
Comments by Chanel (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Have you ever asked a dancer weird questions without trying to freak her out?
    I have to respectfully disagree with the comments regarding replacement of implants simply based on the length of time a person has had them in. Several plastic surgeons have told me that they don't need to be taken out if there is nothing wrong with them. Most women have more breast surgeries because of: 1. Dis-satisfaction with size. 2. Formation of scar tissue causing pain 3. Dis-figuration because of placement, or the wrong implant for her body type. I've been told that each additional augmentation lowers the chances of the surgery coming out right (for lack of a better words). Dancers tend to not be easily satisfied with the outcome and want more/better. I'm an older dancer in my forties and have had original implants for over twenty years. I got them before I started stripping. They still look great and I'm still happy I got them.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    SC Bartenders
    "Why is the bartender or doorgirl often the hottest chick in the club?" It's pretty much designed that way. Clubs hire the cutest girls for waitresses, door people, and bartenders hoping that they will observe the dancers making alot of cash and then want some of it themselves. It's a grooming process that readies a fresh pool of talent. The newest and hottest girls get the best earning shifts and if they don't become dancers, they're pushed out by receiving shifts with lower earning potential. The Talents Wests clubs (Ricks, Sugars, Honeys, and Foxes)were known for this approach.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Jukebox ?
    There's a jukebox at the club I'm currently working at. However, there's no payment required to play songs. Girls put in a specific song for their stage show and then announce the dancer getting off stage before them. (Which requires learning everyone's names to keep track of your place in the rotation). During slow periods with no customers, the music plays randomly without songs being chosen. The sound system is good and the club clean and classy-not a dive.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Large-size condoms
    Motorhead: "I find using a plastic shopping bag fits me about right. And re-cycleing them is great for the environment". How many times do you re-cycle them?
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    12 years ago
    Being the only person in the club
    I like it when it's just me and one customer in the club-IF they are buying dances. I can give 'better' dances without prying eyes and gossiping people around. I love good conversation but in an empty club, it's a wasted opportunity for fun in my opinion.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are escorts turning to stripping or are strippers turning to escorting?
    "Just look at the photos on BP and you will notice most of the girls are posing in stripper wear, especially shoes" (Otto22). This is funny because stripper shoes get trashed so quickly from working at a club, they wouldn't be fit for photos. The pretty shoes in those phots have probably not been wrapped around a pole or banged on a stage. I'm not disputing that some of the dancers escort, but many girls in adult businesses wear those shoes. Cam girls, bikini baristas...
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Them Honest Stripper Stories
    Doc, I have a pretty good story; My first year dancing, a Japanese businessman left behind one of those 'man purses' on the chair when he left the club. I saw it from the stage, snatched up, and looked inside. There was an inch thick of crisp, new one hundred dollar bills! The kind you can smell and makes a dancer's heart beat through her chest-fake boobs and all. I knew he would come back for it so, I turned it into the bar and I made sure I had several witnesses, including the owner. Good thing because he did come back with two uniforms in tow. They talked to me, the owner, and the witnesses. Turns out the bartender was missing in action-he went home early and took the purse with him. The man got his money back, but he didn't thank me for rescuing it. I never saw the bartender agiain.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    phone numbers
    Joey, did you mean Psych 101? I'm thinking that you're not telling us everything. A fake number means that you were probably annoying your dancer with repeated requests and she was trying to shut you up.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The Direct Approach
    I mean that sincerely - the helping out part that is. I've been in the business long enough to know that happy customers return to the club (and sometimes tell their friends).
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The Direct Approach
    I will usually not give any specific information about another girl or her dances for a couple of reasons. Most want to be in control of what information givien to guys in the club and may get 'touchy' (not in the way you like) after discovering another dancer is talking about them-even if it's promotional. Also, recommending an extras girl to LE could get that person in more trouble than the person doing the dance. ("Attempting to promote" I think). So,to keep the drama to a minimum, I usually keep quiet and resist the temptaion to help out.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Stripper Boyfriends - Reloaded
    This is probably the funniest thread I've read ANYWHERE. Between Motorhead's list of applicable attributes of a Stripper Boyfriend, and HonestT's recap of the conversation with an ATF, I was laughing so hard! The original post was humorous too.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Dancers pissing you off? Close the Club!
    After working in small neighboorhood types of clubs for a number of years, I can see why the owner would be tired of the drama. Only a certain percentage is exposed to customers-most of it stays behind the scenes, but it's NEVER-ENDING. It can be so draining. In a large club there are more guys to focus on, making it is easier to ignore. In a smaller club, everything is noticed. I hope things work out for the owner. In my area, I don't think anyone would consider that option though because the license is valuable.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    monthly budget?
    Since I opened the door, I should probably explain that the customer was mad at me for declining the hotel invitation and thus my bad attitude. I should have kept that part out of the discussion and I apologize to anyone I've offended.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    monthly budget?
    Snowtime, you're right, it was somewhat negative regarding the rich guy spending $120 per month. I guess I'm still put off by his expecting me to go to a hotel with him. (It was recent). Normally, I wouldn't feel slighted toward someone spending any amount of money on me. Anyway, I tried to give an honest answer and describe the general financial situation of the individual. (FWIW)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    monthly budget?
    I can't match the totals of Stilleto's customers (I wish!) but, here is a breif listing of some of mine: I have a customer who I share with two other dancers. He spends $450 per week between the three of us, so approximately $1800 per month. He's not rich, just unhappy at home. I have another who spends $800 per month, he's not rich either. Then, there is the guy who owns multiple waterfront properties, and has no wife or kids to account to. He's old and LOADED but I guess he wants to take it with him. He spends $60 bi-weekly, so $120 per month. He recently got miffed with me for declining his nice Motel 6 offer. It'll be interesting to see what others have to say.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Where can you make the most money as a dancer?
    I'm glad you asked your question here first because the answers were interesting. I agree with the suggestions to check out Stripper Web I would like to caution you though about re-posting your question on 'The Pink Site' without re-wording it a little. I remember a dancer getting flamed for saying she didn't mind doing extras. This was a couple of years ago and her question was very similiar to yours. She said she had worked at Ricks in Seattle before it was closed. (Since I've worked at some of the same clubs she did I was wondering if I knew her). There are alot of new dancers on the site with a more realistic outlook who aren't so quick to judge, but just in case, you may not want to go there. Good luck with everything!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Why No OTC?
    I agree with the safety and psycological reasons. Inside the club, it's more of a fantasy, while outside, it would be too realistic. I would feel too awkward to meet someone at a hotel, etc. so I always decline. In my area, OTC is very common though. A lot of dancers I knew in the past made no secret about the fact that they saw customers at a well known hot tub place (it's now closed).
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    whats to high for lap dances ?
    Snowtime, sorry to point out the obvious, but you would be paying for a hotel, transportion, and food just to save money in lap dance expenditures. I suggest that people should support their local dancers so the money stays in the area (at least most of it). Joking aside, sometimes dance prices depend on what the club owners charge the girls to work. I've paid anywhere from $40 to $150 a shift and that doesn't include tips, and other fees which can run $200+. The dances were $40 at the most expensive and 2 for $30 at the least expensive. Years ago, most of the dances were $10, $20, and $30 at the Talents West clubs and increased as the rents to us increased. But their clubs were busy so there was oportunity. Some dancers will be reasonable with customers and offer deals in return for repeat business or multiples. Then again, if you bargain to hard, it coan be a turn-off.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Paying for "Time"
    I agree with Stiletto's comments. Alot of customers hang around the club for hours and then decide they want dances right before closing. All things being equal, how do you decide who to dance for when demand is high? I know of dancers who double their prices during that time and I don't blame them. This dancer was aware of her value and wasn't shy about asking.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Rock of Ages?
    I went to see it and loved it. (and no it wasn't because of the same sex scene). I really like musicals and watching people dance. Julianne Hough was a favorite on "Dancing with the Stars" and I was curious if Tom Cruise could sing(he can). The real surprise for me, was Malim Akerman-her scenes with Cruise's character almost stole the movie! My favorite TV show is "So You Think You Can Dance" and a judge and choreograper of the show is the director of this movie. I didn't know until recently that he's directed other hit films also. So there were alot of reasons I was curious to see it and loving eighties music didn't hurt either.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Good Reviews by a Dancer
    I was talking about a different board and using another name over there. I have only one name here. Sorry for the confusion.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Good Reviews by a Dancer
    On the pink side there is a frequent poster with the Tempest666 handle. She is expresses herself well so I'm wondering if it's the same person. (I also post but under a different name).
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    OMG, pink side provides even more entertainment
    I read his other post on SW which was very long and detailed. He states that he/she was a former dancer so now I'm not as sure of gender. Either he/she made a mistake signing up(with the blue ribbon)or mis-represented himself as a former dancer. The other post sounds like it was professionaly written from a manual.