
If an unknown girl in a strip club suddenly comes up to you and wants you to lea

Friday, November 26, 2010 2:15 AM
Do you drop everything and go to her place especially if she is sexually suggestive and wants to take you to her apartment? Or ask her several questions first? If she is a dancer, would that make you feel more comfortable about leaving with an unknown stranger? What if you're a regular in the club and you don't recognize her? Stay in the club and ignore her? I know of someone who had this happen just as they gulped down some beer before they got cut off and a beer buzz started. He was planning on staying for at least a few more hours and partying and this girl comes up out of nowhere and wants him to leave with her.


  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    I think she wants to leave with your wallet more than you.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    And I think she'd rather you *not* be with the wallet when she does.
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    Mom always said, "Where you see one tarantula, always look for another."
  • MondoGoGo
    14 years ago
    In short NFW... Maybe I'm a pussy but it's too much risk for my blood.
  • lopaw
    14 years ago
    I can't count the number of flags that would go up if a girl I never saw before came at me out of the blue and asked me to leave the club with her. Just too risky.
  • bumrubber
    14 years ago
    Her biker boyfriend is waiting in the parking lot to rob and carjack you. If not there, he's hiding in the closet at her apartment.
  • mmdv26
    14 years ago
    Sounds like a set-up.
  • GSWx4
    14 years ago
    Think everyone is correct. When I’ve seen this it has always been a girl working the circuit. She shows up and tries to maximize her money before she is fired or burned and there is always a boyfriend/pimp.
  • mikeya02
    14 years ago
    Might as well pick up a street walker and go to "her" place. Not a good idea.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    Be sure to take her to the ATM machine with you and let her watch you punch your PIN code in. NOT!!!
    14 years ago
    LMAO at these comments. Not a good idea at all.
  • now_starring
    14 years ago
    Her place is a bad idea. A neutral place such as a motel of my choosing is more like it.
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    Sounds like setup or scam. I may take a strange girl to a motel, but not her place.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Unless I sensed great chemistry between us I would avoid it.
  • gk
    14 years ago
    Operative words are she approaches a patron "before (he) got cut off." I bet if we stood in the back of a few clubs and observed carefully, we might see this happen a lot. Always think with your big head not your litle head. Too much buzz makes the little head think its smarter.
  • kuteechaser
    14 years ago
    I find that more strippers are asking if I would like go to a hotel with them. This is typically preceeded by a great session and exchange of phone numbers in the club. I would not go anywhere with anyone unless I get to spend some time beforehand to get to know her.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    Make sure to always check the chick isn't packing a dick (trannie) if you do think about going with her.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    A name and phone number might have been good to give out (from her). I was wondering if I met such a girl in a regular club but she introduced herself to me first and gave me her name and phone number too, if I would meet up with her. I think I would have to be a bit crazy to suddenly leave a strip club and leave with a total stranger even if she were hinting that she wanted to have sex and no money was involved. My friend can't remember if she was a dancer or a female customer. She might have been a female customer because she was with another female customer and who knows who she was with back at her apartment. I would not leave a place where I'm ready to have fun to go off somewhere with a total stranger unless she was one of the hottest girls I've ever seen and I didn't think it was an elaborate joke. Unless I was looking to hook up and was in a regular club and didn't get any bad vibes about the situation. I would still want a name,phone number, and address though.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    I remember one dancer once asked me if I was ever nervous about a bunch of girls ganging up on me and raping me and having their way. I really never had that concern. She answered her own question by smiling and saying I would probably enjoy it (a bunch of girls having sex with me). I didn't mention that I've never lost a physical fight before and used to fight every day with my brother when we were younger. I don't want to ever get into one either after all the dreams I've had where I killed people with my bare hands. I don't want any trouble. I also never want to trigger my bizarre berserk rage again. I believe I sent 3 people to the hospital with broken teeth the last time that happened when I was a little kid. One time with just a split second of berserk rage I broke a window with my bare palm of my hand. That was stupid since I had a piece of glass embedded in my palm afterwards. I never want to get in a situation where someone might trigger my berserk rage. I might kill someone if they didn't kill me first. If no one physically attacks me though, I'm good. I imagine going to a strangers place could be more of a robbery type of setup. You wouldn't know who all was waiting on you. If they were armed though, I would definitely consider killing them first and think about it afterwards. in Self defense
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    Self defense of a sexual nature requires different protection. In that case my friend was also unprepared. I don't usually take condoms with me to strip clubs either. I don't go to strip clubs expecting to get lucky with female customers.
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