Privacy - Do you believe in it or NOT?

avatar for Alucard

It seems privacy is a value and concept NOT valued by some members at TUSCL. You welcome & applaud persons who VIOLATE privacy. You heap scorn on the victim(s)

This IMO speaks badly of you as supposedly civil people, in that you possess NO respect for someone else's privacy. It speaks equally badly of the upbringing you received in that the virtue and value of privacy was apparently not instilled in you by your parents. I was taught the value of privacy by my parents and it's importance.

As far as I am aware there is no Rule by the Founder regarding the posting of PMs in the public area. Members are supposedly on their Honor to keep Private Messages {PMs} private. It seems to be the whole point of a private message system. If PMs can't/won't be kept confidential, then IMO the Founder should simply eliminate the PM system.

I believe many of you would be talking a different tale should your privacy be violated. I'd love to be standing there to experience your reaction to having your privacy violated.

Those of you who obviously don't believe in privacy &/or don't respect the concept of privacy, try living in a society WITHOUT privacy. I don't believe you would like it at all. It's an important concept to be fought for and preserved in our country's society. Violations however small are important, because small violations turn into LARGE ones.

I'd like to hear from those of you who at least agree with some of what I've said.

I know the vile ATTACK DOGS both male and female will be heaping more scorn & doing more attacking. It is their nature, a Zebra can't change it's stripes and these "persons" won't or can't change their nature. Not sure about those members who appear to be TOTALLY indifferent to the idea of personal privacy.

Thus far I am disappointed that more of the Adult members haven't expressed support for privacy, either privately &/or in public. I'll go things alone if I must.

THX to those who have expressed support.

Sincerely - Alucard


last comment
avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

It is a weeping, a moaning, and a gnashing of teeth...

avatar for Corvus
12 yrs ago

One of the many great things about TUSCL is it's anonymity. Only one other member knows me and he and I were able to meet and compare notes at a local club because of TUSCL. One or two other members know a little about me due to PMs with them.

I consider everything else I do or say on this site private because it is anonymous. I would not participate on TUSCL or any other site unless it was anonymous.

I also know that EVERYTHING I write on this site, including PMs is now in the public domain but still anonymous because so very few fellow TUSCL members know so little about me.

So while I value my privacy tremendously I also recognize the fact I cannot control the actions of others. I have had personal e-mails forwarded without my prior knowledge or approval in my professional life, it sucks. Technology is potentially detrimental to all of us. Use it wisely my friends.

And I couldn't give a flip what anyone I don't know and will never meet thinks about me or anything I do, say, or stand for. Oh, wait, everything on here is a work of fiction, so all is well.

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

Ok, I'll get a little serious now. Let's overlook alucard's histrionics and step back or a little perspective. If someone posts a PM in which he said to her "Hi, Kate, how are you?" Ok, a little bit bad because PMs should be kept private? How big an offense on a scale of 1 to 100? A 1? Maybe a 2?

Now if she had posted his name, his pictures, his address, phone number, social security number, credit card numbers, name of ex-gfs and why they broke up with him (oops, he has none of those so n/m that point) then how serious an offense? 99? 100? Yeah, I'd but that.

How about this case. I would say 4, 7, maybe 10 tips. What says the rest if you? And what's says you, drac?

avatar for staxwell
12 yrs ago

SWERVE... lol

This is the Alucard I know. I didn't believe them when they said you insulted that girl, I know you'd never do such a thing. And yes, privacy is great. And yes, you still have your privacy. It was a PM, under a made up username, on a site NOT EVERYONE takes so seriously. But, it's the principle, right? She shouldn't have done it. And no, we don't need another Troop/Doc situation (as entertaining as it was).

You could've saved a bunch of paragraphs by just calling us "a bunch of miscreants!".

It's gonna be okay...okay.

avatar for motorhead
12 yrs ago

Corvus -

Everthing you said is true.

However, I also think there is such a thing as good judgment and kittykate did not exercise that. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.

She did admit to not knowing "the rules" and apologized. Props for that.

I'm with Drac on this one.

avatar for Alucard
12 yrs ago

What she said WASN'T an apology, but another attack.

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

Alucard: answer my question, you little bitch. On a scale of 1 to 100 how bad do you rate her offense?

avatar for georgmicrodong
12 yrs ago

Do I believe in privacy? Hell yes! I've actually experienced it.

I also maintain my own, and don't expect others to respect it unless they've demonstrated their willingness to do so.

avatar for lopaw
12 yrs ago

I have witnessed alot of questionable posts on TUSCL, but I was surprised at someone posting a PM. That crosses a line big time. We may define ourselves as lawless with an "anything goes" culture, but even we have our boundaries, which this broad totally crossed. She has since apologized, which I guess is something.

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

Given how minor the offense was here, and disproportionate alucrard's response here, I somehow doubt that a breech if privacy is what really bugs him here.

I think it's that he went to looking for some empathy for his beliefs from a stripped who just ended up kicking him in the nuts instead. So funny it makes me LMFAO!

avatar for rickdugan
12 yrs ago

I don't know. I always assume that any pm I post in a place like this could become public. Now I always respect other posters' privacy when I receive a pm, but I never expect it when I initiate a pm exchange.

avatar for Otto22
12 yrs ago

I agree that PMs should never be posted in a public forum, it doesn't matter how minor or banal the PM may be. In this case I believe that kittykate is more immature or stupid rather than malicious. I find her posts distasteful for more reasons than breaches of etiquette. I suppose I can always block her if this type of thing continues. Let's all hope her convalescence continues apace and she will go back to the pink site soon.

avatar for vincemichaels
12 yrs ago

I believe in privacy. I think the babe erred in publishing the PM and hopefully she has learned from her error.

avatar for gatorfan
12 yrs ago

I believe in privacy but not on TUSCL

avatar for minnow
12 yrs ago

Posting PM's on a public forum is not cool, period. I hope "drac" gets over his PM mishap soon. I for one wouldn't want the PM feature to go away- very useful for chatting with other members for more detailed info.

avatar for bustanutz
12 yrs ago

Never let a dumb bitch get to you!

avatar for JuiceBox69
12 yrs ago

Pm should never ever go public....privacy and honor is big between to peopel

avatar for steve_ny
12 yrs ago

Yeah, private messages are private. Looks like she probably overreacted, but she probably experienced some stuff here that was similar to her experiences at the club. A lot of people here don't respect other opinions. She explained her point of view based on her experiences and some appreciated it and others gave her a hard time. She obviously was blunt and some people can't handle it. I am NOT singling anyone out. One point she had was that people here should lighten up, this is supposed to be entertaining but it always turns confrontational.

I agree with the original statement, I don't think PM's should be public but I think it's a rookie mistake.

avatar for jester214
12 yrs ago

I think PM's should be private once they have been exchanged by both parties.

It's all moot though, we're overrun with people using multiple accounts and other trolls. They'll be no kind of decorum.

avatar for staxwell
12 yrs ago

Man, she really shook things up around here. I will say that much.

avatar for snowtime
12 yrs ago

PRIVATE message should be PRIVATE.

avatar for Stiletto25
12 yrs ago

I believe private messages should be kept private also

avatar for Estafador
12 yrs ago

Dougster, you didn't say a thing about the situation at hand. A PM is a PM, no matter how isignificant the message is, if the message was sent PM, it's meant to be Private. What point would there be for a PM system otherwise if it were readable by the general public. No matter how trivial or serious you may think this situation is, Alucard (I always think of the anime when I see his name) wrote the private message for KittyKat eyes' only. Not for our eyes to see. If that was the case, he'd blast her out on a thread. Rating it isn't good broski.

On the OTHER hand, I always PM with caution. Thinking back to all the stories about the craigslist blow ups and how EASY it is to blow up privacy over the net, I try to put everything I say in a cautionary state of mind, since I don't want to end up like Alucard there. I don't know who started PMing who, but apparently anger overrode caution but in this case, it's not much of a problem since they're talking about their views and nothing truly detrimental has been shown. not so much different on the other hand is it.

By the end of the day, PM exist for a reason. I'd like to PM in the comfort of knowing my messages will stay that way; private. BTW dougster, what reason did you have to call him a little bitch. he did not provoke you, he hasn't said anything to you. Because he did not respond to you? Aren't you being hypocritical right now

avatar for Estafador
12 yrs ago

Alucard is a far nicer person than I am, that's for sure. If it were me, I would not hold back on words and make her feel utturly stupid. Apologizing for that will NOT be acceptable especially since that was a half way apology.

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

Nope, I said it was wrong, but about as serious as speeding one mile over the speed limit is given the contents of that exchange. KK already admitted it was wrong and apologized, so I have no idea what the point if this thread is other than alucard rejoicing in his last self-inflicted martyrhood and suffering.

Thanks for asking though! (And of course he was alluding to me ad an attack dog - I kinds like the title to answer your other question.)

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

Also I find a lot of these comments purely comical. People saying don't trust others to protect your privacy were all like "don't worry about it" when I said I would not meet stiletto because of privacy concerns. Alucard was like that too in the PMs he sent me, but now he is crying, rather than understanding my position in the first place. One of the reasons I am Lmfao at him. I was smart enough to protect my privacy, he was not and is one crying about it publically now. What a stupid little pricked he is.

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

And if I had met stiletto it would have been my real first and last name at stake and all that you can find given that. He acted like that wad ni bug deal but is crying like the biggest bitch in the world here when ZERO personal information wad revealed. Alucard, sir, is the hypocrite you are after.

avatar for JohnBuford
12 yrs ago

I PM'ed Stiletto a question I had some time back knowing she would never make it public.She had demonstrated (and continues) to demonstrate that she is a woman of character.I knew I could trust her.Period.Can the same be said of KK ? Breaching a trust sucks,but caveat emptor.

avatar for Stiletto25
12 yrs ago

Thank you John Buford.

And Dougster, I would never publish your real name. Even if you really pissed me off I wouldnt do it.

avatar for jester214
12 yrs ago

That's just Dugly's excuse. Meeting anyone would put his shit to an end, so he hides behind that. Like he flashes his full name to every person he meets. BS.

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

Gee, jestie you think it's even slightly, remotely, vaguely possible that I am in a better position than you to judge whether I met her often enough that she would know my real name.

Besides, according to you guys any breach of privacy is as serious as a complete one so even if she just reported that I said "hi" it would be as serious as publishing my full name. Also according to you guys, you take full responsibility for protecting your privacy and just assume that any information they know will they will make public.

So I was behaving completely consistent with the principals supposed being argued here. Only thing is that nobody cares about principles. They will argue one set of principles one way against one person and the complete opposite against someone else, just depending how they feel about that particular person. The principles are just tools for saying "I like this person" or " I do not like this person" and the principles can go either at the drop a hat. Not do they have a good enough memory to remember what their supposed principles were in the past.

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

And I agree stiletto seems like a decent enough person that it is at least 80% likely she would say nothing, but what is the big gain from meeting her compared to the big loss in the 20% case? You're a gambler jestie so work out the EV on that one. 80% chance of an upside of 0 minus a 20% chance of any downside makes it not worthwhile. But your the last person I expect to be able to have any consistent logic to your thinking - you are grasping at straws on that one because oppose, oppose, oppose is what passive aggressive like you do.

avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

... Anyway bottom line to this thread.

Alucard will argue that he is the staunchest most consistent privacy guy in the world one day, but then argue to just not worry about it another day depending on whom he is arguing with.

He has no real convinction one way or another and is a massive hypocrite. Like I said before the issue for him is not privacy at all here. It's that he tried to suck up to a stripper to get some compassion for his miserable point of view, but rather than compassion, all he got was a kick in the nuts that he so richly deserved.

Hint to alucard: in the future maybe send her some money via paypal first in the future before you PM and promise to keep up weekly payments and your response may have been more favorable. "Oh, poorly alucard. I totally get where you are coming from..." ...

avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
12 yrs ago

I agree with you Alucard. KK was out of line. But perhaps she has learned her lesson. We can hope.

avatar for JuiceBox69
12 yrs ago


avatar for Dougster
12 yrs ago

I think Alucard learned his lesson too. If he ain't paying a stripper to feel pity for him, he is just gonna get a kick in the nuts instead.

avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 yrs ago

PM should be treated as just that. I would not "out" anyone. If I don't like the question or the PMer I simply ignore it or PM a snarky comment back. I am careful what I PM and what I say to answer a PM. Many are asking for dancer's name and details of reviews by unknown PMers. I seldom if ever give out names of dancers who have been fun to party with. I have no wish to get a girl in trouble if she happened to have a little more fun once in a while and does not wish it common knowledge. Many things posted in the regular forum are put up to get a reaction and watch the fireworks. While I believe in privacy many do not. Just look at people that post nude pics of themselves and post pics of others that have been give to them confidentially. With todays internet nothing is ever forgiven or forgotten. You can't even moon someone as a joke without it being posted on facebook. Like someone posting a picture of the VIP booths from a club a while back. Can any one say "1984"

avatar for TortillaChip
12 yrs ago

Alucard is the biggest troll feeder on this site and I laugh at the idea he thinks the shitty things he says to people in private would be kept as such. I'll bet he PM'd her first telling her how she should act, what she should do blah blah blah. He did it via PM because he wants the other dancers on here to still have the illusion he treats women with respect and honor when the real answer is his interaction with women is limited to paying them a lot of money to fuck his dick and he thinks like a john because thats all he is.
I laugh at the idea that this is some major serious breech and invasion of privacy. boohoo. you fake name with a throwaway email was outed as the douchebag we already know you are. Big invasion of privacy. Expecting privacy when talking to a stripper you don't know is about as stupid as it gets. But thats alucard, all his interaction is with strippers, its all he knows and he still made a stupid mistake like this. The only conclusion can be the guy is pure stupid. How else do you explain somebody who rails against trolls being the biggest one on here?

Shut the fuck up Alucard. If you weren't such a douchebag, you wouldn't be having these problems. You create them, you deal with the blowback asshole.

The rest of you should realize when you pm someone, especially if you do so with the intention like Alucard has, you're taking your privacy desires out of your hands and if the recipient doesn't appreciate your invasions of their privacy by sending them an unwanted PM in the first place, they may just pull out the ol strapon and fuck you back.

avatar for Dougster
11 yrs ago


avatar for Dougster
11 yrs ago

alutard: " I know the vile ATTACK DOGS both male and female will be heaping more scorn & doing more attacking. "

Vile ATTACK DOGS! Everywhere!

avatar for Estafador
11 yrs ago

I used to think like my previous post, now when it comes to tuscl at least, I don't give a fuck. No point in privacy when you pm back. You ask to get y9ur information blown up alucard.

avatar for jabthehut
11 yrs ago

Turdcard is truly insane. He keeps sending us PM's, expecting us to keep it private, only to have us post his idiotic comments in the open forum. Many of us do it, not because of what he says but because he cuts us off from replying to him PRIVATELY. What a moron.

avatar for Dougster
11 yrs ago

Sick the vile ATTACK DOGS on 'em!

avatar for Dougster
11 yrs ago

Still seeing visions of vile ATTACK DOGS alutard?

avatar for Dougster
11 yrs ago

The vile ATTACK DOGS are closing in on you, alutard!

avatar for Dougster
11 yrs ago

Looks like the vile ATTACK DOGS are out in full force today!

avatar for tumblingdice
11 yrs ago


avatar for tumblingdice
11 yrs ago

Do you believe in magic in an old tards heart?

avatar for Dougster
11 yrs ago


avatar for Dougster
11 yrs ago

The vile ATTACK DOGS must smell the FEAR in alutard.

avatar for tumblingdice
11 yrs ago

He's crapping in his pants as he knows the day is coming when I smile in his face while pissing on his leg.Woof.

avatar for Dougster
11 yrs ago


avatar for Dougster
11 yrs ago

Psychocard and his nightmares about the vicious ATTACK DOGS!

avatar for Dougster
11 yrs ago


avatar for tumblingdice
11 yrs ago

Aluturd! Why are you shopping at Victoria's Secret when you know you will return them on the 26th.Hmmmmmmm.

avatar for Dougster
11 yrs ago


avatar for Alucard
11 yrs ago

^^^ You're really displaying your total idiocy with the continued bumping of these old threads by yourself and your aliases.

avatar for Dougster
11 yrs ago

Read your original post, alutard. It is fucking hilarious what an idiot you are!

avatar for Dougster
11 yrs ago

OP: "This IMO speaks badly of you as supposedly civil people, in that you possess NO respect for someone else's privacy. It speaks equally badly of the upbringing you received in that the virtue and value of privacy was apparently not instilled in you by your parents. I was taught the value of privacy by my parents and it's importance."


avatar for Alucard
11 yrs ago

So you bump my old threads in a TOTALLY pathetic attempt to attack/annoy me. SO childish and Moronic Doughty.

avatar for Dougster
11 yrs ago

I believe in privacy, alutard, but it is obvious that you do not.

avatar for jabthehut
11 yrs ago

" So you bump my old threads in a TOTALLY pathetic attempt to attack/annoy me. SO childish and Moronic Doughty." Got to agree with Drac on this rare, lucid statement.

avatar for jabthehut
11 yrs ago

Oops. I should have written "rarely lucid statement" above.

avatar for Dougster
11 yrs ago

^^^ Holy Christ. This homothehut faggot is stalking me. Only threads he comments on are the ones I bump. What a fuckin' weirdo.

avatar for jabthehut
11 yrs ago

Thus spake Doogie Howser, M.D. although he has only the body of his namesake but not the intelligence. BTW, I am not followng you, I merely happen to view threads that you bump. When that is just about all that shows up on the first pages in Discussions, one cannot help reading your lameass attempts to call attention to yourself. That, along with you stalking alutardo makes you the homo (apologies to txtittyfag) stalker.

avatar for Dougster
11 yrs ago

This thread is a true alutard classic.

avatar for Dougster
11 yrs ago

True classic alutard at his psycho'est.

avatar for Dougster
11 yrs ago


avatar for Dougster
11 yrs ago

This thread is classic alutard.

avatar for Dougster
11 yrs ago

Simply hilarious!

avatar for Dougster
11 yrs ago

The OP is classic/psycho alutard.

avatar for juiicebox69
11 yrs ago

Lol !

avatar for Dougster
11 yrs ago


avatar for sharkhunter
11 yrs ago

So you want to maintain the right to privacy but do away with the right to bear arms?

Sorry, our government already destroyed our right to privacy and is working on destroying all our other rights. Our government probably is even recording everything I type and never post unless they haven't gone there yet.

They are working on removing guns too. All in the name of destroying whatever rights we used to have. Apparently our government doesn't care if we keep secrets from each other though.

avatar for sharkhunter
11 yrs ago

I'm referring to the thread topic, ignoring all the blank posts.

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