
Strippers in Public

Avatar for jerikson40
jerikson40New York

Okay, here's the deal...

I'm sitting outside at Costco eating a hot dog and drinking a coke. Which is a very good deal. Buck fifty for hot dog and coke. Can't beat it. And the dog is good. Though I wish they'd make longer rolls so they fit the whole dog. That's just the way I am...

But I digress...

So I'm sitting there watching the clientele enter the store and/or wait in line for the food, and it occurs to me that the people who go to Costco are not the best looking people in the world. Not nearly as bad as Wal Mart (those folks are just scary), but maybe a couple notches above. And especially in California, where girls dress for comfort, not for guys. Or to impress other girls. Which sucks. But dressing to impress guys is usually way down on the list, unless they're looking for a husband in a club or something.

Anyway, while I'm eating and watching I'm trying to figure out the odds of a really hot (and hotly dressed) girl showing up at Costco. And I decide that the probability drops exponentially with hotness. Ugly girls are all over the place. Girls who you might stare at, or do a double take on, are very rare. Unless you're an insanely horny SOB who'd do anything on two legs. But I was trying to remember the last time I saw, in a general public setting, the kind of girl who made my jaw drop and caused me to follow her and actually get a boner. So based on many, many years of experience, I concluded that the probability of seeing a boner girl were pretty much zero. Maybe less.

Unfortunately, I couldn't even remember a time when I saw a super hot girl out in public. At all. And I thought that was very, very sad.

Now strippers look good because they have hot outfits, and makeup, and high heels. But 99% of girls don't dress that way. Instead, they wear jeans, and whatever is comfortable. They read fashion magazines, but dress like slobs. They spend tons of money on hair products, but go outside without brushing their hair and look like they just woke up.

And let's face it, the VAST majority of women, without all the makeup and hot clothes, really aren't very attractive. A perfect example is Angelina. Pretty face when she's wearing makeup, but honestly her body is downright scary. Pale, bony, saggy skin, desperately skinny, no waist, arms down to her knees, no butt AT ALL, etc.

But guys go nuts because they think they're supposed to or something. But if she wasn't a movie star, and they saw her in a lineup without clothes and makeup, they'd probably vomit.

Again, I digress. So after eating and not seeing anyone even remotely hot, I go shopping. And about 15 minutes later I see off in the distance, coming towards me down the main isle, behind a family pushing a cart, was a long haired brunette with very fashionable sunglasses, and from what I could tell, she had HUGE fake tits in a very tight white short sleeved t-shirt. I did a double take, and of course the family was blocking my view and I couldn't see what she was wearing on the bottom. Bastards. Anyway, I was mesmerized by what I could see of her tits. So I stopped, hung out by the battery display and waited for her (and her boyfriend) to pass by. Suddenly the traffic cleared and I could see she was wearing an extremely short blue jean skirt, and had AWESOME legs. And she was wearing wooden platform sandals with high heels. My jaw dropped. Now, I'm a leg man, and let me tell you this chick had LEGS. This chick had to be a stripper, and I just hope that someday I find out where she's dancing.

So they're walking towards me, arguing about who was going to push the cart or whatever, and I just stared. And then I followed her. And for the first time in a very long time, I got a boner from just seeing a chick walk around in public. And at one point I even considered asking her if she was a dancer, and if so, where did she dance. Because I REALLY wanted a high mileage lap dance with her, especially so I could slide up in between those titties. But I decided I wouldn't ask since her boyfriend was around. Although that might just be an excuse 'cuz I'm a pussy, who knows.

Anyway, I'm not sure what my point is in all this...I guess just to express my sadness at the lack of hot girls in the world, especially hot girls who dress hot in public so they give guys a boner.

Maybe I should move to Rio de Janiero. Now that's a place where the women are not only insanely hot, but also they like dressing to give men boners.


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Avatar for sharkhunter

I see a number of good looking girls in the local Walmart I visit on occasion. I live in a small college town. Sorry to hear your visits to Walmart suck. We don't have a costco here. Even hot girls need to shop unless they have a boyfriend to do all the shopping for them and I doubt that. I wouldn't be surprised if the very hot girls are not dancers. A number of girls I see in Walmart look much better than 85% or more of the dancers I often see working in strip clubs. Of course they aren't naked.

Avatar for Alucard

"Maybe I should move to Rio de Janiero. Now that's a place where the women are not only insanely hot, but also they like dressing to give men boners"

Hope your passport is in order. See ya!

Or maybe you should buy a National Ad telling all women to only venture out in public if they're dressed to the Nines & have their best makeup on so you can have an erection.

Avatar for jerikson40

"Or maybe you should buy a National Ad..."

Was that supposed to be all, like, witty or something? I'm just asking...I don't want to laugh at you if you were being serious.

Avatar for steve229

Have you tried the Costco pizza?

Avatar for gatorfan

Costco sells fresh pizza? How fucking big are the pizzas at a buy everything bulk

Avatar for jerikson40

They're good, but they put like a ton of cheese on it. And I like cheese, but even for me it's too much.

Avatar for HonestT

I'm surprised to get this kind of feedback from California, as the media, tv, and movies would have you believe that hot girls represent the majority.

Living in central Ohio, I see my share of fat asses all time. In fact, more than my fair share, as I've learned to appreciate a certain type of bigger girl, who would never get my money ITC. I definitely agree that the average female Walmart customer is kinda scary, and is way below the average Target customer.

One of things I've learned is that during the business day, hot girls who work retail or are in college, do not dress sexy. They dress bummy, meaning yoga pants (or sweat pants with PINK on the ass), or simple denim shorts or cutoffs. But when they go trolling for men, or to their bar and waitress jobs, they fix themselves up.

Strippers do the same things. Even though we think they are sexy 24/7, the reality is that thy only get sexied up for impressing men. Although some women are just hot in anything because they have nice hair and fit bodies.

When I really want to see a bunch of hot (legal) chicks for free, I drive around the campus of The Ohio State University. With over 30,000 undergrad women, I usually head back to work happy. I suggest you do the same around one Cali's many higher education facilities. Or at least make it to a beach! Costco seems like a let down.

Avatar for motorhead

I've been thinking of writing a similar thread.

Whenever I go to the grocery store or Wal-Mart it's pretty rare to see a hot woman. Some can be seen when I go the city but in my everyday life they're not too common.

One exception - one of my nieces plays softball at a small college so I go to many of the games. I do love college girls in uniforms. (her teammates, not her)

Avatar for Revolution

Wow, I'm getting old. While I would not go looking for women at Wal-mart, either my standards have dropped (likely) or we have an upscale Wal-mart (if there is such a thing). There are some pretty hot women in there at any given time - many of the milf variety.

Avatar for GoVikings

"I'm surprised to get this kind of feedback from California, as the media, tv, and movies would have you believe that hot girls represent the majority."

Same here. I'm surprised as well. I've never been to California, but I've been told by numerous people that the population of beautiful women is very high. Another place I've never been, but have been told that there are many pretty girls, is Florida (especially the South Beach area).

Avatar for luckyone

Living in a college town, I see a fair number of stunners at the grocery store or even Walmart. Also see plenty of strippers. Funny thing is that, most of the time, you'd never guess unless you already knew. I think a lot of them "dress down" as the last thing they need is a bunch of guys following them around.

Avatar for vincemichaels

Any time you guys are in South Florida, drive across the water to Miami Beach. Park in the city parking structure on Collins and I believe 7th. $1.00 an hour, you won't find any parking cheaper and walk over to Ocean Ave. Check out some of the women in the restaurants, the staff, (hostesses and waitresses) and some of the customers. After or before go over to the beach across the street and spend a few hours walking up and down the beach between 5th and 21st. If you don't see some incredibly fine women, the end of the world must have happened. :) If that doesn't slake your thirst, meet Clubber at one of his fave clubs and meet some of South Florida's finest dancers.

Avatar for Stiletto25

Who the fuck dresses to impress men when they are grocery shopping? Who gives a shit if anyone thinks they are hot when shopping at Costco? Please let me put on something hot so I can walk around for hours, pick shit up, and load my groceries in the car...sounds really useful.

If I'm going out to lunch or dinner, a club, a day on alki, etc, I'm happy to give it my all for the special person who is with me. Groceries? Ummm I don't care

Avatar for JuiceBox69

I'm a night owl...if I'm not clubbing at nights localy I'm working the nights......their is a walmart across from treasures in asheville and around 230 to 3am a lot of dancers go shopping....and if not their their is a 24 hour shop near xcapdes that around 3am time you see those girls.....soo maybee you guys need 2 shop at 3am lol

Avatar for motorhead

I once picked up a beautiful screw at Home Depot

Avatar for WEKing889

Yeah, I've found that in nearly all aspects of life outside the club that dancers tend to be regular people. Some are slobs, some are superficial always trying to impress. Yes we all need groceries. The stripper demographic is such a small slice of the population you'd be hard pressed to find them in the real world if you didn't know them or in juicebox6's scenario. The bell curve will always apply (in the club too).

Avatar for jerikson40

"Who the fuck dresses to impress men when they are grocery shopping?"

Exactly. And that's why you suck.

Although thankfully there are parts of the country where women have, IMO, more respect for themselves and others. The south (Atlanta sticks out in my memory) and definitely some parts of Florida, such as South Beach, as others have said. And, like I said, Rio. It's absolutely insane. These chicks go to extraordinary lengths to look good. Just walking around the shopping mall and you'll have your jaw at your knees the entire time.

But unfortunately most women have the same crappy, lazy, selfish attitude that Stiletto does. Why the fuck should I exert any effort to look good for anyone, except maybe someone I'm dating? It's all about personal comfort. Screw everyone, I want to be comfortable. During my same trip to Costco I saw a lady who weighed maybe 250, with waves of rolls of fat, and she was wearing the tightest grey tights you can imagine, and a super tight stretch shirt. Absolutely disgusting. I almost blew chunks. But she didn't care, she was comfortable. While that's an extreme example, with most girls you see in public it's the same thing to a smaller degree.

Anyway, regarding people being surprised about California. I was also surprised when I moved here many years ago from the east coast. There are, however, some exceptions where women feel the place is worthy of them taking a little extra effort in looking good. But only in ritzy places or along the beach areas of Venice, etc. Women have very specific requirements for when and if they will dress up. VERY specific.

Oh, and I'm sure the girls here will come back with a vehement argument along the lines of "it's not about being lazy, it's that I don't want to get guys excited because they might attack me" or some such egotistical nonsense. Trust me, you ain't all that.

Avatar for sanitago

I stopped in a Wal-Marts a few days ago to pick up some batteries for my work flashlight (hey, they're cheaper there than anywhere else!) and was quite stunned. one woman walked past me in one of their shirts who could make a small fortune dancing in a club: 5'5" or so, long light brown hair, good face and incredible body. a chick I'd shell out serious $$$ to get 'up close and personal' with. headed back towards the back and walked past one bending over to get some stuff out of a box to put on a shelf. damn, was it hard not to stop and stare at that ass...and the rest of her was good to look at too! then I go up front and see this chick working check out: good-looking light-skinned black girl, maybe 5'10" with a chest that was either an incredible example of good luck in the gene pool, or a masterpiece of the plastic surgeon's art. and the kicker: all this was in a smallish town in the middle of no-where I was just passing through.

never sneer at the women who you might find in Wal-Marts!

Avatar for Ermita_Nights

I've never been inside a Walmart or Costco, and living next door to Ohio I do see a lot of chunky girls. I've lived in three different college towns over the years, they always had the best sightseeing.

Avatar for minnow

Fellas, you need to go to THE MALL. You know, the one with a bejillion stores, including some with the likes of Macys, Bloomingdales, Victoria'a Secret, a dozen shoe stores, etc. I've walked from one end of the mall to the other. I don't have enough digits to count the number of women I've seen who are hotter than 75% of the strippers out there (maybe some of them ARE [or were] strippers ).

Jerkison, you are truly a mix of Shakespeare and Spillane..........

Avatar for bang69

I agree with Stilletto

Avatar for jerikson40

"I agree with Stilletto"

Wow. You raise some good points. Now that you put it that way, I'm thinking of changing my mind.


Avatar for jerikson40

The problem with Wal Mart is anti-boner.

There are so many fat, ugly, toothless, weathered women that even if you did see a hot one, she'd have to be insanely hot just to break even.

Avatar for lopaw

Why don't you describe yourself, OP, so that we can all marvel at the beauty that you no doubt project onto the world, and to the women who inhabit it?

Avatar for beergut

I, for one, always make sure I'm showered and shaved, my suit is pressed with the a crisp pocket square in the breast pocket, the broughes are shined and my hair is absolutely perfect before even thinking of stepping foot into Costco, Walmart or the like.

Avatar for jerikson40

"Why don't you describe yourself, OP, so that we can all marvel at the beauty that you no doubt project onto the world, and to the women who inhabit it?"

This is what is called "deflection". When people don't like what you say, they "deflect" the criticism off themselves or their beliefs, and onto others. That's either because they are too immature to accept criticism, or are unable to generate a rational response.

If you want to open a discussion of how men dress in public, then go ahead. But that's not the subject of this thread.

Avatar for lopaw


Your response answered my question better than you can imagine.

Avatar for motorhead

Somehow this topic went off track to how women dress. No, I don't expect women to put on make up, wear sexy clothes, and fix their hair to grocery shopping. But the sim

Avatar for motorhead

ah shit. I hit post before I finished my thought.

Not important to finish

Avatar for jerikson40

"Your response answered my question better than you can imagine."


And your point is what? That I'm not allowed to comment on how women dress in public unless I prove to you that I, what, dress sexy in public? And that makes sense to you? I don't get it.

If your goal is to call me a hypocrite, then yes, I'm a hypocrite about some stuff. Not this, but other stuff. Do you feel righteous now?

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I think when it comes down to hot/sexy women in public, it’s like real estate – location! location! location!

I live in Miami (south Florida). On any given weekend (sometimes during the week also, but especially on weekends), if you spend any time at the malls, Walmarts, grocery stores (but especially the malls), you may end up needing a neck brace after a while.

I’ve lived in Palm Beach county (~1 hr north of Miami) – and the situation there is pretty much how the OP describes. But the thing w/ Miami is that it is filled with Latin women and Latin culture is big time into beauty and how women look. Thus it is typical for Latin women to dress very sexy and they like/enjoy drawing attention to themselves, and Latin men enjoy giving it!

I was born in a Latin country and raised in the U.S. and thus understand the Latin and Anglo cultures and the differences b/w them; with one of them being how women like to dress in public. Like the OP mentioned, Brazilian women also like to be admired in public and Brazil is very open sexually (at least much more than the U.S.).

Avatar for Alucard

I think you owe Stiletto25 an apology jerikson40.

Avatar for steve_ny

Although I agree with Papi Chulo about location, (in NY, you don't have to wait more than a minute for your jaw to drop), I think the key location problem is Costco which goes back to Stiletto's comment. I doubt that the Costo in Miami or Rio has women dressed the way you are expecting them to dress.

So, unless you sit at Costco with a stack of bills piled up next to your hot dog tray, the girls aren't concerned you getting a boner.

Avatar for JuiceBox69

I like lesbians beeeeeeeeeeyaaaaaaa !!!

Avatar for DandyDan

It's my personal belief the hot girls actually go to Target and never to Wal-Mart.

Avatar for thesamurai

The obvious solution is if you want to see good looking people, go where they go. You'll see outliers at places like Costco, Walmart and the like, but in general I suggest not going to places that serve fast food, or el cheapo pizza. An exception is malls.

fast food = fat people or frazzled parents who put on two different shoes so you can imagine the rest of their wardrobe.

If a woman is attractive, nice body, it doesn't matter what she wears, generally, it will look good on her.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

Yeah jerikson, she is selfish. She does dress for her own comfort rather than your pleasure. So what? What makes you think you're entitled to consideration from someone you don't know, and probably never will?

From my perspective, Stiletto's attitude demonstrates way more self-respect than thinking she has to dress to impress a bunch of perverts she's likely to never actually meet, or even see again.

Avatar for Clubber

Damn, jerikson40, I thought I was reading "War and Piece" again! :) That said, 25 is right on and as for vm's statement, he was spot on. Not only SOBE, but there are a number of places in S. Florida where the eye candy is monumental!

If one of you come down, I'll try to hook up somewhere, but as vm knows I am in the south south. :)

Avatar for thesamurai

My belief is even a comfortable/dressed down S25, or any successful stripper, is still a head turner in the produce section.

Avatar for jerikson40

"Yeah jerikson, she is selfish."

I think you owe Stiletto25 an apology Mr. Microdong.

Avatar for Alucard

"there are still places in the world where people have enough sense of pride (or shame) not to go to the grocery store in sweats or pajama"

Do you go to the Grocery store in a suit & tie?

Avatar for georgmicrodong

@jerikson: Not at all. As far as I'm concerned, "selfish", i.e. primarily concerned with one's self, is the way we should be. It is her life, after all, and she's entitled to live it in the way she chooses. Nothing about keeping herself comfortable hurts you at all, and as I said, your sense of entitlement with regard to her appearance is unjustified and presumptuous.

Not that nowhere am I claiming that you don't have the right to complain. You have all the right in the world to be a whiny little bitch, as long as that's as far as you take it. Likewise, I have the right to mentally categorize you in the same bucket as the stupid entitled cunt that somebody posted about recently, who was bitching about some club not letting her dance because she was fat.

Avatar for Alucard

"@jerikson: Not at all. As far as I'm concerned, "selfish", i.e. primarily concerned with one's self, is the way we should be. It is her life, after all, and she's entitled to live it in the way she chooses. Nothing about keeping herself comfortable hurts you at all, and as I said, your sense of entitlement with regard to her appearance is unjustified and presumptuous.

Not that nowhere am I claiming that you don't have the right to complain. You have all the right in the world to be a whiny little bitch, as long as that's as far as you take it. Likewise, I have the right to mentally categorize you in the same bucket as the stupid entitled cunt that somebody posted about recently, who was bitching about some club not letting her dance because she was fat."

Thunderous Applause & Kudos gmd!!! :)

Avatar for Stiletto25

I agree with Alucard and georg. They both make excellent points. Thesamarai makes a good point too. I would still be considered attractive even though I'm not dressed to turn heads.

As for jeriksons comment that I suck and have a crappy, lazy, and selfish attitude regarding the fact that I don't feel the need to dress hot when grocery shopping, I was kind of surprised that he would take it that far.

Lazy isn't a word I would use to describe myself. I'm always showered with my hair done and makeup presentable. My clothes are always clean no matter what I wear. Crappy attitude? For dressing comfortably while grocery shopping? That seems a bit harsh. Selfish? Yes I would say I am selfish. I do make a point to look out for other people and be kind. I do make monthly donations to my favorite charity etc.., but my selfless acts do not include dressing to impress men while grocery shopping.

Avatar for Alucard

"As for jeriksons comment that I suck and have a crappy, lazy, and selfish attitude regarding the fact that I don't feel the need to dress hot when grocery shopping, I was kind of surprised that he would take it that far'

Considering past comments by jerikson40, I'm NOT surprised at all.

Avatar for txtittyfan

It is not what you wear as much as how you present yourself. We have become a sloppy society.

Avatar for jackoff

I won't pile on jerikson as he seems to be doing a good job of burying himself.

I personal like finding women in yoga pants etc... not all made up. If I find them attractive in this state of attire. I know they will be over the top dressed up.

Avatar for jerikson40

Uh oh...

Mr. Alucard and Mr. Microdong, you guys are starting to scare me. Are you, like, mad at me? Does this mean I can't be in your little clique?

No, please, don't do this.

I promise, I'll change. You guys are so awesome, don't cut me off like this. Please.

Tell you what...I'll loan you money so you'll like me. Really. And I promise I won't ask you to repay it. It'll be a gift. I promise.

Avatar for Alucard

"Mr. Alucard and Mr. Microdong, you guys are starting to scare me. Are you, like, mad at me? Does this mean I can't be in your little clique?"

I'll challenge what I deem IMO to be totally unfair, wrong or ridiculous all encompassing statements. These are my opinions, whether you like them or not! If you disagree that is your right. I do NOT belong to any Clique on this Forum. I'm a Loner. I'll challenge anyone who makes statements like the ones I described above when I read them.

Am I mad at you. No, not at this point. As jackoff said, you seem to be doing a good job of burying yourself with your "comments".

Avatar for jerikson40

Um, Mr. Alucard, I was joking.

Sorry, nothing personal, but I really don't care what you think.

Avatar for Alucard

"Sorry, nothing personal, but I really don't care what you think"



Wow, I totally agree with Stiletto, Drac, lopaw, gmd and others on this....

JerkSon....You're an asshole!!!!!!!

Avatar for Alucard

"JerkSon....You're an asshole!!!!!!!"

MADDOG_ROMEO I REALLY wanted to call him this, but I really RESTRAINED myself. I didn't wish to pile on TOO much!! THX for for saying it. LMFAO

As to the subject at hand here. If someone wishes to do everything in their public life Dressed to the Nines, hey that's their choice. Alternatively if a person wishes to dress down & be comfortable in what they wear, that's fine too. I think we all KNOW when it is appropriate to Dress well & for whom to Dress well for.

jerikson40 is NOT the world's fashion director, even if he wants to be. LOL

Avatar for steve_ny

I.agree, women could look hot in casual clothes. The special ones.will stop traffic no matter what they are wearing.

Avatar for Clubber

When I read steve_ny's comment above, it made me recall an experiment some years ago. They had a rather attractive women struggling with a suitcase someplace. Men would all stop to help her. They then dressed her in "frumpy" clothing, same woman, makeup, same struggle, etc, no one stopped to help her. I guess his "casual" point might make a difference than "frumpy", but clothing DID make a difference.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

Hmmm, somebody recently made a comment about "deflection". Who was that, I wonder?

Avatar for jerikson40

"JerkSon....You're an asshole!!!!!!!"

Uh oh, now all the little kids in the playground are calling him a "poo poo head", and twisting his name around to make fun of him.

I guess it's time to move on. As I vaguely recall from my days in kindergarten, this only gets worse....

Avatar for vincemichaels

You haven't seen anything yet, jerikson40. I'm staying out of this one, but you should see us going back and forth with our dear, dear friend "Dougster"

Avatar for Daddillac

Damn you...Yesterday I am in Costco and I cannot quit thinking about this thread. BTW did not see any Lap dance material, a few Milfs but none that I would pay.

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