In 20+ years of Strip Clubbing I've NEVER personally seen an OBVIOUSLY pregnant Dancer.
I would not have any problem having Sex with an already pregnant Dancer as long as she was not too big with child & couldn't comfortably engage in Sex!
I don't mind even obviously pregnant dancers normally. Until they get to the point where they can't move around the club safely. Then it seems like it would be a liability issue for the club.
I've seen them in clubs but I want touch them.....just seams like no fun dancing wise.....but if I was going to fuck her hell ya....their is a sweet spot on thse girls a nice stage were the tits and ass just fuckin glow !......I had a good time with a escort once like this....but ya if she goes to fare I'm big...and no fun......
One of my favorite stories involves one of my earliest strip club visits at Myrtle Beach before college. We saw a dancer we thought was pregnant till my buddy went to the back with her, so we assumed she wasn't. When we left a joke was made about it and he got very very quiet. Apparently she wasn't fat, but quite pregnant. We still give him hell about it.
If they are showing, I find it unappealing. At the clubs I frequent, management will make them take a leave of absence around the 5th month to avoid any liabilty problems involving accidents.
I've known two dancers at different clubs that were pregnant and danced right up until the ninth month. They were both very young girls (18-21), and the both carried it off very well. On stage they still had most of their maneuverability that they always had. Both stripped nude, except they both clothing on around their stomachs, so as to direct attention elsewhere. I didn't get dances with them,because weren't my faves to begin with. So, that part of their work, I can't comment about. I sense that they were both still successful dancers, while pregnant, or they wouldn't have continued to work. Both returned to work after a maternity leave.
I don't find obviously pregnant dancers to be appealing. (Eg- I don't ***specifically*** seek them out for shows or dances.) IMHO, FWIW.
That said, pregnant dancers do appeal to some patrons. One club has website with dancers on it. In 2 cases ( 1 dancer, 1 attendant) got a lot of "hits" for private webcam sessions. As in being ~ in top 3 in monthly demand.
I don't know for a fact that I've seen an obviously pregnant dancer. At my favorite club, one of my favorites was pregnant, but she was not that far along before they told her she couldn't dance anymore. And that was the last time for three years (until just last year) that I had seen her dancing in the club. (I did see her once in the audience, with her loser future-ex-husband.) At one of my old favorite clubs, every time a dancer got pregnant, they used to let them be the waitress til she gave birth.
In my SC adventures so far only ever saw one visibly preggo dancer and I have to admit I was disgusted. However, my buddy was absolutely turned on by her and he even got several couch dances. That this guy is in general a sick fuck shouldn't have any bearing on that lmao.....but I suppose there is a niche market pregnant chicks can exploit. Not my cup o'tea tho...
I have yet to see an obviously pregnant dancer, but have known a few who claim to have kids who look just fine. I've never been attracted to pregnant women, but did see a civilian last month who was smoking hot, and when she moved away from the service counter, I was shocked to see she was pregnant. She is the first pregnant woman I have ever seen who I thought was hot looking. Not just attractive, but HOT.
Hey TonyMontana it is your right to find a pregnant Dancer unattractive. Calling the Dancer DISGUSTING, I believe crosses the line.
Now I don't intend to get into a Flame War with you and argue about the relative Beauty of pregnant women whether they work as a Dancers or as a corporate CEOs.
"They are absolutely disgusting if they are pregnant strippers. It's my opinion, if you don't like it suck my dick bro."
Based on your response to me in the quote above, & especially because of the proposed sex act you attempted to insult me with, you simply are not worth MY time & energy to argue with about this subject.
Instead, I'm going to tell a personal story about a pregnant woman & my experience with her. This story is NOT really for your eyes & mind TonyMontana.
Many years ago in 1982 I was in Nursing School & about to participate in my Maternity rotation. Each nursing student in my class was assigned to a volunteering pregnant woman to follow thru her pregnancy to the birth of the baby & then to take care of the mother and child after the birth. We were to get to know this woman & the prospective father. I ended up becoming friends with my assigned mother to be & her husband. I saw quite a bit of her body during my Clinical time caring for her before the birth, during the birth & after the birth. She was above average in looks, but as many men know, a pregnant woman often exudes a "Special" glow about them. In retrospect, I thought she looked beautiful. Finally the time for her to give birth came. She was quite big by this time & still attractive. I had NEVER seen a baby born up close & personal. This birth was ABSOLUTELY one of the MOST Special experiences of my entire Life!!! Still all these years later I tear up whenever I think about it. And it is almost impossible to put into words the emotions I felt during the birth. After all I had spent a great deal of time getting to know this couple, & I felt like part of their family & they treated me that way. Both the husband & I cried the moment the baby emerged. The experience with this couple continued on to taking care of the mother & baby after the birth until the baby went home.
Oh sorry. I was studying for some things related to a vanilla job (internet servers). I like all the opinions. I decided to put my DBZ t shirt picture in here instead of a nicer one just because. I like my DBZ picture.
Edit to prior post: Should have added: "in 2 cases (1 pregnant dancer, 1 pregnant attendant) got a lot of private cam requests, and videos made for rent.
I was in a BYO nude club in NW PA a couple of years ago and in walks this 6 or 7 month pregnant girl and goes to the back. A while late she comes out still in street clothes and a guy goes to the VIP with her. I asked the girl sitting with me what was up and she told me that she is a dancer at the club but only comes in once or twice a week to give private dances to a couple of her regulars. This club is known as an anything goes club and I have heard some guys really like over the hump. Something for everyone!! I have also many pregnant waitresses that were dancers before. I got a dance from a girl that she said she had recently had her child (you could not tell from her belly) but her beast were large, real and was begining to drip by the end of the dance.
To the dude that says he feel disgusted by preggo dancers, is there a reason why you feel disgusted by pregnant dancers? If you were married and impregnated your wife, would you also feel disgusted by her as well?
"To the dude that says he feel disgusted by preggo dancers, is there a reason why you feel disgusted by pregnant dancers? If you were married and impregnated your wife, would you also feel disgusted by her as well?"
An EXCELLENT point you're making JayJaydancer. It can also extend to any woman & the man she is impregnated by. I'd really feel quite sorry for a woman in that situation.
Saw a dancer who had just had a kid and her nipples were leaking on stage. One of my favs danced for me and several other guys OTC. Sometimes she would be visiting me for a few days and I would have to shave her pussy when she had to go dance for someone else 'cause she couldn't see or reach it. It was a tough job that somone had to do. That's her ass in my avatar.
Isn't Alucard hot? Seriously you just moved up numerous places on my list, not that you needed to. I respect your views on pregnant dancers and women and I also agree with them
I have seen many pregnant women who are very hot and would not turn them down. I have only see the one who was very pregnant in a club but I have seen several that may have been judging from their breasts and overall hotness/hornyness. I disagree that just because a woman is pregnant that she is automatically unatractive. If I find a woman attractive she is still likely to be attractive while pregnant. As far as dancing I don't know that I would want a dance from a girl I don't know that was far advanced. That would depend on the girl and her personality. Besides as I had a girl tell me once "you can't get me more pregnant".
"Isn't Alucard hot? Seriously you just moved up numerous places on my list, not that you needed to. I respect your views on pregnant dancers and women and I also agree with them"
THX Stiletto25, your opinion means a lot to me. :) :)
Alucard, I keep my civilian life and strip club life separate. Note I didn't say, as you tried to attribute to me, pregnant women were disgusting. I said pregnant strippers in a strip club were. If I saw stilleto or jayjay obviously pregnant and stripping, I would shun them. As would the grand majority of other patrons. Thats the way it is. I've seen it in practice. You won't change it, Stilleto won't change it, JayJay won't change it. Too fucking bad. If you're having a kid, stay out of the club.
Pregnancy is a beautiful thing. If my significant other was having a kid she would be as beautiful in month 9 as month 1. If I see a stripper in a strip club pregnant, she is disgusting. And, again, Alucard, if you don't like that, you can suck my dick. You STUPID Fucking Dick SUCKER. And don't try saying you aren't looking for a fight when you take the time to selectively quote somebody and tell them how wrong they are. YOU Stupid FUCKING Dick SUCKER.
"Alucard, I keep my civilian life and strip club life separate. Note I didn't say, as you tried to attribute to me, pregnant women were disgusting. I said pregnant strippers in a strip club were. If I saw stilleto or jayjay obviously pregnant and stripping, I would shun them. As would the grand majority of other patrons. Thats the way it is. I've seen it in practice. You won't change it, Stilleto won't change it, JayJay won't change it. Too fucking bad. If you're having a kid, stay out of the club.
Pregnancy is a beautiful thing. If my significant other was having a kid she would be as beautiful in month 9 as month 1. If I see a stripper in a strip club pregnant, she is disgusting. And, again, Alucard, if you don't like that, you can suck my dick. You STUPID Fucking Dick SUCKER. And don't try saying you aren't looking for a fight when you take the time to selectively quote somebody and tell them how wrong they are. YOU Stupid FUCKING Dick SUCKER."
You sure like to attack people don't you. I hope the Founder DELETES you.
Kind of relating to this topic and post discussion is a recent exchange from another site several days it is...
Gross • 4/23/2012 Post a Reply • Delete This Comment • Read Reviews • Join Now! • SCL Jobs • Club Free Pass Stopped by Sat night after a day of golfing to see some talent. Got a CR dance from a gorgeous italian girl only to find out 5 minutes into the dance that she was on the rag and her tampon was hanging out. I politely asked her to get off of me, paid her and left.
Wno The Fuck is running this place and the girls? Disgusting!
MADDOG_ROMEO • 4/25/2012 Post a Reply • Delete This Comment • Read Reviews • Join Now! • SCL Jobs • Club Free Pass One other thing, to "Gross" (aka the immature fuck below) -- that's totally classless for you to come on here and diss the club and the girl over that situation....It happens, it's part of life, get the fuck over it....You don't need to be coming on here and talking shit about it....To each his own man, but you need to be called out on this - grow the fuck up....
Now, I have no idea who she was and I don't need to know, but I'll tell you one thing - it doesn't make her any less gorgeous.....
Just noticed that @lovemetiddys was an earlier part of this, how is it that she's always in the middle of these controversial discussions....
"I've just successfully added Tony Montana as the first charter member of my ignore list!!!!!"
"Just noticed that @lovemetiddys was an earlier part of this, how is it that she's always in the middle of these controversial discussions...."
The collection does appear to be growing, doesn't it MADDOG_ROMEO?
last commentI would not have any problem having Sex with an already pregnant Dancer as long as she was not too big with child & couldn't comfortably engage in Sex!
That said, pregnant dancers do appeal to some patrons. One club has website with dancers on it. In 2 cases ( 1 dancer, 1 attendant) got a lot of "hits" for private webcam sessions. As in being ~ in top 3 in monthly demand.
There's Nothing disgusting about a pregnant woman. That is Nature.
They are absolutely disgusting if they are pregnant strippers. Its my opinion, if you don't like it suck my dick bro.
Now I don't intend to get into a Flame War with you and argue about the relative Beauty of pregnant women whether they work as a Dancers or as a corporate CEOs.
"They are absolutely disgusting if they are pregnant strippers. It's my opinion, if you don't like it suck my dick bro."
Based on your response to me in the quote above, & especially because of the proposed sex act you attempted to insult me with, you simply are not worth MY time & energy to argue with about this subject.
Instead, I'm going to tell a personal story about a pregnant woman & my experience with her. This story is NOT really for your eyes & mind TonyMontana.
Many years ago in 1982 I was in Nursing School & about to participate in my Maternity rotation. Each nursing student in my class was assigned to a volunteering pregnant woman to follow thru her pregnancy to the birth of the baby & then to take care of the mother and child after the birth. We were to get to know this woman & the prospective father. I ended up becoming friends with my assigned mother to be & her husband. I saw quite a bit of her body during my Clinical time caring for her before the birth, during the birth & after the birth. She was above average in looks, but as many men know, a pregnant woman often exudes a "Special" glow about them. In retrospect, I thought she looked beautiful. Finally the time for her to give birth came. She was quite big by this time & still attractive. I had NEVER seen a baby born up close & personal. This birth was ABSOLUTELY one of the MOST Special experiences of my entire Life!!! Still all these years later I tear up whenever I think about it. And it is almost impossible to put into words the emotions I felt during the birth. After all I had spent a great deal of time getting to know this couple, & I felt like part of their family & they treated me that way. Both the husband & I cried the moment the baby emerged. The experience with this couple continued on to taking care of the mother & baby after the birth until the baby went home.
Something for everyone!! I have also many pregnant waitresses that were dancers before. I got a dance from a girl that she said she had recently had her child (you could not tell from her belly) but her beast were large, real and was begining to drip by the end of the dance.
An EXCELLENT point you're making JayJaydancer. It can also extend to any woman & the man she is impregnated by. I'd really feel quite sorry for a woman in that situation.
I can't imagine anything more repellent to me.
That must be NICE! ;)
Besides as I had a girl tell me once "you can't get me more pregnant".
Ah, shouldn't you be paying some of those bills, "Daddy" Vince?
THX Stiletto25, your opinion means a lot to me. :) :)
Pregnancy is a beautiful thing. If my significant other was having a kid she would be as beautiful in month 9 as month 1. If I see a stripper in a strip club pregnant, she is disgusting.
And, again, Alucard, if you don't like that, you can suck my dick. You STUPID Fucking Dick SUCKER.
And don't try saying you aren't looking for a fight when you take the time to selectively quote somebody and tell them how wrong they are. YOU Stupid FUCKING Dick SUCKER.
Pregnancy is a beautiful thing. If my significant other was having a kid she would be as beautiful in month 9 as month 1. If I see a stripper in a strip club pregnant, she is disgusting.
And, again, Alucard, if you don't like that, you can suck my dick. You STUPID Fucking Dick SUCKER.
And don't try saying you aren't looking for a fight when you take the time to selectively quote somebody and tell them how wrong they are. YOU Stupid FUCKING Dick SUCKER."
You sure like to attack people don't you. I hope the Founder DELETES you.
Gross • 4/23/2012
Post a Reply • Delete This Comment • Read Reviews • Join Now! • SCL Jobs • Club Free Pass
Stopped by Sat night after a day of golfing to see some talent. Got a CR dance from a gorgeous italian girl only to find out 5 minutes into the dance that she was on the rag and her tampon was hanging out. I politely asked her to get off of me, paid her and left.
Wno The Fuck is running this place and the girls? Disgusting!
MADDOG_ROMEO • 4/25/2012
Post a Reply • Delete This Comment • Read Reviews • Join Now! • SCL Jobs • Club Free Pass
One other thing, to "Gross" (aka the immature fuck below) -- that's totally classless for you to come on here and diss the club and the girl over that situation....It happens, it's part of life, get the fuck over it....You don't need to be coming on here and talking shit about it....To each his own man, but you need to be called out on this - grow the fuck up....
Now, I have no idea who she was and I don't need to know, but I'll tell you one thing - it doesn't make her any less gorgeous.....
"Just noticed that @lovemetiddys was an earlier part of this, how is it that she's always in the middle of these controversial discussions...."
The collection does appear to be growing, doesn't it MADDOG_ROMEO?