tuscl Speed any better? New Server Installed
slip a dollar in her g-string for me
We have purchased a new server. Let me know if you notice a speed improvement or anything strange.
thanks for being patient.
We have purchased a new server. Let me know if you notice a speed improvement or anything strange.
thanks for being patient.
last commentThanks
This is much faster.
Founder, thank you as always for everything.
Seems faster, but I just had an issue with parts of what I'm typing not getting posted once I click post comment.
Thanks founder your one kool mothafucka flying fucka
The site is much faster. good stuff
It's like Speedy Gonzalez now.
!tsaf os s'ti ,flesti fo daeha teg ot seemS
Yes, I have definitely noticed a big speedup when loading the page for a club, or for a review.
Lol @clubber
Thanks for the upgade. Much better.
I wonder how many will "get it"?
It is faster. Here is a glitch. I just posted a comment on another thread and this thread still shows being the last comment. I clicked the " Last comment " link a few times and it didn't update.
Spped does seem improved.
Any chance of restoring the mapping feature? I wanted to research San Diego clubs by using the map. Without it, it's difficult to do. A long-time favorite dancer will have a week to work in San Diego soon. She'll be staying in San Marcos during that time. I thought I'd start by working southward from San Marcos. Without the map, that's difficult.
I access the site with my iPad sometimes. Since the change, the number ratings on the reviews aren't displaying correctly. The text is fine, but the "star ratings" are messed up.
Seems to be faster. Thank you.
Sincerely - Alucard
Thank you, Founder.
Yes founder it does seem much faster. I only use the site on my iPhone too but notice the difference.
excellent. much faster, and, mainly, no inexplicable "permanent" lags (yet) that used to just mean go-back-to-square-one and start over
I noticed the improvement first thing this morning. Thanks.
I never had much of an issue when it came to the speed of the site as others have, but I do notice a difference.
Clubber, very clever.
muchas gracias founder
@Clubber seems to get ahead of itself. its so fast!
@founder seems suprisingly speedy on the mobile device
Much faster. Thanks.
The emails announcing Private Messages aren't coming through as hyperlinks any longer. THX
Only thing I've noticed different is the speed, which is vastly improved. Major thanks to founder!
Copy and paste links to other web sites do not work. That's been the case for a few days, so not sure if related to new server?
You also can't post anything or mistakes as an HTML tag.
Noticeably faster here. No problem reading reviews or club maps. Another big kudos to founder.................
Overall, it seems faster. There is a noticeable, 3-5 seconds, pause after clicking a link, but once it gets past that, it's licketty-split.
much better! Thanks. That new server was probably a good investment,
It's much faster. Thanks Founder!
I am one of those “low foreheads†that didn’t get your joke – please explain (if it’s not too hard to)
Yep, seems faster and less 'hang-y'
Thanks founder!
papi - the site's got so fast it prints a word even before clubber types it.
Read his comment backward :-)
"In matters of sex - slow is good" - Anonymous
@papi: I think clubber meant the server is so fast that is exceeds the speed of light and, hence, time goes in reverse in its frame.
RE: !tsaf os s'ti ,flesti fo daeha teg ot seemS
Just read it from right to left. :)
Oh! - Gracias Senor!!!
@VH_Kicks this is a fantastic Idea! Can we include phone number, home/motel address, ssn, and extras served as well??
What's with all the wasted space between reviews?........ Seriously annoying.