
Comments by mmdv26 (page 48)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Variations in LD room design.
    At the old (now ashes on the ground) Chameleon Club in ESL, the furnace went out in the "apartment" one winter so they had to improvise. They put the "room" in an unused storage area that couldn't have been more than 8' x 10'. There were 2 old couches facing each other. Since this was a brothel, things got pretty cozy. I think the "water never been changed" hot tub froze that winter...
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    14 years ago
    Numerous adventures with sisters. My experience has been that they are usually very different. Sisters A. Within 3 years of each other age wise. Both are solid 8's, one might be a nine by many standards. 8 is very liberal with where she allows the hands to roam. She's not in to extras really, just heavy petting and she would gladly to HJ. Her sister (9) is incredible poll dancer - fluid motion, appears to be as light as air as she spins around. Her lappers were bad - total uninspired, almost air dances. Sis tells me she doesn't like guys to touch her. I believe that. 9 can't figure out why her sis gets so many more dances than she does. She pauses and sez to me, "my sister's nasty isn't she." Yep. Sisters B. One is a solid 8. She does BBFSCIP with me. Lots of DFK, and she stands up on the couch and turns around facing away and likes oral stimulation of that part...I share her with several other guys at the club. Risky behavior no doubt. Sis is a 5. We sit together at the stage and I tip the dancers while she gives me HJ. She doesn't allow much touching during lap dances, and she doesn't touch during dances either (just under the edge of the stage...weird). Never removes her bottoms when on stage in this nude club. Sez she's too embarrassed to show coochie. 5 is probably 7 or 8 years older. Sisters C. Both are 7's. 5 years apart. I did 2x monthly OTC with older (35yo) for about a year. Almost left my wife... Younger had multiple chemical dependency problems that made her generally undesirable to be with. Her brain was evaporating rapidly. She would head out to the west coast periodically and "star in porn flicks"....so she said. Sis thinks she had a BF/dealer/pimp she went to see. Hard to believe they came from the same womb: excessive drugs and alcohol made the difference. Known a few other sister pairs, but I didn't get to know the other one very well, so I can't compare them.
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    14 years ago
    It's that time of year again
    I don't like winter. I can't wear my loose-fitting gym shorts to the SC, instead I have to wear sweat pants which makes things slightly more difficult.
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    14 years ago
    A Common Tale of Stripper Shit and Objectification with Some Advice for Dancers
    You did fine. Got nicked a little bit, but that's part of the game sometimes. Usually those kind of circumstances lead to "double" dances which, of course, have a 2X burn rate and a .5X fun increase rate.
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    14 years ago
    Strippers promising to call you.
    Once our relationship ITC reaches the point that we are considering OTC, dancers seem to call the next day or two after I give them my number. Sometimes it's just to say hi and when am I coming back in to see her, but a lot of times the call is to see if I can hook-up - like in an hour or so...jones got her bad. Go ahead give 'em your number. I don't do that a lot, but my experience has been that only about 25% actually do.
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    14 years ago
    North Carolina
    Time of the Month
    After getting dances, I am always careful to check for lipstick, glitter and long hairs before I leave the club. Had a big surprise one day when I looked in the mirror in the men's room, and discovered a dark red streak on the fly of my khaki's. Ended up going home in my sweat pants which I kept under the seat of the truck especially for SC activities.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    "Hun" is not cool enough to sit on my lap unless it's Megan Fox or equivalent. "Babe" is a bit annoying, but I'll get over it. Seek out the dancer who purrs in your ear, "Hi, Money Man".
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    14 years ago
    Only been to Hooter's once - 10 years ago. Went with my wife and one of her single (divorced) girlfriends who was thinking about working there and wanted to see what it was all about. I wasn't very impressed. Looking at 'em is only half the fun, you know. Wife was pissed because her clothes smelled like grease afterward. She did mention that I don't stare at her that much these days....
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    If an unknown girl in a strip club suddenly comes up to you and wants you to lea
    Sounds like a set-up.
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    14 years ago
    Recognized OTC - should I pursue?
    BR, I would meet this girl in her club where she has adjusted her persona to "sex worker". I have seen dancers in public, and it's always best to just acknowledge them with a nod or a smile. Let her approach you in her skin that is different from how you met her.
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    14 years ago
    Twelve Men Arrested Soliciting Prostitution
    Apparently disease has been replaced by fraud. Enjoying each other for money is a crime when the government doesn't get its cut.
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    14 years ago
    Saw a guy get kicked out and a dancer get fired tonight
    We were mid-task (BBBJ) when the bouncer rushed in grabbed blower by the arm and literally dragged her to the front door and threw her out. Making quite a scene in the process. He stepped back inside and yelled for her locker partner to get blower's stuff and take it out to her, 'cause she's not comin' back in here! I told the bouncer that he could have handled the situation better, and he said he would ban me from the club for life, but the owner would probably let me back in because I was such a good customer. He was right about that! I told bouncy to go f*** himself, and didn't go back in that club for nearly a year. Five years later, same club, same bouncer. Another dancer called to tell me that blower was working there again, so I stopped in. By then the rules had eased a bit, and bouncy was long over his ego trip - actually we had become "conversational" during that time. Blower sat down on me to start the lap dance and whispered in my ear, "where were we?". We enjoyed a passionate FS.
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    14 years ago
    Ohio. I don't think it happens that way very often, but when it does it's pretty cool for sure! OP, I have found that you must build some degree of relationship based generally on mutual appreciation before you are going to do OTC with anything better than a common street whore. I don't know how many visit it takes, but like Dudester suggests, don't drag it out too long or you will waste valuable time. If the vibe is there, you will recognize it and act on it.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    OTC first time.
    I used to do OTC a few times a month with several different girls from a couple of different clubs. Still alive, no diseases. It's important to get to know the girl fairly well before OTC. I had a friend who got robbed by BF and crew in the parking lot at "her apartment". He barely knew her, and she changed names and appearance frequently. Key phrase: "situational awareness". Several adventures I had were great experiences. Some were "just sex". One chickened out - decided that she was not ready to do sex for money yet at age 18. I ran into her when she was drunk at another club a few years later, and we did it ITC for free. Only one was "bad"...I was doing DATY with my feet hanging off the end of the bed when something grabbed my big toe. Her 3yo daughter, unbeknown to me, had been asleep in the other room and decided to see what mom was moaning about. Might have set a record for losing a bone. Mom was so casual when she said, "honey, you go back to bed, mommy's getting some money to go to the store." Clubber, sounds like your situation has a low potential for anything else but fun. Make her smile!
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    14 years ago
    North Carolina
    What a shocking coincidence!!!
    @sam Apparently there is a review weight attached to length of TUSCL membership, or number of reviews member has written or "last seen"...or some combination of attributes. The Misty's example makes that fairly clear. What does that formula look like?
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    14 years ago
    New Jersey
    Marketing Trolls
    I wonder if I got a lap dance at House of Rasputin in the next ten minutes if they would throw in second one absolutely free
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    14 years ago
    New work for us all!
    I saw the next generation of TSA equipment demonstrated live in Des Moines last week. It's a round bullet-shaped, very sleek stainless steel container about the size of a phone booth (well, look it up on Wikipedia). The technology is such that it simply detonates any explosive device that is placed inside it. In this live demonstration, they actually profiled a guy with a long black beard...looked a bit like Osama bin Laden. Anyway, he steps into this chamber and the door automatically rotates closed - sorta like the carrier device at the bank drive-thru. A yellow light flashes on top of the unit, and suddenly there's this muffled "bang". As smoke leaks out from around the door, the gate attendant comes on the intercom and announces that anyone standing-by for flight 1372 please proceed to the check-in counter as a seat has become available.
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    14 years ago
    British Columbia
    Strip Club Resources
    Why do you continue to ask us for info on how to post/reply at stripclublist? Go there, ask them.
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    14 years ago
    Moment of Silence for $900+ Departed
    Some guys think they will experience the exception to the long list of negative reviews and comments about a club.
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    14 years ago
    I try to avoid "mixed" clubs where some girls "do" and some girls "don't". Obviously, I prefer clubs where all girls "do" - even if it's in varying degrees.
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    14 years ago
    now i'm a geek, but good grief
    I'm OK with average girls.
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    14 years ago
    haging out with ATF
    Since you are hanging at her place sometimes, I assume you are f****ing her and paying her money for that privilege. I guess you mean she has not done OTC with anyone else before this?? The answer to your question is both. She likes you well enough to let you f*** her, and she likes to get paid to do that. If you take the $$ out of the deal, she still might like you, but not enough to let you f*** her. So it's a combination of things: she likes your hair, your sense of humor, your taste in music and your wallet. But in the reverse order.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Hints or just Play?
    These girls are making $50, maybe $60 bucks an hour (net). She's a friggin' pro sex worker. She's not some innocent girl next door. Go for the feel; you won't be insulting her by doing so. If she's not game she'll brush your hand away, and you can move on to the next one. It's up to you man: feel pussy or waste money. You decide.
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    14 years ago
    We need a mileage / OTC list.
    Madison07940 might be LE working on a promotion. He would have rock star status among LE nationwide if we provided a list of high mileage clubs. He needs to earn his status the hard way; not by tricking a bunch of PL's into giving him the answers.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Illinois strip club laws. Please read! This is real and not fiction!
    @smokeybear Did you get this information from a dancer in Missouri? A quick look at the TUSCL U.S.A. clubs page indicates there are 73 clubs in Illinois, and that makes it the 10th most clubbed state - not really "a few scattered". Of course, if you were comparing strip club locations to McDonald's, the clubs probably would be fewer and more scattered. I think the law prohibits lap dances within 15 feet of a church or school. The "touching" punishment is correct, but it pertains only to situations where the touching directly results in the death of the touchee, even if it happens within 15 feet of a church or school. ROB's beware.... Those "X things" are the logo for the breast cancer awareness program; they are optional and they are pink. The requirement for male customers wearing long, non-stretchable jeans is not enforced in some parts of Illinois. For example, in St. Clair County (aka ESL), dancers are required to "palpitate the package area" so as to identify pants that look like they could be uncomfortable. Wearers of such "uncomfortable looking pants" are to be ushered to the VIP section where the pants can be unzipped and the package unwrapped in order to relieve discomfort. There actually was a handcuff and shackle requirement for male customers with female strippers up until the mid 1880's when it was repealed. Good thing...can you imagine being in the middle of a lap dance in Washington Park when the club decides to catch fire and burn to the ground. There is a companion to that law that relates to male customers with male strippers which was not repealed. Thanks smokeybear for raising this topic, and remember what it says down at the bottom of the page!