
Recognized OTC - should I pursue?

Wednesday, November 24, 2010 1:15 AM
A few times lately I've seen, around my neighborhood, a dancer from a local club. I know she still works there, but I haven't seen her there since several months ago, when we talked for over an hour and I got one mild dance from her. I'm pretty sure we both enjoyed the company. Anyway I keep seeing her at this high end catering place, where she apparently also works. She recognizes me for sure, and every time I walk by she gives me flirty sheepish looks. She's not a kid, maybe 30-something, with a strong personality, but very polished. I should probably just flag her down and say hi, but I don't want to blow her cover, or create an awkward situation for her at work. My intentions - take her out for a night on the town, and/or have sex with her. She's a cool chick. She talked before about what she liked to do on dates, and it felt like she was fishing for one. She said she's been divorced for several years, has no kids, and is single but has 3 jobs, which takes up all of her time. In my experience, about 5% of strippers are mostly on the level, because it's easier for them than SS. They just carefully edit the details. This girl seemed like one of those. Plus it has happened with me before. More than once. Thoughts?


  • sinclair
    14 years ago
    Go for it. It sounds like she is a decent chick, at least as far as strippers go. I can't say I know of any dancers that will hang for over an hour and talk with a custie that isn't shelling out cash.
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    Forget it, you will spook her. These gals are super paranoid IRL. Remember, nothing is free with them so don't go on a fools errand thinking she will date you for free!
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    I agree with player. Leave it alone. You caught her IRL but it already looks to me like she is uncomfortable with it.
  • dw.buck
    14 years ago
    meet her ITC and talk about going out on a date, never do it at her job or in the streets. ITC she will be comfortable, if she turns it down oh well its not like you are stalking her. also if she says yes then let her know its business if you expect a relationship you can get milked
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    There is an area in columbus called route 161 that used to have 7 strip clubs within a 5 minute drive of each other but now down to 3. I have sometimes stopped at the grocery store on route 161 and on 2 occasions I have run into strippers there as customers I recognized from the local clubs but did not talk to them. Another time I saw a former stripper working at the store stocking the health/beauty shelves. I chatted with her a little bit but did not go anywhere with her. She probably wanted a day job because they provide better stability with hours and pay and benefits (dental, health, etc)
  • mmdv26
    14 years ago
    BR, I would meet this girl in her club where she has adjusted her persona to "sex worker". I have seen dancers in public, and it's always best to just acknowledge them with a nod or a smile. Let her approach you in her skin that is different from how you met her.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    hey bum, nothing ventured, nothing gained. she might end up playing you but she also might be legit. just because some of the guys always have to pay doesn't mean everyone does ;)
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    I'm in the leave it lie camp. By all means be polite when you see here, smile and say hello, but let it go at that. If she makes a move, then take it from there. If you see her in the club, then talk to her there. From your "sheepish" comment, she seems to want to keep those two things separate, so do her a favor and do the same.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    It is always best to let them make the first move if you encounter them OTC. I still fondly remember the time I first ran into gridget OTC. It was at the IHOP. She was having breakfast with her husband. As soon as I sat down I saw her and she saw me. He had his back to me. She smiled and waved at me. Every time I looked in her direction, she smiled back at me. When they left she gave me another big wave. Later, at the club, I tried to tell some other dancers of our chance meeting but they had already heard it from her.
  • jaxman5150
    14 years ago
    Go into where she works and tell her she can fuck you for olmnly $150 bucks. She has 3 jobs.
  • gk
    14 years ago
    Whatever you end up trying, respect her privacy IRL. Otherwise, you will blow any chance of credibility.
  • bumrubber
    14 years ago
    Well, as luck would have it, I had a chance meeting with her on the street as she was leaving work. She said hi first, we got to talking, she slyly acknowledged that she remembered me from the SC, and introduced herself with her real name. I suggested getting a glass of wine or Starbucks nearby, she said OK to Starbucks for half an hour because she had to get home to her dog. So we talked for half an hour. She's interesting and seems very down to earth as I remembered her. She said she'd LOVE to go out next week, in the middle of the week, as she's works through the weekends. She said she doesn't like to drink a lot, and would really like to go to Disneyland. How about that?
  • sinclair
    14 years ago
    Nice work!
  • troop
    14 years ago
    you're going to disneyland! wait a minute.. you guys can't go to disneyland unless you're rose bowl or superbowl mvp's LOL actually disneyland will cost more than just paying her ;) ok.. jokes aside, i said that she might be legit, good luck. i hope it works out for you.
  • Prim0
    14 years ago
    See what you can get away with in space mountain!
  • bumrubber
    14 years ago
    Not that I think anyone would be following this, but here's the followup: Had a couple of nice normal dates, including Disneyland. She's totally legit. PAYS FOR HALF EVERYWHERE, AND INSISTS ON IT. Dresses very nicely. Has excellent manners. Won't drink more than a glass of wine. Seems to have her wits about her. Has had some screwball years in her past - coke, fucking around, supporting douchebag husband - but seems to have it together now. Except she seems really lonely. Lucky for me there's some pent up sexual energy. Holy crap. So far so good! She'd rather I stay away from here, and not go to strip clubs, so I might not be around for awhile. Happy Holidays!
  • troop
    14 years ago
    huh? how does she know that you're on tuscl? anyway, do what works for you and good luck :-) also, remember my 1st 2 helpfull posts here so if things don't work out tell her that you know a nice guy in ohio with lots of insight that's available ;)
  • bumrubber
    14 years ago
    troop: I told her. Actually she reads through occasionally, and posts fake reviews to get access. A lot of dancers read this site and others, like Zbone, even if they don't post. Plus they have their own private mailing lists and forums, to talk shop and do market research. And figure out who the big spenders and creeps are. Anyway she's OK with this now. Actually she's pretty tough and not much seems to bother her.
  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    She reads this site? She shops around for big spenders? She posts fake reviews? I smell a PL getting played big time. Have fun!
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