
How much spending is considered whale power?

Friday, June 2, 2017 10:18 AM
So how much money do you have to spend on WOMEN before you're considered a whale? I'm not talking entry fee, tipping employees or buying drinks for yourself. But buying a drink for a particular stripper at HER bequest is perfectly acceptable. As long as she indirectly is compensated. I'm guessing here but I'd assume $1K is what it takes at minimum to be considered a whale and keep her on your lap for the majority of your stay.


  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    probably $500 at a dive. $2000 at an upscale club. $1000 at a mid level club.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    I consider a whale to be anyone who is fat and spending enough to keep a stripper away from me. Years ago my ATF had a regular whale, and he spent around $1500 on her and the waitresses and shot girls. She could not dance for me when he was in the club. I understood. It's a business. I don't think of myself as a whale, but sometimes I monopolize a stripper or 2 or 3 for hours at a time. I buy the girls drinks and party and get dances. But I tell them they are free to dance for other customers if they want. They need to make money.
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    @jackslash to be honest, I can't of a whale any size other than fat and white dandelion haired lol. I'm such a profiler, I'm so ashamed
  • Warrenboy75
    7 years ago
    I wondered the same myself---my last visit to a club I had two guys come around to where I was sitting and strike up a conversation --basically they were looking for info which is funny considering how little I have been to clubs. It isn't all about the money because I don't think I have ever spent 500 let alone 1000 on any one or in total any one night. I'm sure I am wrong but to me a whale wants to draw attention to himself--and he'll spend whatever he needs to do so and his only arrow in his quiver is cash. From what I have observed and contrary to some of the comments on here I think there are other factors that go into finding the dancer you want and having her do what you want.
  • Dominic77
    7 years ago
    A Whale is a term borrowed from casinos. I think the main requirement is the rarity (less 2% of customers, somewhat infrequent visits), and that whales spend lavishly and liberally. Enough to be noticed in a single trip but not enough revenue (compared with the 98% of all customers) that it matters to her bottom line. Whales probably know what threshold of spend gets them attention and special treatment, which is the whole reason. $500 seemed to do that, in my dressed-up-dive. I've never been to a high end place, so I don't know.
  • NinaBambina
    7 years ago
    Whale status is when the dancer can leave the club with over 1k AFTER paying tip out, and got almost 100% of that money from the whale, except stage tips.
  • ime
    7 years ago
    If you are worried about what your spending then it's not whale spending.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    I agree it's generally around 1K.
  • a21985
    7 years ago
    I also often associate whales as PLs who spend a lot on unsolicited gifts for their CFs/ATFs. My ATF did have a legit whale who'd buy her designer bags/shoes and jewelry at least once a month. Stuff worth anywhere from a few hundred dollars to over 1K. That type of frivalous high dollar spending with nothing in return is a mark of a whale, as pathetic as it is.
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    @a21985 wouldn't that be considered a sugar daddy at that point?
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    Another interesting question would be how they got that sort of money to burn in the first place. Is this someone with a regular job and a Jekyll and Hyde life ? Lottery winner ? Embezzler ? I've read stories about all those situations.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I think what most of the people have posted is correct. To me, a whale is someone who just likes passing out money, and for no reason. So a guy wants to leave with a girl, and so he is handing her money, nothing wrong. He knows what he wants and he wants to show her good intentions and to make her feel happy. Probably once he's given her some money, her needs will relax. But when you have a guy who is just trying to maintain her attention by passing out money out of proportion to the venue, just to keep her there, that is a whale. While the girl will take the money, she will also later be happy to be with guys who keep it more moderate. SJG Church of Satan, Zeena LaVey [view link]
  • Estafador
    7 years ago
    @mark94 I'd assuming, being that their in a mid-upscale strip club, they got the money through legitimate sources, work, stocks, etc. I don't think drug dealers would do the type of things we peg people as whales to do.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    As Dominic said it varies from club to club but using the casino analogy it probably means spending enough to get noticed and comped some favors. In a place like Tootsies a thousand wouldn't be enough on night shift but maybe at the Body club a hundred fifty might make tyou a whale on dayshift or mid shift.
  • ATACdawg
    7 years ago
    I think that there is also an element of being a regular as opposed to a one and done big spender. What pisses me off is when a whale ties up 3 or four girls without even taking one or more back for a dance. Maybe that's another element in the whale equation. They do it because can stick it in the faces of all the non-essential in the club. It's an ego thing.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @ATACdawg I can only speak for myself I know I have tied up 3 or 4 girls in my time but it really has nothing to do with you or anyone else I make my club visits all about me and my buds who I am with.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    One place, supposed to be no touching, T's, San Jose ( now defunct ). One whale, known to be a huge spender, had two girls with him, taking turns DFKing him. But then I think he left with one or both of them. So he wasn't just sitting there with them. SJG
  • ATACdawg
    7 years ago
    @25: Kind of proves my point in a slightly different slant. "I make my club visits all about me" basically says "I don't care what effect this might have on anybody else". Now, I think that you have a perfect right to do this, but I will still be pissed off.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^Sorry not my intention.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Nina gave an example of what a whale is to her. I'm sure other dancers would say more than $1,000 and others would say much less than a $1,000 depending on where they were working at. I've never paid a ton of attention but one time I remember seeing a customer that was whale status to me. He was older (late 60s) and bought 6 bottles of Dom P (at least 6 at that moment, probably more throughout the night) at the bar and was handing out glasses to everyone within a 20 foot radius including me and other customers. He didn't want dances he wasn't even hanging with a specific stripper. Made me feel really awkward accepting a drink from a stranger but it was placed in my hand by the stripper I was hanging with. Shit maybe it was Farmerart? (RIP) This happened at a club near YYZ.
  • minnow
    7 years ago
    @Estafador- Try [view link] link. Based on that 2002 poll for Los Angeles club enthusiasts, 1.8% respondents spent over $1000 per club visit, 3.5% between $500 and $1000. So, $1K sounds like a good ballpark figure to be a whale, though $500 might do it in some flyover states. For additional jollies, try a google search for "income required to be in the top 1%"
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    ATACdawg, I agree. but it's very rare that a whale is tying up multiple strippers as in plural and if they are well more power to them. I agree about whales not taking strippers for dances though. like what are you hogging her for if not dances or extras but I get some pls like convo and what not so again more power to them. I absolutely agree though for some pl's tying up the dancers is an ego thing. like "hey look at me with half the strippers on shift or the hottest by far stripper on shift. fuck you other pl's".
  • mark94
    7 years ago
    There can be a downside to flashing cash. On August 5, 2003, less than a year after Whittaker won the lottery, thieves broke into his car while it was parked at a strip club in Cross Lanes, West Virginia. The thieves made away with $545,000 in cash that Whittaker carried around in a suitcase.[6] When asked why he would carry that much money around with him, Whittaker responded "because I can". In another incident, two employees at the club, the general manager and a dancer-manager who were romantically linked, were arrested and charged with a plot to put drugs in Whittaker's drinks and then rob him.[5] On January 25, 2004, thieves once again broke into his car, this time making off with an estimated $200,000 in cash, but this was later recovered.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Seems like the $1k threshold and anything above that can be considered whale-territory - many good non-whale cuties IMO can spend b/w $500 & $700. w.r.t. who is a whale I assumed it was mostly successful business owners - l feel most people that have a salary/are-employees usually don't spend like whales.
  • Bavarian
    7 years ago
    A whale is someone who sits in the VIP room, gets multiple bottles and spends $1,000+ on strippers
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @ATACdawg I disagree that it proves anything, if you get pissed off that's on you, I certainly have no interest in pissing anybody off, while I agree it might be great for my ego I am not doing anything to you at all. Like I said I go for my enjoyment, I spend my money as I choose, you go however you like, if the table full of hotties finds me more interesting for whatever reason, you could up your game, or move on.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I stand with 25. ATACdawg is an idiot, though of a particular type. SJG
  • ATACdawg
    7 years ago
    Better an idiot than an asshole, SJG.
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    I disagree completely. And you are the one who is being an asshole, you just coat yourself in self-righteousness. SJG
  • a21985
    7 years ago
    I don't agree with ATAC on this at all and believe he is looking at this particular situation all wrong, but I also think he is being neither an idiot nor an asshole about it. Just saying...
  • ATACdawg
    7 years ago
    Thinking about it a bit, pissed off isn't a good characterization. Mildly irritated would be a lot more like it - not anything I would lose sleep over. And SJG, I don't see how you can see self righteousness in this - I was just honestly saying how I felt about it. But then, you pretty much find that in everyone but you.
  • timothyjames55
    7 years ago
    I'm not entirely certain on this to be honest. I do almost all my clubbing in Las Vegas, and I feel like I see a lot of money change hands there. At risk of being accused of lying, whatever yada yada, I have never, and I mean literally never, gone clubbing in Las Vegas and spent less than $1,000 in a night. Many times a decent little chunk more than that. I'm definitely not bragging here as quite frankly, I'm embarrassed about it and even of my probably 4 closest male friends that know I club, only one knows the extent of it. But I bring this up for this reason: I usually go to the same club, and I have a rotation of about 6 that I like to see. I've seen some of these girls alone get tied up with someone in VIP for hours at a time, and this is routine. I feel there like I see many, many dudes spending $1,000+. Contrast that with say the times I've gone to HiLiter in Phoenix, and I look around and don't hardly feel like I see wallets being opened.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    $1k in Vegas I assume is not too uncommon - most people are visiting and tend to splurge and also probably assume that they gonna need to spend more it being Vegas - and since it's not a regular thing (weekly, bimonthly) since most people are coming from out of town then it's not as bad as doing it at one's local club which one has easier access to and can hit more often. I tend to spend more when I take a SC trip since I'm only gonna be there a short time and wanna make the most of it.
  • chessmaster
    7 years ago
    you're just a baby whale spending $1000 in Vegas.
  • Warrenboy75
    7 years ago
    Vegas has become like a chameleon in the last decade........depending on the time of year and the night 1000 is a whale. I know four dancers and one bartender in Vegas that all either work at or once worked at a club----they have service industry nights----convention nights, etc and of course they are still looking for the bachelor parties and guys driving over from the west coast as targets, and the girls, at least the ones from this country, are all preds. I've never got a dance from any of the women I know---never been in a Vegas club although I spent a week out there as recently as last year and saw a couple of them outside the club.
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