it home. I never knew the story why the wife would sell a classic British roadster for next to nothing, but years later I do wonder. ;<) It was a dream car for a teen - - - when I finally got it going right. Triumph used a Ford tractor motor block (1,600cc or, like mine, 2,000cc) and added an aluminum header and a Stromberg carb. The 4 speed was, granny gear, keep rolling accelerate and cruise - no overdrive and barely any need to use the clutch because the syncromesh was so good. It was not a hot rod, but it did move smoothly and cornered like it was on rails. Probably because it was so low to the ground, it felt much faster than it really was. Wheel balancing was a nightmare because of the spoke wheels (think bicycle spokes), but the real "knock off" spinner hubs were cool. The outside rear view mirrors were on the long, rounded front fenders, several feet from the driver. They looked neat but were pretty much useless. Instead of windows in the doors, the TR3 had removable "side-curtains" which were not great at keeping the rain out, but didn't take up too much space in the tiny boot (trunk). I wish I hadn't sold it for spending money when it went to college!
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    8 years ago
    Russia creating super bomb....I hope Obama kept some nukes for us.
    That's OK. Iran hates Russia, too. After destroying Israel and the USA, Iran will start bombing Russia with their Obama nukes.
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    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    As a stripper I've spent two decades naked, and this is what I learnt
    Yes, even PLs can be "judgemental." OTOH, "socially acceptable" is a rapidly moving target. Just 20 years ago people like the Kardashian women (and Daddy Jenner) would have been roundly condemned. Their wardrobe choices would NOT have been seen on TV, and certainly not on any "Red Carpet." Just 20 years ago, virtually all strip club dancers were "look - don't touch." Today, any visitor to any mall in America will see a number of young women dressed like a fantasy street corner hooker. Today, it is totally acceptable for Hollywood stars to attend televised award shows in see through gowns while obviously not wearing underwear. Today, those same stars are expected to appear on screen totally naked and participate in sexual behaviors (in movies NOT rated "X"). Today, dancers in strip clubs are more than willing to grind on a guy's lap, knowing an LDK is possible/likely/intended even if they do not offer extras. And today, all of that is accepted in the social mainstream. What will be acceptable to society tomorrow?
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    8 years ago
    Extras sign?
    Like Grand1531, I am almost certain that if you receive the "blow job over your pants thing," the young lady in question has fallen totally in love with you and want you to marry her and make babies with her. Certainly no dancer would ever consider such an intimate move without an intense emotional connection.
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    8 years ago
    In a brilliant place!
    Would a $150 donut this tempt you at all?
    Hmmmm, One donut or a lot of lap dances (even FS at some clubs). I'll pass on the donut!
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    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Shadowcat surgery
    Just saw this. SahdowCat I am so very sorry that you have to experience the medical/surgical bs. I also read the update that said surgery went well and you are in recovery. When you are finally ready to read this, I hope you get a laugh from all the people, like me, who express the hope you are soon able to return to Follies. And may the Follies sweetheart who visits you at home during your recovery bring you great joy and multiple orgasms.
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    8 years ago
    Older than dirt
    Telephone privacy
    You are helping an addict. Of course you should be going through her stuff. Addicts learn to lie about almost everything, mostly to get access to drugs. Anyone trying to help an addict should search everything that addict uses. I hope you also searched her bag for drugs.
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    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Craig Sager Talked Dennis Rodman Out of Suicide in 1993
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    8 years ago
    Dancer beaten by cops while hand-cuffed.
    This wholly innocent yoga instructor, was brutalized by this viscous, evil cop. You must ignore the fact that she was drunk and got fired her very first day on the job at Scores (strip club). Please disregard her innocent and constructive suggestions to the officer in the Scores parking lot, she sincerely believed that his anus would stretch to accept his skull. And the tap she offered in the jail, wasn't a "kick" it was just to get his attention so she could tell him again exactly how much she appreciated his assistance that day. It is completely reasonable to expect a 23 y/o testosterone hyped rookie police officer to refrain from responding when some drunken, obscene, pushy, stripper, tries to hit him - repeatedly, calls him ugly names - repeatedly and spits on him - repeatedly.
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    8 years ago
    Gammanu95, Jacklash,juicebox69,shailynn
    Mostly, I think they are making an indirect reference to their waistlines.
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    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    I Love You
    One stripper I saw ITC about 8 to 12 times a year for over three years, started saying that to me pretty often. While we did meet up OTC on occasion, it was never P4P, and almost half the time was a meal and a movie instead of just sex. In a way, I think she meant it. Not that she wanted to marry, or move in with me, but in the sense that she trusted me, cared what I thought and wanted to spend time with me. Others have said the words, but my take on their statement was that it was all SS.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Falling for a stripper: Please snap me out of it
    Dude, do NOT overthink this!!!! Try to hold back enough money to pay your bills and try to keep your job. Otherwise, just enjoy the rollercoaster ride! She is stripping and fucking because she wants money to come fast and easy, NOT because she is a stable, conservative, financial genius. She may like you, she may just like your money. The only way you'll ever know the difference will be to see her OTC for a while. If she buys, or cooks, dinner then fucks you repeatedly without P4P, it is possible that she enjoys your company. If she finally kicks the loser boyfriend out so you can come stay at her place, she probably really likes you. If you see her often enough, you will be part of her next financial crises and the big fight with her loser boyfriend. You will be asked to fork over money for the electric bill, moving, fixing her car and any number of other emergencies. Whether she really likes you, or not, she will assume that if you care about her you will pay. She will eventually get mad at you and scream and yell, then (if she has busted up with her boyfriend) she will insist on making up with an entire night of steamy sex. She will likely drop off the grid for days or even weeks. She may even start texting you way too often and at awkward times (like texting you while she is giving some other PL a lap dance) If you want to see more of this stripper, you can manage it. It will be a twisting, strange journey. It will NOT all be fun. But hell, it might include some of the best sex you'll ever have.