Clearly some reviews are written by the club manager's girlfriend who took a course in marketing at the local college. Here is an example, South African style:
it does sound like a shill but it does have some details about the club that might help an out of town visitor. Maybe F was desperate to gather details for the club so he let the review slide in.
I saw another one recently for the Admiral in Chicago. He rated it a 10. That's usually the first giveaway, because all clubs lack something. The second giveaway is that the reviewer only has not reviewed any other clubs. The Admiral is known for beautiful girls giveing high priced air dances. Even a newby would not give that a 10.
Sam, I am convinced that founder and his editors are no longer proof reading any of the submitted reviews. If a member PMs him about a review, etc, he will take a closer look at it and maybe act on it. In essence the members have become the editors.
i'm guessing that founder is the only editor here. from what i've seen it appears he's overwelmed by the amount of reviews and doesn't have the time to read all of them and he's just going by a standard of acceptable length as opposed to content.