
TUSCL handles

Avatar for MrDeuce

I know this has been discussed before (what hasn't?), but I'm ever curious: If your TUSCL name is unusual or has an interesting story behind it, how did you choose it?

I chose MrDeuce because, many years ago, I often tipped $2 bills in order to stand out from the other PLs at my usual club and get the attention of certain dancers. One favorite, who probably did dances for me 40 times, told me that she had saved every $2 I had ever given her.

I know that lopaw is Mandarin for "old lady", that Papi_Chulo is Spanish for "Mack Daddy", and that SJG is Bizarro for "Satan's Junior Guide". What's the story behind your name?


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Avatar for RTP

Most think my name is for an area of North Carolina, but that is not the case. Mine is just an old nickname from college.

Avatar for larryfisherman

Two reasons

  1. Fishing is my favorite hobby.

  2. Mac Miller is my favorite music artist, and Larryfisherman is kind of his pseudonym, so in honor of him I chose Larryfisherman.

Avatar for shadowcat

I had a cat for 18 years named Shadow.

Avatar for DrunkPraetorian

I'm in a Roman reenactment group and I'm always drunk

Avatar for FTS

I was a hardcore distance runner in high school, dreamed of going to the olympics. I wanted to be a track star some time in the future.

Avatar for a21985

Despite the common belief that my handle is simply just an A and then a bunch of random numbers, it does have a meaning:

A2 - local nickname of my hometown, 1985 - my birth year.

Avatar for jackslash

My name is Jack. Some coworkers jokingly started calling me "Slash" after I slashed the budgets of our business unit. Or maybe it was because I resembled a famous rocker.


Avatar for shailynn

And I thought it was MrDuece because you liked to poop!!!!

Avatar for GoVikings

i never knew that was the meaning behind lopaw's handle.....so thanks for sharing that

Avatar for MrDeuce

@GoV: Oops -- she told me in a PM! I hope it wasn't private.

@shailynn: I love to poop, but if I dropped a Deuce, I'd just be Mr! Come to think of it, you can just call me Mister.

Avatar for maho

Mine is first 2 letters of my first name and first 2 letters of my last name. I know....not very creative. :-/

Avatar for shadowcat

I believe that lopaw said in the past that her name meant wife in Chinese.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

lopaw = wife in Chinese (lest some take "old lady" in the literal sense)

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

@ shadow:

Have you had more cats other than shadowcat and do you currently have a cat?

Avatar for shadowcat

Papi - my previous cat was Morris and I had him for 20 years until he developed cancer and I had to have him put down. I have no plans to replace Shadow. I share a neighborhood cat with my neighbor and my daughter has 3. I do have a cat fish though in my aquarium. :)

Avatar for twentyfive

My first bunch of handles were already being used so I just tried number twentyfive.

Avatar for EastCoaster

I'm originally from the Midwest, but since 1998 I've lived in Florida, Virginia and North Carolina, so I guess that makes me an EastCoaster now.

Avatar for clubdude

I go to the clubs, thus my handle. Lame but direct.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

^ it would be more obvious if you took the 'l' out


Avatar for flagooner

Yeah, that was a typo when I created it. Sorry.

Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

Might be able to search for it here. Not sure. I had several IDs all over the internet, then started writing "journal type" VERY LONG posts (which I still do, sorry :P ) and someone said "wow we should call you the guy who writes books." So I started using book_guy (with underscore, my usual name at many porn sites), book guy (with "space" character, present TUSCL name), even guy-comma-book and similar if my preferred wasn't available. It got started at TUSCL, then it stuck.

Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

A little more help please?

  1. I don't understand "gnothi seauton" (explanation by gammanu95). I tried every sensible decoding tactic I could come up with, but ... nothing yet.

  2. I also don't understand flagooner (he says "Mine is kinda obvious"). I might get as far as realizing that "fla" = Florida, therefore he is either "Florida Go On Er" or "Florida Gooner" but those don't make any sense to me either.

  3. Hence, because of 2., I also don't get the interchange AFTER flagooner's post, between him and Papi_Chulo.

So I'm dumb, sorry ...

Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

MrDeuce and I on same page LOL ...

Avatar for flagooner

Fla - I live in Florida.

Gooner - Supporters of the Arsenal Gunners are known as gooners.

My avatar is from their crest.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

My exchange w/ flagooner is sorta an inside-joke b/w him and I

Avatar for flagooner

Actually, in an obsolete Dutch dialect a flagooner is a person that enjoys shitting on pathological teenage liars.

Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

OK I get it, there's no "eye" character in "flagooner" it's an "ell" but if you PRETEND that you think it's an "eye" then removing it means your name starts with "fag" har har you guys are pretty smart ...

Urban Dictionary also says "Gooner" is someone who gets turned on by the fact of his own act of being turned on. I wonder what Arsenal fans think of that?

Heh ... in real life, I follow another (much less successful) team in the Premier League ... I always heard Wenger was into little boys. He got rid of Fabregas when that player got old enough to need to shave every day, for example. :P

Avatar for flagooner

^ How does my cum taste?

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

flagooner has a facetious sense of humor so his "it's obvious" statement is him fucking with us for his entertainment LOL

Avatar for twentyfive

@Book Guy the answer to flagooner question is fuck you jackie.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

Mine is ironic. I actually have the world record setting largest dick.

Avatar for flagooner

"Urban Dictionary also says "Gooner" is someone who gets turned on by the fact of his own act of being turned on. "

That doesn't describe me at all. Looking at myself naked with a boner in the mirror doesn't turn me on, it either makes me cringe or laugh.

Avatar for flagooner

Okay, that is one of the inside jokes that still eludes me.

Who the fuck is Jackie?

Avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy

He said she said wait wut? chat overlap, ne'mine' ...

Avatar for MrDeuce

I know I've been around long enough to know, but I don't, so I'll ask: Who TF is cflock, why should I ask him, and how did he get his name?

Avatar for twentyfive

That was to flag my post above deuces

Avatar for ThereAndBackAgain

not really a noun but an expression - something boring that's easy to forget. Atleast thats what I thought when I signed up. you could easily say - Hey There !!! And salute...lol

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Jack is Juice's real-name - legend had it Juice's baby-momma somehow knew he posted on here then she posted his backstory with her and his real name which was Jack W. and after that instead of saying "fuck you juice" it became TUSCL vernacular to say "fuck you jackie" - I think crazyjoe knows the backstory

Avatar for twentyfive

^^^And I think Rech started the C-flock thing meaning all of us.

Avatar for ThereAndBackAgain

^^^ fuck you jackie

i thought that was what kennedy's shooter said that in Russian as his last words

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I think cflock was an actual TUSCL handle although it looks like it doesn't exist anymore - I think, or it was believed, that it was another TUSCLer's alias - I think cflock was trying to get people to see things his way and that is when it became "just agree with cflock" - the cflock phenomenon was short-lived so I don't quite remember the details.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I think it was Juice's baby-mama that actually referred to him as Jackie and TUSCLers took it from there

Avatar for bubba267

Bubba267 for my inner redneck.

Avatar for twentyfive

@Papi the way I remember it was on one thread Rick Dugan or someone was dissing Heck saying he had no cred because he posted no reviews and he said something to the effect that he would put his cred up against anyone just ask C-flock I think Hot Stuff got in that one but it seems Rech deleted all of his posts so I can't find it but that was the first time I heard C-flock mentioned.

Avatar for HungryGiraffe

Simply the first two words that came to mind as I registered. If I had to analyze the choice, I'd say Hungry could have easily been Horny, and Giraffe is related to curiosity about wildlife.

Avatar for twentyfive

Thanks for the fill in @ Che.

Avatar for lopaw

No worries, MrDeuce. I'm fine with sharing that info.

But I like Papi's definition way better ;)

Avatar for warhawks

If Juice posts the origins of all his aliases on this board, it will look like a SJG War and Peace post.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Wow shadow, you had 2 cats for almost 40-years, that's a darn long time - looks like you take good-care of your pets

Avatar for MrDeuce

I remember now: lopaw told me that her name comes from the Cantonese for "old lady" and is used as a term of endearment for one's wife. So no, it doesn't mean "wife".

@lopaw: I have no idea how old you are, but FWIW you make a rather youthful impression on this board. I certainly don't picture you as an old lady, only as some lucky Asian woman's "old lady".

Avatar for gawker

When I first started posting on TUSCL I was already in over my head with my ATF and I had just paid her & her BF to give me a private show in my hotel room and I found that porn for my eyes only was a great turn on. I was the Gawker in the room as opposed to being the fuckee or the fucker.

Avatar for WetWilly

Mine is self explanatory, I think -- especially on a site like this. In addition to my " state " after sex, or an especially enjoyable set of lap dances, there was a musical group many years ago named WetWilly. People used to scream out " which ones' Willy? "

Avatar for sceptre314

Stared at a monitor when booking my first OTC session with pro...monitor name SCEPTRE, and Pi...I like Pi. Mongering name ever since.

Avatar for alerius

Mine's a character I had in Dungeons & Dragons.

Avatar for snowtime

Snowtime was supposed to be "Showtime" which was the name of my favorite Nashville dive strip club many years ago. When I signed up on TUSCL , either Founder or I misspelled it and I was stuck with it.

Avatar for joc13

^^^ hey, I remember Showtime. Nashville was always such an odd place. Govt put pressure on strip clubs so they weren't very good, but some of the best brothels I've ever seen were in Nashville.

Avatar for GACA




Avatar for sharkhunter

I'm a storm chaser chasing sharknados. :)

Avatar for rockstar666

I play guitar in a rock band, and 69 was just too obvious, so did the Ozzy thing with 666 (or Iron Maiden).

Avatar for JohnSmith69

I want to be anonymous-- John Smith.

I love oral sex -- 69.

I put about two seconds of thought into the name when I registered.

Avatar for Daddillac

I had a Caddillac DTS and my kids called it the Daddillac

Avatar for ime

Initials of something that also happens to be an abbreviation of something by coincidence. I didn't even think I would ever post i think i had it as a login at least a year before i posted on the board.

Avatar for minnow

I picked mine because it just sounded good, and I enjoy being a big fish in a little pond.

Thank you, Mr. Deuce, for clearing up a misconception I'd held wrt origins of your handle. I'd always thought you chose your handle because I thought you made it a point to "drop a deuce" in every club you visited.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

I always thought MrDeuce was bragging about having two balls

Avatar for RandomMember

Wow, @Smith! Thanks for the explanation. You're handle has always been an enigma!

To @Ishmael and @BookGuy: TUSCL is a place where we do everything humanly possible to hide any shred of intelligence by using inappropriate grammar, by intentionally misspelling words, and by rambling on incoherently. Any suggestion that you read anything but comic books is not welcome here.

Avatar for ime

Your band for that!

Avatar for Bj99

I didn't even know there was a message board. Mine are some of my initials and a random number.

Avatar for Jascoi

62 was the age i was finally separated from my wife and fully enjoying stripclubs.

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Used to work in the grocery store and stocked yep you guest it the juice ail

Avatar for RandomMember

I thought @NS was a Darwinist? Just another pervert....

Avatar for NaturalSelection

I've a passing interest in genetics as well. I briefly studied crop hybrids and how to isolate genotypes with back crossing in college. Parthenogenesis has always interested me. A drone bee doesn't have a father but has a grandfather. Weird, no? There's an isolated female snake that has two clutches w/o any male contribution.

I suppose both are accurate.

Avatar for flagooner

@bj99. If you said 99 was your birth year you could have milked it for all it's worth from JS69.

Avatar for azdd

azdd = Arizona Desert Dude, name I used when I set up my hotmail account. Also a big fan of DDs, so I got that going for me....

Avatar for WetWilly

azdd: I guessed wrong -- I thought it was all about the DD's.....

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