How will SC evolve in the next five years?

avatar for Lone_Wolf
After a 15 year break, I recently started doing some serious clubbing. I've been very surprised at how the culture of SC has changed. The girls are far more abundent and definetly, on average, much more attractive. VIP is far more common with two way contact being the norm.

The most surprising change to me is how willing the strippers are to communicate thru phone and text. I would guess eight out of ten will give me their phone number upon request. This makes arranging ITC and OTC extremely easy.

I get the sense the SC culture is still in a rapid state of change. Makes me wonder where it is heading. Will the clubs continue to get more liberal (mutual contact ect...)? Will society allow this to continue to proliferate? Will the young hotties continue to be drawn to the profession in ever greater numbers?

I think the culture will contiue change and become more free. I think thru text and video, the lines defining what is ITC, OTC, escorting, GFE will continue to blurr. The smart ones will profit big time from this. The not so bright won't be pretty.

Overall though, this must be a great time for young guys in the 20's and 30's that have a little cash to blow. Must seem like is raining pussy. Definately more challenging when I was that age.


last comment
avatar for jack0505
12 years ago
With the economy these days, customers are looking to get more for less money... that is what has changed some of the culture.
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
Interesting question, tough one to answer. Since you've had a 15 year break, I think you're in an ideal position to notice a trend I've noticed over the last 10 or 20 years, and that is that mileage seems to be coming back. In another thread on LE, etc., I mentioned how I thought that the 80's and 90's started a big push to clean up strip clubs, and mileage dropped at most or all of the famous high mileage clubs due to city pressures. But now, especially in the last 5 or 10 years, it seems like that is slowly coming back.

Now you have clubs offering not higher priced on dances, but lower prices. Hell 10 or 20 years ago you couldn't find a $10 lap dance, especially one with high mileage. Now the $10 or $15 HM lap dance is fairly common. But who would have predicted prices would actually drop? Sure as hell not me, but it's just wonderful.

Who knows why the pressure seems to be dropping off? Heck, I don't. Maybe cities are so busy worrying about having no budget to do anything that strip clubs are the least of their worries. Maybe if the economy improves, and cities get some money, they'll go back to spending their time and money on useless stuff like strip clubs.
avatar for SuperDude
12 years ago
As the younger generation, now in their 20s, matures and takes political power, SCs will be less the target of LE and regulation. A generation that accepts co-ed dorms, gay marriage, hooking up, decriminalized pot, edgy television shows with four letter words and sex and gay public officials will see SCs as mainstream entertainment. Extras, ITC and OTC will become the socially accetable norm. SCs will eventually become legalized take out brothels.
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
I'm not sure about that....

Women hate strip clubs. Young women, old women, all women.

Personally, I think what has become "accepted" is all of that stuff which ISN'T an older, white, corporate male. Those guys and their nasty greedy corporations who destroy the environment and take advantage of poor, minimum wage workers are the real enemy. Those who used to be criticized and downtrodden are now accepted. Minorities, gays, women, are now the heroes, solely because they are minorities, gays, and women.

So if a strip club is perceived as a being part of a greedy corporation, it is hated. And if it is perceived as also taking advantage of those poor unsuspecting young women who freely decide to work there, it is evil. And if a woman in power has the opportunity to shut one down, she will.

Society hasn't become "free-er" and more open and accepting, it has just shifted its hatred.

(damn, that was good, if I do say so myself)
avatar for vincemichaels
12 years ago
Some will become virtual clubs. The staff won't be real, they'll all be holograms.
avatar for TABB
12 years ago
I think by the beginning of the next decade the mileage will go down and ten years after that the mileage will be higher. The economy will have its small ups and very low downs. Its going to be a revolving door that everyone's going to see. Just look at fashion, what's cool right now was the samething 20 years ago. The only thing we are going to notice is the abundance of hot dancers and crappy DJs.

That's one of the things I hate about my generation. Anyone with a Mac with ITunes are fucking DJS or cage fighters.
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
Okay, TABB, um...I must be, like, really old or something, because I didn't understand a fucking word you said.
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
And now that you mention it, Vince, I am really pissed at this hologram thing. I remember long ago in college everyone was talking about holograms, and we all thought that in 10 years you'd be going to hologram 3D theaters and shit and everything would be 3D like that. But here we are, decades later, and you don't even hear about holograms. Do they still do holograms anywhere? Does anyone even care about them?

That sucks. Kinda like the George Jetson space car that I figured we'd have by the time I grew up. And here we are, decades later, and the best technology we can muster is a freakin' Prius or whatever, and no space cars even on the drawing boards. What a gyp.
avatar for MADDOG_ROMEO
12 years ago
Lone Wolf, interesting topic and points well made including..."I think thru text and video, the lines defining what is ITC, OTC, escorting, GFE will continue to blurr."...

As technology and social trends continue to evolve, the needle for what is considered "mainstream" is constantly being advanced. Some examples I've witnessed and by extention try to apply to the next 5 years....

1.) Women patrons. Some go with guys, some with BF, some couples night out, some go with just the girls. Just the other night a bunch of girls I work with went into a club in Providence as their planned night out. This happens pretty regularly. More than ever though this is blurring the line between regular dance club and strip club. It means much more of a "women's" social acceptance to SC's trending...
2.) ITC, OTC and escorting. More than ever, the liberal clubs are being used as a portal for the "escort", "ho" and "prostitute" as a means of conducting their primary business. The "Pro's" are lining up new biz ITC, which offers relatively low overhead. Repeat biz is then moved OTC if mutually prudent...
3.) Texting and being in instant contact. Wow, has this changed the game and will continue to. Schedules are constantly being swapped. Pressure to "come see me" is being exerted. "Club Relationships" and the "Club Experience" is being extended beyond the leave it the door. More Dancer's than ever are cultivating a stronger regular customer base thru the bonding of a texting...
4.) Not all, but some clubs are going to exploit the interactive, streaming video and cam type app opportunity. Reality based Stripping will become more and more available, where "on-line" from home, etc guys can stay plugged in and see stage dancing, dressing rooms, club drama (staged or otherwise). Paid menu access to certain viewing, rooms, etc will become part of the concept. Girls will essentially be actresses. Patrons and Dancers both will have to be carefree as to relinquishing "privacy" in this evolutionary new breed app.
5.) IMO, certain economic based trends will continue. Some guys may determine that it's economically more sound to have "club relationships" for sex than to get married and settle down. Some guys like variety, and may just be looking for a freak in da bed. The club offers cost certainty that way. As for women, more and more are becoming dancers not only because it's lucrative, but because it's becoming more socially acceptable to do so. And, perhaps this is a great way for some girls/women to find a high roller type, maybe even Mr Right...
6.) As SC's become more and more mainstream - more and more guys and women will be drawn to them (for various reasons) over the next 5 years. As this happens it will increase competition. Clubs and women will become more "liberal" just to compete with the aforementioned emerging forces. Guys will spend more and more time at the SC, to work, play, etc...It will trend into more of a buyer's market for menu based sex where everything is on the table only to be negotiated....
avatar for minnow
12 years ago
A couple of things:

1) LW- What clubs did you go to 15 yrs ago? I'm thinking your frame of reference must have been divey clubs, because going to BSC (1 of your reviewed clubs) will be blown away. IME, dancer attractiveness has slid a bit in the last 10 or so years. In midrange clubs, I see more dancers who really shouldn't be stripping on the club rosters. In the clubs where one HAD to be an 8 plus just to work there, I see more midrange dancers there. In particular, proliferation of tatoos has become commonplace- several years ago anything beyond "discrete tat" wouldn't even make the cut there.

2) TECHNOLOGY: Anyone been over to the pink site lately ? If you have, you'll notice that camgirls have practically taken over the site, with ~80% of posts related to cam threads. It seems that a lot of guys would rather spend $3/min to chat or be teased, vs spending ~$7/min for a typical $20 lapdance. Not to mention saving gas money/cover charge/overpriced drinks. I suspect a lot of contact averse dancers gravitate to camming, judging by some of the posts there bragging about "banking". All from the comfort of ones studio apartment. We have become a "more virtual" society, thus a lot of potential growth will be channeled into the camming venue.
avatar for vincemichaels
12 years ago
Ahh, yes. Cam girls. Thanks for bringing them up, georgmicrodong. I enjoyed several of them years back online and met a lot of very interesting people in the chat rooms while waiting to do a "cam" show. I ended up fucking a few of the women from around the USA I met chatting in the chat rooms. These days, I'll watch the Cam girls do there free shows, and go the strip clubs for actual sex.
avatar for nickifree
12 years ago
Personally myself, I think SCs have declined greatly over the last 15 years. Other than that, I think social media will also play a larger impact.

For instance, there might be an app with real-time SC ratings. Imagine knowing beforehand the quality of a SC before you shell out $20.00 cover fee.

From a management perspective I think more clubs will move toward hiring dancers and paying them an hourly-wage. That means that for dances you directly pay the club and tip the dancer. I know that is the norm in many clubs in the U.S. now and will eventually be typical everywhere.

Lastly I suspect that as much as a third of the SC patrons will be women. You might start to see more uni-sex SCs and a general merging of regular nightclubs and strip clubs.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
oh but MADDOG - didn't you know that ALL women hate strip clubs? At least according to someone posting here......yeah, pretty funny stuff there.
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago

I haven't noticed the trend towards women going to strip clubs. Not sure why that would happen, though. Do they actually enjoy it, or is it a flash-in-the-pan, cool for the moment thing? Is it really a trend across the US? Because if they don't really enjoy it, or it's just a temporary cool thing for lesbians or something, I think it's premature to consider it the next big thing. I'd be interested in having some of the women here comment, 'cuz with all due respect, what a middle aged guy thinks might not be real valid. Myself included.

And Romeo, while you have some interesting thoughts, I think you're taking this WAY too far and making some pretty big assumptions about how influential things are. To assume stuff is going to change that drastically in 5 years, or even 10 years, is, IMO, a HUGE stretch.

And the whole "stripping becomes mainstream and socially acceptable" thing is, IMO, very questionable. Dude, there's a reason why so many strippers are so screwed up, and so many take drugs, and have such screwed up private lives. It's because stripping is now, and always has been, what Mom said was only for sluts. And most young girls wouldn't be caught dead doing it. It generally attracts girls who have some sort of emotional problems, because nobody else wants to do it. Just ask the guys here who keep posting about how tired they are of listening to strippers blab about their messed up lives.

And yeah, technology might be making it easier for people to hook up outside the club, but to say that OTC relationships might supplant marriage just because it's easier to stay in touch is just, well, not realistic, IMO.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
As a woman AND a lesbian, I can tell you with certainty these two things: my luv of stripclubs is neither temporary nor fleeting, and secondly - even in my relatively short stripclub junkie career I have seen a considerable increase in female customers in the club. Unlike myself, who prefers to club solo, these women are usually part of b/g couples. Like MADDOG mentioned, it appears to be a trend that continues to grow. I imagine that there are many reasons why straight women enjoy SC's....maybe some of the straight dancers here might offer their views on that.
avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
20 to 30 years.from now all.strip clubs, massage parlors and escort agencies will be owned by a large company called juice inc.
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
I think it's probably lesbians that enjoy strip clubs. For the most part, at least.

Now, if you were to say that more and more women are deciding to be lesbians, hence the increased interest in strip clubs by women, now THAT I would believe.

Heck, how many straight women go to male-dancer strip clubs on a regular basis? Yeah, a bachelorette party on occasion, but chicks in general aren't into that sort of thing. Count the number of strip clubs in your area, then count the number of male-dancer strip clubs for women. If you can find any.

I don't know, I just don't see it for the general population. Of course you'll find that the small segment of lesbian women who like strip clubs will say that LOT'S of women like strip clubs, but that's kind of like gays in general trying to convince the world that everyone is gay. It just ain't true.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
My experience with the non-stripper women I have known and/or dated is that hot/good looking ones are cool with it. Often it's either something they have thought about or say they would do if it came to that and they needed to pay the bills. They are cool with the whole thing.

Now the not so good looking women (especially the fatties) who have found out about my interest in strip clubs are very likely to freak our about the whole thing. One even started to lecture me before I cut her off about 20 seconds in, but you could see the disgust she felt about strippers nearly seeping from her eyes.

avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
I think what's going on is the not so good looking ones know they ate not and think by being interested in strip clubs it means that all I care about on women is their looks. The good looking ones, by contrast already know they got that covered so aren't threatened by other good looking women, especially since I'm only interested in smart women outside of strip clubs, so they don't feel that threatened by your average stripper.

avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
What women say, and what they think, is often worlds apart. Some people say what will make them look better than they are. Saying "I'm cool with it" or something like that is a whole lot different than actually doing it, or liking it.

The fact is, most women aren't into gawking at the opposite sex dancing for them in a club. Whether that's straight women gawking at men dancing, or gay women gawking at other women dancing. If the WERE into it, there would be a TUSCL for women PL's, sharing info on the highest mileage lap dance clubs with the hottest guys with the biggest dicks. It ain't there for straight women, so why would it be there for any other women?

And just because you say you're okay with something, doesn't mean that inside you're not seething with disgust at a hot stripper because, even though guys tell me I'm hot, my legs are too skinny and my nose is too big and I've got that ugly mole on my back and I'm getting that little pooch in my tummy from too much Haagen Dazs. And they're looking at her, not me. She's such a slut !!!
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
To this who believe the trend in strip clubs is going be higher mileage - I would caution against that.

Look at history. From the time of the California Gold Rush to the post Civil War wild west, every saloon was a front for a brothel.

In the 1890's there were over 200 brothels in New York City.

And early 20th Century Paris was filled with houses of prostitution.

Back then, if one projected into the future, you probably would come to the conclusion that prostitution would be
legal in the year 2012 and bordellos would be as common as Starbucks. Hasn't happened. Several things, including a massive number of cases of sexually transmitted diseases, helped to contribute to the closing of the NYC brothels. Most of the Paris houses were closed after WWII.

I'm just sayin' you never know. It could be more liberal, but I certainly would not count on it.
avatar for MADDOG_ROMEO
12 years ago
I'm a Massachusetts granted I think differently than most...that said, I'll stand behind everything I said....and, forgot to mention - maybe more women are and will be getting into stripping because they just fucking like sex as much as us guys too...

Two other things, lopaw - luv ya babe....and Juice - lol, you rock bro...
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
I think "liberal" is more an effect of your "different" thinking than the cause. You strike me as just plain faggity. Probably talk astrology and new age stuff with the girls and go to poetry readings. Not just to get into their pants either but because you genuinely believe in and enjoy that shit too.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
The reality is that more women, regardless of sexual orientation, are hanging out at stripclubs. Why do straight women want to hang out watching other women dance? I sure as fuck don't know. But they are there....good, bad or otherwise.
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
lopaw, babe (are you a babe??), I'm not saying that more women aren't going to strip clubs. I haven't noticed any women in the clubs I go to, but sure, across the US it could be happening.

But my point is this: is it just a "cool" thing to do this year because someone read an article about it and tweeted her friend and now everyone thinks it's cool? Kind of like flashing way back when, and flash mobs a few years ago.

If it's just a temporary cool thing, and women really don't give a damn about it other than for something different to do until they find something else, then it's not real, and may just be a memory in a couple years.

But yeah, if more women are getting fed up with the sissy men pervading society nowadays, with their liberal views and their "in touch with their emotions" BS, and decide to munch carpet for the rest of their lives, then yeah, they'll go where the hot girls are and try to pick them up.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
And btw jerikson...Im hardly pushing a lesbian agenda by agreeing with others that there is a definite increase in female club patrons. What in the hell would there be to gain by exaggerating about something like that? But it is quite insightful into your psyche to even think that I am part of such a devious conspirancy. You obviously are very uncomfortable with the whole concept for your own reasons, which are none of my concern.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
lol no jerikson....I have not seen a huge influx of new lesbians into the ranks due to general disgust with girlie men!
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
"But it is quite insightful into your psyche to even think that I am part of such a devious conspirancy. You obviously are very uncomfortable with the whole concept for your own reasons, which are none of my concern."


I think your insights into my psyche could be right...

"Uncomfortable"...perhaps, or maybe, more accurately, a fear...

Or, maybe some sort of, how should I describe it...PHOBIA, yeah, it's a phobia...a phobia about...

let's see...

Maybe about gays...or homosexuals...


Funny how whenever someone disagrees with a gay person they suddenly catch that disease. Weird. But thanks for the heads up....
avatar for randy77
12 years ago
Years ago I rarely saw a woman in a sc, but now it seems fairly common. It seems many, not all, are strippers from other clubs.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
never called you a homophobe, jerikson. I don't care if you are one or not. Like I doesnt impact me either way.
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
"never called you a homophobe, jerikson. I don't care if you are one or not. Like I doesnt impact me either way"

Sweetie, whether you care, or it impacts you, is irrelevant.

It's called "passive aggressive behavior". Instead of direct confrontation and implication, you imply. You raise doubt about someone's intentions, motives and psyche. You IMPLY that my intentions are questionable, and my motives are suspect, and my psyche is irrationally biased. And therefore anything I say, no matter how rational and reasonable, is likely tainted by irrational bias, and therefore must be disregarded.

And because you don't imply directly, you can always deny the implication, because it was merely an implication. Easy to squirm out of an implication.

And it's usually what people do when they don't have enough info or intelligence to discuss issues, or someone makes them really angry, and they want to hurt the person, not discuss issues.

And when you finish with "I don't care, it doesn't impact me either way", you're wiping your hands of the issue, which gives you the freedom to walk off, blameless, after dropping your little implication bomb. Pretty clean technique, which is why so many people use it.

avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
whatever you say, sweetie.
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
"whatever you say, sweetie."

Ooo, textbook passive aggressive.

By the way, you (or at least anyone interested) should look up "passive aggressive" online. Kind of interesting, especially what psychologists think are the underlying childhood causes. They might sound familiar....

(Okay, there was a smidge of passive aggressive in that one, I admit...)
avatar for sanitago
12 years ago
will SC's be more common and more "liberal" as far as dancers doing ITC/OTC arrangements in the club? my bet is no. there are still waaaay too many people out there who think SC's are 'dens of iniquity' that lead men to "sin", and they'll cheerfully "save" us from ourselves, no matter whether we think we need it or not.
avatar for lopaw
12 years ago
You know, jerikson, you really do have some interesting ideas on things, but you insist on making every post a biting jab at someone, so you make it impossible to even want to continue discussing whatever the fuck we were even discussing here. It's not passive-aggressive's throwing my hands up in complete apathy because of the direction that you decided to take the conversation in.

My apologies to the OP for helping take this discussion OT. I'm out.
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
Okay, lopaw, I apologize. Not sure how you come up with every post being a biting jab, or any of that other bad stuff about me, but it doesn't really matter. I still apologize.

Because, honestly, the thought of you getting a sexy lapdance from another chick (discussed in the other thread) really has me gettin' all excited. And your avatar that I know you're a girl, damn, that's hot. I'm actually thinking about finding a club right now where there are girls getting lap dances from other hot strippers.

By the way, if anyone knows of a club in So Cal like that, PM me or whatever. I could so get into that right now.

Okay, so back to the topic. I think in the next 5 years, there will be more hot girls coming into the clubs I frequent and getting lap dances right next to me while I'm getting a VHM lap with a hot girl. That would be awesome.

avatar for DandyDan
12 years ago
I don't know where anyone thinks strip clubs will be more liberal and more common. I know in my area, they have been dying for years and the trend is for more conservative rules (less contact, less nudity, more enforcement, everything we hate about bad strip clubs, basically). I think camgirls will be the future, but that's not a future I want, because I prefer a flesh and blood girl to some girl on the other end of a camera on the internet. And what's to stop places from turning into what Missouri turned into, where you can't even strip? I understand that Kansas wants the same law Missouri has. What's to stop other states from doing the same thing? Can you imagine if Florida or Texas or California decided to do something like that? What if they did it all at once? I could see some sort of flash mob strip club type of thing happening in those places, but where would one actually be able to do it?

As for the girls, they probably will get less attractive over time because the hot ones will find a sugar daddy to take care of them and thus not need to strip. In fact, they will probably get fatter because of the obesity epidemic, although I do wonder if nature will just take over at some point and just kill those dancers off. Also, I think pubic hair will return at some point, because every generations reacts to the one before, and the easiest way to be different would be to grow your pubic hair out (that and not get any tattoos at all).

As for female customers, I don't know what to say about that. It seems like for the last 10 years, women have been coming to clubs and it seems to have grown over time. To me, most of them fall into two groups: 1)Women out with their significant other and 2)Women in large groups with no men. I wouldn't be surprised if that plateaued at some point and it might already have happened. I wouldn't be surprised if somebody decided at some point to make a members-only club for men only. One thing I do know is dancers taking off a girl customer's top and bottom is a tired act at clubs which allow that type of thing.
avatar for nickifree
12 years ago
Here in south Texas more than half the women who come in are obese (usually morbid obese). Most regular nights clubs here have obese women too. Guys stopped going to normal nightclubs and the fatties have followed them into strip clubs to pick up guys.
avatar for vincemichaels
12 years ago
Let me know when you are doing the IPO, juicebox69. I want 100,000 shares !!
avatar for MADDOG_ROMEO
12 years ago
Fraudster - you're an asshole
avatar for jerikson40
12 years ago
DandyDan, looks like you're in the midwest/Kansas/Iowa area. I'm kinda surprised you said the trend is more conservative, and the clubs have been dying for years.

I think on the West coast, especially in the LA/Seattle/Phoenix/Tucson/San Diego areas, clubs got real conservative and strict starting in the 90's and early 2000's.

Seattle clamped down real tight and has never recovered from what I've heard.

Phoenix got real strict, and I believe enacted a 6 ft. law, but in recent years has been getting very liberal with very high mileage $10 dances with hot dancers. It's a gold mine.

Same with a lot of clubs in LA. Best action I've seen in decades. And prices are even cheaper than in the 80's/90's.

I think Tucson, which was another mileage capital, clamped down real tight, and sounds like it hasn't recovered.

I believe San Francisco tightened up, and I think it is starting to loosen up.

San Diego always sucked, and probably always will.

On the east coast, Tampa, which was a mileage capital, is a good example of stricter laws in the late 90's and 2000's, but clearly it seems that is loosening up. There was a time when even Mons Venus was looking at having to enact a 6 ft rule or similar, but I believe they just gave it the finger.

Sounds like the midwest might be a bit different. I know a lot of cities on the west coast have been in some serious financial trouble, so I'm attributing the shift away from enforcement on the tight/nonexistent budgets.

Do you think the midwest cities are doing better financially?
avatar for motorhead
12 years ago
From my perspective, Michigan and Indiana have made a nice recovery. The automobile and RV industries are doing much better. The second and third tier suppliers to the auto industry are thriving. During the recession, many of those firms found new business out of the auto sector and the diversity has had a positive effect.

Having said that, it's going to be a long time, if ever, for Michigan to fully recover. GM closed plants in Lansing and Flint that ain't never coming back. Jobs have been created. But many are low paying ($9-$12 per hour) without little or no insurance benefits. The high paying middle management and union shops are gone. The jobs are going to undocumented aliens.

The illegals do go to strip clubs. Mostly to drink beer and buy one or two $20 lappers. Gone forever are the execs with an expense account going to the CR.
avatar for vincemichaels
12 years ago
Yes, Michigan is recovering. We were hit very hard by the depression, and yes, the jobs are coming back, but at lesser rates of pay. Time and time again, I've seen the cycle here in Detroit, in particular with strip clubs. Back in the mid-90's, Detroit enacted stricter laws and the clubs died, they came back. A year or so back, Detroit did the strict law thing again, and people got nervous. It isn't being enforced, the city has no money. So hopefully, the clubs will stay very "liberal" in activities. If not, one of our TUSCL people has extended the open invitation to "COME ON DOWN" to South Florida !!
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
Shit, if Detroit pushes to hard, they will have their own Assault on Precinct 13 (…) problem. And no, I mean the original, not the dumbass remake.
avatar for rickdugan
12 years ago
"From a management perspective I think more clubs will move toward hiring dancers and paying them an hourly-wage. That means that for dances you directly pay the club and tip the dancer. I know that is the norm in many clubs in the U.S. now and will eventually be typical everywhere."

Nicki, as far as I know this is the norm almost nowhere in the U.S. The exceptions are a relative few clubs that have lost employee classification lawsuits, and from what I am hearing even those places now just treat strippers like waitresses, paying them a couple of bucks per hour.

"Personally myself, I think SCs have declined greatly over the last 15 years."

From who's perspective? There are more clubs than ever before, providing both more choice and much better services than back then. Count me as one who would never want to turn the clock back to the days when many clubs offered little more than hot girls with lots of stage tricks. Now there certainly is a lot more mediocre talent out there as well, but hot girls can still be found and the other stuff, IMHO, far outweighs the cons of the current system.
avatar for DandyDan
12 years ago
FWIW, I live in the Omaha area. Maybe I just live in the wrong area for strip clubs, but one of my work buddies, who's a bigger strip club nut than me, told me many stories of places he used to go to in the region, all of which closed and none of which really got replaced, because most of the cities passed laws effectively banning strip clubs, if not just straight banning them. If you want to open one, you have to have it in an almost perfect location where the zoning laws work out perfectly. Then you have to deal with the liquor commissions, and they impose their rules, which often involve making sure all the things we like about strip clubs don't happen. And the cops do have a tendency to enforce the laws around here. Maybe the recession didn't hit Omaha as hard as it did other parts of the country and that's why I think it's dying around here. But I understand most of the Iowa cities which ever had strip clubs are pretty much the same way. Of course, it could all be different in other parts of the country.
avatar for Fred2002
12 years ago
Can someone answer my question about the history of strip clubs? What was allowed in strip clubs during the mid 1990's (1996)? Were lap dances more liberal then (Full Contact) or are they more liberal now?

Does anyone have any information about the strip clubs in Detroit during 1996? My husband went to a strip club in Detroit in 1996 and I was just wondering what was allowed back then? Was it basically just watching women take their clothes off or was there full contact lap dances? Does anyone know what the rules were in Detroit in 1996?

Also, how was the neighborhood in Detroit back in 1996? Was it gang infested with drugs? Was it run down? Any information would be appreciated. Thank you.
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
Ask BookGuy. I'm sure he could write a treatise on the matter.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
Now you've got me curious. Why would you want to know what your husband *might* have done in a strip club more than 15 years ago?
avatar for Dougster
12 years ago
If txtittyfan's daughter starts working in the next five years, she should provide enough extras all by herself to satisfy both the states of Texas and Arizona.
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