Mother Daughter Dancers

avatar for Tiredtraveler
I was in a club recently and was chatting with a cute 20yo red head and on the wall of the were pictures of dancers in various poses and outfits. I casually asked her where her picture was and she answered that she was not there but her mother was and then proceeded to point out the picture. The mother looked to be late 30's early 40's (worn). I eventually got a private dance from her (mechanical but very hands on) and she was very open about her menu both ITC and OTC. I have met sisters that dance but never Mother - Daughter. No I did not meet the mother as she was not working.


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avatar for rickdugan
13 years ago
I've met a couple of mother-daughter teams and it always makes me scratch my head. Why would any mother knowingly condone her daughter entering this lifestyle?

Two recent examples that I can think of are Platinum Plus in Greenville, SC., and City Lights in Yonkers, NY.
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
I new one pair at Platinum Plus in Columbia SC. They did not get along. The daughter: "I don't do what my mother does. She is a hoe". The daughter's dances were not as good as the mother's. :)
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
Any grandmother granddaughter combos?
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
I know of a mom and two daughters in the same club at the same time
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
There's a local club where the daughter manages and the mother dances. I don't know for certain if either of them are or were providers, as neither one is really to my taste, but I've heard that momma does a little extra, and it wouldn't surprise me if the daughter has as well; she is a former dancer, and some of the comments she's made about some customers imply that she knows them a little better.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
13 years ago
Here in Seattle, there was a mother and three daughters that all danced together in the same club in the '90's. One of the daughters is still dancing. She's now age 41. (She's presently my main profile pic. Others of her are also in my profile pics.) I've seen recent pics of all the daughters and their mother. They were even interviewed on a local Seattle daytime TV show back then. I'm still trying to find the episode of that show to view.
avatar for canny
13 years ago
There is a mother-daughter pair working at the Filly Corral outside of Pittsburgh, Pa. They're 36 or 37 and 20.
avatar for steve229
13 years ago

"No I would not give you false hope
On this strange and mournful day
But the mother and child reunion
Is only a lapdance away"
avatar for sanitago
13 years ago
yeah, recently, I was talking to one of the 'regular' dancers and she asked me what I thought a certain younger dancer. I told her she looked okay (do you want to tell a dancer you might be getting a dance from that another dancer looks better than her?). that's when she says "She's my daughter." with what almost might be pride.
still haven't figured that one out.
avatar for DandyDan
13 years ago
On my most recent Kansas road trip, I went into a club and found out that mom was a bartender and daughter danced. Daughter liked working there because that way, she got to work with mom. Mom was even teaching her pole tricks. That was just plain weird.

My ATF has worked with her mother at my favorite club. I have never seen mother, but I did see her and her aunt together on my last visit. That was just plain weird, too.
avatar for Ermita_Nights
13 years ago
There used to be a mother-daughter team at Hush in Toledo. They tried to get me to take both to VIP at the same time, but instead I got one dance from each. Mom was better.
avatar for minnow
13 years ago
I've "knowingly" met one team at Mons Venus a few years ago, not sure if its still going on. They both actually appeared on sydicated talk show (Maury Povich, I think). I've not met, but been aware of a couple at 2001 via website. Later 2 teams lasted a few months, Mons team lasted at least 3 years.

We've all probably had club visits where oldest dancer was old enough to be several dancers mom.
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