Comments by minnow (page 93)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Regular or Wanderer
    Both for me in that I travel a lot. Yet, circumstances/time constraints often dictate sticking with known good clubs in familiar city vs trying out new clubs.
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    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Pervert Row
    Well, jacklash, I sometimes prefer stageside (pervert row ) seats , yet I don't consider informal designation to be hurtful or pejorative. Like most acronyms/terms in tuscl glossary, I'm rather amused. Just like the cheap ticket seats at sporting events (eg- highest up, furthest away from action ) being dubbed "nosebleed section". (Eg- the section is high enough up to give one a nosebleed ).
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    ATL strip clubs and extras?
    rick- The real question to ask is does KP really care if prostitution is illegal or not ? Judging by topic matter/titles of most of the umpty ump threads he's started, apparently not...................
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Show some humility in this thread!
    I may have posted this a few years back, here goes: Before the start of my 1st lapdance of the night, the dancer had a horrified expression. My fly was open, so I excused myself to mens room, saying I'd be right back. Turns out my zipper was broken. So, I asked doorman directions to a 24 hr Walmart (pre Nav days), explained predicament to him, asking for OK to re-enter without paying another cover charge. He said OK ( and probably LHAO after I left ). I went to WM, slyly covering my fly with rental car map. I made a quick purchase, changing in rest room. Upon return to club 40 some minutes later, original dancer was nowhere to be seen the rest of the night.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Unusual or strange dancer ethnic backgrounds.
    I guess my 2 most unusual would be: Korean/German at Mons Venus. She had blonde hair ( not sure if dyed or not) but she looked very hot. Italian/Morrocoan at Christies Phoenix. She was hot, and a skilled belly dancer to boot.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Tranny Dancers
    I've "encountered" Indy and COI trannies mentioned by prior posters. The Indy case happened mid-90's. "Shim" was a 5'6"ish Asian/Islander, and amoung the 2-3 hottest dancers in the club. Voice was deeper than average, but not deep enough to set off alarm bells. I didn't catch on until a short time later when I encountered 2 former club dancers at another nearby club who wised me up. I went back later, looking real hard for Adams Apple. I was too stunned to do anything ( confront shim or mgt who hired shim), so I walked out and stopped going to club for a while. Fellow mongers and 2 subsequent dancers reinforced confirmation. I don't recall name in COI case, but was talked about zbone board. In this case, "shim" looked freaky, and would never have bought dances from "shim" even without the obvious deep voice. This was in nude club (SRI), which happens to be a very dark club. I never saw "shims" stage show, or know if shim ever did a stage show. If one were to "spread it", don't know if there'd be any telltale signs ( have any measurement stats "down there", Che?? ). The "maybe" case happened in a nude FL club a few years back. Something about a tall black dancer didn't seem quite right ( body proportions- hip, shoulder, hand/wrist,etc.) coupled with unwillingness to spread it on stage aroused suspisions. For those who want more piss in their corn flakes, go to pink site. Some threads have dancers "giggling" about some dudes being "unsuspecting" in some Vegas clubs, etal. Lastly, I read that the incidence of transexualism in males is 1 in 10000. Of those, maybe 10% could pull off passing as a hot female stripper. So, the odds are probably better at getting a sizeable lotto prize.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Things I Absolutely Dislike about Strip Clubs and Clubbing ;) LOL
    "eripmav"- RE #22- Don't you know that blondes have more fun? I've had some enjoyable visits with an all/mostly blonde crew. Good list, hope that few/none of those things happens on your visits........
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    No More Pennies In Canada
    Agree with farmerart about scrapping production of the penny and dime. I've already stated this opinion in 2 other threads last year. As for rounding (up or down): Some states already do dollar rounding for filling out tax forms, what then nickle rounding for cash purchases. Which leads me to some remaining "jokers in the deck": 1) Will credit card charges still be done in 1c increments? 2) Ditto for bank acounts and accrued interest? Interesting how those issues will be resolved.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Aspiring Global Hound
    Strip Club Purgatory
    OP should rephrase "worst metro areas". Cases in point: 1) St. Louis, MO has ZERO stripclubs, but many good ones are available a quick drive across the river in IL. 2) Cincinnati, OH also has ZERO stripclubs. This is a city (and metro area) I'd nominate for inclusion on the "10 worst cities" list. The nearest options across the river in Newport KY- the few clubs there are hardly worth the drive. Closest "good" options are ~ 45 minute drive away in Dayton. Having said that, a lot of states (particularly in midwest or west) could make the list with no viable cities, or clubs within a 45 minute ( let alone 2 hr drive) from any given area of the state.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do you think that there is a possibility that this is a shill review?
    1)If people are going to post an advertisement, they should be paying founder for the privilege, not get a free month membership. 2) Author should label it "ADVERTISEMENT" upfront. Really, would an auto customer review site membership rather read test drive/owner experience reviews written by actual owners, or an advertisement authored by a manufacturer or dealer employee ?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    A cashless society?
    Agree with general theme that it won't happen anytime soon, but that some definite movement in that direction is taking place. Some workplaces have gone entirely to electronic deposits, not cutting employee checks anymore.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Tattoos. Piercings, Preferences and Bigotry
    "I made a comment equating some of the comments against tatoos to bigotry". Seems to me that you're labeling some anti-tatoo people bigots for stongly opining their rationale against them. You never answered my questions posed, choosing instead to throw back some other questions at me. OK, I'll ask the same question(s) a different way. How many prison inmates do you think regretted their life choices? How many law school graduates regretted going to law school? I'm aware that other demographics besides prison inmates have been tatted. So, I'll pose another set of questions: Namely, what was the mental state, mindset, and phase of life when the individual got tatted? I'd be willing to bet more than a $10 cover charge that 1 or more of the following were applicable to many of the tatooed individuals at the time of initial tatoo: 1) They were inebriated 2) They were at the young/rebellious stage of their life 3) They were being initiated into a gang. OK, many, if not most people have been rebellious and/or inebriated at some point(s) in their life. Must one "permanently" and prominently advertise this factoid ? Like it or not, tatoos do make a statement, and the connotations aren't all positive. Nowhere in my prior post did I state that non tatted individuals are more virtuous. Indeed, I'd wager that a tatted vet would be more likely to render me assistance if my car broke down in the boonies than a non-tatted lawyer would. I'll close with this bit of advice given to a young man prior to joining the Marines by his ex-sailor father: "Don't let anyone choose your friends." "If you get a tatoo, have it put on the sole of your feet." That young man who took his fathers advice to heart was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame 40 some years later, the father lived to be 90.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Tattoos. Piercings, Preferences and Bigotry
    gmd- Disagreeing with ones pov, even when stating so boldly or strongly doesn't make one bigoted any more than your sharp response to Che, etal makes you reactionary. Furthermore, making a bold (even rash) statement does not automatically diminish its validity. For example, how many prison inmates are tatted? When was the last time you walked into an attorneys office,or courtroom, and spotted an inked attorney? Which group do you think made the better choices?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Tiered Lap Dance Pricing
    Bare Ellegance, Los Angeles has a 2 tier system for day and night shift LD's with later costing $10/dance more. That irritated me enough to quit going there at nights after a price increase.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Upcoming road trip
    For Lexington, the Spearmint Rhino might be worth a shot. It's right off I75 (exit 104, I think) with several hotels nearby. For Columbus, maybe Columbus Gold. It is not too far off beltway around Columbus. Shoot me a pm, might be able to have a quick "miniconvention" at 1 of those or in between places.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Topless vs Nude
    I have to ask OP what his bugaboo/hangup is about trying a BYOB nude club in the 1st place is. Also, his priorities in going to a club. If the cost of a cover charge and half finished 6 pack or whiskey bottle is going break the bank that much,then maybe he'd be happier to just continue visiting fave topless club. Hey, many posters have taken one for the team, didn't lose any sleep or miss any meals over it. I'll close by saying, IMLE, that much of TX nude clubs are rather scarce and don't attract the top talent pool. I recall several years ago the isolated cases of nude clubs in San Antonio ( not that far from Austin) turned out to be "clip joints" to be avoided like the plague. Good luck, awaiting TR.....
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    My Credibility As A Reviewer Is Challenged
    art: What happened? Did someone flag one of your reviews, or did they send you a negative pm? If former, we all need to prop that review!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Update on Dudester
    Best wishes on full and speedy recovery for Dudester.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Going Stripclubbing on a Monday
    st007- Hey, if you end up visiting club on Monday and you have to fend off the dogs because the regulars have the hotties tied up, you've only blown a cheaper cover charge.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    This time I'm being serious
    Yes it does- MY buds and I want OUR faves to be of the human race..........
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Socio-Economic Class And The SC World
    art- I happen to feel like a big fish in my pond, but am well aware that there are still plenty of whales and sharks in the greater ocean. As a saying goes: You can take a boy out of the (blank), but you can't take the (blank) out of a boy.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Feature Dancers Survey
    Ditto what others have said. I also think that many on this DB have grown out of initial "buzz", and have some "BT-DT" T-Shirts under their belt.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Half Century Tour
    Oops, make that 27, plus DC and PR. I forgot KS! Ditto on double post, Tuscl can be slow to post at times.....
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Half Century Tour
    My number 26, plus DC and Puerto Rico. List: AK,AZ,CA,CO,CT,FL,GA,HI,IL,IN,KY,ME,MD,MI,MN,NV,NM,NC,OH,OR,PA,TX,UT,VA, WA,WI.