
Dude brings kids to club when picking up wife

Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
During the night shift no less. The dude just won't let her take the car to work for some reason. So instead he drags two kids, one almost 10 and old enough to figure some things out, to the club parking lot to pick up Mommy. What a jerkoff.


  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Yeah, that's pretty bad, RickyBoy. But your drinking and drive is still worse.

    RickDugan = stupid fag
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    I've seen a husband drop off his wife at Follies with 2 kids in the back seat. I've also seen my ATF get picked up by her mother with her daughter in the back seat.
  • JAprufrock
    7 years ago
    The mom is a dancer? Is she hot? I love MILFs. But, yeah, he probably shouldn't risk letting the kids know Mommy shows her tits and maybe her pussy to strangers for money and probably even services some of them. It could be somewhat traumatic.
  • magicrat
    7 years ago
    He doesn't want her going back to a customer's hotel room.
  • 623
    7 years ago
    Maybe she's the accountant or waitress?
  • 623
    7 years ago
    Or the owner?
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Jeez for a bunch of mongers, you guys sure are a judgemental bunch, jes sayin. )
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    Maybe it was Take-Your-Daughter-To-Work day.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    @magicrat: I think you are right on the money. It hasn't stopped her completely, but it has sure made her inconsistent as hell. Sometimes the fucknut camps out in the parking lot with his kids for hours. It's a sad situation to be sure.
  • wallanon
    7 years ago
    People are going to live the way they live.

    The example I can remember off the top of my head was looking some teenage kid in the eyes who seemed so embarrassed he would have turned invisible if he could. His mom (a stripper) was standing there in her thong and top in the entry way to the NJ Playhouse Lounge, telling him something about dinner. Couldn't really avoid the awkward moment.

    Anyone who's been to that club knows the entry is not that big, so I had to walk around them both to get into the club. That kid was scarred for life, but it wasn't my problem. On the other hand, that was probably over 10 years ago and I can still remember his face. I guess it sucks for all involved, including the people who walk by likes it's nothing.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    maybe that was juice's mom.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I've seen a dancer bring her kid into the club and keep her in the manager's office until her man came to get her about 5 minutes later. Absolutely disgusted, should have called child protective services.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    Ever see a new mother bring her baby into the club to show it to all of the other girls? I have.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    flagooner. cps may be an even worse situation.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @Shabowcat I've seen that a number of times most recently at Cheetah West Palm Beach.
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    It could be that she had a DUI and the motel they were staying at was too sketchy to leave the kids alone in the room. More than one stripper has told me that she didn't have a license because of that or not paying a ticket.

    Besides, knowing that their mom is a stripper might be the least of the problems of someone being raised by a stripper. Imagine the developmental issues that could result from the contact with all the boyfriend's pot smoke and also how it would be never getting a turn on the Xbox.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I've bounced a dancer's kid on my lap while she did her stage-set

  • ButterMan
    7 years ago
    I've seen plenty of bf's drop off and pick up strippers but never with any kids.
  • JackAstor
    7 years ago
    maybe they only have one car - OTC in the parking lot in none of your business anyway
  • Book Guy
    7 years ago
    I hope the little girls look up to mommy and want to walk in her ... shoes. :)
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    dang. can't wait for the girls of 2000. :)
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Per ldk82's comment, if the kids are under 6 unlikely they can put 2-and-2 together.
  • stripfighter
    7 years ago
    chances are the kids see worse at home...
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    This father is probably struggling for money, they have one car, and can't hire a sitter to leave the kids at home. Instead, he's forced to bring the kids in the car to mommy's work. He's doing what he has to do.

    In contrast, the OP is devoted to paying crack whores for sex, and is pissing away his kids college funds and inheritance.

    Tell me -- which one is the jerkoff?
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    ...oh wait, the OP takes his kids to church. That changes everything
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    Dudes watching dudes!

  • JAprufrock
    7 years ago
    wallanon > I'm picturing that stripper standing there in a thong, because I love MILFs, but I do feel for the teenage son. That's got to be tough, especially knowing your buds are probably jerking it to visions of your mom.
  • JimGassagain
    7 years ago
    Queers and steers.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    ^ "and I don't see any horns on you boy"
  • minnow
    7 years ago
    I see judgmental positions on both sides. I'm allowing the possibility that dancer has DWI
    suspension, and family has 1 set of wheels and feels cash strapped for babysitter. Still unhealthy environment for kids, especially if hubby sits in parking lot for protracted periods of time. How can they do homework in that environment ? Still, some priority re-arrangement, and better communications/time management in order.

    On the flip side, RM, how do you know if rick d doesn't have a healthy college and rainy day fund with some generous play money left over? His college and rainy day fund may very well eclipse those of other members who are every bit a monger as he is.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    "On the flip side, RM, how do you know if rick d doesn't have a healthy college and rainy day fund with some generous play money left over?"
    Well, you might be right, @FishBoy. The thing is, truly rich guys (like @FarmerArt) don't need strip clubs to meet willing partners; girls fall all over them at charity events, high-end political gatherings, and at the airport while their private jet is being serviced. Truly rich studs don't come up with Systems to pay for sex.

    ...so I'm guessing that @Dugan is just one of the guys, and not a truly RICH STUD. But, of course, I could be wrong.
  • DoctorPhil
    7 years ago
    "truly rich guys (like @FarmerArt)"

    and you know this to be true because he said so?
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    "and you know this to be true because he said so?"

    Well, I don't know? Not central to my argument, anyway. The point is that very rich guys don't need strip clubs, and they certainly don't where white polyester into dive bars to get cheap crack whores.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    "Tell me -- which one is the jerkoff?"

    Still him Randumb. ;)

    Let me elaborate. He won't let her have the car even when he could because he, of course, is not working. So he dumps her ass off at the club, like a POS pimp, and then drags his kids out in the middle of the night to pick her up. This woman works day and night to feed that jerkoff and their kids. She also refused to do OTC for a long time, but only finally relented when her back was against the wall during a slow period at the club and she had to find a way to pay the bills and buy Christmas presents. He put her in this position in the first place, even as he makes her miserable with his paranoia and parking lot camp-outs. If he had a ball sack he'd find a way to earn and alleviate some of the pressure instead of pushing her into corners.

    By contrast, my [church going, as you pointed out] children are sleeping the sleep of angels at an early hour, with a sense of security, while their stay-at-home Mommy watches over them. Say whatever else you will about me, but I can guarantee that my wife and kids are living far happier lives than his are and the primary reason for that is his seeming inability to keep a job.

    Oh, and "crack whores?" Are you still stuck in the 80s Randumb? Putting aside the fact that I take the hottest girls from my favorite clubs and not drugged up types, if you insist on riding that goofy mis-characterization into the ground, how about getting somewhere into this century? LOL.

    While you're at it, are you ever going to post a review under that screen name? Sheesh. ;)
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    If you’ve read any of my posts, @Dugan, I explicitly avoid dancer with kids because the desperation going on in the background is too depressing. You seem to know quite a bit about this family and maybe she’s better off without him. And I think you’re doing the good, the Christian, and the charitable thing by fucking mommy for cash, since her “back is against the wall” and needs to buy “Christmas presents.” There’s a place in heaven for you, without question !!
    You didn’t really go into whether you have a cool (1/2) million set aside to pay for for two kids going through college, or whether they’ll get any inheritance. You should find comfort in knowing that college girls these days can go online and find goofy, middle-aged, midlife-crisis victims willing to pay tuition in exchange for sex. There’s very little stigma attached – and even if your girls feel guilty, they have all those years in church to fall back on. Win/win
    I don’t post under @Randumb, cause it would give away my location and that fucking dipshit @GammaNu might come and bomb my city. I’m sure you will understand.
    Don’t be so defensive @Dugan, I’m your biggest fan. I bought 20x copies of The System on the black market and I’m sure you got some of the royalties. It’s helped my pay hookers for sex, although I probably don’t get the quality crack whores that you do.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    Same post with paragraphs (fucking phone)

    If you’ve read any of my posts, @Dugan, I explicitly avoid dancer with kids because the desperation going on in the background is too depressing. You seem to know quite a bit about this family and maybe she’s better off without him. And I think you’re doing the good, the Christian, and the charitable thing by fucking mommy for cash, since her “back is against the wall” and needs to buy “Christmas presents.” There’s a place in heaven for you, without question !!

    You didn’t really go into whether you have a cool (1/2) million set aside to pay for for two kids going through college, or whether they’ll get any inheritance. You should find comfort in knowing that college girls these days can go online and find goofy, middle-aged, midlife-crisis victims willing to pay tuition in exchange for sex. There’s very little stigma attached – and even if your girls feel guilty, they have all those years in church to fall back on. Win/win

    I don’t post under @Randumb, cause it would give away my location and that fucking dipshit @GammaNu might come and bomb my city. I’m sure you will understand.

    Don’t be so defensive @Dugan, I’m your biggest fan. I bought 20x copies of The System on the black market and I’m sure you got some of the royalties. It’s helped my pay hookers for sex, although I probably don’t get the quality crack whores that you do.
  • rickdugan
    7 years ago
    I may be sainted one day for my work with struggling mothers. ;)

    So how does that screening work Randumb? Do you poll them in advance of letting them dance for you? You do know that easily 75% of dancers in most clubs have at least one kid, no? Did it occur to you that you might not know if a particular dancer has kids or not? Maybe it's lost on you that some might even lie if asked, especially when they learn that you do not?

    And imagine me not talking about my finances on a strip club discussion board. Gee, what a shocker.

    I was just being goofy at first with the name Randumb, but the more you post the better it seems to fit. :)
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