How Much would You Loan your ATF?
Detroit strip clubs
Recently my ATF Christie asked me for a $5000 loan. I told her I didn't have $5000, which was not true but which seemed nicer than an outright refusal. Christie, I'm sure, would have every intention of repaying me. But I'm also sure she would never get around to it and that would be a deal breaker. I have "loaned" her smaller amounts and I've let it slide when she didn't repay them. However, I would want my $5000 back and our relationship would end over the arguments about the money. I would lose my ATF and my money.
I decided that $500 is the most I would ever "loan" Christie.
How much would you loan your ATF, knowing she would probably not pay you back?
I decided that $500 is the most I would ever "loan" Christie.
How much would you loan your ATF, knowing she would probably not pay you back?
Most strippers can't see beyond the immediate moment so there is no way they can get it together long enough to repay $100. Also some just like the thrill of ripping people off so much that they go with the $100 immediate gratification ripoff even if costs them many times that amount in the long run.
Nobody (except txtittyfan) ever accused strippers of being smart.
You made the right choice. How about instead of a loan you make her"earn" the money OTC?
I won't venture into this territory with my current ATF & she has not asked yet either thankfully.
Snake's suggestion seems good.
To be fair, though, she's never asked for a loan. She *has* "paid back" a few of the gifts, though, with discounts.
So would I motorhead. EXCEPT my Bank account is "invisible" next to Gate's account. LOL
If I had Bill Gates' money, it wouldn't be wealth I'd be "spreading".
$5000 means different things to different people. Evaluate the risk and reward like any good poker player.
Yes, it happened to me in the past, and I hold firm about this now, unless they want to pay in services, which can be rarely kept promises.
Here are some examples, but feel free to modify them as you see fit:
1. She MUST agree to allow you to follow her to the ladies room and wipe her butt after she takes a dump.
2. She MUST agree to allow you to babysit her kids and clean the house when she's out getting nailed by her 23 year old out-of-work boyfriend.
3. She MUST promise to come to you, nobody else, whenever she needs money, because that just shows how much she cares for only you.
Either I give it freely or it is earned, depending upon the person involved. In the case of a stripper, "earned" is definitely the right chocie of words.
I don't care how much money I have, I'm not just giving it away for no reason because a pretty woman asks for it.