
Comments by dallas702 (page 17)

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    8 years ago
    Henry Repeater
    I'm not sure the west was "won," but the lever action .44.70 was an important part of changing the hostile, warring, violent midwest, southwest and pacific southwest. The Colt Arms .45 revolver was equally important. What both had in common were the introduction of brass cartridges and in the 1880s widespread use of "smokeless" powder. Enjoy your modern Henry reproduction (or spend really, really big money to buy a 19th century Henry). I suggest you buy a carbine model. That would be a smaller, short stock, short barrel version. The "saddle rifle" carbine will be reasonably accurate out to 100 yards and is easy to handle, lighter in weight.
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    8 years ago
    Legs wide open like a peace sign
    She's hotter than a two dollar pistol, She's the fastest thing around.
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    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are there a lot of gay oil field workers?
    Could it possibly be, that the aggrieved strip club owner was threatening the clearly conservative city leaders when he asserted he was converting his establishment into a gathering place for homosexuals?
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    8 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    @JohnSmith69, clearly you have somehow missed the primary requirement for any man to remain in a relationship with any woman. Do these questions register? Do you like my chicken frufru? Do I look fat is this? Were you looking at her tits? Do you think she is prettier than I am? Do you want to go shopping with me? Wouldn't it be great to hang out with my mom today? Would you like to just cuddle? To be in ANY relationship with any woman, EVERY guy must lie! Your real issue is about quantity and topic. How much do you lie. What subjects do you lie about -. AND - How to keep the lies straight and consistent.
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    8 years ago
    What's the meaning of your TUSCL username?
    Dallas is a real nickname I gained when I watched a rugby team practice while I was wearing cowboy boots. Someone remembered seeing me in the boots when I later joined the team and called me Dallas, it stuck.. 14 years of playing rugby for 3 different teams, and even the roster for one team listed me as "Dallas." The numbers were from an address I knew I could remember, because in 2006, when I rejoined the list, someone else had "Dallas."
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    8 years ago
    Favorite Stripper vs. Favorite Celebrity.
    Is this like that pain reliever commercial? Fuck six strippers today or take two actresses to fuck all day ???? Tough decision!
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    8 years ago
    Wearing cologne at the strip club
    I use an inexpensive after shave lotion, literally after I shave. I bathe and shave before every planned trip to a club. The only "extra" attention I devote to scent before a club trip is including my neck (under and behind my ears) in the light coverage of after shave lotion. Originally, my intent was to mitigate the smell of stale smoke and sweat but additional attention caused me to pay attention to the results. I was surprised years ago, when dancers noticed the scent and claimed they liked it. Their claim was often supported by their face (nose) paying a lot of attention to my neck. I am no longer surprised by the attention, and I certainly do want to do anything to reduce their attentions!
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    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Unfortunately, this video shows vividly the violent; guns, drugs, thugs, and rap culture that is killing so many young black males. A Thousand times a year, young black males in Chicago point a gun at other young black males and pull the trigger - half the time the other kid dies! That deadly culture is present all over the US. Miami is little better. The black thug culture in Miami is both "in bed" with and at war with South American drug sellers, and their party places reflect the tensions. I do not begrudge Rhianna her talent, nor her appeal, but I do regret the continuing violence that will occur because, once again, an ugly murderous way of life is glorified!
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    8 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Trumps jet not registered
    Twentyfive, the $5 is for renewal of the federal registration ( airframe number) and does not include any other costs, like state registration, taxes, inspections, certifications, FBO fees, hangers, fuel and maintaining the aircraft. For instance; that Cessna 755 of Trump's would cost over $400,000 a year to operate if it were flying between 4,000 and 5,000 hours per year, landing at more than a dozen airfields and based near NYC.
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    8 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Trumps jet not registered
    I think it is funny how much the MediaMatters/Soros "journalists" will dig to find trash on Trump. Even funnier when they completely fail to notice that the expired registration is on a Cessna and Trump is flying abound in a Boeing 737. I am not a Trump fan, but bias is pretty extreme.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    The old west
    I'm thinking about it. Whores who bathe a couple of times a year. (if that often), Women don't shave anything, Open sores, broken teeth, foul breath, the worst odor and sloppy looseness of being number 17 that afternoon, Nite jar (half full of piss) sitting next to the bed, STDs at epidemic rates, No antibiotics, No indoor plumbing, The closest thing to a dentist is the barber, The nearest doctor is an undertaker 20 miles away, Day old milk is literally deadly, A rattlesnake bite is fatal 80% of the time, The flu is fatal almost 20% of the time, A good horse costs almost as much as a factory worker, or miner, makes in a year, A Colt Arms "Peacemaker" .45cal costs more than three month's wage and is capable of firing 5 of the 6 bullets that can be loaded in the cylinder before jamming due to powder residue, but it is accurate (within one foot of aim point) out to 20 FEET. (only if carefully aimed). Most gunshot victims die slowly and painfully of sepsis or later infection, not trauma from bullet wound. Yea, that sounds like a lot of fun - - - NOT!
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    9 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    How to ask for DATY
    "That looks good enough to eat. May I have a taste?"
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    9 years ago
    Roe v.s. Wade
    The original "Wade" in the Roe v Wade case was the District Attorney in Dallas, Texas. He was so obsessed with winning every case his office prosecuted that many Dallas criminal attorneys told clients with rock solid proof they were innocent that they should plead to a lesser charge. Wade was not well liked outside of the party leaders, but somehow kept the job for decades. There was a claim, shortly after the USSC, decision that the court ruled for Roe because one of the Justices knew - and hated - Wade. Not likely to be true, but think how different the political scene might be if Wade had not decided to persecute (criminally prosecute) a confused and hurting young woman.
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    9 years ago
    New York
    talking topics with full time strippers with no life
    That's happened to me, and it is kind of awkward! Finally, I have resorted to asking bland questions about various things, like sports, her hair, local places to visit, or even furniture - whatever I can think of - just to keep her responding until I find something she will talk about. It doesn't always work, but when it does, I usually find out the dancer does have some "life" besides drugs and clubs.
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    9 years ago
    I’ve had enough and I can’t take it any more
    How bad is it?
    I fucked a dancer/porn star several years ago when I was in Miami. Had to text her, while sitting with her in the club, to set up OTC, but - in the club - I thought it was too loud for her to hear me. Turned out she was having trouble reading my lips due to the strobe lights. It was kind of funny (at least to me) sitting with her in my lap and me fumbling with a flip phone to send texts and her responding with one hand typing on her Iphone and one hand on my hard on. When we met up at my hotel, she carefully explained (in a slightly nasal voice) the she was deaf from birth but could read lips well. The chick was very hot, very flexible, and a lot of fun. The only strange part was a tat that covered her entire mons (including down both sides of her nether lips) with a "rainbow/dragon" piece of glaringly bright body art. She offered to meet me the next time I visited Miami and bring along her girlfriend/roommate - but that's another story.
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    9 years ago
    If there is 80°temps and 2 feet of snow in the forcast
    I remember going up Pikes Peak one August day in the 80s, It was about 98 on the plain east of the mountains and 45 minutes later I was standing in 3 - 4 inches of snow in 28 degrees of "invigorating" cold wind at the top of the mountain. (That is a fun drive, but it would have been much more fun if I had remembered to unload the trunk and leave all the bags, camping gear and junk in the motel - before I went up!)
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    2008 strip club binge in the Montreal area. I drove to several different "off island" clubs (lots of driving, these clubs were off in several different directions) finishing up with an afternoon visit to some hard to find (but well reviewed) club somewhere northwest of town. I enjoyed some time at the bar - discounted drinks because I was the only customer - conversations with all four of the "dancers" working, free tokes from one of them when I joined her outside to have a smoke, and a truly fantastic threesome when two of them suggested we, "fuck the afternoon away." This club had "VIP" rooms with couches, beds and locking doors so the ladies were not shy about and activities. By the end, they could get me hard, and I was still having fun, but I just couldn't cum anymore I spent 5 or 6 hours in that club (most of it in a room with two very willing women) and about $600. It was well worth my time and money!!!!!!!!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Funny and entertaining review (I thought)
    Not only a well written review, it is also accurate. I've been to the Porthole a few times. Every visit has included more than one invitation to enjoy extra services from the beautiful ("in a trailer trash sort of way") ladies. Not all of the dancers are "beautiful" in any sort of way, and I will assume that not all of the dancers do extras (though that assumption may not be accurate), but all of the dancers I enjoyed had that "singlewide" classiness and experienced talent.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Anybody ever use a condom to finger a dancer?
    From Lone Wolf, "Japanese make the best porn " How could you know that? The privates are always "pixillated" in Japanese porn, the only things you get to see are tits and Japanese women crying out like they are being spanked! As to the OP - - That sounds really weird!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    At what age?
    Strippers function on an entirely different mental level when it comes to decision-making and OTC relationships. Some dancers will not consider any kind of relationship with a customer OTC, while others will P4P only if the PL is under 40 and in good shape. Some try to work through their "daddy issues" spending time with 50 and 60 y/o beer-bellied men who tell them they are pretty. (I have experienced that kind of free stripper entertainment!) I don't think it is possible to set any limit on who, or how old the PL, a stripper will play OTC, P4P or free.
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    9 years ago
    "I'm in school"
    @larryfisherman, I think you fail to grasp the concept of of the distinct language of strippertalkese. Your question is an ideal example. When a stripper says, "I'm in school," she generally means that she is in the process is "schooling" you on the finer points of separating you from a significant portion of your cash. That, however, is not always the case. Strippertalkese is a fluid and quite flexible language. "I'm in school," can also mean that she goes to special classes with her eldest child, sponsored by the state's child protective services, for supervised visitation and credits toward eventual unsupervised visitation. Finally, in Strippertalkese the phrase, "I'm in school" can refer to actual classroom experience anytime in the past 36 months (another variable), including college credit courses and traffic safety (in lieu of a speeding ticket).
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    9 years ago
    OMG i need to rant
    Feel better now? Remember some people need help to, "get a clue," then there are the people with ideals and brains on a 10 story pedestal and an elevator than only reaches their 3rd floor. (Their mouth and their brains are NOT connected.)
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    How big of a strip club PL are you?
    Many dancers have remarked, "You are big," while adjusting/handling/mouthing/inserting a certain body part. I am sure it was not stripper talk!!!!!!!!!!?! Does that make me a big PL? I could answer less than half the questions with a, "no."
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    A dozen clubs outside DC ordered to close (basically immediately)
    If I remember other news reports correctly, these clubs are all "after hours" clubs located in buildings not licensed for bar/nightclub uses and the county has been trying to shut them down for a long time. My weak memory is trying to push the thought the these were "underground" Black strip clubs, that just attracted too much attention, while the owner(s) simply refused to even attempt to meet code requirements or obtain licenses appropriate to the activity. Perhaps - this time - some blame for the closings may actually belong to the club operators.
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    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strippers should be nervous. :)
    From mrrock; "Sorry but who wants to put on the ugly cumbersome suit every time they want to get off?" I can remember going thru an extreme routine, dressing in a starched shirt, chocking tie, stiff pants and dress shoes to go out on a date. Those dates were no sure thing! I felt lucky if once in every three to five dates ended with sex. I think any guy (over a certain age) can distinctly remember putting on a cumbersome suit every time they wanted to have sex!