avatar for bumrubber


joined Apr 2009last seen Mar 2013

Comments made by bumrubber

12 years ago
I might be wondering "elsewhere" it's been...
12 years ago
She's hot enough for Sapphire and probably anywhere, and prefers no-touch. The main thing is whether the money is there.

We also like couples-friendly clubs to go to, not to get dances together but just no bad attitude.

And I need to entertain some business associates, in a "classier" club.
13 years ago
If I have regrets in life, one of them is not going for all the sex I could have had. So go for it. But don't get messed up with strippers. Especially if you're still in your 20s, there are plenty of hot accountants, lawyers, hairdressers and retail clerks who will screw you to the ceiling, without all the Springer-esque bullshit.

13 years ago
I think shadowcat's right. Also, less chance of being seen by the more straight-laced friends and family.
13 years ago
Natural but perky which usually means smaller but not always. The great loves of my life were A-cups, but I've been with and enjoyed the whole gamut.

However there are some beautifully done fakes out there,
