Dealing with Racist Strippers

avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
I was in the club the other night and approached a good-looking dancer. After some small talk, I took her up on a couple of lapdances to test the waters, and it turns out that the waters were pretty fantastic. And, it was made clear that the menu would expand considerably for a private dance.

We returned to the bar for a drink. I had decided that I was going to take her up on a CR. But, apparently two lapdances is all she needed to get comfortable philosophically as well as physically.

Without a lot of preamble or prompting, she made it clear that she hated blacks and Hispanics. Also, not fond of Jews, but Asians are okay. To be clear, she wasn't talking about SC customers in terms of race, but races in general. Honestly, her views on race were pretty toxic.

I have such a strong aversion to racism and bigotry that this shut down any chance of me giving her more money or attention. I'm not a strip club SJW, so I decided to not "have it out" with her. It wouldn't do any good, anyway, I'm pretty sure. So, I told her that I forgot about a "thing" I had to do and bailed (no other dancers on that night interested me, so no big sacrifice).

So, that's what I did, and I'd do it again. Not looking for advice. That said, I thought it might make an interesting topic for debate. Dive in. How would you handle a similar situation?


last comment
avatar for emcz
9 years ago
Aslong as people draw lines between themselves, and have an "us vs them" attitude, racism will exist. A week ago at a regular night club, another customer told me "what are you a white boy doing in a black club? go down the block to a white boy club".
avatar for jackslash
9 years ago
I think you did the right thing. But I confess that if a really hot dancer expressed some racist views I would probably fuck her anyway. It's not like I'm electing her president of the United States.…
avatar for dapearlandboy
9 years ago
I've had a similar thing happen to me once. Except the dancer was Hispanic and she was racist against Caucasians. I simply just questioned her and tried to make her realize that whatever attributes about Caucasians she didn't like was applicable to every race. She pretended to agree with me and it wasn't very convincing either. I just simply told her I was going back to the floor to have another drink with a buddy. Then proceeded to look for another girl.
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
Just fuck me so I can go to my hotel and go to bed.

Strippers are just like any other woman and most women like to talk. You always can't control what direction the conversation goes and certainly can't control a woman's opinion(s).

Good for you - for walki away, you're not a shallow fucker like MoHead and me!
avatar for larryfisherman
9 years ago
I've had a couple of them tell me they were uncomfortable around middle eastern men, they also said they usually smelled bad.
avatar for GoVikings
9 years ago
i'm a young black guy and i don't feel like i've been discriminated against by strippers. and if it has happened, it was subtle--and i just wasn't able to tell.

generally speaking, when people are racist they don't make it very obvious. in most cases, it's a little harder to pick up on.

maybe i'm naive and its happened before and i just didn't recognize it--who knows *shrugs shoulders*
avatar for shailynn
9 years ago
^^^ young!?!? I thought you were an AARP card holder?
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
Well im black so I doubt a racist stripper would associate with me for that reason. I have never heard of a stripper being a racist towards other races but if they revealed that part of them it would be a turn off pretty quick. At the same time i wouldn't be surprised if other pl's would overlook or accept a stripper being racist because of its one thing the Donald trump movement has shown is(if we didn't already know) it's that for as many racists as there are there are as many or more that are tolerant or at least indifferent to racism(as well as sexism, xenophobia and any other form of bigotry that doesn't affect them). As for what I would do in the event a minority dancer revealed to me they harbored racist views towards another race(mostly likely scenario) I would probably walk away.
avatar for JohnSmith69
9 years ago
I've never had a dancer that blatantly racist. But if she was exactly my type I might play with her itc anyway as long as I could successfully direct the conversation towards non-offensive topics. But I wouldn't do OTC with her.
avatar for s88
9 years ago
Many strippers think stripping is being paid to party. If they wouldn't let you grind their ass at a nightclub on the dancefloor for free, they won't give you any attention at the SC for $. They pick customers along racial lines all the time.
avatar for rh48hr
9 years ago
If I found a dancer was racist, I'd walk away. no matter how attractive her outer beauty, that inner ugliness would make make her unattractive to me.
avatar for gammanu95
9 years ago
Well, I am white so I doubt a racist stripper would associate with me for that reason. It does not surprise me that some strippers are racist, as I have noted before, they are normal people with all the same faults and failings. Nor does it surprise me that many other clubbers would overlook an accept a stripper's bias. If there is anything that the Obamas, their appointees, and there supporters have shown (like we didn't already know) is that it is okay to be violently opposed to whites, Christians, heterosexuals, patriots, and law enforcement. If a dancer ever had the lack of professionalism to engage with me about her racial bias, I would walk away.
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
S88, to say if they would let you grind them at a nightclub they wouldn't show you any attention at a strip club is debateable. I do think some of them pick customers along racial lines though. I get attitudes from strippers, ignored at the stage, even got a few dirty looks before. All mostly from white girls. Now how much of that is because they are racists and how much is something else(?) I have no idea. I know some of them feed into that cheap black(or hispanic or Indian or whoever) guy bs. But I've learned pretty quick to avoid these types and mind my own business. There have been times I have tracked down strippers in this category and their attitude changed dramatically. And some of them turned out to be just as cold as they let on. No way to tell how they will react though so nowawadays if I smell attitude at all or they ignore me, I accept it and forget about them.
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
Gammanu95, the only violence I would condone is against you, Donald trump and law enforcement.
avatar for chessmaster
9 years ago
And the kkk.
avatar for Mate27
9 years ago
You fuckers are all stupid. Everyone is racist so get over yourself thinking you're all high and almighty. You're not progressive, you just have nothing better in your life to do but talk about the most innate thing that comes to humans, which is we differentiate and have our bias. End of story.

Now if it goes so far as to oppress certain groups, that is racism. If there isn't any oppression then shut the fuck up. Just keeping it real.
avatar for gammanu95
9 years ago
I guess that disproves the theory that money is the great equalizer in strip clubs.
avatar for londonguy
9 years ago
She's entitled to her opinion even though it's loathsome in the minds of the majority. If it were me I'd simply leave her alone without creating a fuss.

The question is how far we should tolerate the intolerant people?
avatar for jackslash
9 years ago
Strippers are, for the most part, not sophisticated or well-educated. These are the people who are most likely to hold racist attitudes.
avatar for gammanu95
9 years ago
Jack, I am afraid that statement is patently false. I wish racism could be solved with education, but we could go down a list of major historical figures, of great genius, who were abominable racists. I'm just going to point to Adolph Hitler and the composer Wagner as examples.
avatar for motorhead
9 years ago
I was in the club one night when a young wanna be rapper performed on stage. In addition to his entourage he brought with him, the crowd was mostly AA.

The dancer I was with said she was "uncomfortable" with this crowd. She later turned out to become a favorite and I found out her babydaddy was black.

She was in no way racist. I guess the moral of the story is dancers say things they THINK you want to hear.
avatar for twentyfive
9 years ago
I have to chime in here and say I have heard all kinds of racist rants in my lifetime, and the loud ones don't worry me, its the ones who don't speak at all that are most likely to do the worst shit. Personally I could care less about anyone's race or ethnicity I am more inclined to see how they treat me and reciprocate in kind.
avatar for Meursault
9 years ago
Get the CR, cum in her mouth, tell her you're actually a very light skinned black, and walk out.
avatar for dtek
9 years ago
Racism is everywhere, sometimes subtle and sometimes not. Six months ago I was sitting in a bar conversing with a Native American guy. We'd been talking for a while when he said, "I don't want to sound racist or anything, but you're pretty cool for a white guy."

I've also had black dancers tell me they don't like black customers because they're "cheap" or "expect to get with a girl for free" or are "pimps." It's hard to impossible for me, a white guy, to say if this is due to racism, the dancer thinking I'm racist (and therefore likely to respond to racist statements), or confirmation bias.
avatar for sinclair
9 years ago
Anything a stripper says should go in one ear and out the other. They say what they think you want to hear so that they can get at your money.
avatar for georgmicrodong
9 years ago
If your dick was in her mouth, she wouldn't sound so racist. Just sayin'.
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
This was probably a white dancer?

May white dancers are shit heads.

avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
Many white dancers are shit heads.

The problem is that they lack political consciousness. Minorities and immigrants can't afford to be like that, they have to be smart to survive.


Eric Clapton - Layla…
avatar for ime
9 years ago
^^^^^racist troll at it again
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
Mr. IME, you sound like you are most likely a white guy.

Do you agree that huge numbers of white men and white women just have their heads up their asses, and that minorities and immigrants can't afford the luxury of being such idiots?

avatar for ime
9 years ago
no one can afford to be an idiot and people of every race and creed are.

SJG you are what asian american? I grew up in an area with a very high asian population, they were as racist as any other group even more so to other minority groups
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
No, I am not Asian or Asian American.

And ideally no one would be an idiot, but you do find idiots of every race and every creed. But don't you think there is just a typical kind of racism and idiocy found in native born whites, which is far more common than any other type?

avatar for timothyjames55
9 years ago
San Jose Guy, that is so incredibly stupid, it's no longer any wonder to me as to why you are mocked relentlessly on this board.
avatar for dw.buck
9 years ago
as a black guy i would love to find a racist white stripper!!!(or any other race) i would follow her schedule wait till she is hard up for cash on a bad night and give her a mouth full of nut, and taught her racist ass. she might hate black guys but she got some black seed up in her for some green!!!!
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
Mr. timothyjames55, never seen your handle before. But welcome to TUSCL.

So you don't think there is an especially stupid and very wide spread pattern of idiocy amongst native born white people?

And are you someone who would worry about mocking, and when it is most of the time from these very same native born white idiots?

avatar for Cashman1234
9 years ago
Ishmael - I think you handled it properly. I would have done something similar. Racism basically ruins my attraction to a girl. I like to think I can separate emotion from business - but I wouldn't find a racist dancer attractive.

I think it's great when a dancer is relaxed - and speaks freely with a customer. However - if her real views come out - and they are brutally racist - then I'd move on.

I'm not holier than thou - I've got a closet full of skeletons. But racism isn't one of them.
avatar for whodey
9 years ago
I would likely just find a hot aa or latina dancer and take her to the vip instead. I'd also make it a point to let the 1st girl know that I am about to give what would've been her money to someone else because of her racist rant.
avatar for san_jose_guy
9 years ago
Cashman and Whodey, two very smart guys, and probably white guys too. Their sentiments are mine exactly.

dw.buck, I perfectly understand your sentiments.

avatar for sharkhunter
9 years ago
If someone wishes to discriminate against left leaning democrats, I see no problem with that since left leaning democrats say so many bad things about the right. Now if you deviate and talk about races instead, I just view it as discrimation as well. If a dancer doesn't say much about it, I might overlook what I heard but it's not like I'm going to vote for her in an election because I hate the other candidate because of some discrimination I feel.

In my opinion, almost everyone is guilty of discrimination. Some people are just ugly about it and in your face and rude, others believe in treating people fairly and giving everyone a chance regardless of how they personally feel about everyone.
avatar for minnow
9 years ago
CMI- Do you give off white supremist vibes ? In all my years of clubbing, I've never had a dancer extemporaneously spout off blatantly racist views.
avatar for dallas702
9 years ago
If I want to fuck a woman's mind I don't need to go to a strip club. It really does not matter to my other head, what a stripper says as long as she stops talking long enough for a satisfying blow job. If she hates whites, but still fucks me, so what!

OTOH, we are ALL judgemental and we ALL have preconceptions about race. I am saying that ALL of us are, to some extent "racist." I have encountered Hispanics who believe all blacks are smelly, mean, drugged out, gangbangers. And I know a middle aged black man who is convinced Asians are not the same species as the rest of us. Personally, I am convinced Black strippers give better blow jobs.

Over the past 8 years, this nation has become over sensitive to issues of race. It hasn't been a good experience for too many people. It is not healthy, it is divisive, and it will cause even more problems. Fact is, there will always be a little of, "me, mine are OK and the others are not" in all of us. I have no idea what the solution is!
avatar for rockstar666
9 years ago
I've been told by dancers that they don't like Indian guys because they smell bad and are poor tippers, and black guys are rude and also are poor tippers. I can't say that this is racist because if this is their experience, it's not just a stereotype to them. It's their reality.

Most of my regulars like old white men the most (like me?) because as a group we are polite and tip well. Is this stereotype as bad as the ones based on race?
avatar for 3LeggedMan
9 years ago
I think Sinclair has it right. Regardless of their personal prejudices, strippers can be counted on to just say what they anticipate the current customer wants to hear. If they think you're racist they may mirror that.
avatar for 3LeggedMan
9 years ago
Can't say that I've seen much racism among strippers. Most of my favorites have been black, Hispanic, or Asian. They seem to like whites like me if I bring my Green friends.
avatar for rickthevulture
9 years ago
Some strippers are speciesist against vultures. Squawk!

But then they learn that once you go Black vulture you never go back! Squawk!
avatar for Daddillac
9 years ago
How is what the stripper did and what SJG is saying any different? Both of them are racist and I have no use for them
avatar for Mate27
9 years ago
^^^ The difference is the stripper gets paid, and SJGuy never gets laid.
avatar for mrrock
9 years ago
I wouldn't go OTC with her but if she was the ONLY one that interested me that night and I was horney, I'd probably still get the dances ITC with her.
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