Comments by minnow (page 59)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Dude brings kids to club when picking up wife
    I see judgmental positions on both sides. I'm allowing the possibility that dancer has DWI suspension, and family has 1 set of wheels and feels cash strapped for babysitter. Still unhealthy environment for kids, especially if hubby sits in parking lot for protracted periods of time. How can they do homework in that environment ? Still, some priority re-arrangement, and better communications/time management in order. On the flip side, RM, how do you know if rick d doesn't have a healthy college and rainy day fund with some generous play money left over? His college and rainy day fund may very well eclipse those of other members who are every bit a monger as he is.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Hot Dancers - but poor attitudes ?
    I view the dancer desirability matrix as being a 3 dimensional cube, with looks, personality, and lap/VIP performance being the 3 factors on graph. All 3 need to be in positive territory for my continued interest. As for GPS, I've seen average looking dancers that have it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    How much leeway ...
    Papi, you cock blocked playboy you, I hate to see you having to extract yourself out of tight spots. Clearly, Papi has been in club long enough to get the lay of the land, but finds himself being cock blocked by dancers he flat out does not want, or else they're not his top pick(s). My answer is mainly, it depends. I'm mostly with goosman, except for being shy. Sometimes, waiting for desired dancer(s) can be a fools errand. She might be with fuckoe not buying dances for another hour as easily as just 5 more minutes. She might not come out of VIP soon, or if she does, might disappear back to dressing room for who knows how long. If you glimpse a hottie just coming into club, they could take an hour or more just to get ready, no kidding. Just to be clear, merely approaching me for a dance pitch is not cock blocking. Plopping themselves by you (happens most often with dancers whom you have some familiarity with) uninvited, and obviously not leaving anytime soon would be. I'm willing to humor some dancers a while if they have a modicum of attractiveness about them. Sometimes it pays off. One time I was watching the last few minutes of a close ball game when a moderately attractive GND type sat by me. I told her I was going to watch the game to the end, and that I'd definitely be getting some dances after the game. I instantly liked her easy going non-pushy general mien about her. Game went on for about 10 minutes with timeouts, clock stopping, what not. (I can generally tell within first minute, sometimes even first 10-20 seconds whether she'd be compatible with me, or not.) Turned out to be one of the best dances that I had in a while.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    What area of your SC game do you feel needs improvement ?
    For me, staying much longer than originally intended. Often, hot dancers wander in late when I'd "normally" be leaving, due to desired next day activities. The extended dance may be "good", but often not as enjoyable as earlier ones when I was just a bit sharper and more alert. Consequently, impacted following days activities in not getting some things done, or feeling more time compressed. While not the same as chasing good money after bad, I don't want club visits to infringe on my non-club life too much. A different version of knowing when to fold 'em.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Mom's basement
    Extreme Budgeting
    +1 on Chili Palmer post. "Extreme Budgeting" is a sugar coated phrase for being a cheapskate.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Cleveland, Ohio
    Nat'l Banks with ATM SC Trip friendly withdrawal limits
    I get around the limits by simply making a CWD at the bank or credit union counter prior to road trip or club visit. Also have more than one ATM card, for decreasing the likelihood of being "out of network." It seems that 2, maybe 3 times per year is when financial institutions do a bunch of computer shit to their systems. Naturally, the favored time to do this is late Sat night/early Sunday morning. The very time that peak club visiting hours are. @Che- I'm curious just who you think "TPTB" are ? I have some sort of idea, just curious who you'd name. Basically folks that are extremely (obscenely) wealthy, occupy the C suite in top corporations, or hold key governmental positions. (Mainly those having a hand on the purse strings.)
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Another prediction
    JS69: Were you high when you made this latest prediction ? I don't think he'll last more than 1 term. Yet I also recognize that there had better be a viable alternative candidate to actually vote FOR (as opposed to voting against the other candidate), or else JS69 prediction could very well come true.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Using CC at SC
    The fact that you're even asking this question indicates that you're wet behind the ears, and not very worldly.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta ,GA
    Nervous Gas in the club
    Hi fiber and spicy sauces can produce flatulence. Within hours of going to club, I would suggest low fiber/salty combinations that would tend to plug you up like pizzas, potato chips. crackers, etc. I eat "normal balanced" with no problems. (Balance of veggies, meat,carbs.) A good man knows his limitations- at your age you should know what certain foods do to you, and when.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    954 (South Florida)
    "Sorry, You're Not My Kind of Girl"
    Well, at least posted songs are kinder/gentler than the Dice Man:
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    South Carolina
    OJ is up for parole
    pk pretty much nails my thoughts. He screwed up his free pass from 1995-2008, he can (will) likely screw up again. OT a bit: Just how untouchable is a pension from civil, or other judgement ? Are all pensions created equal in that respect ? Or are they only "golden" if they are structured a certain way ?
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    7 years ago
    South Carolina
    What's the first car you owed and the name of the first girl you boned?
    The first car I OWED money on was a 1989 Mustang GT. See, TD, spell check is not foolproof.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    New nudes lol
    No thanks for "sharing" one of those shakedown popups whereby if you click on a picture, you'll get a popup saying you're infected and to call this number. Shakedown tactics, no thanks.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Squatting proper position for using bathroom?
    Looks like I should start shitting in the woods now.......
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    A couple military jokes.
    A general and a sergeant were getting haircuts in adjoining chairs. Their respective barbers asked them if they'd like the shop special after shave on them. Gen: "No thanks, I don't wish to go home smelling like a French whorehouse." Sgt: "Splash some on me, my wife wouldn't know what a French whorehouse smells like.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    All of this back and forth bickering on TUSCL
    I'll throw out a riddle- What do a circus high wire artist, a high rise window washer, and a guy getting a blowjob from Hillary Clinton have in common ? ................ They're afraid to look down.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    TUSCL handles
    I picked mine because it just sounded good, and I enjoy being a big fish in a little pond. Thank you, Mr. Deuce, for clearing up a misconception I'd held wrt origins of your handle. I'd always thought you chose your handle because I thought you made it a point to "drop a deuce" in every club you visited.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta ,GA
    One in three have Aids in Atlanta
    Checked out 1st link. Didn't find any article stating 1 in 3 Atlanta residents have AIDS. There was a map with color shadings of incidence per 100000 people. A good chunk of Atlanta had rates ranging from 251 to greater than 1951 per 100000 residents. That would result in a rate of anywhere from ~ 0.25 (1/4%) to something greater than 1.95% of AIDS incidence. I saw somewhere that 74% of AIDS people are men, 26% women. I think OP is bad in math, or was deliberately inflating statistics to get out attention.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    If you're 64 - 69, the answer is A. I doubt you're over 90, so answer B would very likely indicate that you're a septuagenarian.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Rhode Island
    Do you care?... Doug vs. Dugan & Vince
    @CMI- Have you not discovered the ignore function yet ? Otherwise, navigating Tuscl is like playing chess with a pigeon. Whereby the pigeon flaps its wings, shits all over the board, knocks over the chess pieces, and declares itself a winner.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Just another PL
    Is twice a week club visits excessive?
    Throwing a question back at DP the OP: With all the club visits you say you have, when are you going to submit your 1st review?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Just another PL
    Is twice a week club visits excessive?
    Any time someone else is driving the decision to go to a club is "one time too much." You and your wallet should be the only determinants of frequency of club visits.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Just another PL
    ATF tied up again by a whale
    Part 2..... Trying not to write a novel, just pointing out that concept of "I got it first, and own it" is not sacrosanct, and trumps all considerations. Folks who think that are often inconsiderate jerks. Consider these scenarios: 1) 3 lane busy street at stoplight. Guy going straight ahead stops in right lane, instead of moving over 1 lane in consideration for drivers behind him who wish to make a right turn. 2) 2 lane divided highway, with rolling hills: Truck pulls into passing lane, and stays there for next 5 minutes with variably slow overtake speed effectively blocking many cars behind him, instead of pulling over after 1st vehicle or 2. 3) Drive through ATM: 1st vehicle takes 5 minutes making multiple transactions on 2 cards while those behind him only wanted to make quick cash withdrawal. All 3 of these cases infringe upon majority, and deviate significantly from accepted norms. Any 1 of those first liners had alternatives, and whose actions rightfully incur the wrath of majority behind them, Hell, I've encountered all 3 on some strip club road trips. Circling back to strip club scenario: I recognize that one cannot always get 1st choice, nor should have expectation of doing so. Strip club is probably closest to car dealer analogy of several desirable cars on lot, but only 1 red convertible. No matter how much you want convertible, the 1st guy at dealership making a "good" offer is going to get convertible. As far as renting cars, as long as I get something close to what I want with a reasonable color, I don't much "GAS" what brand or color I get. With scenarios I've presented, many folks with an ounce of vinegar in them are going to be po'd at inconsiderate/unaware schmuck in front of them. Life is sometimes many shades of grey. "Early bird gets the first worm" is a universal concept that sometimes conflict with certain norms of "consideration for others." Strip club environment is realistically "the rule of the jungle" prevails. Some folks can' completely separate/compartmentalize that from commonly encountered "courteous consideration norms" in several scenarios outside the club.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Just another PL
    ATF tied up again by a whale
    @a21985- Take a chill pill and get off your high horse for a moment. No one is calling for completely abolishing the concept of "first come, first served", and "space ownership." And who said that tuscl members are always mature or rational. I'm sorry you can't grasp gray area nuances, including taking hyperbolic liberties in commentary. Yes, OP got his answer within 2 posts. Have a Plan B. Of which I personally agree with, and advocate. However, some prior posters made some valid arguments wrt the much larger concept of just how far "space ownership" goes. Many situations in life, there is a finite and very desired commodity with a number of individuals who desires said commodity at the same time. While utilizing that commodity, one has a certain right to exclusive ownership for the time required to do whatever. Doing whatever has certain societal norms, and deviating significantly from norm is where conflicts arise. Taking the crapper example, lets say there's 3 crappers, but only 1 is functional with adequate supply of TP. One guys idea of satisfactory use might be to take a crap and read newspaper for 20 minutes. Far outside norm of 5 minutes for taking a crap. Doing that when others are waiting would be a dick move. Another example would be the guy making a left turn from a single lane exit from a shopping center on to a busy street. He ties up numerous cars for 5 minutes. Yes, making a left turn is legal, and within his rights. One poster says being po'd in short end of stick situation is immature. I submit that the attitude of "it's my right, and if others don't like it, TFB" demonstrates an inconsiderate, unthinking attitude. Did it ever occur to that shopping center guy that maybe he'd be just as well off (and considerate of those behind him) if he'd just make a right turn followed by a U-turn 70 yards down the road ? Yes, "first come, first served", "I have it, I own it", are well recognized, but not absolute rights. .....End Part 1...
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    How much spending is considered whale power?
    @Estafador- Try link. Based on that 2002 poll for Los Angeles club enthusiasts, 1.8% respondents spent over $1000 per club visit, 3.5% between $500 and $1000. So, $1K sounds like a good ballpark figure to be a whale, though $500 might do it in some flyover states. For additional jollies, try a google search for "income required to be in the top 1%"