Comments by minnow (page 91)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Worst strip experience ever!
    ranch- Thanks for sharing your story, and notch one more up in experience column. For many club patrons, $60 is a fair chunk of change, likely taking 3 hours of work (or more) to clear that ammount. As much as one may hate to bail out of the bad VIP example,(and say goodbye to $60 for nothing) you can gain some measure of value back by getting 20 minutes or more of oppurtunity cost back. If 5 minutes into VIP you realize it is just not working out, why not put remaining 25 minutes into good use by finding a better dancer. Then again, when rick talks about "knowing when to fold em", that could also apply to knowing when to bail from club for a different club, not just bail from a bad dancer. Another thread subject in itself..........
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The beauty of Tuscl reviews is that they enable one to put certain clubs on the "don't bother to visit in the first place" list vs an expensive/wasteful "no return" list.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Rick wrote a good list in his 916 post, I'll add my personal perspective on some points: #1- Agreed on that for convo aspect. Related to that gripe are lousy DJ's in 2 genres: a) Those who love to hear themselves talk. b) Those who slur/mumble, and can't pace dancer roll call correctly (can't tell which dancer is Candy or Debbie. #3- Promos really kill the mood/ break up the flow of things. I have enough Tshirts to wax my car, and enough caps to outfit a baseball team. #5- Mandatory valet- Mainly dislike for the idea of handing over my car to a total stranger. While you're in club (if you don't make adjustments in advance) could make copy of housekey, or take down personal info from car registration. I make exceptions to this gripe for business trip/vacation visits-I make sure to pocket rental contract prior to handing keys over. #7- Tip walk. Generally doesn't bother me that much- can be a decent chance to gauge potential prospects. I've only really encountered that in some Philly, San Diego, and Fort Lauderdale/Pompano Beach clubs. #8- I assume Rick meant those clubs that push the "buy a bottle for the ladies time" as standard fare. I got over that genre of "clip joint" over a quarter century ago. "Conventional" overpriced dancer drinks don't bug me that much. It seems that the chain clubs- Deja Vu, and Spearmint Rhino have the most annoying habit of having server latch on to you like a leech when taking dancer back to "VIP", or swooping on to you a split second after dancer sits by you to push dancer drinks on you. I'll close by putting up one of the "laws of nature": When you really want a drink, servers will be absent, or engaged in deep conversation a few feet away with patron or staff. When your drink is half full, and you are at an interesting point in conversation with desired dancer (or about to get a stageside Stevie ), server will invariably interrupt you to ask if you want another drink. Happy Clubbing, all............
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Are Fewer Dancers Working in Your Area Than in Prior Years?
    Some clubs have closed due to owners selling out to other interests, or other interets taking precedence. In the last few years, 2 LAX area clubs, Century Nudes, and The Wild Goose closed their doors. The former was bulldozed and leveled to accomodate an airport parking company. The laters owner sold out to an apartment/condo developer.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Rap/Hip Hop and the GFE
    Dude, were you the guy who started a thread "where are the white women" on the pink site a few days ago ?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Seattle, Washington
    Are Fewer Dancers Working in Your Area Than in Prior Years?
    As I travel a lot, "my area" covers a wide swath. Just taking a 1 year "snapshot" as you did, haven't really noticed much difference. But, compared to 5 or more years ago, I'd say there's been a slight dropoff in some places, notably on the customary SRO nights. In some clubs I can think of, they'd start to get packed at 9p, now it is more like after 10p that they do. I assume that OP's numbers quoted mean total dancers on roster. Even that number is suspect, as some (many?) clubs don't update their site, or dancer lineup that well.(I saw one CA club that still had dancer pic of one who hadn't danced there in 4 years !) Coupled with high dancer turnover just makes those figures more suspect. The real metric should be how many dancers are available on shift at any given moment. The lower 2012 numbers could mean that more dancers are sticking around, and there are less transits. Or club is doing a better job at updating their website.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    LD Privacy
    Double thread poat there, Techman, responding to newest one........... The primary aspect about lack of privacy concerns those clubs where lapdances are done in open area of club, be they along the wall, or out on main floor, vs a private booth, or a dedicated room not visible to patrons. Main beef is "moochers" who either stare, or plop down on lapdance bench along the wall without getting lapdances. I'll admit to wandering (not staring) eyes for gauging potential talent. If I had my druthers, I'd pick private booth every time. A common area room not too bad, as there are no moochers there- everyone getting lapdance. Should Jackson Eskay decide to conduct a poll on this subject, I'd wager most people would prefer a private booth, followed by common private room, then general floor. For some, nothing other than a private booth/enclosed room will do.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Who do you target?
    As gmd, and lopaw say. To further elaborate on the idea of what a 10 is, and time management: When choosing dancers, I don't go by looks alone. Certain intangibles like the way they carry themselves, and how they interact with others factor in it for me. At the clubs I go to, very rarely are there not 2-3 (even more) dancers that I'd be interested in. If I get "Ice Princess" vibes, or otherwise from a desired 9-10er, I'll pass every time. There have been times on initial stageside, or other interactions where dancer has sufficiently impressed me to say "wow, haven't met someone like that in a long time, gotta have her". Several times (too many, IMO), someone else before me came to the same conclusion. But, 2-3 hour wait? Screw that, life's too short. If I can't find anybody else who interests me in 20-30 minutes, I'll bail and go to another club.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    What makes you stop visiting a strip club?
    # 6,3,7,4,1 on rick's list, roughly in that order. In addition to these, jacking up prices will send me away. Like lopaw, some of those gripes won't send me away, but may result in putting club lower on my visit list. When 1 L.A. club with 2 tier (day/night dance prices) jacked up their rates, I quit going there at night, going only day shifts when prices are more reasonable. At a FL club where staff is more strict at night, also cut back night visits there. In Dallas where I discovered a better nearby club, didn't quit original club completely. However, when 1 Indy club jacked up their prices where they were the highest in the area, that, plus a less loose atmosphere to start with caused me to completely forego visits to that club in favor of other available options.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Since 1963 ...
    Road Trips
    Others, most notably rick, has posted some good advice. In particular, his advice to choose a city of some significant size/population is sound advice. (Places like HH- Kokomo, etc, may very well be the exception, but see next paragraph.............) To that, I'd add have some other reasons/activities in mind for a particular city in case clubbing visits don't pan out as expected. In short, don't let stripclubs be the driver for choosing your roadtrip destinations. In a similar vein, you're being too analytical/programmed about choosing a stripclub destination. The time spent developing/prioritizing/point weighting of certain criterion, communicating aforementioned to founder, followup evaluation/ refinement would be better spent just reading between the lines in your "targeted clubs/areas" reviews section. I think I'll put a sticky in my profile on how I scout out potential clubs in new cities. Basically, I select clubs with a significant number of reviews rated above 7 (in some cases above 6), then take a more focussed look at individual reviews to rank the clubs that I wish to visit. Not a perfect correlation (My rankings don't always correspond with clubs point rankings), but one that has generally worked for me.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Los Angeles, California
    Phoenix area clubs
    WOOD: Based on your review history, you seem to have a hankering for higher end or chain clubs with a good level of dancer attractiveness. Your 3 choices (Christies has 2 locations in area) are good ones. I would personally avoid either Christies on SRO hours/nights. The one in Tempe has a Waffle House next door, and rather limited free self parking. IMO, Tempe location caters more to couples/groups seeking a nightclub experience than an individual stripclub "enthusiast". For the afternoon/early evening hours, HiLiter is a good choice. Nights there tend to be more of the hip hop crowd. Bush Co. on Grand Ave has a nude side in addition to topless. IMO, their nude show is better than Centerfolds. A visit to this place would be more of convenience than go out of your way for. HTH.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Which is Most Important to You When Visiting a Strip Club (Dancer Attractiveness
    Hi, Candy, I'll address your highlighted items......... "Dancer Attractiveness"- A very important consideration for me. I have a fairly reasonable minimum expectation (Fyi, you definitely meet/exceed my minimum level). Once that level is met, certain intangibles start to come into play.(personality, attentiveness, chemistry between us, etc.) I will pick a motivated 7ish dancer who meshes well with me over a stuck up 9ish barbie doll any day of the week. "Pole/Floor Work"- A true standout in this area compared to usual boilerplate lame swaying by stage mirror may get my attention, but good personal interaction, and lap/VIP performance will keep my attention. "Atmosphere" - By that, I guess you're debating the universal dancer question of whether you should be #11 out of a dozen or so barbie dolls, or be the standout in a divey type club. Speaking for myself, I generally like non-pretentious clubs, but have a certain minimum standard of basic dancer attractiveness/ club ammenities. I also like a certain energy level, yet often favor a more laid back feeling than peak SRO hours. If club is too uptight/snobbish, I will pass on visiting them. HTH............
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Off Topic Rant About Airlines
    SD- Was that a "cut and paste", or an extemporaneous post based on your accumulated knowledge/experience ? If the later, good writeup, except for the part about higher airfares. Overall, fares are 10% or more lower in inflation adjusted $$ compared to 1980s. Art- You get what you pay for. A big shot oilman like you using RYANAIR, fer chrissakes ! If they haven't already, many searches on Ryanair generate articles about them spearheading the idea of charging for lavatory use in flight PLUS removing 2-3 toilets from aircraft so they can add ~ 6 more seats. For your future travels, airlines like Korean Air, Emirates, Qatar, Singapore, etal, have predominantly attractive 20- something females as flight attendants. Then again, those countries don't have western world standard human rights / age - sex, etc workplace discrimination laws/practices, either. Check out their websites for fares,please let us know how they compare to Ryanair, and Air Canada internet specials, 'kay.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Clubs Scanning Your Driver's License
    As Dr. Jack, shadowcat, "vampire", etal say.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Uno mas 2 de la manana en Mexico.
    sc- You must be very bored in retirement to keep digging up these 2amers! I get it that Monterrey can be dangerous- there was a casino shooting rampage last year there. Pero, muchas gracias el gato de shadow! Vampire- Your post should be a sticky on the state dept. travel website.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How can I make my money last the longest time possible in a strip club?
    "The safest way to double your money is fold it twice and put it in your pocket". Auric Goldfinger 1959
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    What is a Review?
    JE- You forgot a few items from the "Master Review Checklist" #38- Do the urinals have a divider or not? #39- Do the crappers have a door ? Seriously dude, one could only hit half the items on your list, yet still effectively answer the question whether one should go out of their way to visit club, or pointedly avoid it. Plus provide some amusement/entertainment to boot. On another recent thread of yours- I don't feel the need to categorize and sub-divided Tuscl any further. This is a stripclub review site, not a county disaster response manual, or an operating manual for a 747. Until several months ago, there was a discussion section for the individual clubs- a neat feature, but not a dealbreaker, IMHO. I personally don't find it too difficult to scroll.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Time and money wasted
    gmd: If you've "wasted" so much $$/time on stripclubs all these years, this begs the question how much time you've wasted logging on to tuscl..............// Uh-oh, I have to log off, can't be late for church.....
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Despite the constant negative press covfefe.
    The term "petite"
    JJ- In my reviews, I often note the size/build ranges of dancer shift, using "petite" to denote dancers of short to average height who happen to be thin. My next level of build is medium, culminating in "thick". As one could be short and thick or tall and thick (ditto on medium), I don't split hairs too much on tall dancers who are thin. When describing such a standout, I've used the term "tall/lanky". I'm aware that the term "athletic" is utilized when denoting builds. I personally don't use that term much as there are few hardcore athletes in the dancer ranks in most clubs. Plus, there could be a wide range of builds even there from a marathon runner to a bodybuilder type. // End of vocabulary lesson..........
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    monthly budget?
    IDK, I lost count after 500...........
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Aggressive or Passive?
    Gee, I didn't know Detroit had 2 high end furniture stores on the same block. OK, mh, what if they ignore you at that store,or their rolltop is already sold ? Off to yard sales and corporate office auctions ??
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Aggressive or Passive?
    I see what both gmd and rick are saying. To use a non-clubbing analogy on both approaches: Lets say a neighborhood has a bunch of "for sale" signs posted curbside. One could choose to park in the middle of neighborhood in luxury sedan/SUV, and make a show of perusing real estate listings. Some homeowner just might notice the realtor looking vehicle parked in the middle of the neighborhood, and trip all over themselves to offer a deal. Or, one could simply walk up to desired house, ring the doorbell, make satisfactory offer to its owner and get their home.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Should I ever go back to this club.
    nf- Judging from this thread, and another one, you have bigger issues beyond whether you should go back to this particular club, or not. I'm white, but I'm sensing your discofiture over facing attitudes from undesirable dancers of your race. If I'm sensing it, then black dancers are doubly sensing it, and seeing an opening for bullying you over it. You'll have to learn to deal with it or else keep letting those incidents spoil your club visits. Typical club mgt., and good customer service care is an oxymoron. Do you really expect P10 mgr to fire the dancer over spilling some salt on your table ? At most, he may have had a brief talk with her- which likely went in one ear and out the other. I will say that I've encountered the most acute sense of entitlement from some black dancers, like the one who just would not go away from my stageside seat. Finally,I just asked the stage dancer for a LD when she got down. Black cockblocker got PO'ed and all, injecting "race card" into the rant. I simply stated/restated my preference for stagedancer. She never bothered me again on subsequent visits. HTH
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Aggressive or Passive?
    I've done both. When in a new (or non-regular club after long absence), I like to get the lay of the land before approaching any particular dancer. Likewise, in a familiar club, fave dancers will come by. Yet, there are times when a proactive approach is called for. If dancer is truly a flaky ditz (or a princessy stuck up, etc), I can often tell early on- better to get that out of the way, and move on to other appealing prospects. Life is too short, as gmd says........
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Trend On The Uptick
    I first noticed a real uptick in the number of female customers in several stripclubs nationwide about 5-7 years ago. The demographics of female customers have been pretty much what prior posters have cited. How large is Providence club? I don't think I've seen 50 female customers in any club, maybe 20-25 tops. This has mostly been weekend night occurence, but still see some on off-peak nights. Hardly a month goes by without some new poster inquiring about best clubs for couples, so maybe some uptick in that demographic. The clubs I've seen upticks in have mainly been larger/more upscale than average, so I don't think that rick has too many worries in his clubs of choice.