
Gammanu95, Jacklash,juicebox69,shailynn

Avatar for chukko

What is up with the whale avatars? Are you guys saying that you are club whales?


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Avatar for ime

you missed the thread those guys are into something called blow-holing, where they like strippers insert stuff into there pee pee holes. Crazy stuff.

Avatar for dallas702

Mostly, I think they are making an indirect reference to their waistlines.

Avatar for shailynn

Juice (my good friend with Down Syndrome) made up some thread saying if you're a big spender in a club you're a "whale" which is nothing new.

Then he took it one step further in typical Juice fashion and started putting colors against how much you spent. Like $100-500 is a blue whale, $500-1,000 is a pink whale, over $2,000 is a black whale or some shit like that. I asked him what color is the whale if you spend $28.50 in the club? But I never heard back from him, therefore I went with a tie-dyed whale.

Avatar for jackslash

The whale avatar tells you that I'm having a whale of a time.

Avatar for 72_os

I will try and find the thread and pump it for u ; )

Avatar for warhawks

I thought we determined we are all Sperm whales?

Avatar for NinaBambina

Blue Whales are huge though, they should be worth more.

Avatar for 3LeggedMan

They should all be harpooned!

Avatar for twentyfive

Whale story:

Two whales are talking and one whale says to the other " I love being a whale it's great to go and smash the boats and dump the seamen into the ocean" to which the second whale replied " I sort of agree , but I hate swallowing seamen"

Avatar for Longball300

Whale recently blown by the girl shown..... blown up.

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