
Comments by Chanel (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Creepy Customers
    Customers can be creepy in many ways. A regular at our club likes to extract (negative) gossip from girls and then spread it at other clubs. What makes him creepy is how excited he gets when someone isn't doing well or is in trouble. He's also creepy because he will call girls over to talk to him while he waits for his CF. He won't buy a drink or tip-he's just trying to see how much he can get. I rarely cut people off, but I won't talk to him anymore. One day, I had a regular in the VIP and the creepy guy was sitting by himself at the other end. This isn't allowed but I didn't make a move to change the situation since my customer wasn't the shy type. I made sure to put on a good show.
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    11 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Top 5 ?
    top is 17, second best is 3 (imo)
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    11 years ago
    Just Ask
    Go ask Alice!
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    11 years ago
    Just Ask
    Asking for trouble?
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    11 years ago
    Strippers And Lube
    I knew a dancer several years ago who KY'd herself as standard practice before approaching customers who she knew liked to touch. Part of her shtick was to say "look how hot you got me!". Also, a few customers would bring their own lube and apply it to their dancer in the VIP. I used to have to check the table tops before I set customers drinks down, because they would often be smeared too. (It must have been some kind of party).
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    To the dancers that read TUSCL
    I became a lifetime paid member because I was interested in what customers were saying about our club and the dancers who worked there. Maybe I (or the club) could do something better than what we were doing. I'm in agreement regarding sham reviews just for membership. Fake participation doesn't add anything of value-it just subtracts since you've wasted your time reading it. (Unless it was funny). You hit on most of the concerns that I have as a dancer. In particular, I appreciate when reviewers aren't too explicit when describing 'activities' they participated in. Also, I support names being given when someone is ripped off since this hurts business for everyone. On 'that other board' SCL, sometimes saying something good about a dancer will unintentionally provoke a backlash by other dancers. They think the dancer is writing the comments about herself and counter with mean-spirited posts. I'm happy there isn't really a way to do that here (Yay)
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    What do you guys do when a stripper you don't care for asks for a tip after you
    The mindset of girls who ask for tips is that it's a way to get extra money. Some do it as a standard practice and others, not at all. Since dancing in Seattle, I've never asked for tips. Because of the laws here, people have to sit away from the stage, so tipping is not the norm. Working in clubs where people sit at a tip rail, most of the girls would go down the line and dance briefly for each person sitting there. Usually, they would tip. If they didn't, we would pull out our garter and smile as a not too subtle 'hint'. No one asked for tips off the rail though. We didn't want to risk offending customers. I've known a few that will ask for money, tips, anything they can get-even from people they know are other girl's customers. They do it because they get away with it. If you keep rewarding her, she will repeat the behavior. I agree with most of the other responses, politely say "No thanks" or "I'm waiting for someone." If she's brazen enough to ask "Who", You can say "I'll know her when I see her". She'll get the idea.
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    11 years ago
    Stripper Stereotypes-Update
    Lol, Juice. Being an 'old' school dancer, I don't have any pictures to post. The club is after me (and all the other dancers there) for photos to put on their website and facebook page. I'll try to put one on my profile soon.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Blond strippers
    @ Club_/Goer: A little off topic, but since you mentioned it, I also read Ball Four by Jim Bouton. (A blond that reads-yay). As for the term "snatch", some woman (60's maybe?) called me that when I had a few words with her regarding her non-stop complaining/nagging at her companion on the elliptical next to me. I just laughed.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    tough day bagging groceries today
    You don't get the employee discount on Depends?
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Immediate odd situation - timely feedback. appreciated
    Sounds like a double header (or more if she's good at lining them up). It's probably not be as sinister as a set up, but more of a way to get extra money for including the room with your activities. She may ask you for a tip since she provided the room on the (incorrect)theory that you're saving money. Of course someone else paid for it. Maybe she does this with your room too on the occasions that she stayed after you left.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Lucite Heels
    I read somewhere that customers prefer clear or silver heels over black ones. When I quit dancing four years ago, most girls wore the black platforms. When I returned to the Sands last November, almost every girl in the club had the clear Lucite type. Unfortunately for me, the sizing also changed so I can't wear them anymore. They really are more comfortable to walk around in because the soles are more cushion-y then regular shoes.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Stripper Stereotypes
    georgmicrodong, lol, I'll take credit for being polite but I didn't see that one. "Reading between the lines", my teacher used to say.
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    11 years ago
    Stage Tips
    Thanks everyone for your answers so far (and worded more politely than expected-lol).
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Seattle Club-Goers Beware: Dancer gone ballistic at Centerfolds
    Having worked at that club for over a year, my guess is that the dancer was Chris. Other dancers (whom I'm still friends with over there)confirmed that they had heard that Chris had an altercation with a customer a few days prior. It was NOT Mason. We are still in contact and keep each other up-dated on issues that could affect business. She is very concerned about customers and negative publicity. Although I liked Chris when working with her, she is known for having 'collection problems'. Miscounted dancers, price differences, etc. This often results in her wanting management to step in and get her money for her. She looks young but has been in the business several years-long enough to know how to avoid these arguments. I'm sorry for Froggy's bad experience.
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    11 years ago
    Cute Chick Cars
    Club_Goer, I guess it depends on which club you're going to. I worked at a club for ten years and the majority of the dancers had really great (and new) cars. Included were two BMW coupe convertibles, and a Mercedes coupe convertible. Favorite color was black which challenged us all to maintain our images by keeping our cars clean. (I was probably the only dancer who washed her own car-but then again, I was pulling up the rear in terms of brand name/cost).
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Word on the Web
    I forgot to mention that the two clubs I referenced are located in Seattle (in case anyone wondered).
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    11 years ago
    Word on the Web
    I discovered TUSCL and Strip Club List from another dancer on my shift in 2008 while working at the Sands. We were concerned because a co-worker was writing nasty comments about us while posing as a customer (on Strip Club List). We were also interested in reviews by customers and whether they were too explicit or not. We both became lifetime PAID members of TUSCL and I also became a member of SCL for three months. On SCL, members can remove up to three comments per day from the club comment section. It took me a while, but I removed most of the mean spirited, baseless comments about me written by that dancer. During that period, four of eight dancers(on our shift)in 2008 knew about the sites and escort review boards and we had to handle things ourselves regarding negative comments and too revealing reviews. Now, the owner (I'm back at the Sands) monitors the comment section of SCL and deletes negative comments. The girls don't need to be concerned anymore and most don't know about it. While at Centerfolds last year, several dancers knew about the sites because customers told them. I practically begged the owner to re-instate the club membership to remove the most vile comments-it made the club look so bad!! And it was embarrassing to work at a place people talked about like that!! Because the owner wouldn't pay the $100 to SCL, the comment site ran rampant with some of the worst comments I've read anywhere. I became a member for two months to remove a few things about friends but left the musings about the owner and the club itself. If he didn't care, I wasn't going to make the effort.
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    11 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    A Bank
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    11 years ago
    Funny Dancers
    I worked in a club where customers (and dancers) had to walk by the bar area when leaving the VIP room. Most of the girls hung out there when they weren't busy. After seeing satisfied smiles from several departing guys on a busy night, someone says "Another satisfied customer". Another pipes up; "Just like McDonalds, over a million served". Then another, "If these walls could talk" and then, "Good thing they can't".
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    When a stripper asks "what kind of girl do you like?" How do you answer?
    Maybe they aren't asking for physical preferences exactly. They might be angling for who you danced with before and who's dances you liked. Then they will know whether to move on or stay (also what kind of dancers to offer you). Instead of being offended, maybe think of it as a subtle reference system where you both could benefit.
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    11 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Being Stood Up by Strippers
    Regarding bills,if she lives in the same area as you, most likely electric, water, and cable are due probably around the same time as yours. And don't forget about the big one, RENT. I can't tell you how many times I've worked with frantic girls who are still trying to raise their rent money AFTER the first of the month.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    What do dancers think pants or shorts
    Many dancers don't like sweat pants, but I prefer them if they are allowed (some clubs have a dress code). The fabric is soft, yet thicker, and the waistband, elastic. My next preference would be pants with a softer fabric and no industrial strength zipper. Least favorite is the silky short with no underwear. Not to be too graphic, but I get to wondering how many people have sat, grinded, sweated, (and yes cum)on them if I'm not the first person dancing for that particular customer.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    City of Industry Clubs - Changes Coming
    It's interesting to read what's going on behind the scenes. I read the article referenced by you and then scrolled down a bit to see what else he had to say. I had never seen the Hound's Blog Spot before but the essay dated Tuesday April 2 sounds VERY similar to the club I left recently. (And for the same reason stated).
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Five Star Shill Review?
    Shadow, you're right-it does sound like that! It was posted today, written about DejaVu Dreamgirls on First Ave. So. I thought it may coincide with the KOMO article posted about the 'after work' stripper assault. (posted by Club_Goer). It said that the dancers involved worked at a club on first Avenue.