
Creepy Customers

Detroit strip clubs
Saturday, September 28, 2013 6:16 AM
While having drinks in the club, my CF said to me, "Don't look. That customer at the end of the bar is staring at us." Of course, I looked. A guy had turned around in his chair and was staring not at the dancers on stage but right at my CF and me. It creeped me out. Why would he watch us? My CF was fully clothed (for a stripper), and I don't usually elicit stares from men. The difference in our ages might have gained my CF and me some attention in a regular bar, but this was a strip club. Most of the customers are older dudes hanging around young women. So this customer was creepy. What creepy customers have you guys encountered?


  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    Usually when someone is starting at me, they are recognizing me from years ago. It is creepy. How would you like it if after ordering food and you sit down to eat, they come up to you and start talking? I had this happen on a recent trip. They said they remembered me. I did not remember them. I just wanted to eat. In another place, bar or club, some girl was staring at me. It can feel creepy.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    staring not starting, these autocorrect words can be annoying.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    A couple of years ago I was with my ATF in a semi private lap dance room at the Platinum Plus in Columbia. There were two other couples back there. When one song finished this dancer across from us left the room and the customer stayed behind. During the next song, this guy creeped us out by sitting there staring at us. Since he showed no signs of leaving we decided to cut things short and leave ourselves. As she was putting her stuff back on, the guy moved down to where the other couple was, pulled out his dick and started jerking off. At this point my ATF ran out of the room, partially dressed, and got a bouncer, who immediately escorted the guy to the door.
  • DoctorPhil
    11 years ago
    @shadowcat. was the guy chanting “repeal the 2nd amendment, confiscate and destroy all guns” while he beat off?
  • goodsouthernboy
    11 years ago
    Sorry jack, I couldn't help it. You're just so damn handsome.. Jk
  • rickdugan
    11 years ago
    I've seen RILs do that shit sometimes, as well as from other dudes who think it is the best way to get the attention of a dancer who has been sitting with me for a while. I used to see this every so often with my former club favorites in the northeast, who were hot as hell and had great interaction skills, so they tended to be in demand. However, since I tended to make their nights (combo ITC and OTC) when I visited, they often stayed by my side for large chunks of time. The RILs were the worst though and I witnessed some go so far as to move to sit close by and one would even lean against a nearby wall and stare. Some guys are just too fucking clingy/creepy/pathetic to be hanging out in strip clubs. Any guy who needs it that badly from one particular girl needs to grow a sack.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    Just walk by the creeper and fart. Then tell them to just relax and take a deeeeeep breath
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    Fight creepy with gas
  • Tiredtraveler
    11 years ago
    The guy must miss the old Bogarts. The open area with girl giving extras for the audience across the aisle where you were getting your lap dance.
  • kittykate
    11 years ago
    Please don't fight creepy with gas. Remember the innocent bystanders. At my current club there's a room that sells cheap, 90 second dances. We also have booths, VIP rooms and suites. Anyway, the cheap dances are not private, at all. The room is just kind of an offshoot from the main part of the club (with different music that plays the worlds shortest songs). Anyway, for whatever creepy reason, guys who are too cheap for the 90 sec dances will stand just outside the room and stare. Sometimes I try to shoo them away. Or tell them to f off. But they don't really care and our bouncer is freaking lazy. I find them really annoying and imagine that the customers do, as well. But whatever. All the more reason for custies to spring for a room.
  • goodsouthernboy
    11 years ago
    How much us a 90 second dance? That would be annoying to me...
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    You poor people sure get creeped out easily. Tsk, Tsk. OP: Maybe the guy was just bored and though you entertaining. LOL Indeed he might have been an old Bogies patron. ;) ;)
  • lopaw
    11 years ago
    I get this constantly. I block it out now and ignore it.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Likewise lopaw.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I try not to stare if I'm in a guy's line of sight. However if I see tits, I'm going to look. I especially try not to look too long at some dancers because if they spot me looking, they will often try to get dances. I know bi dancers like to check out other hot dancers because one of my favorites at one time used to be bi and she pointed out other dancers she thought were good looking.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    Of course I imagine dancers are somewhat used to people staring because it happens every time they go up on stage doesn't it? I have seen some dancers want to leave the stage if no one is watching.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    One of the first clubs I started doing to in the late 80's that acually had real fricton lap dancers, not just air dances, did not have a private dance area. Couches lined 3 walls of the room. Many tables were stuffed in the floor space. If you were sitting at some of the tables, you could almost reach out and touch the couches. Lap dances like that were relatively new, so some girls were a lot better than others. On one hand, this arrangement made it nice to see what girls gave the most mileage, but on the other hand, there were some guys that would stare right at you during the whole dance, rather than watch the stage. Pretty damn creepy. Everyone took discreet glances, but to stare -- how rude!
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    I've mentioned this guy before. I've seen one guy, maybe 5 or 6 times, at my favorite club. Picture the worst features of both Howard Stern and Alice Cooper and this dude is it. He is was scary looking creature. Straight out of some horror movie. He gives me the creeps.
  • Chanel
    11 years ago
    Customers can be creepy in many ways. A regular at our club likes to extract (negative) gossip from girls and then spread it at other clubs. What makes him creepy is how excited he gets when someone isn't doing well or is in trouble. He's also creepy because he will call girls over to talk to him while he waits for his CF. He won't buy a drink or tip-he's just trying to see how much he can get. I rarely cut people off, but I won't talk to him anymore. One day, I had a regular in the VIP and the creepy guy was sitting by himself at the other end. This isn't allowed but I didn't make a move to change the situation since my customer wasn't the shy type. I made sure to put on a good show.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    “… Why would he watch us? …” I would assume that your CF may have been his type and he probably wanted her and all he could do was to look/stare at her since she was w/ you. As has been said before – SCs are bizarro world and the normal/regular rules of society are often not exercised. I recall once while I lived in Dallas visiting a black dive in Arlington, TX – it was a dayshift visit and there were only 3 or 4 dancers and about 5 custies. I was getting some LDs in the empty LD room from a black dancer and there was a young black guy sitting by himself in the LD room and looking at us (actually her). The black dancer tells me after our LDs – “do you believe how he was staring – and he is my cousin”.
  • gawker
    11 years ago
    I was a high school English teacher in the 70's and I once had a dude approach me in the 2000's and tell anyone within earshot that I had flunked him 30 years ago. I. Told him to shut up and repeated that I didn't flunk him. He did it himself. I finally told him to get lost.
  • Lone_Wolf
    11 years ago
    I enjoy sitting at the bar buying drinks and doing shots with the baby-dolls. Inevitably, this often leads to interaction with other custies sitting at the bar. I've been surprised how many of these dudes lack any type of social skills or even a sense of humor. Sometimes, they are filled with hate or have some other emotional/mental issue. I'm unsure how these ladies deal with it every day.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    Somewhat related: I was with my ATF in Las Vegas one time. We were at the Hooters Hotel, seated at the bar. She leaned over to me to tell me, "There's a guy staring at us, over your left shoulder." I took a quick peak only turning my eyes and with just a slight turn of my head. He was staring, but probably in disbelief that a guy my age could have such a young beautiful woman as a companion. I told her, "If I was in that guy's place, I'd be staring at us too." She looked so good that night, that she was upstaging the Hooters waitresses. But, the whole experience wasn't "creepy."
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Do these, in your opinion, social inept patrons STARE at you Lone_Wolf? How do you know they are filled with hate or that they have emotional or mental issues? Do they tell you that? Or are you making an assumption?
  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
    ^ @Alucard - His assessment was pretty accurate. Staring isn't creepy, stalking is creepy. Creepy customer that somehow manages to find me at random places around the city is creepy.
  • grand1511
    11 years ago
    Years ago I was getting dances from my CF at the time when she suddenly got all tense. A guy who had been stalking her was pacing back and forth by the VIO entrance. She told me she was just going to keep dancing but I didn't have to pay her (yes, too good to be true, But that's what happened.) There was no way she was leaving that room until she knew stalker dude was out of the building. Finally a bouncer came by, she told him what was going on and he kicked into action. We briefly saw the club bouncers dragging the guy out. And then my CF wanted just to hangout and cuddle for a while to settle back down. It all worked out great for me until it was time to leave the club and I suddenly realized her stalker could now be stalking me. Never went so fast to my car in my life leaving a club!!!
  • ididthisonce
    11 years ago
    Three times. Three creeps and three different girls. Two of the girls ended up getting restraint orders against the creeps for stalking. I think the guys were jealous and trying to stare us down. Not a free show but for intimidation. BTW - according to the ladies, even the court order didn't detour the stalking. All I can honestly attest to is the weird experience in the club. The rest is the dancer's story. My gut tells me they had previously taken the creep's money and led him on about having a relationship. When she tried to break it off, the guy was already obsessed. Remember there are always two side to every story.
  • kittykate
    11 years ago
    I always think customers staring at each other is weird. I wouldn't go to the Olive Garden and stare down some guy, sitting at the next table. Anyway, to answer the question about the 90 sec lapdance, they are basically a scam (designed by management--NOT me). The dances are 1/4 the price of a booth dance, so customers think they are a good deal. The dancers will keep dancing until the are asked to stop. It's very easy to get a guy to "accidentally" rack up 14 dances at once. When you look at the math, the booths are way better b/c you get 10 minutes, plus 2 way contact. The 90 sec songs are only 1 way contact. But, the 90 sec dances are super easy to sell because of the price. A lot of guys do get really mad when they realize they owe for 15 songs. But, there's a camera in there that can prove how many songs you got and there's a big, scary dude who will make you pay for them, so...
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Creepy are the three assholes at Midas that where giving my 16 year old niece the "fuck me eyes". She dropped off her Mini Cooper to get the brakes fixed and my sister had me pick her up. I get there and I could FEEL the CREEPY vibe. These pervs where giving my niece the up and down one two many times. The oldest looking dude must've been around 50 and looked like a child molesting mariachi. I actually had to have some words with homeboy. It is not cool to creep out teenage girls.
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    Oh, don't bring up Midas.... Let's just say they ain't my favorite biz ness
  • ididthisonce
    11 years ago
    Slick - go to the flea market + get you an old or fake police shield and flash to the jerks. I do it occasionally when someone gives me the finger on the freeway. They have always backed off.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    “… to answer the question about the 90 sec lapdance, they are basically a scam (designed by management--NOT me …” “… dancers will keep dancing until the are asked to stop. It's very easy to get a guy to "accidentally" rack up 14 dances at once …” Per KKs honest posts – I hope I never set foot in her club or "accidentally" comes across her.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    @Ididthisonce-Great Idea. @Moto-Does Howard Cooper or Aice Stern come into the club with a Python draped on his shoulders?
  • kittykate
    11 years ago
    The trick to the "accidentally" part is to give a so-so dance for 70 seconds, then grind like your life depends on it for the last 20, at which you point you moan something like "you feel so good, baby. Please... I want more. Let me keep going... Oh god. Mmmm." When you get that head nod, you go back to the so-so style of lapdancing. Rinse and repeat. Most of the girls I work with are better than this than I am. I've never gotten past 25 dances. Some girls can keep fools back there for hours. (A sexy Latina girl once kept a guy going for 5 straight hours. We were all very impressed and our house mom gave her free hair for a week.) I prefer to just sell the expensive shows. Then I don't have to hustle while I'm dancing. I get the $ in one chunk and I'm done.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "Per KKs honest posts – I hope I never set foot in her club or "accidentally" comes across her" RIGHT on Papi! Likewise as far as I'm concerned.
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    kittykate, don't reveal all your secrets. You dancers need to keep your air of mystery.
  • kittykate
    11 years ago
    Aww, really? I'm super bummed.
  • kittykate
    11 years ago
    Eh... A few people here could use a little reality. Plus, while trying to hustle shows, I often explain to my customers that the mini dances are a rip off, but they don't want to commit to a real dance, so they do them anyway. I could wear a neon sign that says, "I will not fuck, suck, or perform sex acts of any kind. I will take your money and send you home frustrated and broke, without taxi fare," and guys would still hound me for dances and extras. Like I said, men can only use one head at a time.
  • DandyDan
    11 years ago
    This seems to happen to me in dive bars where most of the people are sitting at the bar drinking and there's me and maybe a couple other people sitting at the stage, watching the strippers. I think most of the time when they are creepy like that, they're just drunk. One time, though, one of these drunks tried to con me into giving him a ride home, even going so far as to go into the rest room when I had to go. That was enough, so I left.
  • gatorfan
    11 years ago
    One customer had body parts in his bag but he did tip the girls.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    @ gator-How many digits?
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    I will often look at other dancers, table dancing or in a sexy outfit, if the stage dancer is not my type. I was at the club once with two former dancers (at that club). One got a table dance which became more of a lap dance. Two guys at the next table tipped the dancer (politely). Kinda the point of an SC that it's the exception to the rule of not staring intently at a beautiful woman. The creeps are the ones who don't know any of the rules of not being a creep: don't talk shit; don't hoot at someone, even if you did just catch sight of their pussy; don't talk to other custies you don't know, or at least take a hint if your bugging them.
  • gatorfan
    11 years ago
    How many digits you need? I can ask
  • curiositycat
    11 years ago
    While sitting close to and with my arm around my CF, a drunk customer creepily came up to us, sat right next to her and proceeded to give us the third degree of our relations and asking if we were interested in going home with him. Another time I went out to the smoke area for some fresh air and was stared at by this guy the whole time. He eventually came up to me and started hitting on me and telling me that I was too pretty to like girls.. I was like WTF, and went back inside to like more girls despite him lol
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    Kittykate I'm not gonna lie. I'm starti g to doubt your honesty as even a stripper. Because now half the shit your spewing out is downright outlandish. Assuming private booth is vip, most vip cost more in the same time you get a certain amount of lap dances on the floor. VIP usually never is worth less than lap dances in the same varied time. And I'm assuming you DON'T work in the exception strip clubs according to your posts.
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    @kittykate Either your lying or you have some real dumb ass apatrons. How could they not question the validity of how grinding on pants while the girl has panties on (cloth on cloth no skin touching), even feel good. I would stop you right there and tell you to leave with as much apathetic tone in my voice. Anyone SHOULD be able to tell your just giving a bad sales pitch at this point. While papi and alucard don't want to be around you, don't hope to bump into me, I won't be the easy going sucker. I have kicked women (figuratively) out my face for bullshit air dances before within the first 30-45 seconds.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I once had a stripper stalk me in the strip club, even secretly watching me in the lap dance room. When she first introduced herself she said she knew me from years ago. I could not remember her at all. She even claimed there was a picture of me in a bar where I used to live. I didn't even know that. After she talked me into sleeping with her, she told me she remembered the very first time she ever saw me. That was over a decade ago. The last time I saw her she claimed to have a new boyfriend but said she still has a right to play with or suck my dick. I refused to give her my number and haven't been back to the club she was working at. I was thinking she is crazy enough to show up at my house.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    It was an extremely large strip club where you could easily lose someone or never even see them.
  • sharkhunter
    11 years ago
    I meant to say the dancer claimed to remember the first time she saw me which was over a decade ago. She said she was 16 and not even a dancer yet. Seemed kind of creepy saying you remember someone from that long ago. She even said she danced for me before. Made me feel like my memory from over 10 years ago is gone. I do not remember a lot of random dancers though especially after several years. Someone coming up out of the blue saying they remember you and you don't remember them at all can be creepy. Especially if they seem to know little details like there is a picture of you in some bar somewhere.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    If you believe the strippers on this site, the typical guy would pay $1000 to see a girl's belly button. If you believe the custies on this site, the typical stripper would take anything up the bunghole for $100 if it was smaller than a breadbox.
  • Lone_Wolf
    11 years ago
    Just keeping it real here but what is being spewed by kittykate reminds me of the delusional BS expressed on Stripperweb. She doesn't do extras but makes bank every night off of fools willing to spend hundreds from just grinding and taking advantage of PL's wanting a BJ. Perhaps this is true in some SC tourist traps in Vegas but the BS would be short lived in the clubs I frequent
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    "Just keeping it real here but what is being spewed by kittykate reminds me of the delusional BS expressed on Stripperweb" I couldn't have expressed it much better. BRAVO!!! Perhaps KK should take her delusional BS elsewhere.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    I think KK gets off on stirring the pot on TUSCL.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    ^^^ that can be said of many members. LOL
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    KK and Duo seem to exhibit pretty typical dancer thinking to me. The P4P dancers that many members here seem to regard as typical sound more like lower-fee escorts to me. Most of us have a few dancers that are our favs and we are there regulars. That's a different ball of wax. I think the things KK is saying that get people torqued are more about how non-regulars get treated by dancers. When your sweet little fav is dealing with some custy who spends more on beer than dances, she is probably his worst ROB nightmare.
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