By the time most of your read this I should be in recovery for cancer surgery. I have to be at Emory Hospital in Atlanta at 5:30 to have surgery to remove gum cancer and lymph nodes in my neck. I have a very small area of stage 1 cancer. If everything goes well it will be a 3 hour operation and will includes a skin graft from my arm. 3 days in the hospital. Worse case scenario. If the have to cut into my jaw bone to provide a safe area then it will be a 9 hour operation with a bone graft from my leg and more like 11 days in the hospital. 2 days in ICU. I'll have my smart phone with me and when my condition permits, I'll start posting.
Today at Follies one of my favorites promised dinner and bare back FS at my house when I am recovered. I'm looking forward to that. :)
last commentBest wishes for a speedy recovery.
Fuck cancer. Good luck buddy.
Hope you don't get any offers from hot nurses. Wouldn't want to make your favorite to wait. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
my dad recently had prostate cancer surgery and for the most part, it went well. but he's still gotta keep an eye on things post surgery.
hope you have…
Hope it goes well.
Hope it goes well and I wish you a speedy and full recovery.
As the late (and great) Peter Hitchens remarked " cancer, it wants to kill me, yet…
Best wishes shadow. I look forward to seeing you posting 2 a.m.'ers real soon.
Hey bud, best of luck, I've got a prostate biopsy operation coming up in 2 weeks. Best of luck to both of us.
Good luck, Shadowcat and Vince. I hope things go well and smoothly. Just a suggestion: Don't bite the doctors. For some reason, they just don't appreciate it.
Good luck
Good luck. I'll pray for your quick and complete recovery.
Good luck, Shadowcat
Best wishes and recovery.
My prayers is with you,,,, stay strong ....
Kick cancer's butt, good buddy.
Best wishes to you
I'm glad the surgery wasn't at 2 a.m.! Good luck on a quick recovery.
Best wishes for a quick and easy recovery
Best wishes to a speedy and healthy recovery!
PhantomGreek, thanks for the headsup, but I know several doctors that deserve to be bitten.
How many other patients have that kind of an offer awaiting them when they get out? I'm betting you're the only one. Best wishes for a…
Get well soon Shadow!
Good luck!!!!!
I am planning on meeting up as Follies in a few weeks. Hopefully, by that time you will already have had dinner....
Best wishes Shadow! Know that my hopes and prayers are with you.
Hope you get all the ice cream you want!
Nothing but good thoughts your way my friend. I will see you for another one of our marathon strip club visits soon!
May the Lord Jesus Christ be with you and the Peace of the Father with the healing of the Spirit
Praise the Lord and pass the ginger tea. ( it helps with the nausea). Good Luck and good wishes.
Good luck buddy.
My hero - has strippers on standby!!!
Best of luck!
Be well, SC.
Good luck!
Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Good luck and quick recovery.
Knowing there is a hot young thing waiting for you when you get out at Follies will certainly make you want to get better asap!
Good luck.
Praying for you!
Don't worry cats have 9 lives :)
Wishing you a great outcome & a speedy recovery!
Hope all went well!
Get well soon speedy recovery
Kick it's ass, Shadow, you are my SC idol!
Good luck and get well soon!
Get better, get back to follies.
Bravo Whiskey, shadowcat. Here's to a speedy recovery and a good post op dinner and "dessert".
I fucking hate cancer. I hope you kick cancers ass! I hope your surgery goes well - and I look forward to seeing your discussions here soon.
I imagine everyone who follows this site will be thinking about you/pulling for you.
Speedy recovery, my friend.
Best wishes, Godfather. I look forward to more Follies stories and 2am-ers after your recovery.
SC, hang in there and see you back on TUSCL soon!
Good luck with everything. Sounds like you got girls on standby and something to look forward to.
Just saw this. SahdowCat I am so very sorry that you have to experience the medical/surgical bs. I also read the update that said surgery went…
Good luck buddy
"one of my favorites promised dinner and bare back FS at my house when I am recovered"
If that's not an incentive to a speedy recovery I don't know…
I'm late hearing this - feel better soon Shadowcat
Just saw this. A speedy recovery to you!
And nobody better sit in his fucking seat while he is gone! Respect!
LMAO, the spirit of shadow, his long time buddy cat, has been guarding his seat. God rest the soul of anyone foolish enough to usurp his seat.
Here's to soon hearing the report of the celebration having happened! Best of luck and best of medical skill...
My dad had Big-C surgery 5 years ago, I'm…
Get well.