
When to go to clubs - day, evening, or weekend and what do you look for in terms

I almost always go to clubs during the day as this is when it is easiest to take time off and get away. And, I am looking almost exclusively for young and petite women - i.e. the girl that looks like she is a college coed. I recently did a strip club crawl of all of the clubs in Providence (see my reviews) and one of the things that was most interesting was that most of the clubs had more mature strippers during the day. In talking to some of the staff at some of the clubs that I don't frequent, they said that they have some younger girls working at night but my favorite club seems to do the opposite - the younger ones during the day and the mature ones at night. Of course, no rules are hard and fast, so there are exceptions.
I am curious what other experiences have been and also, what are you looking for? My assumption had been that the guys that go during the day are mostly business guys who are able to find an hour or two to kill and as they tend to be older (40's - 50's), they are looking for younger girls, whereas the guys that go mostly at night or weekends, tend to be younger and might be more attracted to more mature dancers.
Love to know when you like to go, what you are looking for, and does your age play into it at all? Also, if you have specific tastes like me, do you find that most clubs in yoru area accomodate or only a few, like I found.


  • GoVikings
    12 years ago
    "and one of the things that was most interesting was that most of the clubs had more mature strippers during the day"

    Generally, this is very true, which is why I don't like visiting clubs during the day (although the plus of going during the day is you receive a lot more attention). That said, the best looking stripper I've ever seen I met during one of my rare day visits, so there are exceptions of course.

    "whereas the guys that go mostly at night or weekends, tend to be younger and might be more attracted to more mature dancers."

    It's true that generally younger guys are at strip clubs when they are most busy. However, I don't think they're attracted to the more mature dancers. I mean, I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm in my mid twenties and the older dancers never appeal to me. I always go for the young one's.

    As far as what I look for, I like Latinas and exotic looking girls. Mixed race is always a great find. Sadly, most clubs in my area (Virginia) have very few dancers that are Latina or mixed race. :(
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    I'm a young guy, so I can answer this pretty easily. I look for the OLDER, finer sexier slim women, usually latinas with tits and ass. Most of us look for the older women, various reasons from better looking, to simply looking for more mature women to simply the thought that we can do it. I do it for the fact that older women ALWAYS look way better than girls my own age. Maybe that's why its easier for me to date many older women.
  • GoVikings
    12 years ago
    " I do it for the fact that older women ALWAYS look way better than girls my own age"

    This comment baffles me, but perhaps I'm misunderstanding what you're saying. Estafador, I'm going to assume you're in your twenties like me, right? Physically, how do older women always look better than girls in their twenties? That's when women are in their prime.

  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    I'm 21 and when I go for women, I usually go for women in their 30s-late 40s (early 50s is a rarity, but I dated one once). I should have been more clear on that. My bad GV. As for how, I dunno, as far as I myself have seen, older women seem to always have a better body than women in her early 20s. Plus its something in their facial features that shows more sexual appeal to me than a happy 20 something year old woman. Perhaps the sultry look, or the way they dress, or that scowl you just happen to pick up as your older. And I'm talking about real life, not videos and such. This is all my personal opinion though since everyone is different. I probably confused you even more though haven't I?
  • GoVikings
    12 years ago
    Nah, you didn't confuse me more. That explanation cleared things up a LITTLE bit. Like you said, everyone is different, so there's nothing wrong with you being 21 and going after the 30 and 40 year old's. I'm just really surprised because I always thought young guys are most attracted to the females in their age range. But I guess there are exceptions to everything and this is a great example of that.

    One thing Estafador, are you able to find 30 and 40 year old dancers in New York? I mean, I know they exist, but in my experience the vast majority of strippers are in their late teens, twenties or early thirties.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Friday and Saturday nights seems to have the best looking/younger girls, so that is my preference. Plus the whole no work the next day thing.
  • mrrock
    12 years ago
    I mostly go Friday or Saturday nights like 9pm ish. I tend to lean towards mid twenties aged dancers(I'm 39).
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    If they are fine and in my seasoned view will entertain me, that's my criteria. Sure, I am older than them and I don't doubt that factors into the equation, but so be it.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    95% of my clubbing is during the day time. The other 5% usually only happens when I am out of town. I prefer days over nights due to the fact that my mileage has always been better during the day time.

    When you are 70 years old, you are always a cradle robber. LOL. Fortunately for me, my favorite club is the opposite of most clubs. The younger, better looking & higher mileage girls work days.

    Last Tuesday I took a 20 yo to VIP. The week before it was an 18 yo. The week before that it was a 35 yo. I don't age discrininate and anyone that stero types all young dancers as inexperienced and low mileage needs to get more experience.
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    GV, it seems that a lot of them are in their late 20s through late 40s. They looked to be around that age anyway, I never directly asked them outright, but I'm a pretty good judge of age since I been complimented very much on it. Oddly enough the young bucks are mostly bartenders and waitresses. Every waitress and bartneder I've seen (haven't seen a dude yet, but I feel that's for a particular reason and I think I know why) are all young and look awkward especially around the older men. They even look kind of nervous as if I'm gonna try to flirt with them. Of course, they're waitresses for a reason thus I don't (unless I catch them outside HA). But yeah a lot of older women
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    I almost always go in the afternoon when going to the Detroit area. Usually at night in Toledo.

    I started a thread about what I want/look for in a dancer. It's an old thread. Any interested persons can look it up.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    When to go to clubs - day, evening, or weekend (DAY) and what do you look for in terms of stripper? (ASIAN)
  • Clackport
    12 years ago
    I usually go on a Friday or Saturday night. I look for a exotic looking stripper in her 20's with a big ass.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Send me the blonds! I am a strip club/whore/blond monger!
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    Daytime (wed or sat)
    18 -21 yo brunette - preferably asian

    Wanna be my wingman, Clubber? ;-)
  • Clubber
    12 years ago

    Sounds like a plan, but why would I wish to compete for the Asian ladies? Of course, if they are not interested in other ladies, your on! :)
  • mjx01
    12 years ago
    Personally, I prefer going afternoons & early evening because it is less disruptive to the rest of my life. The problem is work limits me to Saturdays and IME day shifts are more often on M-F (not weekends) if a club even has a day shift.

    The top earners work when there is the most $ to be made. Usually the younger hotter girls work the prime (later) shifts, but this is ultimately club specific.
  • drzoidberg
    12 years ago
    My preference is young petite Mexican girls, otherwise Asian girls. Five feet one and under. About 90 to 105 lbs. Natural breasts. If I am looking for new girls, then go both days and nights weekdays and weekends until I find a dancer that I would like to frequent.

    The end result is that she might not be Mexican or Asian or under 25 or have natural breasts or be petite. However there has to be some chemistry. I have feel a strong desire (lust) for her.

    FYI: In Vegas, the Palomino, has girls who are under 21 wear pink wrist bands (can't drink). I had dances with 3 different girls wearing pink wrist bands and all were hot(pretty petite natural breasts). However I got a dance from a girl that looked about 30 and she gave better VIP dance than the younger girls.
  • jackslash
    12 years ago
    Like GoVikings, I go for the young dancers. But for me "young" is any stripper under 60.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    I generally look for 2 tits an ass and a pussy
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    Weekday nights (Sun. through Wed.). It is the best of both worlds as I avoid the weekend crowds, including groups of young customers as well as part time dancers, but still see most of the hotter night shift girls.

    What I look for is a girl that is hot. No fake titties allowed in my spending universe and I'm not normally attracted to WOC, but overall the important thing is that she gets my juices flowing.
  • boogieknight369
    12 years ago
    I'm a weekday afternoon guy. I look for the chick with the deepest throat....gigidy gigidy.
  • 4oureyes
    12 years ago
    I'd love to be a weekday guy, but work says no. I've had some decent experiences the few times I've been able to get the time off. Mostly I club out of town, which means when I'm traveling for some other reason. That means it's usually in the evenings and on weekends or holidays.

    The few times I've gotten a chance to see the day crew I've had decent luck finding younger girls, which is my preference. I like 'em slim, with smaller boobs -- fake boobs are a big turnoff, and if I make a mistake and find my hands filled with silicone, I politely thank them and move on after just a dance or two.

    The better looking girls are usually there in the evenings, but the mileage tends to be lower.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    I’m in my early 40s and now that I have a job where I work a lot less hours (and unfortunately a lot less $$$ also), I have more flexibility in my SC visits. I can barely stand clubbing on weekend nights anymore and tend to avoid these nights for the most part. I tend to visit on weeknights b/c I figure I may find a lot of the same dancers that I see on weekend nights but without the unbearable super large crowds.

    But I must say my most enjoyable visits over the last two years or so have been during the day shift (usually past 4:00 p.m.). I’ve enjoyed these visits:

    1) not too many customers but still a decent no. of dancers – depends on the club
    2) as others have stated, much better QOS (quality of service)
    3) dancers tend to be more professional and laid back
    4) dancers tend to be less crazy, drunk, or high on drugs
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    With respect to younger vs. older women/dancers.

    As I said in my prior post, I’m in my early 40s but have always been more attracted to older women (even as a young boy). I like women who look like women and act like women – older women/dancers tend to better fit this criteria.

    I don’t like crazy, insensitive, party girls, whom don’t think twice about what comes out of their mouths or how they treat others.

    Physically speaking I like a woman with curves and older women tend to be curvier IME. I also like women that feel soft – I am not that turned on by the super athletic 5%-body-fat 21 year-old – but we all have our preference of course.
  • minnow
    12 years ago
    I go whenever I get the urge. I have other interests besides stripclubs, so I go mostly nights.

    I like hot and attentive dancers, realizing they can come in all ages/sizes. Enhanced boobs mostly OK in my book, though moderately large natural will win almost every time. Sweet spot age wise seems to be ~ 25-30, though I've met good dancers north and south of that age range.
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