
What do dancers think pants or shorts

Friday, April 19, 2013 12:19 PM
There is a previous discussion about what we all wear. What do the girls think. After all getting the girl you want to do what you want is the name of the game is it not? What feed back have you gotten. I would be interested to hear what dancers think of SC attire. I have had dancers especially nude clubs tell me they do not like blue jeans and prefer dress or docker type pants. They are much easier on the parts rubbing on your leg. I have never asked gotten much feed back about shorts as I seldom where them


  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    I wear black thin sweat pants that look like regular slacks – but I do go commando. Often times I do get a somewhat surprised reaction from the dancer if she notices I am commando – kind of a “I can’t believe you are not wearing underwear” kind of a look. I often joke about it if they make a comment – I’ll say something along the lines of “I was wearing underwear but I tripped on something on my way into the club and they fell off”. They (dancers) kind of shake their head (makes me think they (dancers) think I am so kind of perv). Having said this – they are often glad to keep on dancing and grinding away on me as long as I am buying LDs.
  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
    Never, ever wear blue jeans if you want a good grind. I'm not chafing my delicate lady parts for anyone's pleasure but my own. I don't really mind "lap dance pants" (sweats, etc), but if you think you're going to bust in your pants wear a god damned condom because if it gets on my leg I'm shaking you down for $20 tip and good luck stopping me.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    ^ So – should a dancer then give a custie a discount when she leaves a wet spot on the custie?
  • Chanel
    11 years ago
    Many dancers don't like sweat pants, but I prefer them if they are allowed (some clubs have a dress code). The fabric is soft, yet thicker, and the waistband, elastic. My next preference would be pants with a softer fabric and no industrial strength zipper. Least favorite is the silky short with no underwear. Not to be too graphic, but I get to wondering how many people have sat, grinded, sweated, (and yes cum)on them if I'm not the first person dancing for that particular customer.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    The answer to all this concern able clothes & what's on them is for both dancer & customer to be naked. LOL
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    I always wear nylon shorts and go commando. The comments that I get from dancers is always good. "You're a guy that knows what he wants", etc. The ones that don't like it, don't say anything. They just avoid me. Which is alright with me. That way I don't have to waste my time on them.
  • GoVikings
    11 years ago
    duomaxwell- Although I was wearing jeans the day we met, I don't normally do that. I usually wear my T-Mac Addidas basketball shots. But ever since your club stopped allowing customers to wear shorts, I've had to resort to jeans because that's all I have. :( This shit sucks. I can't believe the nerve of your new general manager. You should try to convince him to change the dress code back to the way it use to be. And if not, you'll just have to make it up to me next time. ;)
  • carolynne
    11 years ago
    pants or shorts... doesn't matter, although ***fashion tip, guys*** most men look a hell of a lot better in pants. Big hairy legs... ugh. duo is certainly right about jeans... do u want me to give u a hj with sandpaper?
  • gatorfan
    11 years ago
    Wear a thong it will make her feel better she's not the only one wearing one
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    When I wear a suit to the club the dancers always compliment me.
  • duomaxwell
    11 years ago
    @govikings - You aren't the first person to complain about all of the changes. I'd try and talk some sense into him, but since he likes to refer to us as "lazy bitches" I doubt I'd get anywhere. Between him and the new DJ I'm about ready to blow my brains out. @papi_chulo - if the wet spot is pee, yes.
  • she_is_covfefe
    11 years ago
    Go and read the pink side.
  • jerikson40
    11 years ago
    Personally, I think that a really CARING customer would first ASK the dancer what she prefers. Face it, not all dancers are the same, and we should be mindful of individual preferences. Because we're there NOT for our own selfish pleasures, we're at the club to not only pay the dancers, but also to please them and make them feel good and comfortable. So I recommend that you keep a fairly comprehensive wardrobe in your car, and ask each dancer what she prefers. If necessary, go out to the car and change. One dancer might not like seeing your hairy legs in shorts, another might prefer dress slacks, and another might prefer a slightly softer fabric. Geezus, who the fuck cares what the dancer thinks ??? Wear what you want, if she doesn't like it then fuck her, move on to the next one. She's the one who loses, not you.
  • deogol
    11 years ago
    What? None of you guys goin around "pants on the ground?" LOL
  • 10inches
    11 years ago
    I usually wear a pair of worn/soft dockers while going commando. girls seem to like the soft material and minimal zipper. never had one complain about no underwear as they can get in the way when she undoes the zipper to reach in to pull out Mr. Happy !!!
  • Estafador
    11 years ago
    suits are boring. There's no real style or flair. Now if you jazz up a dressy look to be fashionably fit with some pants with suit like fabrics, that's cool. I plan to do that for mi birthday. Shorts aren't allowed in ANY club in NY state so I'm stuck with pants. I started wearing dockers or non jeans ever since I first came to this site since I hear girls don't like the jeans, but it's really hard to find pants out there with fabric comfortable for me and the girl without having to use dockers or suit pants. Still, either way no matter what Im wearing, I always have a girl telling me my dick is SOOOOO hard. Not sure why they do that. wouldn't ANY guy's dick, young or old be hard. Or is it because I'm big? That's the real question.
  • crazyjoe
    11 years ago
    Try wearing body paint and going comando
  • 3LeggedMan
    11 years ago
    One time a dancer playing with my waistband asked what kind of underwear do you have on? I said "none". She said "oh good then I'll just go through the zipper" A good time was had by all.
  • goodsouthernboy
    11 years ago
    Esta, try a pair of linen pants. Super soft yet somewhat stylish. Only drawback is it wrinkles like a bitch. Shouldn't be a problem when you're clubbing at night or going home afterwards. I get away with seer suckers but I've heard that's more of a southern thing.
  • Papi_Chulo
    11 years ago
    “… Try wearing body paint and going comando …” Nice!!! – never would have thought of that one myself!!!
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