How fast do you go?

avatar for vincemichaels
I heard a story on the radio this morning about some young guy pulled over on one of New Yorks freeways last night for speeding. According to the story he was clocked doing 193 mph on his motorcyle on wet pavement. Now I'm not innocent in this regard, I've had my 2 Vettes above 140 mph (143 and 145 mph, 95 Vette, 97 Vette) and I've gotten a ticket for doing 92 mph in a 50 mph zone. I just wondered how fast you all have gone on the road (on the way or back from a club, or otherwise)


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avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
On my recent road trip I covered 2,000 miles. I set the cruise control on my Mustang GT at 10mph over the posted speed limit. I have had it up to 120+ a couple of times on I-20 but had to back off because of traffic.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
165, but that was on the track at Homestead. On the road (auto), likely about 100-120 at most. On the bike, maybe 90 (DRY).
avatar for GoVikings
13 years ago
I've driven over the speed limit like everyone else, but nothing extreme. I haven't gone 40 or 50 miles over the speed limit or anything along those lines. My car isn't made to go very fast and I can't afford to risk getting a ticket.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
In my youth, I got too many tickets so now it's set the cruise at 70. The exceptions are i75 around Detroit and the Tri State tollway around Chicago where you better go 90 just to keep up

But driving home from clubs late at night I stick to the speed limit. Too many cops looking to bust trouble makers at that hour.
avatar for Stiletto25
13 years ago
I go the speed limit, maybe five over if the person behind me is lucky. I'm never in a rush to get anywhere.
avatar for newmark
13 years ago
If I get a ticket I want it to be for getting head while driving.
avatar for mikeya02
13 years ago
Got a ticket for 100mph in my Camero. Cop said I was luckey I pulled over when I did cause I was still accelerating.
avatar for minnow
13 years ago
Went 137 in a Mustang, 140 - 150 in different Vettes. On a wet road, I can be as conservative as a finicky grandmother. As for that crotch rocket driver doing 193 wet: I hope he had ~450 psi tires on his bike, because that is what it would take to have a ~193 mph onset of hydroplaning.
avatar for farmerart
13 years ago
I am one baaaaaaad ass when it comes to speed; I have loved it all my life. During my brief ownership of a Ferrari during my retirement, I let the beast loose one evening on Hwy 2 between Edmonton and Calgary, a road I know well. I was over 300kph when I got caught by a horseman. Also I was shitting my pants; that was the fastest speed I had ever driven a vehicle. I pulled over for the horseman and he told me I buried his radar gun. The horseman gave me a real break when he wrote the citation. He wrote the speed at a rate that let me keep my driver's licence. If he had a true reading of my speed, it is possible I might have been facing jail time.

I now have those demerits erased from my driver's licence with the passage of twelve months of good behaviour but my insurance company is not so forgiving. I will be paying a fortune for my personal vehicle insurance package for at least another 4 years, pushing $20k/yr. In fact, I was only able to keep my personal insurance because of the leverage I had with the insurance company through the volume of business generated by my companies.

I should never have pulled over for the horseman. He could never have caught me in his Crown Vic.

avatar for HB13
13 years ago
150+ in a a rice rocket. Everything else no more than 110.
avatar for dallas702
13 years ago
I once had a Triumph TR-7 (auto - not MC) and cranked it up past 155 on a very quiet stretch of Interstate. When I worked up enough courage to look at my panel, I saw the speed AND I saw the gas gauge going down.

Other than that youthful stupidity, I generally keep it to no more than 10 over. Speeding tickets now cost more than a trip to VIP with FS!
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
If you drive over 200+ MPH cops wont bother trying to chase you they have no chance to catch you (but they will call ahead to spike strip your tires)
avatar for Bogeyman1
13 years ago
110mph on Indian Nations Turnpike in Oklahoma. Road was wide open, no traffic, built like a German Autobahn. Could have opened it up more but felt some buffeting from crosswinds.
avatar for jester214
13 years ago
Hit 115 on I40 about 5AM when I was younger, with my buddy nobody on the road. Had radar detector from somewhere. Can't remember what POS I was driving.

With the same friend did close to 140 on the autobahn in Germany in a borrowed Porsche. Even without the fear of cops it was intense.
avatar for Dolfan
13 years ago
I spend more time in the truck recently, so its usually 90-100 max. I've had my Vette up to 150, but don't generally exceed 100 in it too often. A friend who was impressed with the Vette went out and got himself a Lingenfelter treated ZR1 let me take it for the weekend a few months ago. I got it up to about 175 before I pussied out and let off the throttle. I've been in the passenger seat while he's got it over 190.
avatar for Corvus
13 years ago
Because of what I usually drive no more than around 100. But as @dallas702 said I would rather spend my $$ on dances than tickets. Much more fun that way.
avatar for Ermita_Nights
13 years ago
110 in my 1962 Cadillac. It might have gone faster but was starting to shimmy.
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
Nice going, guys. It's always a pleasure to hear of the " need for speed "
avatar for Bonesbrother
13 years ago
I was going to say 3 minutes until I saw you were talking about cars. LOl.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I once had a car that had 155 on the spedometer but I believe a chip stopped out the speed around 137 plus or minus a few. Without the chip someone told me they got the same style car up to 155 on the race track.

As far as my driving now, it's pretty close to the speed limit. My drive is now so boring, I have to be careful or I'll fall asleep. If the car could drive itself, I'd probably let it drive me home while I slept on some nights. That's the trouble if you stay out until 4 or 5 am when you are usually sleeping. As is I limit my travels until I have a chance to sleep in very late and hope I slept good.
avatar for BadBitchesOnly
13 years ago
My gov limits my car at 157. I'll max it out every cpl weeks to clean the pipes out. Friend and I got a ticket for 114 in 60 in hus truck and the cop took his license and brought his ass to jail.
avatar for BadBitchesOnly
13 years ago
My gov limits my car at 157. I'll max it out every cpl weeks to clean the pipes out. Friend and I got a ticket for 114 in 60 in hus truck and the cop took his license and brought his ass to jail.
avatar for rh48hr
13 years ago
I am not very adventurous. I have been over 90 maybe twice and not for very long. I have never had a desire to push that limit.
avatar for smokeshopjoe
13 years ago
well I know a volkswagen rabbit 08 can do about 125 in traffic on the i 10 thru the deserts of california. i am guessing the lil thumper only had a few more mph in it though. Also the top speed I got my 04 ford explorer to was about 115 after 150,000+ miles on it i dont think that feet is repeatable, but I still drive my car 70+ in a 35 on windy mountain roads with a canoe strapped to the top. I took a toyota corolla up to 121 mph through the mountain passes going to san diego. There is nothing quite like feeling that point just before your tires start to slip driving like a mental person.
avatar for smokeshopjoe
13 years ago
but I will say average i try to keep it 5 over (10 tops city/15 highway) or what ever traffic dictates.
avatar for runrdude
13 years ago
140ish on the parkway. I hit 100 on a country road every couple of weeks. The most fun I have is holding 65 on a curvy road in my daily commute. No tickets yet.
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
I'm told my BMW will do 160 MPH. But the speed limit is 70, and my respect for the rules prevents me from driving any faster.
avatar for Clackport
13 years ago
I drive slow, real slow. The fastest I've ever been is probably 70 mph. I don't want no tickets.
avatar for georgmicrodong
13 years ago
I've never timed myself. I know that I get faster towards the end, but I'm really not in any condition to pay attention to it by that point.
avatar for bubbaloo
13 years ago
I am a habitual speeder. Get out of this country and the rediculous speed laws every chance I get.
Speed laws are ONLY a means to collect rvenue. If safety was a concern maybe ours cars would be inspected and maybe a liscence wouldn't be handed out to anyone that wanted one.
No Triumph TR-7 without a rocket attached will do 155 mph. Had one. 4 cylinder, maybe 100 hp. Also british made, 80's vintage. Bullshit.
It's Camaro, not Camero you white trash trailer dweller. Can't even spell the name of your own car? The most dangerous part of any camaro is not the speed, it's the parts dfalling off.
You guys need to talk about strippers, not cars. I've spent more miles at over 100 mph than you guys have spent sleeping.
Some of you think 70 or 90- mph is fast. Pathetic.
I guess, guys are more interested in computers and their I pods than engines anymore. I'm embarrased for you.
avatar for vincemichaels
13 years ago
Nice run, farmerart. Too bad it was your misfortune to have a pig in the area. I avoid the road where I got that 92 in a 50 ticket. I am sure the pig wasn't happy when my ticket got thrown out. LOL Thanks, city attorney !!
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
"Most chicken shit ticket". Back in the mid 70's, due to the Arab oil embargo, speed limites on all interstates was lowered to 55mph to conserve fuel. I was car pooling home from work, got stopped and given a ticket for 63 in a 55 zone.
avatar for Daddillac
13 years ago
I have a Caddilac DTS and I set the cruise control on 125 to see if it would set, I had left tootsies and was headed up the turnpike for Mons Venus at about midnight on a Wednesday (no traffic). It is really not that long a trip from Miami to Tampa at 125 mph.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
bubbaloo made a good point, speed is so exaggerated, IE: A 155MPH TR-7. Anyway, most vehicles will never come close to what most think they will do. It takes one hell of a lot more horsepower to go from 110 to 120 then it does to go from 0 to 10. The progression is not liner!

Unless one is clocked by a properly calibrated LEO radar, or it is registered on a track with proper timing equipment, most "speeds" are bogus.

That is why I stated in my first response what I did. I used words such as "likely" and "maybe" for anything other then clocked speed.
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
Clubber - What about GPS? How accurate? I use mine to set my cruise control.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
sc, some seem to work well, but an old one I have isn't so good compared to the newer one. I think part of that is memory size limitations.
avatar for mikeya02
13 years ago
@bubbaloo, you're right, it was a badass CAMARO, not a trailer trash Trans Am. Get your facts straight. And I never had parts "dfalling' off spelling bee champ.
avatar for 10inches
13 years ago
personal driving---120 in Z-28 Camaro on I-10 between Houston and San Antonio; was racing with Vette when cops pulled us both over.

as a passenger--160 in a DeTemoso Pantera on I-10 between Houston and Beaumont; way to freaking fast for me !!!
avatar for bubbaloo
13 years ago
Could be my hands are better at wrenching on horsepower and holding young women.
Never cared much for a computer keyboard.
Sorry- since the demise of the El Camino and the Monte Carlo. Nothing left more white trash than a CamEro.
avatar for BigTuna1
11 years ago
Oldies but goodies
avatar for Jascoi
4 years ago
fun reading these responses. my personal best was a white knuckle 145 mph decades ago.
avatar for Cowboy12
4 years ago
On an early morning trip, no traffic around, I had my mustang up to 130. Best on a motorcycle was 100, and that was fast enough for me on 2 wheels.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
Speed: 134 in my current car; 145 on a Kawasake; friend buried the speedometer at 160 mph in a hemi cuda, but my all time best mark is a 3 mile run down a twisty road with many corners including a hairpin with a rock jutting into it, run in 2:57 in a 1967 dodge coronet station wagon with manual brakes and steering. For reference 10 years ago I did the same run driving a 2002 wrx wagon and the time was 3:20. 17 years old and insane wins every time.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^ I don't know about that you're still insane, just not as quick as you once were
avatar for rickthelion
4 years ago
I’m going to ignore the bs posted by a certain homeless crab and simply point out that acceleration is more fun than simple speed.

Would you want your rick-mode Tesla to simply plow through a bunch of pedestrians at 200 kph? Oh yeah, that would be fun, but the real skill is missing the cubs and apelings while still taking out the full-grown apes. Nope, keep the speed down and go for precision. ROAR!!!
avatar for dirtyburt
4 years ago
Just got ticketed in Ohio heading to the Flight Club in Michigan. 82 in a 65 zone. Cost me $147.00 and then the dancer I wanted to see wasn’t there.
So I guess I got fucked twice for about $150, looking on the bright side.........
avatar for shadowcat
4 years ago
I've she is really hot, I can go in 60 seconds.
avatar for rl27
4 years ago
Somewhere around 120 MPH in Montana back when their speed limit was, "reasonable and safe" during the day, and 65 at night. That was about as fast as my car would go, and I was passed quite a bit by the other traffic.
avatar for orionsmith
4 years ago
I remember a fast car. I accidentally spun the rear tires punching the gas when i was already at 45 getting on a highway.You could drive over 100 with passengers thinking it sounded like 55 in their old car. Glad my mother didn't notice the spedometer one afternoon. All the other traffic was going between 100 to 120. It appeared like normal traffic if you ignored the dashes on the highway and trees going past quickly. We made good time for over 20 miles. I had tires rated for 145 so I wasn't worried.
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