OJ is up for parole

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avatar for NaturalSelection
8 years ago
Everyone nicknamed Juice is a jack off.

avatar for Tiredtraveler
8 years ago
OJ is a sociopath that does not have any sense of right or wrong. Some PO's him he just kills them. He will sell something then later decide he was ripped off he will just go get a gun and take it back. He was a pamper "athlete" from elementary school who could do no wrong as long as he played well, was paid millions, praised for his god given athletic prowess and then when the spotlight moved on he still thought he was above society and its rules because he had been allowed to break laws while he was playing.
We see it all over "professional" athletes. They think they are above the rules. Ben Rapeberger of Pittsburg, Aaron Hernandez who was finally charged with murder when they could no longer cover up his behavior and now they are trying to vacate the conviction to "clear his memory" all because he could play a game.
This is why I have little use for professional sports, there are so many OJ's in their ranks that should be in jail making millions per day.
avatar for JuiceBox69
8 years ago
Getting out in time to make the Detroit meeting
avatar for warhawks
8 years ago

Where else would anyone want to go after getting out of jail but Detroit?

avatar for pensionking
8 years ago
Does Juicebox really mean Nicole Brown Simpson??

Too soon????
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
O.J. has got parole!


That robbery matter in Vegas was real stupid. They guy had just lost it.

But he never had anything whatsoever to do with the Brown and Goldman killing. And the way that civil trial was conducted was completely improper.





And let me just say for the record, that though I do respect his athletic prowess, I am in no way a fan of professional football, or of O.J. in his acting career.

The Brown - Goldman killing was a complete frame up, and for political purposes.

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Live coverage, on one of the most political cases of my lifetime!


avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
Stupid is as stupid does both O. J. & SJG.
avatar for Mainster
8 years ago
OJ actually gets out "as soon as October," according to most of the reports I've heard. He'll be getting something like $25,000 a month in the form of an NFL pension, according to one source, but I kind of doubt that. He may or may not have anywhere from $250K to $3 million in the bank. May it bring him comfort. May it buy him a way to explain to his kids (who he leaned on heavily in today's proceedings) why the whole world seems to think he killed their mom.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Yes, this is all very hard, and higly polarized. OJ does seem to want to tell his story. But most people might never be willing to listen. I suspect that eventually he will want to leave the country. Not sure if NV will let him.

Very good book, Killing Time

Because my living space is always booked up, I did sell the above, and all my OJ books, to a used book store.

But in the organization I am building, we will always have money and space to keep an ever growing network of large libraries.

avatar for TheeOSU
8 years ago
I wonder if his "search for the real killer" will continue.

Hey, I was a fan of OJ, he was a great player,has a charming personality, and at face value seems like a real decent guy and I actually have some sympathy for his ordeal but nobody will ever convince me that he didn't get away with murder.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
O.J. did not have time. And the bloody glove was the final straw in breaking the timeline. Another place OJ had to be, when he was already unable to have done what he was accused of.

Excellent book too, a confession from White Supremacists. They wanted to start a race war. And in how Calif laws have changed, they really did succeed.

This kind of stuff is false flag, done by provocateurs. Not unlike Charles Manson, another false flag operation, saying he "Wanted to start a race war."

avatar for WetWilly
8 years ago
What is an original, post release, OJ autograph worth? Multiply that times 10,000 and he could do that in a month or 2.

What is a post release interview worth to OJ?
avatar for Rick999
8 years ago
Glad to know his life was free of conflict. OJ's own words during parole hearing.
avatar for NinaBambina
8 years ago
Sociopaths are known to have charming personalities. Just watch Psycho and see how endearing the psycho is.

OJ will have no money problems. Another book deal, expensive interviews, maybe a movie, etc. He will be fine. Hopefully he doesn't kill anyone else. I'm sure all that prison time did NOT make his mental state any better.
avatar for TheeOSU
8 years ago
Good point Nina, and besides OJ another real life charmer was Ted Bundy.
avatar for pensionking
8 years ago
OJ is going to have to learn to live on a mere $300,000 a year -- his (unfortunately) untouchable pension. Anything else OJ earns, Goldman will be suing to receive as payment toward the $33 Mil he is owed from the civil trial.

Anybody that thinks his assault sentence wasn't payback for his murder acquittal is high.

Anybody that thinks he didn't commit those murders is delusional and completely insane. His friends, his own defense team and even members of the jury have all but admitted as much.

Prediction: OJ will violate parole and be back in jail. With a cell phone in every pocket in 2017, this narcissistic asshole will not be able to stay out of trouble. Even at age 70, he'll fuck up somewhere. How stupid does he have to be to continue to try to argue his innocence?

This guy just doesn't get it. This guy makes Trump look like Maya Angelou.
avatar for minnow
8 years ago
pk pretty much nails my thoughts. He screwed up his free pass from 1995-2008, he can (will) likely screw up again.

OT a bit: Just how untouchable is a pension from civil, or other judgement ? Are all pensions created equal in that respect ? Or are they only "golden" if they are structured a certain way ?
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