Joined Aug, 2013
Last Seen Jul, 2016
Front Room
9 years ago
Learning how to exploit new girls on cam can help you gain a edge and practise t
It's amazing the skill set I'm learning lol. It's also funny how you can go to the new girls on can and talk without pay them into doing things that...
Front Room
9 years ago
Do you sweat during a lap dance?
I usually do because I'm grinding and working just as hard as my dancer is. It truly looks like we are fucking. Dry fucking for sure. After 4-5songs the dancer...
Front Room
9 years ago
Fuck me in the pussy
If this doesn't say it then I don't know what does...
Front Room
9 years ago
Dont care to much with talking to dancers right now
In the current strip club cycle that I'm living in has very little talking with strippers. Unlike the me a few years back that craved table talk as well pillow...
Front Room
9 years ago
If strip clubbing was like wrestling
what would be your entro music as u walked in ?
this would be crazy joe lol
Front Room
9 years ago
its been to long since last time i paid my phone bill and got back on tuscl
haven't clubbed much since last you saw me. I'm back at the old piggly wiggly and got myself a promotion from bag boy to head cashier. ive been realy blessed...
Front Room
9 years ago
14 days str8 at day labour and i need a beer and a blow job
Yep old James has been working hard and long shifts at the day labour office doing odds and inns at various construction sites. 14 days in a row and a...
Front Room
9 years ago
just love big thick chocolate girls
Ain't nothing like laying long hard old dick into some young thick curvy ebony goddess
Sorry I've been gone for a min. I was backpacking through Alabama...
Front Room
10 years ago
kissing thread wit dem twist
I love when a dancer shoves her pussy in my face...i always sniff and give a little dfk....damn im a animal...
Front Room
10 years ago
not another kissing thread!!!
I must confess that i seek kissing just as hard as i do for extras...i once dropped $500 for 60 min of dfk...
Front Room
10 years ago
for my fans
Bagboyjames now has a Facebook page...if you are a true fan and would love to follow him pan handeling for lap dances and extras accross America pm me and i...
Front Room
11 years ago
money saving advice from a broke ass bastard
hey people on tuscl this is old james again and im still hard as ever. I found some real good money saving tips on drinks when you club. buy one...
Front Room
11 years ago
rock hard body gets me cheaper sex
don't mean to brag but I just feel the need to share from my pain the blessings the road has giving me. since I bag for a living and do...
Front Room
11 years ago
bagbboyjames reporting for dootie
sorry guys for not being around much. as I last left off I was in mexico but I have sold my rv and started walking the united states. ive walked...
Front Room
11 years ago
A LMN Tribute by the hardest person on earth
James woke up knowing that after a day of bagging groceries that tonight was the night. You see James has been saving for this and has it all plainer out...
Front Room
11 years ago
working real hard
Ever work so hard in one day just the thought of a slut taking that hard earned filler just piss you the fuck off ...