Comments by minnow (page 60)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Just another PL
    ATF tied up again by a whale
    OK, I'll make up a rental car analogy. We are like sports car drivers, strippers are the sports cars. Different colors, different transmissions (paddle shift, or straight manual), weights (heavy with a big block engine, or light with a V6, but nearly identical power:weight ratio), some turbocharged (aka blown vs unblown for non-turbos), etc, etc. So lets say that you have your heart set on a red convertible. You want to take it on your favorite mountain road for 1, maybe 2 hours to explore your favorite twisties. Red convertible (brand x) has just the right power, handling, braking, and overall road feel that fits like a glove. You could have a "good drive" with other models available, even some different colors, but the red one just does it for you so right. Except when you get there, some fuckoe rented it for 6 hours. The thing that frosts your balls though is that fuckoe isn't racing or exercising car, but instead only drives it a few miles to a burger joint, and parks there just to have folks ooh and ahh at car while nursing his milkshake. Yeah yeah, we all know about free market, free choice, yada,yada. Find another available car that floats your boat. Maybe get there earlier before Mr. Fuckoe next time. Try another car rental place, etc, etc. But none of that erases your fantasy wish of the moment that your eyes had laser guns in them, and you could drill a pair of laser holes spaced 3" apart right through " that guy's" fucking skull. Does that about sum it up ?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    What is your favorite saying that pertains to your profession?
    "You won't know if you've chosen the right company until the day that you collect your first retirement check." "It beats working for a living."
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Missing TUSCL Posting History
    I'm not annoyed, but maybe do miss it just a little bit. The thing that I miss more than that would be the tuscl search function at top of page. One could quickly go to desired club, or member profile. Type in some key phrases in a thread, and bingo, you're directed to interesting thread. Just wading through the list of some members "Threads Started" can be a royal pita- what then trying to wade through 10 times the number of posts.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    OT. That's a big air plane.
    @rs666- The version that you've mostly seen (B747-400) in the last quarter century or so has a max takeoff weight of 875,000 lbs. Some cargo versions may be a little bit more. The latest version, the B747-800 has a max takeoff weight of 987,000 lbs. Unless you live near one of a half dozen large US cities, you likely have never seen this aircraft. The only US operator that I know of is Atlas Air, a contract charter outfit. Only a few foreign airlines like Lufthansa, Korean Air, a few others operate the -800. It has larger dimensions, and much larger diameter engines. They're also much quieter, based on one that I saw departing LAX. The largest airliner , the Airbus 380 has a max takeoff weight of 1,268,000 lbs. Again, only some foreign airlines have them. Offhand, I'm only aware of Air France, Lufthansa, Qantas, Emirates, and maybe British Airways, Korean Air, and Thai Airlines operating this aircraft into a half dozen or so major US cities.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    VM- JFK wasn't our youngest President. That distinction belongs to Theodore Roosevelt who was 6 weeks shy of his 43rd birthday. He was William McKinley's VP who succeeded him when McKinley was assassinated in Sept 1901. Now JFK was our youngest elected president, so you are partially correct there.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Trailer Trash or Ghetto Girls ?
    I-mut: Why are you asking that question ? Good one S-man. You're a scholar and a gentleman, I don't care what others say about you.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Is it racist?
    Merely presenting ethnic demographic information strikes me as neither racist, nor illegal. If that were the case, then would be racist for presenting race/ethnic/age/income demographics for every US city. To letter writer- GMAFB and GAFL ! Lastly, could someone enlighten me as to what a SJW is ?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Thrown out of club
    I haven't literally been thrown out, but been asked to leave a couple of times, both over miscounted dances. In both cases, I've imposed a lifetime ban on myself returning to club. There were plenty of other options available in both cities, so no need to put up with dancer/staff con games.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    +1 GACA. I wouldn't be surprised if juice is getting practice playing a dancer on other sites.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    The Downfall of a Stripper
    shailyn- How much alcohol did you lubricate her with and how much cash did you spend on her to get her to divulge so much information ? That would make an interesting article.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    I got out!!! but now having second thoughts
    Serious question, pd83: Where do you see yourself in 5 years ? If you don't ask yourself that question, then 5 years from now you'll just keep repeating the same pattern you've done for the last 14-15 years: bouncing back and forth between waitressing and dancing. I'm not claiming to have the answers (though some members like pk has given some sound pointers). I do feel that there are some questions you should be asking yourself. More importantly, answering those questions with a plan on how to get there. As others have said, waitress and retail jobs aren't career jobs. No one has mentioned it, but have you considered being a nurse ? That will take training and "dues paying years." But unlike dancing, it's something you can do into your 50's and 60's. With aging population, the demand will only increase for nurses.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    most trusted members
    A perfect example of GIGO principle: Garbage In, Garbage Out. All it takes is for a bunch of shills, trolls, and aliases to prop each other. I took a look, a lot of "trusted" folks on T40 list have the "ignore" box depicted in gold. (meaning that you have that member on your ignore list.) Conversely, if trust box is gold, that means that you've propped that particular member.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    How do I check my inbox?
    On my desk top, "Messages" appears in a group of ~ 10 other options on top of page. I could send you a test PM to see if your alert works, Gaca.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    So who else hates the new look TUSCL?
    One question I have now (presumably being worked on) is I have a saved, not yet complete, unsubmitted article. Will it transfer over to new format, or will it get dumped? Under "my settings", a "my articles" click option displayed. Get pop up message "coming soon". I was hoping to wrap up and submit article by the weekend.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    So who else hates the new look TUSCL?
    On lap top computer- So far OK, still getting used to it.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    OT: Tuscl Members In YT Clips
    For my 3rd YT installment, I present a clip of the real reason that rick dugan's OTC date of several months ago got sick:
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    OT: Tuscl Members In YT Clips
    For my 2nd YT installment, I present one depicting the JS69 adventures, splitting time between his DS, and hot MILF prospects. It's rather long, but I hope a good lighthearted diversion. I lmfao at the ~ 7:10 - 7:20 point. ~8:40 - 8:50 - How a guy feels at an alimony payment determination hearing. 9:52 - One of MILFS catches JS69 with DS.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Desertscrub Worst Troll on Here
    He's so over the top, it's funny. I sometimes think he's Sam Kinison reincarnated. His reviews that I've bothered to read don't seem BS to me. Lopaw nailed the definition of a troll.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Trivia questions: name that PL
    #13= jerikson40 #20= Emily How am I doing so far ?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Time to go
    @CMI- You have a point there, ignore works great. I stand by original assertion that post looks more like something I'd read on stripperweb under "dressing room talk" thread. @K2U- After you finally got around to posting subject link, now that puts your 1st post in its proper context. I'm allowing that you were unsure how to link threads, or were just too ragged out to post it. Still, you could have made a brief intro statement along the lines of "In case you guys are wondering what an average dancer makes, here's my perspective." Instead, first post came off as a straight up rant. I still stand by theme from above post that one reason for a change in earnings/working conditions since 2007 stems from the fact that a good portion of your club customer base has likewise experienced an adverse career path since 2007. Btw, did anyone notice that the linked thread was started in 2009 ?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Time to go
    K2U- Nowhere in your rant did I see any question posed. So your first post is just a rant that belongs on, which is a dancer support site. So naturally, you're going to get the kind of response that you got from "desertscrub". I often think he is a reincarnation of Sam Kinison. If you're ranting about the new realities of your job now vs 2002-2007 time frame, then many of the club customer base workforce may be experiencing the same in their jobs. (Doing more, getting less).
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Tampa Clubs
    "What are you talking about"..... "I haven't had over 10 threads"..... "I can trust people in the discussion board"... Jayhawk123, may I suggest that you see a doctor and undergo a formal evaluation for amnesia, because I count 11 threads started by you since July 2016 asking for information on particular cities (St Louis, Minneapolis, Houston, Indianapolis, and others), or clubs (BDD). Nothing wrong with that on the surface, but frankly your posting patterns make my BS meter flicker just a bit. I don't expect a club review for each and every city you inquire about,(Clearly stating your club preference which you rarely do would help us give you a better answer) but at least expect some reciprocation beyond the 1 Mons Venus review. I'm considering the possibility that you're nervous about going outside of your comfort zone of your 4 KS clubs, for whatever reason(s). If blowing a cover charge and a rental car (or Uber roundtrip) on a disappointing visit is going to break your bank, I can't help you there.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Car jokes
    F O R D M U S T A N G = Fun On Recreational Drives Must Understand Sweet Talking And Nice Girls. On above, can substitute "Sexual Tricks And Naughty Girls" in last 5 letters. How about that, Shadowcat !
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Car jokes
    Good ones, g95 , except for Buick mismatch. (Last letter) My suggestions: B U I C K = Barfing Under Influence (of) Cash Killer / Big Ugly Indestructible Curb Kisser C A D I L L A C = Can A Distinguished Intelligent Luxury Lover Act Cool
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Car jokes
    J A G U A R = Just Another Grand Under Auto Repairs R O L L S = Rich Ostentatious Luxury Loving Snob