
Saw a guy get kicked out and a dancer get fired tonight

Tuesday, November 23, 2010 3:02 AM
I was checking out a different club tonight, and had just finished getting a couple nice topless dances – good two way contact, kitty flashing, some LFK – and was taking a break, just chatting with my dancer. I was wondering how much more mileage I might be able to get, when I noticed a bouncer heading over to the lap dance area with a flashlight. He shined the flashlight around, and a few minutes later he was escorting a guy out the door and the dancer was rushing to the dressing room. My dancer went to the dressing room, and when she came back told me the dancer had been fired on the spot. Guess that answered the mileage question. Kinda of a mood killer, lol. Anyone have any similar experiences?


    14 years ago
    I'm not a rocket scientist, but I'd try to get my # to the newly unemployed dancer as I think she may just need a temporary cash infusion right about now.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    One long time ago in Key West, this customer was being an ass. Going on and on about what a waste of $10 for a dance in the ld area. This must have gone on a hour or more. After the shift change, he did quite down and a new dancer approached him about dances. He readily agreed and headed to the back. It less than one minute the dancer came rushing out, the bouncer went rushing in, and then the customer and the bouncer went rushing to the outside. Of course the bouncer came back in empty handed.
  • harrydave
    14 years ago
    Never saw a dancer fired on the spot for a single transgression. In my experience, the ones who get fired are the ones that have caused trouble repeatedly (does not play well with others).
  • mmdv26
    14 years ago
    We were mid-task (BBBJ) when the bouncer rushed in grabbed blower by the arm and literally dragged her to the front door and threw her out. Making quite a scene in the process. He stepped back inside and yelled for her locker partner to get blower's stuff and take it out to her, 'cause she's not comin' back in here! I told the bouncer that he could have handled the situation better, and he said he would ban me from the club for life, but the owner would probably let me back in because I was such a good customer. He was right about that! I told bouncy to go f*** himself, and didn't go back in that club for nearly a year. Five years later, same club, same bouncer. Another dancer called to tell me that blower was working there again, so I stopped in. By then the rules had eased a bit, and bouncy was long over his ego trip - actually we had become "conversational" during that time. Blower sat down on me to start the lap dance and whispered in my ear, "where were we?". We enjoyed a passionate FS.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    I was with my ATF when she quit. Certainly not getting fired, but we left together to go get something to eat. Wasn't a good evening.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    At my favorite club I have seen dancers get kicked out and heard of others for doing extras but the customer was left alone.
  • Prim0
    14 years ago
    Several years ago at Kahoots in Cbus. I was sitting near the old stage that was only one step up from the floor. A very wasted customer walks in, jumps right up on the stage and starts dancing. It was pretty funny but only lasted about 5 seconds before the bouncer grabbed him by the arm and tossed him out the door. My first job out of HS was as a bouncer in a club that would later become a SC. I worked there about 5 months before the owner canned me for taking away the attention of the dancer he was interested in. In that time I only ever had to escort one customer out, and he went willingly. Poor old guy was drunk as f#$% and was just happy as could be about anything at all. God...I'm so old now!
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    intersting Prim0, I once was at kahoots during a snow storm and it was just me, two dancers, and a couple of staff. The dancers invited me up on stage to dance but I passed. No thanks! I was talking to one dancer who said she used to work at dreamgirls and got really drunk one night and went too far with a customer and caught on camera. She said she was not fired but they tack on so many fines that you basically just have to quit in order to avoid paying the fines.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Several years ago in Buffalo, I saw three guys get kicked out at the same time. One of them was getting just a bit too touchy-feely at the stage for one of the dancers (and he must have been *incredibly* obnoxious about it, given my previous experience with that very same dancer). She stood up, looked at the bouncer and just pointed. He came over to talk to the guy, just to tell him to knock it off, and apparently the moron's two even more moronic friends decided to get a bit juicy. One of them took a swing at the bouncer, and before you could blink all three of the stupids were on the floor groaning. The doorman and manager showed up then, and sat on them. Turns out the bouncer was a former Navy SP, more than used to dealing with drunken idiots in bars. I remember being impressed not only by the bouncer's reaction, but also because the DJ announced that the police had been called to deal with the miscreants (and he actually used that word), and that anybody who wanted to make themselves scarce before they arrived could get a ticket at the bar to get back in later without paying the cover. And with that, I have to echo Prim0's comment: "God...I'm so old now!"
  • Digitech
    14 years ago
    I've seen customers kicked out, but not dancers. I saw two guys fight eachother and both were removed. I once saw a group of 3-4 young men come in who were loud, obnoxious and annoying from the minute they entered the club. I knew immediately that they were going to get booted out. The question was just how soon. I was getting a LD at the time, but I think they were only in the club for 10-15 minutes before they were told to leave.
  • spandexman
    14 years ago
    I remember one time in the zone a couple of guys got tossed because they were trying to use bad credit cards.
  • inno123
    14 years ago
    You know, considering the high mileage of Steve229's initial lap dance the other girl might not have been canned for going too far but for, perhaps, drugs.
  • bumrubber
    14 years ago
    I saw a girl who was so drunk and high she was completely senseless, pull a guy's dick out, give him a HJ, and then MOUNT him on the main floor of the club. Total porno show going on in front of everybody, in a pretty well lit club. She had obviously completely lost track of where she was, and what she was doing. Anyway, 3 bouncers came, one with a blanket, which he gently and swiftly wrapped around her like a straightjacket, swooped her up off the guy's lap, and off to the back room. Other 2 bouncers stood in front of the guy as he pulled up his pants, then gently escorted him out. I was impressed by the swiftness and smoothness of the whole thing. Not gonna tell which club, but it's a big one that's well-known here. I'm surprised they let her work at all in that condition.
  • DougS
    14 years ago
    My last visit to HH (last week), there was a guy that was sitting in the crowd, front and center in front of the stage. He was there the whole time that I was (plus had been there a few hours before I got there). The thing was, he didn't spend a cent... didn't tip a single dancer, didn't get a single drink. Just sat there. He was freaking the staff out. He was kind'a nerdy looking and I'd guess he was shy or something. My dancer informed me that the doormen were debating on kicking him out. That debate went on all day, while I was there. I was actually torn between feeling sorry for the guy, and concerned that maybe he was about to pull a gun and take out as many people as he could. Ultimately, he left while I was out to dinner with my curr fav, and never was kicked out. Probably best for everyone involved.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I think as long as that guy paid his cover and/or met his drink minimum the club should not mandate tipping.
  • poleshadow
    14 years ago
    One night at Old Tootsie's in Miami, and this is speculation on my part because it's not a small club and I was 30 yards away from the incident, but I was directly across from the LD area that was set up on elevated seating away from the stage, and I saw a patron receive multiple dances, but then at the time it was finished, either he didn't have the money or someone lost count, but about 20 seconds later three tuxedoed bouncers questioned him and the patron, clearly blitzed, lunged at them. Mistake.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    samsung1 says: Posted: 11/24/10 I think as long as that guy paid his cover and/or met his drink minimum the club should not mandate tipping. -------------------- ^ gotta disagree sam. imo if anyone is sitting at the stage they are obligated to tip every dancer for every dance while sitting there. if he just wanted to watch he should sit somewhere else besides right at the stage. also doug said that he never bought a drink.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    You could always ask Shadowcat about the unfortunate one who pulled out his dick in the VIP area at PP a few months back and started jacking off. He didn't last long before being kicked out of the club.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    vince, I had forgotten about that one. i was sitting with a favorite in the lap dance room. The dude was sitting across from us. He got one dance and then his dancer left. Then he kept watching us and playing with his dick. As we were leaving he moved down to where another couple was sitting. He whipped it out and started jerking off. My dancer ran to the manager's office to report him. A bouncer immediately arrived and escorted him out of the club.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    LMFAO! lol voyeur porn
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    poleshawdow, That must be the middle Tootsie's. I am pretty sure the old one didn't have a LD area, or even LD's.
  • poleshadow
    14 years ago
    It was the one that was on the corner of SR7 and Ives Dairy. I always forget there was a locale before that one. This was in 97 or 98 and when I was in my early 20s, if that explains anything.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    poleshadow, The original Tootsie's was there at the same location, but they did a MAJOR upgrade some years before they moved to the current location.
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