
Comments by dallas702 (page 15)

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    8 years ago
    Rottweiler. An adlult male Rottwieller can leave a really giant smelly steaming pile in the visitor's dugout in just seconds (only allowed on the field at a minor league park!). As an added bonus, gang bangers and other thugs tend to leave you alone when 140 pounds of muscle and teeth is walking beside you. Big plus if the Rottweiler in question is wearing a "service dog" saddle, and likes to sit and play "goofy" (including silly sound effects)when hot girls are near. I never get to eat frankfurters at the ball park (see favorite for reason) ;<)
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    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Those Text Messages
    One dancer who had my number would text a quick note, seldom "G" rated, and if I didn't respond within an hour or two she would send a nude selfie with a big "?." One day I sisn't notice either of the first texts until she sent a third - a close up of her cunt with the line, "You are missing out!"
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    8 years ago
    The earliest
    11:30 AM, for the free buffet lunch at Baby Dolls Dallas when I was visiting there a few years ago.
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    8 years ago
    Yep, you certainly have all the boxes checked off on the "stalker" card. The next question is, are you going down that dark path? I understand having a temporary obsession. I also know that your obsession could put you in jail. Instead of stalking a woman who has been bought many times buy many different men, and is probably willing to let you pay for time IN her, perhaps you could chase other young strippers around the club!
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    8 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    OT: Chicago: Murder Capital of the United States
    Actually, the Democrat Daley mob machine IS responsible for most of the factors that contribute to the high murder rate. The first Daley (remember the 1968 Democrat National Convention there - riots, police brutality?) wanted very strict controls on guns and (his own word) "niggers." It was Mayor Richard J. Daley who picked the locations for public housing (many southside) and then isolated those neighborhoods to keep the "problems" away from "good" people. There is little evidence Richard J. Daley was specifically biased against individual Blacks, he clearly courted their votes <sometimes for decades after they died> and established a close connection with Black Chicago community leaders, but his actions created the "welfare ghettos" of the Southside where Black on Black murders are the highest in the nation. It is worth noting that many of the Chicago Black leaders have "interesting" financial ties to the Daley mob, and several Black leaders (almost all who opposed any Daley agenda item) found themselves convicted of receiving bribes or other financial improprieties. It was Mayor Daley who established community bosses and created the local concept of community organizers (think Obama) as political tools of the Daley mob. It was Mayor Daley who intentionally understaffed police stations in or near housing projects and refused to allow any police action to reduce crimes in the "projects." Although Richard J. is long dead, and his son Richard M. is no longer mayor, the Daley mob still runs Chicago. Rahm and Obama are both long time associates in the Daley mob. Rahm's problems are mostly because he is not as capable a criminal as the Daleys. The clearly criminal organization that is the Chicago Democrat party machine (Daley Mob) is strongly supported by liberal democrats. The 70 year history of "social reform," liberal influence, one party politics and the clear history of vote buying, long dead voters still voting Democrat, 100% democrat votes from many polling places and registration drives (ACORN) that sign up thousands of voters in parts of Chicago where only 100s of people live, continues to dominate Chicago. So, larryfisherman, the murders in Chicago ARE about politics, and "liberals." At least the criminal organization, the Daley mob, claiming to be liberal democrat - IS the reason Chicago sees 500 - or more - young black males murdered every year and thousands more shot, knifed or beaten.
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    8 years ago
    Phoenix, AZ
    Prostitution in France
    I'd just say, "fuck the French," but then I'd get arrested!
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    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Denver strip club
    Damn, It's good to see the Shadowcat 2AM report, coming live again! Welcome back 'cat, I hope your recovery continues.
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    8 years ago
    That's it -- I'm changing barbers!
    In the mid-70s I went to a woman barber. She cut hair OK, but most of my friends and I went to her because she worked in a T-shirt and rubbed her very generous, braless tits all over our shoulders and neck while cutting our hair. (Strip Clubs of that day were mostly "no touch"). We all called her (when NOT in her hearing) "Green Teeth" because of her stained teeth, but otherwise she was OK looking. I would NOT trade the average strip club today for a haircut from "Green Teeth."
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    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Any one been to France ?
    Like people from anywhere, the French people include the very rude, mildly irritating, boooooring, and nice. As mentioned by JamesSD, Paris has an unbelievably large concentration of self worshiping, obnoxious, rude locals. But Paris is now further "enhanced" by a visible and vocal crowd of immigrant Middle Eastern Muslims with a very "bossy" attitude. Add in the recent flooding, and even Parisians Avoid Paris! Elsewhere, I think the reputation of "rude French" is more about language and social norms that behavior. Some of the nicest women I have ever met are from the South of France. I know a wonderful old expat from Champagne, who claim he would be there still if his daughter hadn't married that rude American!. If have visited several places in Europe and I often hear complaints of Parisians or Berliners as rude and Spanish as having the worst behaved kids. What I usually hear about Americans is how we keep leaving money laying around when we leave how we don't know their language (whatever language that is), and how overweight we are. I think - generally - Americans who can afford travel to Europe, either for business or pleasure, are usually more careful of the impressions of others while there than traveling Europeans.
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    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Ex-dancer at South Hackensack club testifies at trial about affair with top DEA
    I do not know how "dirty" the club owned by these two DEA agents really was, honestly I only care that it does put strip clubs - again - in a bad spotlight. I do hope both of the DEA scum are convicted. The fewer employees on the government tit - the better. DEA is one of the HUNDREDS of federal agencies that should be shut down completely.
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    8 years ago
    Part 2: How to harpoon a whale
    I wonder if your "whale" know how much less you spend on the same "princess" to get essentially the same experience?
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    8 years ago
    Timex, you and Clubber must struggle to satisfy your need for Asians. I see so few in strip clubs. Fortunately, my turn ons include; medium to thin waist, medium to D naturals, firm ass, trimmed or shaved bush, pretty face, good hygiene, some social skills and an availability for extras. It sometimes takes a while to find the right stripper for me in a new club, but they are almost always there.
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    8 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    OT: God Didn't Write a Bible
    @JamesSD, you are close. Modern Biblical scholarship is leaning toward the theory that the first five books of the Bible (the Pentateuch) are stories accumulated over several hundred years. The current theory is that Genesis stories come from at least three sources (maybe more than three original writers), that at least one of those writers was a woman, and that the Genesis stories were later rewritten by post Davidic priests, redacted by later Hebrews and edited into a form similar to what exists today. These scholars still argue (disagree) on how much redacting and editing happened before the Hebrew kingdoms' defeat and slavery in Babylon versus after the return to Jerusalem. And many modern readers of the English translations of the Pentateuch fail to recognize that almost ALL of the five books are POETRY! Yes, there are social and moral "truths" contained in those writings. Many modern Jews, Christians and Muslims fail to realize that many of those truths were originally social and health guidelines. The "ten" commandments (actually the Pentateuch has 613 "commandments") were all about social civil harmony and public health, very much like modern law. Putting the God of the Jews first was an instruction to be true to the people of your own group ("Proud to be an American" is little different and don't steal is pretty clear to everyone). Even the "special" instructions, like no pork, were originally health guidelines. Pigs carry blood and tissue parasites that are not always killed by cooking over an open fire and those parasites can be fatal to humans. The Jews and Muslims BOTH follow this rule (occasionally) without recognizing that the basis for the rule no longer applies to fully cooked pork. If a modern reader of the "holy" books were to actually learn WHY a guideline was established and address that rule in context, there would be fewer arguments. Likewise, when everyone ate with their right hand out of a common plate, it made a lot of sense to ask everyone to wipe their ass with their left hand. Forks and toilet paper make that rule less important. Even the Sabbath addressed by aks451 is about society more than God. To a people who had real experience as slaves (in Egypt and in Babylon) working every day without rest, the concept of taking a day off became a statement of their liberty. Keep in mind that in the Kingdoms (the plural is correct) of the Hebrews Government and God were part of the same thing. To be "king" of the Jews was to be the anointed representative of God and the political head of state. The modern reinterpretation of the religious rules, similar to an ongoing reinterpretation of the Constitution, is about repurposing the rules to fit a current political or social agenda. For instance, to argue that the first amendment prohibits any religious activity in government is a 180 degree reversal of the original meaning. The writers of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights intended to prevent the federal government from ever exercising any control over any religious activity while permitting religious organizations free reign to practice their faith anywhere. Note that the salaried congressional office of "Chaplin" predates the constitution and is the longest existent civilian government office in this country. The Jewish and Hebrew dietary rules continue in force as a similar means to use compliance as a political or social tool. While I support the wisdom, insight and beauty of the ancient holy texts, and even acknowledge that a higher power could be responsible for their inspiration and guidance, I do not support using the Bible or the Koran or any other religious writing as an instrument of repression. I still claim that any all knowing God would have intentionally made tits erotic and exciting to men and only a loving God would have made men with dicks that get hard when women grind on their crotch. A God of grace and goodness would have intended than humanity have strip clubs!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    OT: God Didn't Write a Bible
    The "great" works of religion were all written by people who were trying to understand their place in the world and describe their reactions to unexplained events in their lives. In most cases, these writers were hopeful, dedicated people seeking a way through a broken world. None of the Jewish/Christian books were originally written as "scripture" and only obtained their "holy" status after long use (and in most cases, careful editing). Not to rain on Rockstar's opinion, but there is really a significant body of extra-biblical evidence for both the existence of the Jew, Jesus (Joshua, in Anglicized Hebrew) and his ministry. The "miracles" described in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were descriptive of the character of the man Jesus and, like almost ALL other writings of the era, were never intended to describe exact events. When an old Cowboy's fan says "Bullet" Bob Hayes could fly, that doesn't mean fly through the air. Even the names connected with New Testament gospels and letters do not refer to the actual writers, but rather to the style or authenticity of the contents. Fewer than half of the letters attributed to the Greek Jew Saul the tentmaker from Tarsis (Paul) actually include anything originated by Saul/Paul. In educated Christian theology, none of those facts reduce the value or "truth" of the writings. These holy writings, and similar writings from other faiths, are intended to express the human effort to make sense of creation and find our place in the cosmos. For Hindu, Muslim, Krishna, Buddist, Jew, Zororastian, Christian or any other group with "holy" writings supporting their concept of God, the reality is they live with unprovable faith, in hope of a better tomorrow. And the reality also is, too many screw up the teachings and use the writing as a kind of paper hammer to beat up anyone who thinks different. That is NOT the fault of the writing!
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    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I'm sorry.
    I don't want to stir the pot up, again, but I do dislike the politically correct comment police. I do not think I am alone in that distaste. The most extreme "Jew" jokes I have ever heard were told to me by actual off to Synagogue on Friday night, real, practicing Jews. Decades ago, my best friend was a very dark skinned black who loved to tell "Uncle Tom," and other "nigger" jokes (we are in different parts of the country now, but he still sends UNcorrect jokes - often. The most rude and obscene "attorney" jokes have been told to me by attorneys and judges. I once told a "Chinaman" joke only to be accosted by a real Chinese expat, who regaled me for half an hour with put down jokes on Chinese and ChiComs. Dago jokes, Pollock jokes and Mic jokes are common fare from Italian Americans, Irish Americans and Polish Americans who I know. Bottom line, if your skin is so thin you cannot abide something others say or write, then don't listen of don't read it. If it offends you that I should try to Jew down the price of my next lap dance, tough shit.
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    8 years ago
    North Carolina
    Strippers Finding Religion
    Surprising subject for The Ultimate Strip Club List discussion! I know folks (here and everywhere else really want to either; slam religion (all religion or just "other" religions), extol the "truth" of (a particular) religion, avoid any discussion of religion, or demonstrate their superior knowledge of religion. I guess I fall into the last group. Most humans have faith in something greater. That faith takes many forms including belief in a creator God. I do not have any proof that some form of Creator exists, or does not exist. I do have opinions on how a "God of Grace" would work, and those opinions do not differ much from the original concepts of ALL of the world's major religions. IMHO, if there is a God, that God probably doesn't care what you do, how much money you make, or how many toys you have. The God of ALL probably doesn't care how intelligent, educated or wise you might be. This creator of all would likely be more interested in whether you are trying to be better than you were, but is equally unlikely to worry about how successful you are at being or staying better. In this case, a stripper, or an escort, could be "godly" or religious if they made an effort to provide good service to their customers, took care of their responsibilities and made an effort to improve. In the eyes of this purported God, their vocation would matter less than their dedication and effort. The idea that sex is "sin" is not explicit in most religious texts (OK, some dude named Paul - or Saul - had some serious anti-sex hangups, but otherwise the majority of "religious" teachings focus on misuse of sex (adultery as breaking a promise, rape, incest) rather than argue sex itself is a sin.. I believe any rational examination of Hebrew texts, the original Greek "new" testaments of the followers of Jesus, the instructions written by the followers of Muhammad and assembled as a book of his "teachings," the wisdoms of Confucius, the teachings of the Llamas or the many forms of Krishna ALL assert that God wants us to be better, but it is our choice.not only in our faith, but in our way of expressing that faith. Religion is a very human attempt to explain the unexplainable, reconcile our broken world with hope for a better tomorrow. The ugly use of religion as a hammer to beat on other people is also human. The Hebrew books tell of a need to treat the splinter in your own eye before addressing the mote in someone else eye. As pointed out above, Jesus suggested that stoning an adultress was OK only if the stoner was himself without any sin. (by the way, the Greek word translated as "sin" actually means "miss the mark" as in shooting an arrow in competition and missing the bullseye - so sin for a Christian is really just a matter of getting a little off track) Mohammad supposedly instructed a delinquent young man to seek a more direct path to where he wants to go. If God did not want men to go to strip clubs He wouldn't have created us with dick that get hard when we see tits! Say a prayer of thanks the next time a hot stripper sticks a naked pair of natural Ds in your face!!!
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    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Memorial day
    Yesterday, while playing with my grandson, I took a moment to think about my Dad -WWII, his Dad WWI, his Dad - San Juan, PR, his dad - War Between the States, and the collection of my ancestors (Mom's side, too) who fought in the French & Indian wars and the Revolution as well as most of the conflicts since 1725. My little brother and I (Air Force and Navy) never went to war. (Though my little bro got a Silver Star while in Korea in the early 80's - he can wear the award, but will not tell the story!) My son (Marine) was fortunate to not be sent into combat. About three hundred years of my family living on this continent and we are still free to choose our own future. (There is some Cherokee in my lineage, but I refuse to claim that connection simply because it as just one man seven generations ago and I and not a liberal named Warren looking for freebies) May all who fought be remembered as sons and daughters, fathers and mothers, our brothers and sisters as well as defenders of our freedoms.
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    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Milwaukee wants to shut down strip club over fight, prostitution claim
    I recognize the building from the pic. I went there - only once - about a decade ago. I don't remember what name it was using then. The place was a run down, neighborhood bar with a few middle aged women in bikinis. Decor was mostly worn out, leftover junk from the 60's and the bar staff clearly knew most of the people in the club. I seriously doubt that the club changed much with the new name. That said, I keep hearing about the city working hard to "invent" reasons to close strip clubs, and getting (some) pushback. I hope this case gets dropped.
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    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Mama June on a strip club tour
    NOT if she paid me the $20,000! I didn't know who you were referring to until I clicked the link - - now I have to get my eyes flushed out. I may have nightmares!
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    8 years ago
    OT: Should he bang her?
    I didn't have to read the long explanation! If the only question is, "should he fuck her?" then the answer is always, "YES!" Don't overthink sex, simply participate.
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    8 years ago
    club choice
    There are several options/opinions about which review to consider. My thoughts are: Generally, I do NOT put much weight on a review from a newby (TUSCL members with five or fewer reviews). I also look to see if a reviewer has reviewed any club I have visited and, if so, I have a better idea of what the reviewer looks for and whether his/her review is relevant to me. I do consider the reviewer's objectives and interests. A reviewer who is looking for "eye candy" only, may rate a club highly, but the description makes it clear the club is "air dance" only so I would not be going to that club. The number of reviews that a particular club has is also an indication of interest and traffic at that club. If a club has only three or four reviews in an area where other clubs have 100s of reviews, you can be sure the club is a dog. Last, I would carefully check the date of the last several reviews. If a club has many reviews, but the last one was in 2014, something changed in the past years and it probably was not a good thing. If a review is over three to six months old, and you have no more recent info, something could have changed at the club that makes the review meaningless. Hope this helps
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    8 years ago
    How many dancer's numbers are on your phone?
    Ka'-rap! ELEVEN! I know they are strippers because I only prefix stripper names with a "Y." Six of them, I have no idea who they are or when I put the number on the phone. Damn, I gotta' start deleting the phone numbers of hot women cause I don't remember them. That is pitiful!
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    8 years ago
    Black vulture lives matter! Squawk!
    Are you for real CaraLynn87?
    Cashman and CaraLynn, political definitions mutate and many people adopt labels without accepting their total meaning, often without even understanding the label they claim for themselves. One example is "racist." Self proclaimed democrats are very quick to proclaim "conservatives" and their agenda are "racist" and point to the sterling "progressive" record of the Democratic Party. Somehow these modern Democrats fail to know their own party. The KKK of the 1950s thru the 1970s was overwhelmingly Democrat. Some Democrats - still in Congress - were once members of the KKK or related groups. Elected democrat members of Congress, both in the House and the Senate, from the South, the North, the Midwest and the West actively supported segregation, Jim Crow laws and criminal punishment of interracial marriage and homosexuality. When Republicans proposed what later became the "Civil Rights Act," every Democrat in the Senate signed a pledge to do everything possible to block it. Democrat President LBJ realized his political career would be over if he signed the Republican law, but recognized that Democrats could develop a new voter base if he endorsed it and claimed it for Democrats. He signed it, his political career and influence in his party ended, but he was right when he said, "If I sign this, every nigger in the country will vote Democrat for decades." Republican are no different. The first Republican president, Lincoln, insisted that he had no intention of ever freeing the slaves while president. His core voter base was primarily anti-slavery in the Northeast, but to get elected he needed the federalists, those insisting on more central powers and more restrictive laws preventing industrial development in the South. When several Southern states withdrew (they believed, legally) from the Union, "states rights" were their primary argument. Yes, slavery was one of the rights they claimed, but more important were the rights to industrial development and local control over taxes and tariffs. Lincoln could have asked the separated states for some means to reconcile, but he chose to overwhelm them with military power. Lincoln was actually a very mean, political, vindictive person. So vindictive that when his first choice to lead the Union Army, declined that job and retired instead, Lincoln sent soldiers to his family home (also the home of a Revolutionary war hero) and stabled horses, IN the home, on the first floor using the second floor as a barracks. Later, when the retired General reacted negatively negatively to Lincoln's acts and joined the Army of Virginia, Lincoln started burying Union war dead on Robert E. Lee's front yard, the same property that was home to George Washington's favorite general, Harry "Lighthorse" Lee. The Lee family home is now known as Arlington National Cemetery -( Robert E. Lee was never compensated for the illegal taking of his home.) Republicans claim Lincoln a great president and assert he intended all along to "free" the slaves. Republicans ignore EVERY single statement ever made by Lincoln on the issue of slavery to make than claim. They especially ignore that when the 13th and 14th amendments were proposed in the closing days of the war, Lincoln opposed the amendments AND asserted he would send every freed slave, "back to Africa." Once upon a time, liberals were not socialists, conservatives were not anti immigrant, Democrats were not liberal and many Republicans were. Too many today use political labels without understanding anything about what they claim
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    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    We Asked Strippers and Sex Workers How to Feel Good Naked
    I'm not sure I would classify "burlesque" as a "sex worker." I know that both the original 1880s thru 1920s Burlesque shows included naked women as often as they could fit them between comics, jugglers, acrobats and singers it in the routines, but - even then - it was framed as "artistic expression," dance and and even comedy. Modern burlesque also avoids openly sexual acts and also focuses on dance and sensuality (plus some comedy). Calling a burlesque dancer a sex worker is (to me) like calling the girls at an AMP "doctors" because massage is physical therapy which is a medicinal treatment.
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    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Another ball-less PL allowing himself to be intimidatetd and ripped-off by a ROB
    mmdy26 writes, "Prostitution, drugs and stealing your money. That what strip clubs are all about." I disagree. Strip clubs have always been local businesses operating somewhere on the edge of local moral, values offering sexually vague fantasies and occasionally more explicit sensual or (more recently) sexual entertainment. Strip clubs are a natural (if still "underage") descendant of the immoral cohabitation of a bar and a brothel. Any patron of these establishments is subject to abuse by employees and independent contractors (strippers) if they are not careful, observant and assertive. Papi correctly identified the "victim" of this recent trip to Baby Dolls, Dallas. It kind of reads like a Boston greenhorn getting propositioned and rolled in a Dodge City saloon.