
Variations in LD room design.

Saturday, December 4, 2010 7:35 AM
So my first club and my first lap dance. I won't talk about the dance itself but the room (really a booth) that it happened in, and I'd appreciate your views on the design/aesthetic of the LD rooms you've been in. Mine simply consisted of a 8x5 box, wood paneling on three sides, with the "door" consisting of semi-translucent tassels. The furnishing were simply 2 chairs and a table at the far back that included a headrest/pillow looking thingie. The rooms were just off to the side of the entrance to the club, and but a few feet from the dressing room for performers. The music was loud enough to where I couldn't hear anything outside my own little box, leaving me to enjoy my dance... Until a girl coming in on her shift walked by to the dressing room. Mind you, this club is full nude and seems to have fairly liberal rules, if any at all. I'm wondering how far I could take this dance as the girl I was with seemed willing to (which I only noticed in retrospect, as tits do distract a boy). The club was dead and lax, so I'm assuming I might've been able to go as far as my imagination could go. The booth seemed to be desgined to give the girls coming and going to the stage a view of what was happening. What do you think ladies and fellows? Give me your insight, if you would, on my situation and you own views on LD rooms.


  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    Some of the lap dance rooms I've been in in big clubs are just a big walk in room with no door maybe 75 feet long by 25 to 40 feet wide in places with several sit down counches along the wall. Bouncers and waitresses patrol the room and there could be hidden cameras monitoring activity. A few places have more privacy but I've found they often charge more for dances. Lots of clubs have cameras whether they are hidden or visible. Some places just have a bouncer constantly watching.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    Actually in one club the room may be over 100 yards long, I'm not usually thinking about the room when I go in there.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    it's probablycloser to 100 to 150 feet long. I'm trying to remember.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    Some lap dance rooms in smaller clubs may have like 4 counches in a roughly 25 x 25 foot room with no door but some hanging see through privacy screen. No boncer comes into that room but he sits just outside the entrance within easy access. Camera is visible overhead in the room.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    One nude club has private rooms with doors. You have to put extra money into the room jukebox instead of hearing the regular club music. Then there. Is someone watching via an overhead camera. I've read reviews saying one guy touched a girl and he heard a voice saying to keep his hands off. Not really private after all.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    One dive's lap dance area is just a couple chairs tucked in a corner, behind a half wall. The half wall gives you some privacy from someone across the room, but anyone passing by can see right into the area. I once looked up to find a guy casually standing there, sipping a beer and checking out the action. Surprisingly for all that you can get pretty good mileage there.
    14 years ago
    Steve, you should've visited Bogart's or H8S before the booths went up. Ultra high mileage on folding chairs in plain view.
  • mmdv26
    14 years ago
    At the old (now ashes on the ground) Chameleon Club in ESL, the furnace went out in the "apartment" one winter so they had to improvise. They put the "room" in an unused storage area that couldn't have been more than 8' x 10'. There were 2 old couches facing each other. Since this was a brothel, things got pretty cozy. I think the "water never been changed" hot tub froze that winter...
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    The answer to this question is the same as, "How many different snowflakes are there?" Also, in many clubs, there is a difference between the LD area and VIP/champagne rooms. In my experience, the big difference is sharing. The LD area is more communal, and the VIP solitary. Now the VIP areas I visited are closed door to basically open with some sort of see through "covering".
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    For regular lap dances, many of the local clubs are going to these booths that appear to be specifically designed for lap dances. They look a bit like the seats on the old Tilt-a-Whirl rides ([view link], for example). Some clubs have them out in the open, and some have arranged them so that they form a semi closed off area, so the seats, and dances, aren't visible from the main room, even though the dances are happening in the main room. As for VIP, a few of the local clubs have separate, if small rooms, outfitted with a couch or large chair and a small table. Most of them have open doors, or are at most curtained off. At least one club has a room with a door that locks, but last I heard, it wasn't being used.
  • inno123
    14 years ago
    Since I am putting together a series of articles on strip club design I won't go too far here but generally something as large and private as you describe would be more like their VIP rooms (except possibly having a curtain rather than tassels. In general in clubs recently visited I have basicly seen three types of lap dance facilities. 1. Long high-back couches built in along the wall or walls of the lap dance area. Sometimes these will have a bar running along the back back wall so the dancers don't have to grab the top of the couch for support or they might have vertical poles every few feet that the girls can grab for support or a handrail or low wall in front of the couch that can be grabbed by the dancer for leverage. In many of these clubs there can be another guy getting a lap dance, in full view, just a few inches away. 2. Also a long couch built against the wall but with some sort of dividers, either curtain or panel, separating individual dance spots. You might still have a guy getting a dance only a few inches away, but you will likely only hear it or get a little glimpse of the dancer rather than full exposure. 3. Wrap-around highback chairs. These seem to be standard issue in the Deja-vu chain of clubs, along with their timing poles. The degree of privacy depends on low they are arranged in the lap dance room. Usually they are placed for a pretty high degree of privacy while getting the dance itself but you may have guys walking right in front of you on their way to and from their chairs.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Some of the Hustler clubs have some really fancy VIP lap dance rooms. Some have a bathroom attached to it. Others have doors that will lock. The Barely Legal club in NOLA has a VIP room designed as a teenager's bedroom.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I think the best lap dance rooms I have been in are the penthouse detroit ones. Spacious and a dark curtain that provides enough privacy. Here in columbus I have toured the $600/hr skybox at Vanity and it looked pathetic just a black leather couch and a table. No door or curtain. The Gold room at columbus gold $700/hr is also pathetic compared to the penthouse detroit. Just a black leather couch, see through tinted glass walls, and a table making it pretty cramped and uncomfortable back there. Dancers refer to the gold room as being "upstairs" but really it is just about 5 steps, not a real staircase or elevator like at penthouse detroit. The flight club in inkster was similar to penthouse but no elevator and it was more spread out so not as fun.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    I like square lap dance rooms the best. As long as theres a seat and some amount of privacy it's good.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    Don't recall ever seeing square dancing in a strip club...
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    steve, "Square dancing" and "Square lap dancing" are not the same. The difference is dosado vs. does she go. Hope this helps.
  • nj_pete
    14 years ago
    Industrial Strip in Hammond IN has nice rooms, Heavenly Bodies in Elk Grove Village one of the worst.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    Make it an octagon and let the cage fighting begin.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    amber's cabaret has one of the worst lap dance areas with no privacy but the dancers and bouncers don't seem to give a shit about what the girls do
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Also Bogarts and Henry VIII South have pretty uncomfortable VIP rooms but the dancers are very high mileage so it equals out.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    One place I found strange, or perhaps I didn't see correctly, was in Austin, TX. Looked like the "private" dancer are were booths, but had a glass front and doors! Maybe someone will know if I just saw incorrectly.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    Sorry! Looked like the "private" dance area were booths, but had a glass front and doors!
  • Prim0
    14 years ago
    I'm a fan of booths and hate the shared couch areas. ISn't there a place in NYC that has beds? I wouldn't mind trying that out.
  • DoctorDarby
    14 years ago
    The oddest thing I have seen are the upstairs lap dance cubicles at the Crazy Horse Men's Club in Cleveland. They are pretty nice, with couches (the girls all scramble for the cloth couches; the leather ones stick to their asses) and beaded curtains. Not sure whether there are cameras. The wacky thing is that some of them have little TVs in them. At $20 per dance, what possible reason could there be to have a freaking TV in the booth?? Prim0: Jill's in Wheeling, WV has a bed dance. Haven't been there in a while to check the mileage. Steve229: The guy sipping a beer watching the action reminds me of the scene in Showgirls where the performance artist wanna be watches Elizabeth Berkley give Kyle Maclanahan a lap dance. Bouncer: "Whatcho lookin at?" Customer: "Nuthin--nuthin at all."
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