

Saturday, November 20, 2010 9:47 PM
Hey, I was wondering how most people approach a dancer about OTC options? Is it something that can be done the first time at a club or do you need ot make multiple visits?


  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    Take your time, build trust, do not fall in love, do not loan money and accept that it's really hit or miss.
  • Mickkeyc
    14 years ago
    great advice, my otc adventures never involved money and were always built on friendship first
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    The bet way is three visits with the same girl at her club. On the second visit, bring up the idea, but make it hypothetical, "Would you consider a hotel date with me ?"
  • harrydave
    14 years ago
    Well, first you have to actually go to a strip club. So maybe try that a few times and post some reviews.
  • mmdv26
    14 years ago
    Ohio. I don't think it happens that way very often, but when it does it's pretty cool for sure! OP, I have found that you must build some degree of relationship based generally on mutual appreciation before you are going to do OTC with anything better than a common street whore. I don't know how many visit it takes, but like Dudester suggests, don't drag it out too long or you will waste valuable time. If the vibe is there, you will recognize it and act on it.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Depends on the club and the girl. I remember one of the first girls I met in Louisville, on the first visit to her club, blew me in the VIP, then gave me her phone number and said "Call me if you want to do this outside the club sometime. I won't charge as much as the club." Never been that easy since, of course, but the type of girl who does this sort of thing will generally make it known somehow.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    nyc, welcome to tuscl! As always, I do what I can to help newbies in their quest for adventure. As it happens I do a lot of OTC and it comes fairly easy now, but we were all in your shoes at one time and it is only right to lend a helping hand. The following are a few pointers to get you started: 1. The younger girls in the nicer clubs are your best target. The younger hotties tend to be more open minded than the older girls. Anything over 25 is a no go. Also, beware the single mom as she likely needs to get home to a kid. Your best bet is the youngest girl you can find. 2. The more upscale the club, the better. If you are in an upscale club the girl assumes that you can afford to be there. Don't worry about dressing up - in fact many of these girls prefer the laid back look. Simply find the nicest club you can. Usually the closer to a downtown city location the better. If you are in Manhattan (saw nyc in your name), I would try the Hustler, Penthouse and Rick's. 3. Be direct These girls can be tough and will not respect you if you are timid. Once that young hottie in the upscale club sits next to you, don't waste time in making your move. But of course be subtle. My suggestion is to lean close to her and whisper exactly what you are looking for in her ear. She is not unused to this and will respond accordingly. Hopefully, after you apply the mothods learned here you can come back and share. Good luck!
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    dancers will either fuck for money or not. There is not much game to it like going to a night club. If you want to go the friend route and be the nice guy you will spend hundreds on them and otc will still be hit or miss. "There are two dancers at a club I go to that both offer BJ's in the private booth. The the younger of the two does them bareback, the older makes you wear a condom. Ah the wisdom of age...."
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    I agree with the general sentiments from samsung and Rick (you may want to read their posts twice), and only have a bit to add: namely that, IME, the most important thing to keep in mind is that nearly all girls will do OTC these days, and, here's the good part, it seems that nearly all of the very best looking ones will. I'm not sure why that is, but it really doesn't matter. Know what you want. Approach the situation with confidence, and if she doesn't do it, move on to another who does. With time you'll get a reliable vibe of which one will and which ones won't even before you ask. Have fun and fuck lots of strippers!
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    lol Ohio - you are too kind. I just can't stand to see someone like nyc muddle through the same way so many others have when I can share this wisdom with him. :)
  • jackslash
    14 years ago
    If you go to clubs often enough, you will meet all kinds of girls. Some will suggest OTC to you. Others will wait for you to make the first move. When I meet a girl I like, I don't wait. I ask if she would like to get together outside the club. Some say no, some say yes, and some are non-committal, which means they are open to it in the future. It doesn't hurt to ask, and if you ask in a nice way, these girls won't be offended.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Welcome back Dougster!
  • golf123
    14 years ago
    Meet the girl few times at the club and spend money there. Then ask nicely most likely they will meet you otc if they like you. Younger college girls are most likely to meet otc. Usually they don't work much at the club.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    Another way to meet a dancer away from the club is to ask if there are any decent regular clubs in the area. Some of the time, a dancer may mention a club she goes to. If she tells you details about the club and when she goes there, well then you have a chance to meet and talk to her and learn more about her without spending money on her in the strip club. Of course which place you would rather talk to her is up to you.
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    Another way to meet a dancer away from the club is to jump in front of her car and be hit. She might even go to the hospital for nurse visits.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    Great plan, gatorfan. You first!! LOL. I have several attorneys who will represent you!
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    OTC, for me, has always represented a LOT of risk, and not only the obvious, crime, disease, relationship (with dancer), etc. For me, and I am sure others, there is the possibility of being found out. That has the potential to completely ruin your life. That said, tread carefully!
  • harrydave
    14 years ago
    The question I recently posed to a girl seems to be as good as any: "What would it take for you to go with me to my hotel tonight?" The result was a lot of stammering, which I took as a "No". No big deal. The next evening at the same club I was sitting with 2 other girls. I told them about my conversation with girl #1 and how she couldn't give me an answer. After my short description, the girl to my right says, "Well, I would go to your hotel with you.", and the girl to my left says, "Yeah, I would go too". LOL! Just bring up the subject.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    I once had 4 dancers sitting with me. I asked each one "wanna fuck". I got 2 yes's, 1 no, and 1 maybe.
  • Dougster
    14 years ago
    Rick: "The younger hotties tend to be more open minded than the older girls. Anything over 25 is a no go. Also, beware the single mom as she likely needs to get home to a kid. Your best bet is the youngest girl you can find. " If you meet a girl over 25 who you would like to fuck, I won't rule her out because she is not likely to be open minded enough. I think what Rick is thinking about here is the "lifer". An older stripper who has done no other work in her life than working as a stripper, has a terrible attitude, and is only interested in finding the easiest suckers to exploit. This type will age faster physically anyway, so is not likely one you would even want to do OTC as if the attitude was not enough of a turnoff already. Not all girls over 25 are like that, however. Some have gone to school, and done work beyond being strippers. They can be plenty open minded, downright freaky, and some are just plain nymphos who you could probably hook up with without paying. Many seem to be particularly interested in threesomes... I also won't rule single moms out entirely, although these girls will tend to have worse attitudes than single girls without kids. They do, however, need to feed their children so are under more pressure to perform. The general "feel" of the single mom situation is also different (worse) than with a free-spirited single girl without kids. As for logistics, even if you can't meet up with a single mom the same night, they are always able to arrange another night when they are able to leave junior with a grandparent or friend.
  • nycstrip
    14 years ago
    Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for imparting such great advice... hope to put it to good use starting this week!
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I agree with Dougster's lifer comment. They are too lazy and stupid to do anything else besides show up to the strip club to collect free $1 bills on stage and MAYBE get lucky and sell a couple dances. They still live at home with their parents so the money is just spending money to them they don't need it.
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    1. Get her to your table - stage tip etc. 2. Strike up some conversation, hold her close, buy her a drink 3. See if she will let you feel her, find out what she wants 4. Ask her if she likes to play or work outside the club 5. Maker her an offer $$$ for otc sex telling you can give her what she wants. Its critical to find out what they might want and tell her "Honey I can help you with that but I need......" 6. Make date, time, place; price sb negotiated plus get her ph# while giving her yours. 7. Don't give them loans or advances. 8. If she is for real she will meet you.
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    While have had them itc as young as 20 and a 21 yr old for 7 otc sessions, the ones in mid to late 20's are best IMO, especially for many sessions.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    I believe there is some correlation between a dancer telling you where she is from and what town she lives in to your chances of meeting up later. If she absolutely refuses to tell you where she is from, forget about meeting up with her later. This tells me she will also strictly follow club rules. I haven't tested this theory but it makes sense.
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    I don't much worry about what ifs from them or where there are from. I make them a cash offer and they either play or they don't. Sometimes they proposition me first.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    sharkhunter, that is a good idea but she could just easily lie about where she is from as stripper shit. Here in Columbus dancers now are required to wear pasties. I can test them by asking if they would be willing to let me rip them off during our dance. If the answer is "i don't care" then I am interested but if she says "oh no showing nipples is a hot no no" then I know to pass. One dancer complained that if she took off her pasties she would have to use new ones because they would not stick anymore and the club charges her $20 to sell her a pair. I offered a $20 tip to her and she still refused to cooperate so I passed up on getting dances from her. Player11, that buying a drink is a good idea...but too bad several of the clubs in columbus charge an inflated price when you buy a dancer a drink. $20 and up and dancer gets a commission at the end of the night for selling them.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    nyc - no problem and good luck! And remember: (1) the younger the better; (2) upscale clubs are the best; and (3) be direct and blunt. As I requested before, please share with the group!
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    "I believe there is some correlation between a dancer telling you where she is from and what town she lives in to your chances of meeting up later" Huh, so that's what that means, lol. Seems like all of the dancers I'v spend any time with lately have gone out of their way to tell me where they live.
  • metaldude
    14 years ago
    Rick - LOL
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    Would be nice if our dancer friends on here would offer some advice on this topic.
  • harrydave
    14 years ago
    RD - I'll be sure to put your advice to the test the next time I'm sitting next to a young hottie in an upscale club in Bridgeport.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    lol harry - you mean you've found a hottie in Bridgeport? ;) That itself is a revelation. But when I am hankering to get out of the city I usually don't make it any further up 95N than Stamford. Beamers would be a perfect place for nyc to put these approaches into action. :)
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    shit - nyc, I almost forgot to mention my 4th tip, which is the in club deposit. Some girls will ask you to pay part or all of the negotiated OTC rate before you leave the club. Not only does this provide her some surety against you backing out, but it also keeps her from taking money for sex in the hotel room, which dramatically increases exposure to prostitution charges. If she asks for one it is a very good sign of things to come. Good luck!
  • troop
    14 years ago
    ^ absolutely, the in club deposit is the key to a good time! ;) it proves that your serious! :)
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    Some of them are touchy about someone asking where they are from, perhaps a sort of paranoia. However, this is a normal part of conversation. Every gal is different you just have to read how she may act.
  • harrydave
    14 years ago
    RD - extending the site specific advice, may I suggest that only CIS (Russion, etc.) girls should be considered for OTC? It is well known that CIS girls often deliver the best value for money. Beamers is an excellent place to meet bargain-priced girls from the Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus!
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    lol harry, though nyc need not venture out of the city to get his Russian fix. They have essentially taken over most of the clubs in Queens are in a number of venues in Manhattan too. Yeah, those dirty Russians are a real treat, particularly if you offer to pay for their cabs back to Brooklyn when the event is over. ;)
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