
Tuscle hall of fame

Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
Ok guys help me build a list of guys and gals that have helped make tuscl what it is with all those record braking stats from comments, reviews, discusions, clubs visited, membership time and so forth....... let's list those tusclers !


  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    Thisoldmanplayed1 - 233 reviews on 152 clubs.
  • rell
    12 years ago
    hmm id go with farmart , shawdowcat ,clubber, george pretty much all the guys thats been sc clubbin since before iw as born lol
  • rell
    12 years ago
    hmm id go with farmart , shawdowcat ,clubber, george pretty much all the guys thats been sc clubbin since before iw as born lol
  • sharkhunter
    12 years ago
    lol, I try to maintain a low profile one minute and the next thing I know my name is popping up on a top 25 list or I'm tipping a dancer on stage who is putting on an extra special show while I'm tipping her getting the attention of a large part of the club. Having fun with a dancer on stage doesn't go along with a low profile. I'm the same as some others on here. I just go aw fuck it and go have fun even if I'm in the spotlight for a minute.

    I'll nominate The Founder for the Hall of Fame. This site wouldn't be the same without him. I'd probably still be debating whether or not I would want to start a strip club list web site.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    sc IS the God Father!

    vm is the court jester. :)
  • mmdv26
    12 years ago
    How junior high is this.
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    vm sits quietly on the side of the stage working on his juggling and casts his vote for shadowcat. Looking to his side, he sees shadowcat enjoying a lap dance from one of the PP favorites.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    @sharkhunter: I respect what you're trying to say with regard to Founder, but I think he's in a class by himself. Assigning him mere "Hall of Fame" status is...inadequate. :)

    I'm gonna go with shadowcat and Dougster. Vastly different reasons, of course, but there it is.
  • bang69
    12 years ago
    i vote for shadow,farmerart,vm,cluber& Stilletto25
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    How about a TUSCL Hall of Infamy?

    Worst Market Call - txtittyfan advising to short treasuries the day before bottomed just before a massive three year rally. Compounded it by advising to add to the losing position about half way through.

    Dumbest Brain - mikeya02, only guy in the world dumb enough to actually believe a stripper when she says "you're the only one I do it for". Also dumb enough to think he can convince others of it.

    Blandest Personality - steve229. Over 2000 posts and nobody can remember a single one. What is this guy like? Who knows!?

    Hugest Ego - Rick_TheIdiot_Dugan for devoting 10 prime years of his life to coming up with a brilliant "system" to get strippers to have sex with you. Now at the end of the day it still does involve paying, but hey, some of them only do it for a select few you know? System is so ingenuous the target does not even realize what is happening to her until your cum is already inside of her.

    Biggest Faggot - Toss up between MisterGay and parodyman-->. Both had their troll asses run off the board and, blissfully, no longer post.

    Whackiest Whack Job - Toss up between "graduate degree/six figure income" payer11 who seriously states "strippers do this because they enjoy different dick and better genes than their deadbeat boyfriends" along with his classic "What was the POP on that one?". The other half of the toss up is autie-boy Dudester "you better watch out. I'm coming to hunt you down with a machine gun in real life". Guess the autism doesn't allow him to realize that people don't take threats like that seriously OTI.

  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    MisterGay. Biggest troll.

    Would agree with ya Doug on that one.

    Probably the only poster I truly ever disliked.
  • minnow
    12 years ago
    "How junior high is this" (mmdv26)

    Did it occur to anyone that OP may only have a junior high education?
  • Electronman
    12 years ago
    Not sure if there is an easy mechanism for sorting the members by the number of reviews or by the number of different clubs reviewed. If so, minnow, shadowcat, and vincemichaels have pretty impressive counts and others (motorhead, clubber, GMD) are not far behind. I know, of course that quality and usefulness of the post is just as important as the count.

    I use the counts to provide credence to the content of most posts-- I don't ignore posts from neophytes but they don't get as much weight as posts from proven "experts."

  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    I'll accept the nomination as long as I don't have to be dead to get inducted. :)
  • mikeya02
    12 years ago
    Telling numerous guys to "suck my dick!" is pretty classic. Dougsters in. And Motorhead gets in based on his Direct TV parody. That was classic!
  • Otto22
    12 years ago
    I miss JUDYJUDY.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago

    Agreed! But then, perhaps "she" was the figment of someones imagination. Did anyone here ever meet her, see her dance, or get one from her?
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    "Did anyone here ever meet her, see her dance, or get one from her?"

    Maybe that is why she ain't here no more LOL
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    I tried to find out when Judy might be working, Clubber. She never did tell me, but I see her online occasionally. I haven't talked with her in quite awhile.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    "Hugest Ego - Rick_TheIdiot_Dugan for devoting 10 prime years of his life to coming up with a brilliant "system" to get strippers to have sex with you. Now at the end of the day it still does involve paying, but hey, some of them only do it for a select few you know? System is so ingenuous the target does not even realize what is happening to her until your cum is already inside of her."

    LOL. I really ought to market this shit. ;) I'll call it, the "Dugan System."

    Dougster, you can be my first customer. As the only guy I know who couldn't even get laid when he visited an actual brothel, you could most certainly benefit from the help.


  • wallanon
    7 years ago
    Old post dredged up. It's been about five years and a lot of the active posters now weren't around on the boards.
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