Comments by minnow (page 92)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Where can I find my kind of strip club away from Texas
    nf- Exactly what is "your kind of club" ? What are your standards for being fat ? My last visit to Austin over 5 years ago to Sugars wasn't like the way you describe it now. I recall a rather hodgepodge mix of tatted "alternative" dancers, hot latinas, and big titted blondes. I recall a fair number of the later in Austin, and Dallas clubs. Texas seems to have a larger number of large dancers who look hot, and maybe could lose 7-10 lbs. But repulsively fat ??? I just want to get a handle on your frame of reference before making suggestions. I've seen my share of the later in Midwest clubs, and even lower end clubs elsewhere. Still, I'd second going to some of the top Phoenix area clubs like BSC, Christies, and Babes. If lack of alcohol isn't an issue with you, several So. Cal. nude juice bars would fit your bill.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Customers, What Kind of Stage Names Do You Prefer? Outrageous, porn star-esque
    As shadowcat said. By a large margin, my faves used regular girl names, vs over the top names. I see by your ommision of car names in your examples that you're smart enough to realize that such names only belong on cars. Please feel free to post more pics. BTW, welcome to site, Candy doesn't seem too over the top stripperish to me....
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How much do you spend for ATF to sit all shift with you?
    r77 and j40: Welcome back to the real world. Even a stripclub (those places where hot women who wouldn't pay you any heed in a "regular club/bar will fawn all over you [for $$] ) aren't totally exempt from real world rules/nuances. Yes, even in stripclubs, desired object of interest can and will be "taken". I'm not a true whale- my focus in a club falls between j40 and Alucard. In my time with tuscl,I've seen very few people allude to, much less admit to being a whale (or a fuckoe as bandied about on another site). Those who do will probably tell you to f^*k yourself for seeking info on spending levels. As for why it happens, it takes 2 to tango. Dancers are human, and will sometimes take a little less money for less perceived aggravation of pursuing an additional ammount of unknown income with unknown customers. So, to answer r77 1st 2 questions, my guess would be 50% or more of dancers average shift income. As to why a guy would hang out in club and monopolize a dancer for whatever reason (especially OTC action)- I'd speculate that some degree of ego tripping is at play, but so what? Life goes on, any ammount of wishing or teeth gnashing isn't going to tear dancer away from regular. Either find another dancer, or cut losses by trying another club, or different hours where percentage of regulars is lower. Been there, done that.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Tuscle hall of fame
    "How junior high is this" (mmdv26) Did it occur to anyone that OP may only have a junior high education?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I have an afinity for spinners.
    Steering things back towards a lighthearted vein.................... My preference falls between shadows, and motorheads. I'm "EO" with sizes- have happily bought multiple repetitive dances with dancers between ~ 5'2" and 6'3". Plenty of "sweet prospects between ~ 100 and 150 lbs. (OK, maybe one good one was 155-160 lbs). I've had a lanky 5'9" who weighed less than a buxom 5'3". A lot to go around............... SC, I'm getting worried about your tiny size preferences. Does that mean trading in your Mustang for a Miata or Smart Car is next on your list??
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Happy 4th of July!
    Stopping before lighting off some fireworks to wish all tusclers a Happy 4th of July! May your flags fly at "full mast"!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Mother Daughter Dancers
    I've "knowingly" met one team at Mons Venus a few years ago, not sure if its still going on. They both actually appeared on sydicated talk show (Maury Povich, I think). I've not met, but been aware of a couple at 2001 via website. Later 2 teams lasted a few months, Mons team lasted at least 3 years. We've all probably had club visits where oldest dancer was old enough to be several dancers mom.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    What was this?
    Handing over my license to a stripclub employee to be scanned is a non-negotiable item for me along with mandatory valet parking for my own car. (exception made for rentals). I've already walked away from 2 "membership type" clubs that scanned license on to membership card. When registering in some hotels on own time and dime, some want to see license. A few years ago, one scanned the barcode, but that was to expedite putting name/address in vs manually typing info on to registration. That may be individual hotel policy. Obviously, banks, loan cos., airlines, rental car counter, and some doctor offices need to see license. Few scan or make copy of it. A stripclub doing it = no go for me...........
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    You Homo
    vm- I guess we crossed wires here- your comment in post just after OP's seemed reactionary to me. I assumed that by posting in that manner you at least had an itching desire to make a snappy comeback to a dancer. Pardon me for this misconception, and also for making the impression in some minds that I somehow relish getting sucked into p#@!^ing contests with dancers.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    You Homo
    vince: Good comeback line, please let us know how it works irl. gator: Good vid, for a moment, I thought you'd link that infamous "angel vs devil" scene from Animal House. ( Pintos' paased out date in "Animal House"). I was called a pig for telling a garter holding fully clothed dancer in a nude club "If you want to see some cash, you need to show some gash."
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    6 out of the last 10 TUSCL articles have been by dancers. Why?
    SC- I hear you. In all fairness, free membership is at least ONE of the reasons why we submit reviews. Of all the reviewers out there, only a fraction ever post on DB. But, yes, the example you cite was an unapologetic fluff post from a dancer who essentially said- "Hi there, I'm a dancer who likes to milk $$ from young drunk unsophisticated horny soldiers on payday".
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Angry and retiring
    Good vid clip, steve. OP: I'm not sure what you were looking for here. If you were looking for sympathy, you'll find it between "shit" and "syphilis" in the dictionary.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Best clubs for ITC Extras in DFW
    Good Rates: The Holiday Inn Express on Northwest Highway near Men's Club. You might have to pay extra for a fridge in room. You do get free high speed internet there, so you can jack off to porn if you don't get lucky. My thoughts are that you should eschew clubs, and try to pick up off work dancers at the Waffle House. Why pay for overpriced drinks at club when there's a nearby convenience store for cheap booze. Dancer will likely be impressed with your stock of chilled drinks in your deluxe room. But, if you still have a hankering for the clubs, the guy to see in the Lodge is a 6'8" 300 lb. dude. ( Is that right Rick ?)
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How fast do you go?
    Went 137 in a Mustang, 140 - 150 in different Vettes. On a wet road, I can be as conservative as a finicky grandmother. As for that crotch rocket driver doing 193 wet: I hope he had ~450 psi tires on his bike, because that is what it would take to have a ~193 mph onset of hydroplaning.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Tesla Crowley
    Fake or Natural?
    I favor moderately large natural breasts. That said, I've bought multiple repetitive dances/VIP's from pert natural to enhanced 38D's. I look for other attributes besides breasts in choosing a fave dancer.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    You tip a dancer, tell her you're interested in a dance and she still does NOT s
    Merely saying one is interested in a dance is a bit open-ended, should be more specific, like " are you available for a dance with me when you finish your set?" Mostly, will get a "yes", or "I'm already with someone, I'll get you when I finish". But, even then, after a yes answer, a few still flake out, or say they'll be back in dressing room for "a few minutes", and just disappear. IME, the flakeouts generally happened on a crowded night. So, my theories are either a flakeout by dancer, or she doesn't really want to dance with OP for some reason.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Dress Codes
    The only dress code issue I've experienced several years ago is a L.A. club refusing to let me in wearing a baseball cap. I just put it in my car, and went in. Maybe having an out of town strip club name on it had something to do with it.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Do you hear strip clubs ads on the radio in your area?
    I've heard stripclub ads on various hard rock genre stations in some areas. The ads are mostly geared towards happy hour specials, or feature performers. I haven't made any of my personal club visit decisions based on radio ads.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    This is the first time that I have heard of a womans room troll.
    How would you know, motorhead? At stripclubs, there's a female restroom attd. at 4 Play (Los Angeles). I recall there being one at a high end Chicago steak house.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    How Much would You Loan your ATF?
    Snake and Rick nailed it. As I'm not a bank, I like the idea of "earning oppurtunity" better.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Strippers in Public
    Fellas, you need to go to THE MALL. You know, the one with a bejillion stores, including some with the likes of Macys, Bloomingdales, Victoria'a Secret, a dozen shoe stores, etc. I've walked from one end of the mall to the other. I don't have enough digits to count the number of women I've seen who are hotter than 75% of the strippers out there (maybe some of them ARE [or were] strippers ). Jerkison, you are truly a mix of Shakespeare and Spillane..........
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    I hope lap dances are included in these new fees
    Shadowcat, resident vampire, etal: No, SCREW Ryanair. It is Ceo's with the mindset towards customers & employees vs the bottom line that make todays travel a pita. My attempt at "linking" didn't work- go to In YT search, type in "Ryan Air Long-haul flights have blowjobs included!" Don't just stop there, read comments, and search other related vids on same page which includes airline wanting to charge customers to use the toilet.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What good is a review based on very old information?
    Good board policing, shadowcat. Your original question raises another one, namely how far back would you go for reading reviews for a scouting report on a potential club ? If it is a club with a lot of reviews, like Mons Venus, or some high profile Vegas clubs, I'll go back maybe 3 months. For a club with few reviews, I don't go back much further than a year. ( say, 12-15 months, tops.) OTOH, I've gone back to some of my Mons reviews dating back to 2006. Save for a minor interior remodel ~ 2010, they'd be just as valid today insofar as dancer attractiveness, laps, mileage, cover and drink charges, etc. However, if a club suddenly changes venue/private dance options or significantly raises prices tommorow, all bets are off for validity of reviews prior to change. Still, I enjoy occasionally going way back on some club/ individual member submitted reviews just for some historical perspective/entertainment value.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Despite the constant negative press covfefe.
    Pregnant dancers
    Edit to prior post: Should have added: "in 2 cases (1 pregnant dancer, 1 pregnant attendant) got a lot of private cam requests, and videos made for rent.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Despite the constant negative press covfefe.
    Pregnant dancers
    I don't find obviously pregnant dancers to be appealing. (Eg- I don't ***specifically*** seek them out for shows or dances.) IMHO, FWIW. That said, pregnant dancers do appeal to some patrons. One club has website with dancers on it. In 2 cases ( 1 dancer, 1 attendant) got a lot of "hits" for private webcam sessions. As in being ~ in top 3 in monthly demand.