
You Homo

Detroit strip clubs
Yesterday I was relaxing at my table in the club with a cold $8.75 beer. A young dancer I didn't know stopped and asked if I would like a dance. I politely said no thanks. As she walked away she muttered, "You homo."

I thought this was a rather strange remark. I haven't heard the slur "homo" used in a long time, and gays have now gained general acceptance, especially among young people. And would a "homo" hang out in a non-gay strip club? I wasn't even offended because I know I'm not gay. She could have come up with a better insult.

Have any of you gotten a better insult from a dancer?


  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    No, but I think the dancer is a stupid cunt.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    It's like calling someone/something gay or someone a faggot. Isn't an implication they are homosexuals but have new meanings now. Cocksucker is another good one but not be confused with implying the person is a homosexaul.

  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    Once in a great while a desperate black chick will accuse me of being a racist for saying no thanks.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Yep the angry black girls can be particularly vile even by stripper standards. I just say excuse me I'm late for my KKK meeting.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    I've not been insulted in a manner like this by a Dancer. I've similar things in Dive Clubs before.
  • steve229
    12 years ago

    Beer is $8.75 at your club? I'd be more insulted by that!

    As to the actual "insult", just consider the source. Kinda like on this board, lol.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    This is all I have to say about this

  • Clubber
    12 years ago

    When I am in a club and a black dancer calls me a racist, I take off my hood, look her straight in the eyes and say, "OK!"
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    In my macho world throwing the word 'homo' or 'fag' in another guy's face guarantees you a fight.

    The most common put-down I hear among the rig pigs is 'pussy'. That word doesn't seem to cause fights; just goofy grins and embarrassed red faces on the targets.
  • Tiredtraveler
    12 years ago
    I do not know why dancers think that insulting the customers will get them a dance. Do some girls actually think that insulting me is going entice me to buy a dance from them later.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    Some dancers simply react badly to the word "No". I don't take it very seriously.

    I've been called a racist a few times, as well as a few other things. I spend 80 or so nights in 40+ clubs per year, and talk to easily 150+ dancers in that timeframe, so it is simply a function of probability that I will encounter at least a few girls who react badly when they are turned down. I just smile, shrug my shoulders and tell them that they can think what they want. Then I promptly forget about them. ;)
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    @tired: hey nobody ever accused strippers of being smart (well except for txttityfan - same guy who has said to be short treasuries the last three years).

  • bang69
    12 years ago
    I've had a few black dancers hit me up for a dance. If I don't want a dance at that time. I just not rite now maybe later. I have never be called a Homo by a dancer befor
  • Tiredtraveler
    12 years ago
    The ones that insult customers are the same ones that complaim about how unfair it is when they make no money.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    After I'd turned down her of, in her words, "hottest, sweatiest, cummiest, lapdance you'll ever have," she said, with a look of disgust on her face, "Why are you here then? I bet your dick is so small you wouldn't feel it anyway."

    She looked bewildered when I nearly fell out of my chair laughing.
  • GoVikings
    12 years ago
    Yeah, I'm with steve 229. The most alarming thing is the fact that your beer was $8.75. That's insane. Especially since I'm about 99% sure you're a day-time visitor, which is when beer is usually cheaper or on some type of special.
  • minnow
    12 years ago
    vince: Good comeback line, please let us know how it works irl.
    gator: Good vid, for a moment, I thought you'd link that infamous "angel vs devil" scene from Animal House. ( Pintos' paased out date in "Animal House").

    I was called a pig for telling a garter holding fully clothed dancer in a nude club "If you want to see some cash, you need to show some gash."
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    minnow, that assumes that I'd react back and say something to the stupid dancer like that. I'd be more likely to laugh my ass off and think it. Allowing someone like that to control you is not in my playbook.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    From my last review for Platinum Plus in Columbia SC:

    "My "Bitch of the Month" award goes to Courtney. Dark haired night time dancer on Wednesday evening. My new favorite had gone on stage. Courtney plopped down and introduced herself. I politely told her "I don't want to waste your time. I am waiting for some one". She said well you can still get a dance from me while you are waiting. I said no thanks. I am saving it for her. Then she asks me to buy her a drink. When I told her no, she stormed off saying "You are a real ass hole"."
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    I never had a black dancer call me racist, though I'm sure some thought it.

    Though I did have an Asian dancer at the Mons Venus call me that. The reason I like the MV is they usually have a nice selection of tanned, blonde, Barbies. I was there in the afternoon and was indulging myself. This dancer would approach me after I returned to my table each and every time. She was Thai or Vietnamese. Not at all my type. Finally she said to me - you've danced with every girl in the club except me. (I did) Why not? You must be a racist."

    I was polite but fuck her and her shitty attitude
  • ButterMan
    12 years ago
    I had a chick once get real nasty with me when I turned her down for a dance. She said "well what are you here for just to watch". I said no I'm here to get a dance from a girl i'm attracted to!
  • SuperDude
    12 years ago
    Sadly, some dancers just have no manners. As a black guy in his 6os, I know and understand the games that some black dancers play. A white customer who says "No thank you," is falsely labeled a racist. A black customer is called cheap, lazy, "broke ass" or a victim of "vanilla fever." Black dancers assume that the brothas ought to support them, despite their bad manners and negative attitudes. Customers of all races respond to good looks and good manners. Trying to guilt trip a guy out of his hard earned money is a waste of a dancer's time. That game is reserved for wives.

    A black dancer ignored my direct eye contact and my tips. After a dance from a white dancer, the sistah came over to ask who I was and why I wasn't helping her out. I told her that she had ignored my invitation. She lied and said she did not see me. Then, she started to ask me if it was now her turn. I said that the $500.00 I was going to spend on her was gone, but I would buy her one drink. She just got up and walked away. Fine with me.
  • SuperDude
    12 years ago
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    Stripper calls a customer a Homo

    is that worse than a homeless guy saying fuck you cheapskate
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    "minnow, that assumes that I'd react back and say something to the stupid dancer like that. I'd be more likely to laugh my ass off and think it. Allowing someone like that to control you is not in my playbook."

    BINGO. Act like you own the joint and stay above the fray. With money in my pocket and evil intentions in mind, silly comments from a bitter dancer roll away like water off of a duck's back. There is no place in a monger's night for sensitivity, at least if his goal is maximizing his entertainment. Sometimes I'll even wink at them and smile just to let them know that they are wasting their time bitching at me.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    "As she walked away she muttered, "You homo."

    Maybe she was really paying you a compliment. She is an anthropology student at Ann Arbor and was impressed with your Homo Erectus.
  • minnow
    12 years ago
    vm- I guess we crossed wires here- your comment in post just after OP's seemed reactionary to me. I assumed that by posting in that manner you at least had an itching desire to make a snappy comeback to a dancer.
    Pardon me for this misconception, and also for making the impression in some minds that I somehow relish getting sucked into p#@!^ing contests with dancers.
  • stripclubspy
    12 years ago
    There was a dancer at bogarts with a bad attitude who routinely gave me a hard time. She just wasn't my type - a little thick in the stomach, small boobs, long straight thin brown hair, glasses. Apparently thought she was hot shit, however. One time when I told her I was waiting for someone, she asked "Who?" When I told her (it was a great looking MILF) she said "I guess you don't like the cute girls" and walked away. Another time I was in the VIP, and she was about to head into one of the two curtained areas (all they had at the time) when my dancer said "Hey, we're next". Our friend cursed, and when I chuckled, she whirled around on me and laughed sarcastically, like a wicked witch. Finally she came up to me near closing time one night, and said "Two dances for $30." When I politely declined, she lowered it to $20, then $10, then, in exasperation, to $5. When I still politely declined, she said, "What are you, a fucking homosexual?" and stalked off. Ah, the good times...
  • how
    12 years ago
    It was a generic insult to an anonymous stranger, uttered in futile frustration. That is all.
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    minnow, absolutely no problem. That's a common take on an Internet posting. We can't see or gauge a person's intent. No apology necessary, but thank you. I'd definitely feel like making a snappy comeback, but like the majority of us, we've learned to laugh it off. I can understand a salesperson's frustration of not closing the sale, I was in sales for many years, but one of the things a salesperson never, never, ever should do is insult the prospective customer.
  • randy77
    12 years ago
    VM- Absolutely right about the sales info. Just because someone doesn't buy today doesn't mean they aren't thinking about buying at a later time. Insulting the prospective customer and the sale will never happen.
  • 59
    12 years ago
    Years ago was at Palomino in Las Vegas. Nude lap dances were $40 apiece (may still be) so I was very picky. I'm sitting at stage and a blond who wasn't my type comes up and asks for a dance. I decline and might have said maybe later as I wasn't as assertive back then.

    Couple of hours later she asks again. I decline. She says "you've been drinking for 2 hours and still aren't ready? You must be gay." Walks off in a huff. Pissed me off and I left the upstairs room and went to the downstairs room which was more of a festure stage and not my first choice. At some point I talked to a manager and he was "these girls are under a lot of pressure, there's so many of them, and they have to pay their house fee, etc."
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    @59: ah, that's really too bad the whores are under pressure and such. Did he fire that dumb cunt?
  • 59
    12 years ago
    @Dougster: Of course not. Even back then the strip club managers are more about the house fees, less about customer service. He knew I wasn't coming back, just some tourist.
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