I have heard that some clubs at famous for their food, and I have seen customers at clubs who apparently come in just to eat. I recently saw an elderly couple getting a lunch special. Some clubs are in industrial areas where there isn't much competition with restaurants so it makes sense that there would be a regular lunch crowd that show little to no interest in the entertainers.
Probably the best cheeseburger I can think of right now comes from the strip club I visit. It's to the point where I almost always plan on having lunch or dinner when I visit.
Some of the "high end" clubs that I used to go to had some great chow. But the sketchy UHM clubs I go to now I'm tentative about hitting the head, much less eating any food there.
At my fav no alcohol SC the non-alcoholic drinks (Coke/Pepsi and artisan sodas) cost slight more more than half the food menu. I've gotten the food before, some dishes (wraps/salads/seafood entrees) are awesome, others like the burgers are liquid grease. I very rarely order food for a number of reasons.
1. spend $ on girls, not food and more lbs of fat to my stomach 2. breath after eating for DFK 3. kitchen open only fri/sat, weekdays they have an unimpressive greasy Sterno buffet some catering contractor brings from offsite 4. when I leave the SC I want my liquor to hit hard, that doesn't happen if I ate
In some cities, SCs are required by state liquor law or local entertainment license/zoning law to be full menu restaurants, no matter how unprofitable the kitchen operation is.
But seriously, a couple of the clubs by me have fantastic food. In all honesty, I usually get something to eat when I club because I will have been drinking a few beers and I don't like to do that on an empty stomach.
For many years, my rule was: don't eat at the strip club. But one day I watched very carefully at my favorite club, and saw both management and the girls would eat the food... which made me think, hey, maybe the cooks AREN'T rubbing one out into the marinara sauce after all. Maybe. And "maybe" is good enough odds for me.
I like eating at the few strip clubs I've confirmed that management/strippers eat at, and where the food is good. Among the huge advantages: 1. I'm going to be doing some heavy drinking. Getting some food into me is good. Ditto my stripper. 2. Getting her a $13 burger buys me 45-60 minutes of her time. From the time we order, it can be easily 20-25 minutes before we get our food, and easily another 20-30 for us to eat it and digest.
I said in previous posts that buying the dancer a drink was one of the best deals in the strip club, as far as how much time with the stripper your $ buys you, but food eclipses drinks by quite a bit.
Scores on Dale Mabry in Tampa (very close to Mons Venus) has the best strip club food anywhere. Go there for dinner and then down the street to Mons or across the street to 2001. Seriously good food.
Some reviewers of some upscale clubs state the food is very good (e.g. Cheetah Atlanta).
I rarely eat at SCs b/c I feel like everything else the food is often overpriced and often the quality does not match the price.
I'd guesstimate that a few upscale places may have good food - a few places may have edible food - and most places you are better off starving.
I'll usually eat b/f I get to the club - the only time I may eat is when I'm hanging out @ Tootsies Miami watching a game and I'll be there 3 or 4 hours - I find the Tootsies food decent but personally by no means would I pay a visit b/c of the food and if I have the choice I rather eat OTC than at Tootsies - I'll usually eat at Tootsies out of convenience; i.e. so I won't have to leave the club and come back if I'm planning on a long visit.
I eat lunch and once in a while dinner at my favorite club. The menu is a little simple. No lobster rech! They do have steak. And overall its a decent menu. about like an applebees.
I've never eaten at a strip club. I've been at clubs with buddies who have eaten - but I abstain. I don't go to high end clubs - and I limit my drinking.
I went to a well known New Jersey club once - Frank's Chicken House - for a bachelor party. They had a porn star dancing that night - named Keisha. My friend ordered a bucket of chicken wings - he slathered them in chunky blue cheese dressing. As Keisha is rubbing up on me - my friend starts choking on the chicken - and the blue cheese starts coming up. After that night - I've never been tempted to eat.
As a public service announcement, I would like to repeat this for the attention-span-impaired:
2. Getting her a $13 burger buys me 45-60 minutes of her time. From the time we order, it can be easily 20-25 minutes before we get our food, and easily another 20-30 for us to eat it and digest.
Best deal in the club! And the burgers are pretty dang good, as is the chicken club, and the pizza, and...
I've only seen pizza available in some strip clubs and it wasn't the best. There was one club I visited that had an attached restaurant in the building next door with an open door between the two. That has been the only place I visited where I could eat a hamburger while talking to or watching strippers. I usually avoid eating food in strip clubs because I don't trust the food too much.
I almost always buy lunch/dinner at my club. The price is average and it allows me time to see the room before I am ready to commit. I tip a couple of dancers while I wait for my food and it just slows down the whole experience. I am not a big drinker so it is always good to eat something first. It is a long drive home.
last commentChackin Fanger Basket
1. spend $ on girls, not food and more lbs of fat to my stomach
2. breath after eating for DFK
3. kitchen open only fri/sat, weekdays they have an unimpressive greasy Sterno buffet some catering contractor brings from offsite
4. when I leave the SC I want my liquor to hit hard, that doesn't happen if I ate
In some cities, SCs are required by state liquor law or local entertainment license/zoning law to be full menu restaurants, no matter how unprofitable the kitchen operation is.
Try the Snapper. It's delicious!
But seriously, a couple of the clubs by me have fantastic food. In all honesty, I usually get something to eat when I club because I will have been drinking a few beers and I don't like to do that on an empty stomach.
I like eating at the few strip clubs I've confirmed that management/strippers eat at, and where the food is good. Among the huge advantages:
1. I'm going to be doing some heavy drinking. Getting some food into me is good. Ditto my stripper.
2. Getting her a $13 burger buys me 45-60 minutes of her time. From the time we order, it can be easily 20-25 minutes before we get our food, and easily another 20-30 for us to eat it and digest.
I said in previous posts that buying the dancer a drink was one of the best deals in the strip club, as far as how much time with the stripper your $ buys you, but food eclipses drinks by quite a bit.
I rarely eat at SCs b/c I feel like everything else the food is often overpriced and often the quality does not match the price.
I'd guesstimate that a few upscale places may have good food - a few places may have edible food - and most places you are better off starving.
I'll usually eat b/f I get to the club - the only time I may eat is when I'm hanging out @ Tootsies Miami watching a game and I'll be there 3 or 4 hours - I find the Tootsies food decent but personally by no means would I pay a visit b/c of the food and if I have the choice I rather eat OTC than at Tootsies - I'll usually eat at Tootsies out of convenience; i.e. so I won't have to leave the club and come back if I'm planning on a long visit.
I went to a well known New Jersey club once - Frank's Chicken House - for a bachelor party. They had a porn star dancing that night - named Keisha. My friend ordered a bucket of chicken wings - he slathered them in chunky blue cheese dressing. As Keisha is rubbing up on me - my friend starts choking on the chicken - and the blue cheese starts coming up. After that night - I've never been tempted to eat.
2. Getting her a $13 burger buys me 45-60 minutes of her time. From the time we order, it can be easily 20-25 minutes before we get our food, and easily another 20-30 for us to eat it and digest.
Best deal in the club! And the burgers are pretty dang good, as is the chicken club, and the pizza, and...