do the dancers at a club resent the girls that offer extras in VIP. i know it's very competitive between dancers so any advantage could be seen as a challenge. do they report on each other to the club managers? of course, everyone has different definitions of what a extra is. i had dancer tell me that she didn't do "extras" (while i had her nipple in my mouth and a finger in her pussy!!)
Yes they resent it. One recently complained to me that two new dancers had shown up offering extras and they were seriously cutting into her money. She asked whether to report them. My advice was no. I told her that she would end up getting herself fired, her ass kicked or both.
YEs and they will try anything to catch you and her ,, it can eve ngo so far as to result in slashed tires smashed signal lights or being jumped on your way to you car at the end of the night So when you get a tap tap on the sholder from your girl pay attention.please
Oh yes, there is much animosity towards "extras girls", though as mentioned earlier, there may be some variation in what is considered an "extra" by location and person.
It isn't just as it relates to extras I've discovered. I've been going to the same club recently and getting dances from one dancer generally. Well my last visit I got dances from another dancer and the first dancer's attitude towards me was shall we say chilly? Also in discussions recently I've heard the old line, "the extras girls are ruining it for us honest dancers". Don't you just love catfights in a strip club? NOT!
It really seems like the availability of these activities is more club vs club than girl vs girl. At least that's my experience -- If one girl does it, they pretty much all do.
Now, it could vary on the day shift vs night shift, but it seems like if one girl does extras and the others don't, she gets fired very quickly.
I've gotten the impression that girls who don't do extras sometimes look down on those who do. Although some I've noticed have a live-and-let-live attitude. Yes, they may do extras and get more money, but it's a personal decision for them not to. I've even met a couple girls who won't even do a VIP, even though I make the initial inquiry (while some girls won't stop pestering me for one). I guess like any business, we all draw that line and feel comfortable in that decision for what activities we'll do, and won't do, to make a buck.
The ones that do not provide extras HIGHLY resent the ones that do.They see the ones providing extras as making all the money. The non-extra ladies do not want to go beyond their boundries but may be forced to do so when its time to pay overdue bills. The one thing that scares strippers the most is being homeless. Maybe, this might be the reason that some strippers live with what we may consider a loser boyfriend.
In the clubs in my area, most dancers provide extras in the form of HJ, BL or FS. I've noticed that some girls who only do HJ do resent and look down on girls who do BJ and FS. They think these girls are cheating and getting the money they would otherwise get. Some of the most attractive dancers can make a lot of money without BJ and FS, and they feels the less attractive dancers are competing unfairly by doing more. However, some of these more attractive dancers will on occasion engage in BS or FS when they need the money.
Regardless of how they may view themselves, society at large views strippers as being one step (or perhaps only a half-step) removed from common prostitutes. It's fascinating to think that strippers actually stand in moral judgment of one another, and how they may feign indignation at the proposition of offering extras.
For fun, check out what the pinkies at SW have to say about this. Some of these debutantes claim that touching a boob is an extra. If one could believe the pinkies and hardly any girl offered more than air dancing the clubs would be empty.
The Pinkies of SW have a virulent hatred of extras girls. They are essentially in a sate of denial. Discussing the reality of how common extras are in SC's or the fact many girls work otc will get one banned from SW. EDN was much worse almost like a background ROB mentality. One of their fag moderators accused me of bragging and another mod a ROB wanted me to pay to see some of their profile photos. I have been kicked off both sites and was even invited to leave a Canadian sex worker site after relating some of my expreiences.
I try to avoid "mixed" clubs where some girls "do" and some girls "don't". Obviously, I prefer clubs where all girls "do" - even if it's in varying degrees.
if they offer it good for them. some of the strippers that dont do extras should consider grinding a guy out for extra money, to compete against the stripper that give HJ, BJ, or FS. how many of us are concerned about STDs and other issues from HJ, BJ and FS. a grind off is discreet and some people prefer it.
A lot of this is about the customer's ability to pay, or negotiate. Some of those sweet intelligent classy girls that you couldn't imagine would ever get dirty, are the biggest whores of all for the right amount of money.
In some cities you cannot survive if you donot offer extra unless u are most attractive girl in the club. now a days extra is expected does not where u visit. In some cities it is difficult, but i am sure, girls meet otc if money is good. As someone as commented they wait for good opportunity when club is allowing, mostly fall in line. Extras provide more money w/less work.
It depends on the club. Some don't care and some bitch a lot. It can actually help you find a dancer to try. Occasionally a dancer will complains about certain dancers who ruin it for her, naming names and what they do, such as "Candice gives blowjobs, so I am now expected to give blowjobs." My first though is "thank's for the info," my second is "I need to look find Candice."
When I get this type of intel handed to me by a dancer I will use it, and have had some really great times because of this.
Have you ever read the 'Hustle Hut' section there? There are legitimate suggestions there, but also plenty of rip off tactics. I'm serious. There are posts about how the girls lie about the price of VIP entry, lap dances, etc. Followed by a swarm of replies with 'that's a great idea! i'm going to try it!'
i was talking to a dancer at a club that was totally against any touching so i passed on her. later on another dancer let me touch/kiss as much as i wanted and during our 2nd dance the 1st dancer entered with a customer and saw us. i warned my dancer to watch out for the 1st dancer because i had the feeling that she would snitch on my dancer. i went back the next time that my dancer said she would be there and she wasn't. i tried a couple other nights that she said she would be there and she wasn't. i'm guessing that the 1st dancer got her fired.
yes it is a dangerous web we weave and sometimes we get caught in it ourselves .. end up needing a nee club to call home ,, and that can be a real hardship for some girls who live far away from the next club down the hwy .. do take care guys .. and treasure your girl.
last commentSo when you get a tap tap on the sholder from your girl pay attention.please
Now, it could vary on the day shift vs night shift, but it seems like if one girl does extras and the others don't, she gets fired very quickly.
Please, ladies. Please.
As someone as commented they wait for good opportunity when club is allowing, mostly fall in line. Extras provide more money w/less work.
When I get this type of intel handed to me by a dancer I will use it, and have had some really great times because of this.
...and they were probably right, while almost certainly not being a "fag"...ugh...
Have you ever read the 'Hustle Hut' section there? There are legitimate suggestions there, but also plenty of rip off tactics. I'm serious. There are posts about how the girls lie about the price of VIP entry, lap dances, etc. Followed by a swarm of replies with 'that's a great idea! i'm going to try it!'