
What area of your SC game do you feel needs improvement ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
For me if it's over-SCing.

Since I don't plan my SC visits and usually go in the spur of the moment, I tend to go more often than I should both in terms of over-spending and not enjoying it as much .

These days strip clubbing is my "social activity" per se, I've never been much of a drinker thus hanging out at a bar or bar-hopping has never been my thing although I would do it some when I was younger b/c that is what my friends sometimes liked to do.

These days I find myself hitting the SCs at times out of boredom (don't feel like being at home so might as well go grab some titties and get grinded-on), or just go b/c I've had a rough-day(s), etc, but my visits more and more are just about "might as well go" vs being eager to go thus I spend more than I should and don't enjoy it as much mainly b/c I don't let the desire build-up sorta speak.

So - is there an area you feel you would like to improve your SC game, or are you in a good groove right now?


  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @Papi that could be a moneymaker for you set up a business where you take PLs around and show them the ropes. )
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    Definitely my OTC game needs improvement. I worry about my favorite club getting busted and not having a good back up. Bit I'm too fussy about who I want to meet OTC and I can't change that.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Yeah 25, I wish I could find a way to monetize my affinity for SCing, but I've never had a keen business mind
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    For me it is probably being able to get up and leave. I tend to stay about an hour longer than I should.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    Have actually been working on my "needs improvement" area this whole year, which has been to shift more of my spending to activity that gets me either a BBBJ or CFS. In some cases, this has meant trying to arrange OTC with dancers I like from my fav no/low-extras clubs (as opposed to the instant gratification VIP which is a crap shoot), or doing a better job of screening dancers in my fav extras club so that I know I will get what I want.

    As my level of OTC/SB activity has increased, I find that I do prefer it, even though it comes with some extra hassle.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    For a small cut I could help you with that ; /
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    LOL - I wish I was as sharp as you :)
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    You're pretty sharp my friend you just need some seasoning.
  • HungryGiraffe
    7 years ago
    As mentioned in my earlier thread, I intend to make a hard shift in my OTC game from money-wasting high quantity to more satisfying high quality. In fact, as I go back to basics, I'm considering challenging myself to get to know dancers better ITC, not pay for OTC sex, and negotiate freebie sex. That would be an interesting and fun experiment. LOL!
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    Wait, you mean there could be a weakness my in strip club game instead of the strip clubs? ;)

    I think I might be in about the same boat as you, actually. Going often and ending up spending the budget on quantity rather than quality just by default. I draw inspiration from Subraman and JohnSmith69's posts in particular on the quality aspect.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    2 more areas.

    I could use some pointers on my "Making it Rain" techniques.

    Also, my quest to become a Pee Troll has so far been unsuccessful (I hope to get an article published on this one). I need to step up my interviewing/BSing skills.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    for me, OTC. i still haven't done OTC, but i haven't pursued it much either.

    my local clubs suck, so i rarely go to them. and because i don't travel regularly, i usually only get to clubs when i'm out of town-- which is occasionally... not regularly

    i'm slowly working on getting my CF OTC.....its gonna happen soon......i can feel it :-)

  • londonguy
    7 years ago
    For me it's being able to make my mind up quicker as to who is going to give me a dance. I'm the same at FKK's, I keep thinking a better '10' will be seen in the next few minutes.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    @shadow Exactly!!!!

    One of my favs is already on shaky ground, and there has to be a Sword of Damocles hanging over the other.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @ flagooner Neither Papi nor I can help you with the make it rain maybe if you are nice to lil Fishsticks he might, he seems to be our resident expert in that category, as for becoming a pee troll, Rick Dugan might be able to direct you to the correct bouncer, that you need to grease.
    I have thought long and hard about this subject and I believe you might get better results if you improved your vocabulary to refer to pee trolls as either men's room attendants, or piss moppers.
  • l00ber
    7 years ago
    The only part of my SC game that I need to up with the bankroll. That will solve [and create] all of my problems!
  • goosman
    7 years ago
    Brushing off dancers that I'm not interested in.

    And knowing when to fold 'em, i.e. if the dancer that I'm looking for isn't there or available, or there isn't anything that I really am interested in, being able to walk out the club with my money, rather than lowering my interests and blowing my money on the B-team.

    Also, more PL restraint. If I didn't want dances from you before you walked up to me, I shouldn't have my principles lowered because you started stroking the goose's neck, and he starts being the decision maker.
  • ThreeDollarBill
    7 years ago
    goosman, exactly my problem.
  • rh48hr
    7 years ago
    This is a great post Papi. The money aspect is the first part. But I'm working on this part right now to give me more freedom to go when I feel like it. The second part is nailing down otc more often. The first part will help with the second part bc I don't always have the cash to do it.
  • houjack
    7 years ago
    Somewhat similar, I go a little too often. Not out of boredom, but in search of the lapgasm, I'm addicted, lol. I'd rather go less and when my favs are there but sometimes I can't get a hold of them to know schedule, or just go if I feel I can't wait any longer. When I go on "no fav" days I spend on lesser talent, then I have no money for favs to see them.

    I need to have some restraint, so I have better times seeing favs and only go on "no fav" visits when I'm sure favs aren't available to fit my schedule or I'm in "find new talent" mode. Also need to be able to leave and be okay with getting dances another day if I'm not impressed with the talent level, save money for good visits only.
  • RandomMember
    7 years ago
    My goal is to improve my look and wardrobe by investing in luxurious designer men’s fashions and accessories. Anything to impress the other guys in a dive bar is well worth the extra expense.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^ a pretty girl on your arm would be the ultimate accessory anyplace, not just at dive bars.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I feel so inadequate when I go to the Sunnyvale Brass Rail, I'm conflicted about my front room friendliness and my chumps game. LOL
  • s275ironman
    7 years ago
    I am pretty much going to echo what rh48hr said. I need to increase my income so that I can go to clubs more often. I'd like to be able to go once a week instead of just once a month. I also need the funds to make OTC a realistic possibility. Until then, I am stuck to just one club visit a month and settling for ITC extras.

    The good news is, I am on "vacation" this week and will have plenty of time to look at opportunities at employers that may pay a better wage/salary.
  • UGK.22
    7 years ago
    I like to go and have a few drinks after work. Maybe I club to much idk hell idc either. It's something to do
  • mjx01
    7 years ago
    "knowing when to fold 'em" - yep... and doing something about my "resting bitch face" syndrome.
  • Rickberge
    7 years ago
    Saying "no" when one of my CF ask if I can buy her a drink after the second. 2 drinks is okay but the last time she got 4 drinks out of me. They are just $5 but it felt like she was trying to meet some damn quota or something.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    "... more PL restraint. If I didn't want dances from you before you walked up to me, I shouldn't have my principles lowered because you started stroking the goose's neck, and he starts being the decision maker ..."

    LOL - many a PL' s achilles heel
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    "... this often causes me to stay too long in clubs usually in the vain hope that something will happen to salvage a disappointing visit like shift change or some dancer who has been hiding in the DR coming out ..."

    Well - patience *is* a virtue - I've been in clubs where I've either seen the parking-lot most;y empty and thought it'd be not worth it to go in - or been in the club and nothing moves my PL-needle then "Ms Made My Day" suddenly appears out of nowhere - I guess at some point one has to fold but maybe not at first sign of trouble.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    I've gotten a bit-better about saying no to dancers - I'm kinda an easy PL-slut and at times have a hard time saying no not b/c I can't literally say no per se but more like "ok I rather be feeling her up and her grinding on me than just sitting here looking around" - i.e. I guess I've gotten a bit-better at being a bit more picky.

    This came to fruition a while back when I was hitting a small Miami black club that I like hitting on Sat or Su afternoons - the club actually has good, and maybe better talent, on Sat/Su afternoons since there seem to be part-time weekend dancers that come-in to make a little extra $$$ as a weekend side-hustle to their regular 9-to-5 gig and the part-timers are often good-looking and add to the regular dancer-crew - anyway this is a late closing club like all the Miami clubs and like most Miami clubs has 3-dancer shifts (day, mid, night) - on one weekend afternoon visit to this club I came in around 3 pm and was out of $$$ by the time the mid-shift girls started arriving around 5pm+ many of whom were the fine-looking part-time weekenders and I had already blown all my $$$ on the ok girls and had none left over for the really-good girls that came in later in the afternoon - thus I have learned to be a bit more PL-judicious as to make sure I don't miss out on the best girls b/c I blew my wad on just ok girls.
  • minnow
    7 years ago
    For me, staying much longer than originally intended. Often, hot dancers wander in late when I'd "normally" be leaving, due to desired next day activities. The extended dance may be "good", but often not as enjoyable as earlier ones when I was just a bit sharper and more alert. Consequently, impacted following days activities in not getting some things done, or feeling more time compressed. While not the same as chasing good money after bad, I don't want club visits to infringe on my non-club life too much. A different version of knowing when to fold 'em.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    Like goosman said brushing off dancers I'm not interested in. Also I can always improve on my OTC game.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    One thing I absolutely hate is the tip parade at some of the clubs, I have responded all over the place, from I just got here catch me next set to being just as rude as I feel they are being, I have been searching for a way to shut them down. Occasionally I'll comment to a manager about a particularly aggressive girl annoying me and I have had issues with it on and off, anyone here have any ideas about this one. I'm never intimidated but just wonder if any one had a better solution than just telling them no.
  • Book Guy
    7 years ago
    I think some clubs require some skills, other clubs other skills. You don't really need to brush up on "how to say no to a dancer without offending her" skills at Mons Venus in Tampa, f.e., since they're rotating from PL to PL so fast you won't have TIME to offend her when you brush her off! LOL. But at other places, it might be a necessary skill, in order to maintain rapport that connects you with the ENTIRE group of women in the girl's room, even if you're rejecting one of those women in favor of another, since girls talk ya know. Depends on the club. And so for many other skills, too.

    One thing for me is, that when I am attending a club that is known to have extras as well as problem-girls, I often forget which is which. I tend to ASSUME that if a club is in the neighborhood of service-able clubs, that I should therefore be free to take any one or another girl back to the back room and get that level of service for which the neighborhood has established itself as famous. Not so! I should read the reviews AND REMEMBER THE DESCRIPTIONS OF THE ROBs much much MUCH more carefully. Doh. You can of course guess what the negative consequences will be, of slacking off on that skill. :(
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    @ 25:

    Yeah - Miami in particular can have some mercenary tip-parades where the bitches are like killer-bees especially the Cuban chicks.

    IME just saying "no" and leaving it at that is what works best - I just say "no" and fix my eyes on the stage and away from her - strippers are like quicksand, the more excuses/reasons one comes up w/ the further often one sinks in stripper-quicksand LOL
  • FTS
    7 years ago
    I am quite good at just saying, "no, no, no, goodbye." I was at flashdancers in NYC once, and I would literally start shaking my head right as a girl approached me. Other times, just repeat, "No. No. No." Maybe it's because I'm an asshole, idk. But if I'm not in the mood, sorry lady, you ain't getting a dime.

    What I haven't done yet is get experience with ITC and OTC extras with those dancers from whom I want to get extras... except in TJ HK. But that doesn't count. Whenever I bring up ITC extras the answer is always "no" or "I don't want to get in trouble" or "we'll get in trouble."

    I also have to get good at not getting ripped off by the girls that I'm attracted to. Once I find a girl that I like, and is my type... I spend too much for what I get. Better to just call a call girl or save my money.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Yeah - unless one's SC game is strong, spending more $$$ often does not lead to better results (and sometimes worse since she may feel she has you wrapped around her stripper-finger and may feel she does not have to try as hard) - heck the hardcore SCers w/ strong SC-games often get more by spending less.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    My single most aspect I need to work on is not going. You immediately are at a loss walking into a club, and lots of times you have to crawl up with effort just to justify why you made the trip worthwhile.

    Going less often rests your senses so they can be heightened once you decide to make a long waited stop inside a club.
  • flagooner
    7 years ago

    "... more PL restraint. If I didn't want dances from you before you walked up to me, I shouldn't have my principles lowered because you started stroking the goose's neck, and he starts being the decision maker ..."

    Hmmm, that seems like a perfectly reasonable reason to change one's mind to me. That's one part of my game I'm not looking to improve on.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    "... Going less often rests your senses so they can be heightened once you decide to make a long waited stop inside a club ..."

    Good way to put-it - it would benefit my SC enjoyment, and def my wallet, if I implemented this approach vs my spur-of-the-moment shotgun approach l- as a result of my shotgun approach in the last 2 years or so I have often felt SC burn-out but still continue w/ my habitual visiting.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    @Papi yes I agree I do that too but I'll give you a example yesterday afternoon I was in BC met with a girl that is one of my FWB and we were chatting at the bar and drinking and these girls just tried to keep coming some of them were rude as fuck one in particular when I didn't acknowledge her quick enough said under her breath that she was busy and in Spanish she told her friend I'm just going to get my tip from this viejo and I got pissed,told her to get the fuck out of my face, she started swearing in espanol calling me cara bel papo,after that exchange
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^ I left there thinking I could have handled it better what do you think?
  • ppwh
    7 years ago
    Agree with Meat72,

    Going to a strip club is a essentially a subtle neg to begin with, and it can mess with your self-worth if you settle into the frame too regularly. E.g., when my car broke down at a mall, some guys ran up to help push it, but at the strip club, I might have to pay someone $5 to park it.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    BC? I'm drawing a blank - I'm thinking Body Club but that is AAs and not Cubans
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    "... when my car broke down at a mall, some guys ran up to help push it, but at the strip club, I might have to pay someone $5 to park it ..."

    Even sadder is that many strippers drive nice new cars but some of us PLs that give them our $$$ drive POS cars that break-down, LOL
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Broward County I was in Goldfingers.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    The question to you was, seeing as I lost my temper do you think I could have handled it better or not ?
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    ^ Are you 25 or Estafador?
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    No man I was a bit annoyed with myself for letting her get a ride out of me
    And fuck you jackie........er flagooner
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    It used to upset me the first few-times - now I know this happens a lot especially where there are a good-# of Cuban-dancers thus I go in w/ a game-plan/mindset already of just saying "no" and then looking away to the stage or w/e else I may be doing
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I think that biatch was just looking to start a fight with me just to make me look bad because the girl I was hanging with was one of those gorgeous AA girls talk with a great figure and most of the other girls in there are not even close to her in looks she just pissed me off and she had made some other remarks kind of loud in espanol not knowing that I comprende plenty.
  • Papi_Chulo
    7 years ago
    Just her being a bitch and thinking you would not understand what she said - that's why I often hear the shit the Cuban dancers talk w/ each other near me thinking IDK Spanish b/c I look like a fair-skinned whiteboy
  • goosman
    7 years ago
    @25 & PC, tip walk heavy spots are some of my key clubs (and the worst one of all just may be my favorite club), so I'm forced to deal with it. I just put in my clubbing equation that I may have to blow through 100 in singles and it is what it is. I have blown off ones that I really had no interest in who came by way too frequently, but mostly I just send the ones I'm not interested in w/a quick single & try to work a good tip grind with the ones I like. A girl Or two who from looks I wouldn't have been interested in got on my radar w/exceptional tip grind.
  • lopaw
    7 years ago
    For a while there I would have also said that I was SCing too much, but lately I have been distracted by other tawdry & seedy endeavors. But if I had to pick one thing to improve it would probably be that altho I am better at approaching some dancers rather than waiting for them to walk by, I need to do it more often.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    @lopaw "but lately I have been distracted by other tawdry & seedy endeavors."

    Oh, please, do tell!
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    in my own experience i've been overpaying for my favored experiences. i need to low ball these most elexente girls. especially my kriptonite.
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    I know I should read RickyBoy's The System at least 50 times prior to each strip club visit, but sometimes I slip and only read it 45 times. That article is, easily, the greatest contribution to "strip club game" ever!
  • lopaw
    7 years ago
    @joc13 - well....since you asked :D

    I have been on an AMP tear lately! I get the same rush that I do when I go to a club - not knowing if things will turn out the way I want them to, and usually not knowing who the masseuse will be. It all started about a month ago when I went for a massage at a legit place and quite unexpectedly wound up with a happy ending. I was hooked. And my clubbing has suffered tremendously as a result. But I'm sure the infatuation with the AMP's will soon pass and I'll be back to help support all of those single strippin' moms.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    @lopaw wow! The holy grail of massages! Happy ending in a legit massage place. Female masseuse, even? I'm jealous.

    It will never pass! Just go in phases. Once you have had the combined experience of a good massage and an orgasm, you will always want it again at some point.

    If you're ever in Atlanta and need a recommendation just let me know.
  • lopaw
    7 years ago
    @joc13- yes it's always a female masseuse and some have been pretty hot. But mostly it's 30-40yo chinese women who barely speak english. No complaints tho. They are good at what they do :)

    I'll definitely ping you if I am ever in Atlanta. I'm sure there is crazy fun to be had there!
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    i've had a couple of absolutely great experiences ina couple of amps. butt overall i still prefer the unique times in a strip club (or tj.)
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    amongst the best... bailley. cali. olivia. allesandra. candy. lalya. velvet. ci ci. juicy. dolce. some not all giving me all what i want butt they are lodged in my memory. and then the tj girls..... omg. wish i can remember all the names.... butt ohhhhhh the memories. hope NEVER to forget.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    and certainly even more. butt my buzzed brain is wasted.
  • stripfighter
    7 years ago
    Finding motivation to cultivate backups from my fave. Maybe it's the lull in talent, but at the risk of sounding like a RIL can't help but think every time i talk to a new girl "rather be using this cash on the ATF over her"
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    one of my problems is just the distance. it is at least a 40 mile trip one way just to get to a good club. and usually 60 miles to coi. (the friggin LA traffic.) and then tj is a 130 mile trip. one way from my socal casa. and vegas (i hardly go there anymore) is 200 miles. and when at my az casa... i am closer to las vegas. butt vegas is a 'no go' for me now. way tooo damned expensive.
  • lopaw
    7 years ago
    ^I hear ya, justme62.
    For me it's 45 minute to COI and an hour to one of my faves, Trop Lei. But we just gotta grin n bear it if we want to reap the rewards of these awesome clubs.
  • Lone_Wolf
    7 years ago
    I need to quit spending so much cash on non-active favorites. I define a non-active favorite is a dancer that I've partied a lot with in the past (maybe OTC maybe not) but the relationship has run its course. I know longer go just to see them or do OTC with them.

    Now, these are all sweet ladies and we've had some really good times so it is hard not to spend time with them and tip something but it does get a little pricey spending on a dancer I may not be targeting.

    I've clubbed in so many clubs in the valley and for so long that it is rare that I don't run into an old favorite whenever I enter a club.

    Oh, and, shit, still way to many mercy dances but I'm much better at saying no now.
  • Lone_Wolf
    7 years ago
    @lopaw - I would be interested in hearing more about your AMP experiences. Do the honey's express surprise you're a woman? Do they act experienced at getting females off or is erotically awkward? Do you get more for you buck than a male does?
  • lopaw
    7 years ago
    @Lone_Wolf - I haven't had any ladies express surprise once I am on the table, but when I first walk into a well known monger AMP they look at me with wide eyes since they never have lady customers come in at all. It's crazy but I rarely have great success at monger AMP's, yet I have great success at more legit places that aren't known for HE's. Go figure.

    As far as erotic awkward - with the exception of my last encounter (she did some boob sucking and seemed really into it) it is all mechanical with very little passion, tho as I get to know some of the women (their English is usually terrible) it can get playful with some butt slapping and dirty talk. I have had more than a few cuties ask me to "show them" how to touch a woman, which I happily do, of course. They have never had a woman come in expecting services, and they have no idea what to do. It's not as physically obvious when a female is aroused, and some need a help in getting started. I have picked up on some very helpful tricks in helping to let the masseuse know that I am interested and I'm getting better at it each time. Every new AMP I enter I have to start the process all over again. But often it's more than worth it.

    Unlike in stripclubs I think that I get less bang for my buck, actually. I have yet to get (or give) any DATY, and only recently did I have an experience that went beyond the "rub n little tug". Women mongers are still very, very rare in AMP's, and the Asian culture that permeates most AMP's is still very culturally conservative. Most if not all of the women I meet are FOB and bring with them their country's social norms which are usually pretty repressive. But since I jump around between AMP's as much as I do between stripclubs, I am trying to spread the lovet as best I can.
  • Lone_Wolf
    7 years ago
    @lopaw - fascinating and erotic has hell. Thanks for sharing. If you ever want some AMP intel for Phoenix valley, ping me. AMPs are great.
  • HungryGiraffe
    7 years ago
    lopaw and LW, thanks for the inspiration to give AMPs a whirl!
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    @lopaw "Every new AMP I enter I have to start the process all over again."

    I feel your pain. I love table showers and good massages, which is the only reason I go to an AMP, cause I'm not really into Oriental women that can't speak English. Plus, I don't think I've ever got the same girl twice, even when I made the effort to visit one place on a consistent basis.

    Atlanta always has some FBSM places or independents in operation. These tend to have non-Oriental, English speaking girls available. Several of the girls at the place I use are 8s or up and one of my two favs is a legit 10. The problem here is that the massage is often pro forma and just the excuse for the customer to be naked and for the girl to be touching you. So, you have to try out lots of girls to find ones that are actually good at the massage (the person who books the appts, of course, says they are all good). My two favs are excellent.

    The place I use is good about scheduling. I can say "when is X working next" and I can make sure I see a favorite. If I'm horny "right now" then someone is usually available.

    Damn, all this writing about them makes me want to go!!!
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    I need to visit clubs outside my immediate area. I'm lucky that Rhode Island has several good clubs, but I need to broaden my horizons.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    when i drive past a massage place my mind might fantasize a bit...
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