
OTC first time.

Friday, November 19, 2010 1:32 AM
I have not done this before other than with my ATF and sex was never involved with her. Now I have pretty much committed myself to this with a dancer I've known for sometime, and have had good times in VIP with her. The club where I see her has turned from a "we can't see what goes on in VIP" to a "we will give any dancer a grand to rat out dancers in VIP that go beyond our limits". That said, I am planning on going to her home. She lives alone. I have no reason to think anything is planned or likely to happen to rob, beat, harass, plunder, savage, kill, or brutalize me. Any pointers from the more experienced would be appreciated.


  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Just because you don't expect something bad to happen, doesn't mean it won't. I'll admit to going to MFC(Classic)'s house, but I knew her for four years before doing that. Unless she just won't do it anywhere else, spring for the hotel the first few times. It might make her more comfortable too, even if she won't admit it.
  • golf123
    14 years ago
    Clubber, things should be fine. if u r too scared then you should not be in this hobby. u have to take always some risk. most of the strippers are much different than backpage girls or escorts. man go and have good with her.
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    For my first session with one I would have them over to my house or meet at motel. Their place - Be Careful: My worst experience was meeting a Backpage gal at her house was the minite I got there she introduced me to her BF (surprise) and told me I needed to give the session money to him then we would go inside and do it. When she mentioned we would need to hurry bc her aunt was coming any minute to take her to the hospital to see her dying aunt (scam story) I simply got in my car and left, keeping my money. No pussy that day. A dancer at I knew at Allstars wanted me to pick her up at club where we would then go to her apartment for sex $200 (our first session). On the way she wanted to stop off at Walmart to go shopping (ROB) and became enraged when I declined. I ended up taking her home listening to criticism about how all I wanted was sex. I wanted to tell her to get out of the car but a nearby police car convinced me a scene with psyco bitch not too cool. No pussy that nite. Many dancers will play you that they are going to see you otc when the goal is to milk you of money. You have to be able to seperate the players from then nonplayers. If your serious about doing one otc make her commit to a date, time, place, and price. If she won't, then I question if she is really someone who will play. Girls who play don't beat around the bush. They need the money and don't mind some different dick. I feel your hesitant about moving up to the next level (doing one). Whats holding you back? I have to wonder how much you spent on the ATF you did not have sex with. At my club (extras friendly), I have had sex with gals in VIP for $100-$300. Assuming a $200 average how many sessions would that have bought with what you spent on the ATF? Just relax, take the snap from center, step back and line up your targets (WR) and throw to an open one. That is establish some rappor with her, make her an offer, and get her to commit to a day / time / place / price. Over time it will be so easy you will wonder why you never did it before. Its simply a matter of money.
  • jester214
    14 years ago
    I'm not a OTC kinda guy, no judgement just not my thing and really not in the cards as I usually only hit a place once or twice when I'm on the road. So take this with a grain of salt... In that situation I would take nothing but the cash to pay with and car keys. Phone, drivers license, stay in the car. Credit cards, everything else, stay at home. If there was a way to let someone you trust know where you are I would do it. Maybe tell them you're going to look at a potential purchase on Craigs List? Some kind of bullshit... Listen to what Player said, don't be afraid to cut and run. Trust your instincts. Pussy is all well and good, but not nearly as important as your safety. That said I'm sure you'll most likely be fine.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    gmd and others, Understood, but I've know this dancer for about 7 years. Some of that time she was back home, up north. fighting off cancer. So far, she has won that battle. Also, the bartender I've known for about 20 years has vouched for her. Were she someone I just met or an escort off BP, I wouldn't think of going to her place, no matter where it was. The reason for OTC isn't one of our choosing, but rather the change of the club. I doubt I'll return to it again.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Ah well, that's a little different story then. Not too dissimilar to the circumstances under which MFC and I first used her place. If you've already developed that rapport with her, and trust her (as much as any dancer can be trusted), then most of the objections raised here become advisory, rather than warning. Good luck!
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    gnd, Pretty much my thinking. I was just trying to get some input from the OTC pros. To me, this is a big step/change from ITC encounters.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    clubber, Just relax and enjoy. I wouldn't normally do OTC at her place either but I recently made an exception for a local situation with a girl I have vetted pretty well. I actually prefer OTC to ITC because it is much more comfortable and private. Except in rare situations, I won't take FS ITC for a vareity of reasons, but take a willing and skilled girl and throw a bed into the mix and good times. Just remember that YOU are in charge. It is easy to feel somewhat awkward given the age disparity, but it is important to keep in mind that she is doing you no favors and that you control the $$$. Good luck!
  • mmdv26
    14 years ago
    I used to do OTC a few times a month with several different girls from a couple of different clubs. Still alive, no diseases. It's important to get to know the girl fairly well before OTC. I had a friend who got robbed by BF and crew in the parking lot at "her apartment". He barely knew her, and she changed names and appearance frequently. Key phrase: "situational awareness". Several adventures I had were great experiences. Some were "just sex". One chickened out - decided that she was not ready to do sex for money yet at age 18. I ran into her when she was drunk at another club a few years later, and we did it ITC for free. Only one was "bad"...I was doing DATY with my feet hanging off the end of the bed when something grabbed my big toe. Her 3yo daughter, unbeknown to me, had been asleep in the other room and decided to see what mom was moaning about. Might have set a record for losing a bone. Mom was so casual when she said, "honey, you go back to bed, mommy's getting some money to go to the store." Clubber, sounds like your situation has a low potential for anything else but fun. Make her smile!
  • txtittyfan
    14 years ago
    Go have fun. Your 6th sense should kick in when you arrive if anything may go bad. Just don't make her breakfast in the morning.
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    If OTC at her place comfy for you from knowing her go for it. Otherwise OTC at a motel like Palace Inn that rents rooms for $25 for 2 hours, $30 for 3 hours may be way to go (at least here in Houston).
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    Player, You asked about spending on my ATF. In the club I would give her the price of a couple of dances and buy her a water or two. OTC, we would go do things and I would buy lunch or dinner while out. Really no difference then when I was dating, in my past. Also, we exchanged gifts at Christmas, on our birthdays, and just because.
  • EarthQuake365
    14 years ago
    "I ended up taking her home listening to criticism about how all I wanted was sex." The real "Girl Friend Experience" :D
  • harrydave
    14 years ago
    Clubber, I think it is going to be just fine. Take a deep breath, clear your mind of all the fantasies and expectations about what you hope it will be like. Go to her place, get naked and find out what she really likes. The worst that can happen is that it will not be the event of a lifetime.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    I start getting nervous if the dancer starts talking about relationships and how much she likes you more than anyone else. Especially if you get any vibes like she wants to be more than just a girlfriend. That is after you slept with her. If she says anything like that before you slept with her, I would chalk that all up to stripper shit to get you to spend money on her. I once had a favorite that I spent time with away from the club at her house. She did private dances with me but we never got past that point. Her boyfriend whom she never told me about for a long time left her. However he did not leave her with nothing to show for it. She was pregnant. She did tell me shortly after he left her. Her intentions towards me raised alarm bells since she suddenly wanted to do a lot more with me like wanting to go to a movie etc etc as if we were dating. I got a new job after a few months and told her goodbye one night. She started crying saying she was in love with me. I liked her but I really had to wonder if that was another line. I told one of my friends whom I had been to strip clubs with and he joked "hey, you could have instant family!" That did not sound appealing. I remember another dancer whom I did go all the way with said to me one morning. "I like you better than all they guys I've been with, and that's really saying something because I've known a lot of guys." Alarm bells rang off in my mind for various reasons. I did use protection.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    I forgot to mention my goodbye was something I meant because I was moving to another state. It wasn't like she didn't already know I was looking for a new job. I once even stopped by her house one afternoon (I did call first) when I once interviewed in her home town. She managed to get me nervous and perplexed when thinking about the possibility of me moving to her town (she lived 2 hours away away from me after her move 2 years prior, she used to live in the same town as the strip clubs). She got me nervous and puzzled when she said something about she could come over to my house every day and dance for me. I was thinking no way could I afford to give her money every day for dancing. Then I thought "she said every day!" What in the world is she thinking about? This was before I knew about any boyfriend and she wasn't pregnant. I don't believe she used drugs either. She did not even smoke. I can't remember if she even drinked. She did not drink much if she did. She was only 20 or 21.
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