
tuscl Speed any better? New Server Installed

respect for others goes a long way
Saturday, October 20, 2012 12:35 PM
We have purchased a new server. Let me know if you notice a speed improvement or anything strange. thanks for being patient. F


  • motorhead
    12 years ago
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    This is much faster. Founder, thank you as always for everything.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    Founder, Seems faster, but I just had an issue with parts of what I'm typing not getting posted once I click post comment.
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    Thanks founder your one kool mothafucka flying fucka
  • gsv
    12 years ago
    The site is *much* faster. good stuff
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    It's like Speedy Gonzalez now.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    !tsaf os s'ti ,flesti fo daeha teg ot seemS
  • emmett
    12 years ago
    Yes, I have definitely noticed a big speedup when loading the page for a club, or for a review.
  • founder
    12 years ago
    Lol @clubber
  • snowtime
    12 years ago
    Thanks for the upgade. Much better.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    founder, I wonder how many will "get it"?
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    It is faster. Here is a glitch. I just posted a comment on another thread and this thread still shows being the last comment. I clicked the " Last comment " link a few times and it didn't update.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    12 years ago
    Spped does seem improved. Any chance of restoring the mapping feature? I wanted to research San Diego clubs by using the map. Without it, it's difficult to do. A long-time favorite dancer will have a week to work in San Diego soon. She'll be staying in San Marcos during that time. I thought I'd start by working southward from San Marcos. Without the map, that's difficult.
  • sandyman
    12 years ago
    I access the site with my iPad sometimes. Since the change, the number ratings on the reviews aren't displaying correctly. The text is fine, but the "star ratings" are messed up.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Seems to be faster. Thank you. Sincerely - Alucard
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    Thank you, Founder.
  • mrrock
    12 years ago
    Yes founder it does seem much faster. I only use the site on my iPhone too but notice the difference.
  • Book Guy
    12 years ago
    excellent. much faster, and, mainly, no inexplicable "permanent" lags (yet) that used to just mean go-back-to-square-one and start over
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    I noticed the improvement first thing this morning. Thanks.
  • rh48hr
    12 years ago
    I never had much of an issue when it came to the speed of the site as others have, but I do notice a difference. Clubber, very clever.
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    muchas gracias founder
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    @Clubber seems to get ahead of itself. its so fast! @founder seems suprisingly speedy on the mobile device
  • mmdv26
    12 years ago
    Much faster. Thanks.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    The emails announcing Private Messages aren't coming through as hyperlinks any longer. THX
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    Only thing I've noticed different is the speed, which is vastly improved. Major thanks to founder!
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    Copy and paste links to other web sites do not work. That's been the case for a few days, so not sure if related to new server?
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    You also can't post anything or mistakes as an HTML tag.
  • minnow
    12 years ago
    Noticeably faster here. No problem reading reviews or club maps. Another big kudos to founder.................
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    Overall, it seems faster. There is a noticeable, 3-5 seconds, pause after clicking a link, but once it gets past that, it's licketty-split.
  • nj_pete
    12 years ago
    much better! Thanks. That new server was probably a good investment,
  • Clackport
    12 years ago
    It's much faster. Thanks Founder!
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    @clubber, I am one of those “low foreheads” that didn’t get your joke – please explain (if it’s not too hard to)
  • mjx01
    12 years ago
    Yep, seems faster and less 'hang-y' Thanks founder!
  • rogertex
    12 years ago
    papi - the site's got so fast it prints a word even before clubber types it. Read his comment backward :-) "In matters of sex - slow is good" - Anonymous
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    @papi: I think clubber meant the server is so fast that is exceeds the speed of light and, hence, time goes in reverse in its frame.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    papi, RE: !tsaf os s'ti ,flesti fo daeha teg ot seemS Just read it from right to left. :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    Oh! - Gracias Senor!!!
  • Doc_Holliday
    12 years ago
    @VH_Kicks this is a fantastic Idea! Can we include phone number, home/motel address, ssn, and extras served as well??
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    What's with all the wasted space between reviews?........ Seriously annoying.
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