Comments by minnow (page 52)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    Next tuscl meet up
    Nina, if the next tuscl meet isn't happening fast enough, you can always call Nicole and Peaches (from the other site) for a little chat/get together.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Meeting Juice
    JS69, how many of juice's aliases did you get to meet ?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Questionable Reviews
    You do realize that by asking that question that you'll be opening up your prior reviews to membership for critical examination of your cred. Quite frankly, you strike me as either a pimp, another dancer shill, or a disgruntled club employee of sorts. Title says it all !
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Cubans at follies vs tj whores
    I'm not getting the sense of a "Cuban Invasion" from my limited perspective (Tampa, OH, IN). I don't lean on stereotypes too much. There was a notable Cuban duet addition to the Mons Venus in the last 2 years. Both were in the top 20% of hottest dancers in a club that had plenty of hotties to start with. Yet they'd charge the lower price point ($20 per dance), never miscounted, started dance in middle of song, or any other crap. You wouldn't see them idle on i-pads, they always hustled (good work ethic), yet I never felt like I was being hustled. Across the street, mixed experience. In 2016, encountered 2 daytime Cubans who either miscounted or overcharged me for dances. Yet on night shift, 4 Cubans (2 were 2nd or 3rd generation of sorts) were straight up with me. I saw no perceptible decrease in number of white dancers at either place.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Customers that like drama
    Some interesting dancer perspectives, nicespice. I tend to agree with Dr. Evil and CMI that those customers are your basic assholes. Wrt #1 (come in with no intention of spending) I have my own nicknames for them. I call them pet rocks, or UFD's (Useless Furniture Decorations). They simply occupy too much valuable club space.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I Travel State To State
    What do men go for in SC
    OP: Why don't you try asking the guys at the club why they picked the crack ho's over you and let us know how that goes. Or try working at a club that doesn't have as many addict dancers as the one you're working at. Maybe you're projecting a "chip on your shoulder" 'tude at the club that is off-putting to customers.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
    How long is too long to post a review?
    Edit-- Second sentence should have ended in "to be able to vote on submitted reviews. Third sentence, require approval by at least one "senior member".
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Fat bastard that can afford to fuck hot strippers
    How long is too long to post a review?
    W-e-LLLL, it looks like a 30 year interval is OK for some critics. I know because I submitted a review last night based on my visit 30 years ago. (Archibalds- Washington DC). The review was accepted !! My intention is not to brag or gloat, but to highlight some flaws in present review approval system. I realize that no system is perfect, but like Whodey, Papi, etal, I've seen too many reviews slip through the cracks that were a no brainer rejection by me. Perhaps it's time to evaluate and refine present system. My first idea would be to require more sets of eyes, and a higher acceptance percentage than is the case now. (3/5 or 60%). Instead, require 6 - 8 looks, with 4 - 6 approvals required for acceptance. (2/3 to 3/4 majority.) Secondly, require a minimum number of reviews submitted and length of Tuscl membership (say 10 to 20 reviews, 1 to 2 years Tuscl membership combined.) Maybe add on the requirement that at least 1 "senior" member (say 7 years or more member, 75 or more reviews.) Prior to latest submission, I generally posted reviews within 1 to 30 days of club visit.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I grew up in the 50's
    Shadowcat, have any of us really grown up ?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    How does a dancer get banned from a club? ( not a joke)
    Nina, I'll add that I've not heard exactly what weight standard is. I'm fairly sure allowances are made for type of body build as I've seen several medium to medium thick builds there. I've noticed that some dancers who have danced at club for a long time get a certain degree of lenient discretion there. I've known some who have danced well into their 40's,
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere in the USA on any given day
    How does a dancer get banned from a club? ( not a joke)
    Mons Venus allegedly fires dancers for being overweight. At least 2 former dancers have told me this. In one case, I suspect the real reason was sneaking in alcohol, or too high dance contact levels.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Good Economy means good or bad clubbing
    Rick, I don't think anyone knows for sure how many cam girls there are in the USA, especially if you take some "indies" into account. Point being that camming is an option that has gained more traction in the last 8 years or so as a viable alternative to working in the club. The real concern for individual club goers is how the macro-economics affects the club you go to at the time of the day you go. Will the case of an improving economy cause noticeably more dancers to go to the afternoon/off peak nights that you go to, or will increase in number of dancers disproportionately migrate to the weekend night shifts ? Likewise, will a negative economy cause your fave afternoon dancer to quit the club ? The perspective is all in the eye of the individual club goer.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Good Economy means good or bad clubbing
    One wild card that nobody has mentioned is the paradigm shift that has occurred (and the trend will continue, IMHO) in the economy the past 8-9 years. I'm talking more internet based transactions, more brick and mortar stores closing, and certain jobs being eliminated/downsized due to automation and increased business productivity. Anybody visiting the "pink site" can see that the camming section threads get much more hits than the stripping general/club chat sections. For many, being a camgirl is more appealing than being a club dancer. Working out of own residence with hours of choosing is appealing. Not having to deal with drunk, gropey, or otherwise obnoxious customers face to face is a plus. Getting rid of an obnoxious customer on cam is just a click away. I don't claim to have an accurate pulse on the macroeconomics of labor pool supply vs demand and how it affects available pool of strippers. An improving economy will help the temporary stripper get a job in her degree specialty (what % of strippers are actually working their way through college). OTOH, elimination of certain low skill jobs due to increased automation (ever notice how Walmart and grocery stores are giving customers a "nudge" towards the self service lines, particularly after 10pm) probably increases the compelling cases where stripping is a "viable option". From my limited sphere of clubbing the last 8 years, I've noticed a decrease in the average attractiveness level of dancers in the clubs. Not enough to drive me away, but just my observation. I'm not personally aware of any club in my "bubble" going out of business due to hard times. I am aware of 2 clubs that I've reviewed being closed due to legal problems (Harem- Dayton due to drug busts, Centerfolds- Phoenix due in part to well publicized bouncer brutality incident.). Either way, YMMV caveat applies regardless of economy.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Good Happy Hours and Food Deals
    I generally don't specifically seek out strip clubs for dining, but club dining has been a good option for me when I'm on a time compressed schedule. I can kill 2 birds with 1 stone by checking out the club talent while I eat vs going to separate eatery and then spending orientation time in club. The "best" club food has been Men's Club- Dallas. They actually have a chef on staff, there's 1 or 2 days a week that they have discounted prime rib or steak. Friday Happy Hour they have a buffet by the pool with shrimp, ribs, and chicken. Rick, what club did you indulge in Happy Hour prime rib ?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    The joy of making it rain
    There are many times that I **suspect** that a certain person is a douchebag. Making a show of making it rain serves to confirm my hunch.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Independence day informative...
    pd, what is the significance of the "83" at the end of your s/n ? Guessing you were born on Aug 3, or else sports jersey number. Thanks.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Finding self worth
    Interesting perspectives. Stripping can be empowering, but can also break some people. Like pro athletes, the flow of money has a limited shelf life. Unlike some career fields, stripping is something one can viably do much past 40 into your 50's and 60's. Whenever a dancer reaches "that point", the transition into a field outside the sex industry will likely be as tough as dealing with the day to day (or night to night) stresses of the stripping gig. In several cases, losing the working hours flexibility, having to put in twice (or more) the time for the same amount of $$ as a lucrative weekend at the club.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    future POTUS and Senator in training
    Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
    Best subs
    For me, it's a tie between Publix and Safeway Delis. Often, Subway was the only convenient option. The few occasions that I had a choice between Subway and Quiznos, I'd give a slight nod to Quiznos.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Dallas strip club recommendations.
    If you like eye candy, Lodge and Men's Club are the places to go. Both alcohol and topless, basic contact dances. Both have VIP memberships (solid 3 figures/yr) and separate sections for VIP members.Although both were friendly enough to me, a non-VIP'er, I got the sense of a 2-tier system in play. Baby Dolls- Dallas is within a block of the Men's Club. BDD and the Monz are 2 clubs that stand out to me as exuding a cornucopia like feeling as you walk in. As in a seemingly endless supply of hot women to choose from. Dancer attractiveness @BDD a slight notch below Lodge and MC, but still plenty of hotties to go around. As for hotels, may I suggest Days Inn on Northwest Highway. Get a room 2nd floor or higher facing the back of the Men's Club. MC has a pool where dancers have been known to sunbathe topless. Good to know should you run out of cash. Oh, and if you do go and submit a(some) review(s) please make it more detailed/specific than "lots of skinny white girls" or "lots of tall big blondes, yeehaw !". (TX does have a lot of the later.) You're welcome.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Attitude on stripper web.
    @Nina- It's ~ half way down Customer Conversation section titled "Tips For Couples." OP has same s/n as Tuscl. Similar thread here got more responses, many in a constructive vein here vs there. I'm not sure if OP started any other threads there, but he likely read dancer comments on couples in other threads there. @Waffle- Several months ago, SW started requiring one to check the "Remember Me" box to get logged in . No problems logging in when I do that.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Attitude on stripper web.
    I've met 18 SW dancers over the years. For the most part, I've found them to be in the collective club middle insofar as attitude and mileage. This from mid-tier or better clubs with moderate to high mileage. There were 3 who provided lower than average mileage, with 2 "princesses". I saw OP's thread on SW- didn't exactly get a warm reception there. Then again, even the most sociable salesperson has had gripe sessions with peers/coworkers that would peel your skin if you were a fly on the wall there. Being on anonymous internet site allows one to rant sans consequences that you'd encounter saying the same thing to people's faces.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Why is a dream stripper like the square root of -100?
    I ceased giving a shit what an imaginary number was long before many of you first crapped in your diapers.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Juice's new ride
    I have more use for the Wraith than I do for the Cullinan.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Anotherwife joke..
    Studies show that overweight women live longer...................................... than the man who mentions her weight.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    It bothers me y'all here proudly carry the badge that says "PL"
    PL Pride ? Hey, r-tex, PL=Pathetic Loser has been in the Tuscl glossary as long as I can remember. @Nina- I've seen the term PL= Pathetic Loser bandied about on the "Pink Site." An interesting question would be if the term originated with the dancers using term as a moniker for customers, or if some creative minded strip club customer thought of the term, and put it out on a strip club website. Can you shed some light on this from the dancer perspective ?