How does a dancer get banned from a club? ( not a joke)

avatar for Warrenboy75
Anywhere in the USA on any given day
So can anyone think of a reason a stripper would be fired from a strip club?

I just finished a conversation about 30 minutes ago with a girl I haven't communicated with for some time ( she had left me a message on my private number last week and I had not checked the phone for a few days.) What exactly could a girl do to get fired from a strip club, especially if she was bringing in good money for them on a consistent basis?


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avatar for magicrat
7 years ago
The reasons I have heard have been stealing from customers and fucking in the VIP.
avatar for K
7 years ago
Getting caught doing extras, fighting, drug use, not showing up on time and smoking are a few i recall.

She may make money but the club's risk from illegal activities is very high and strip club managers are not known for making good business decisions.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^That pretty much covers it, anything else she says is prolly bullshit.
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
Insubordination to the wrong high-up manager, too frequently drunk or on drugs, extras, stealing from or assaulting customers or other strippers, are some of the reasons I've heard frequently.
avatar for gawker
7 years ago
My ATF has been fired from several clubs.
Repeatedly coming in high on heroin.
Falling asleep while in VIP with a customer
Telling the manager he's a fucking asshole
Getting caught shooting up in the dressing room
Not showing up for scheduled shifts several times

And she was a consistent Monet maker for the club, but the manager took it personally
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
One of my favorites at Follies got kicked out for biting a customers finger. She had moved to Pink Pony but not sure if she is still there.

Another got kicked out for yelling at a bouncer that wouldn't do anything about a customer that had his DO during a table dance. Head that she is at Tattletales now.

Plus the usual fighting, stealing and drug use.
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
^99.9% of the time it’s stealing, in non extras clubs it’s doing extras, but that doesn’t apply to all of the dancers, it only applies to the ones not in the inner circle, the dancers themselves won’t ever tell you the truth, but the majority of the time it’s stealing or occasionally fighting.
avatar for jackslash
7 years ago
Not showing up
Not blowing the DJ
avatar for Warrenboy75
7 years ago
Confirming what I expected with the replies.

I can see theft and telling the manager off repeatedly, she has always sworn up one side and down the other she isn't an extras type of girl but saying one thing and doing something else has been her M.O. for a while now.

The entire conversation as well as why she called me a few days ago and left a voice mail ( something she doesn't ever do) to talk out of the blue makes no sense.

I'm still not sure if she was looking for money, looking for sympathy, or simply because I was out of pocket for a few days she calmed down from when she first called me --Monday morning Twilight Zone.
avatar for Warrior15
7 years ago
Maybe she refused to give the club manager his daily blow job ?
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
Gawker - your ATF sounds like my twin sister! Except my sister would always say the managers or customers were lying about everything. And these were extras clubs, so no one got fired for that. She also got into a couple fights, and didn't even get fired for those, just a suspension.

She got fired for a lot of the stuff you mentioned about your ATF. Also, repeatedly refusing to pay her tipout (so she could have more money for drugs) even when the bouncers/managers would tell her they saw her doing VIPs and know she has the money to pay. She'd lie straight to their faces and say it's not true. She lives in her own reality. Other times were drug related, the managers saw her nodding out (they're lying of course), got caught shooting up in the bathroom (the person who caught her is, of course, a liar), housemom saw a needle drop from her bag (house mom is lying or is the one on drugs) etc.

It got to the point where I'd refuse to work with her. If she was working at a club on the east side of 8 mile, I'd be on the west, and vice versa. When I started at my home club, I made sure I told the manager not to hire her should she ever apply because she wouldn't last a day in a club that actually has rules if she's been fired from like 4-5 Detroit-area clubs. How is that possible? She doesn't dance anymore, thank god.

A different girl I knew got only suspended for being caught doing coke in VIP with a customer, but got canned for ripping a guy off. He was really drunk, and only wanted one song, but when they came back from VIP she wanted to take advantage of how drunk he was by telling all his friends he owed her like $350 and trying to get the money from them. They were confused as it is not an extras club and she was only back there with him briefly so the GM intervened and said he would review the tapes. He did, and she was back there with him for like 2.5 minutes. He made the guy and his friends pay $0 and fired the girl on the spot. She's a cokehead and not super attractive or charming so I'm assuming she needed X amount of money for her coke that night and thought she could basically rob someone for it. Lmao. Thought wrong, bitch. That GM will probably never let her back.
avatar for PutaTester
7 years ago
I know a girl that was fired from a Rancho Cordova club for being a complaining pain-in-the-ass. This club charges stage fees, but no commission on dances, so when she was shown the door a few of her regulars were disappointed, but it was no loss to the club. Indeed, the overall morale among the dancers improved greatly, as some of her inappropriate complaints were about other dancers. (And my understanding was that she was not providing customers extras, but freely servicing the management, which is why she lasted as long as she did.)

She is now working at another club and seems to be there only on the slowest shifts.
avatar for shailynn
7 years ago
I’ve heard some strippers in NC have gotten fired because once they meet Juice, they move in with him and never go back to work.
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
I’ve heard of dancers being fired for many of the reasons listed above. I’m sure there are many bizarre stories of dancers being fired for very odd reasons too. The above list should suffice.
avatar for larryfisherman
7 years ago
extras extras read all about it.
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
*Gaining too much weight
*Using Venmo/square to accept payment for dances
*Getting too sloppy/obviously drunk
*Pissing off the wrong dancer if favoritism in a club is especially bad
*Not doing minimum tip out
*Constantly doing minor things that get their “attention” (failure to make stage on time, etc)
avatar for minnow
7 years ago
Mons Venus allegedly fires dancers for being overweight. At least 2 former dancers have told me this. In one case, I suspect the real reason was sneaking in alcohol, or too high dance contact levels.
avatar for NinaBambina
7 years ago
Mons is very strict about weight (and age). They will surely fire a girl for gaining too much. They love their girls skinny.
avatar for minnow
7 years ago
Nina, I'll add that I've not heard exactly what weight standard is. I'm fairly sure allowances are made for type of body build as I've seen several medium to medium thick builds there. I've noticed that some dancers who have danced at club for a long time get a certain degree of lenient discretion there. I've known some who have danced well into their 40's,
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
The Platinum Plus in Columbia SC went on a rampage once about overweight girls. I knew 3 that were told to lose it. 1 did, 1 quit & 1 got fired.
avatar for Warrenboy75
7 years ago
Almost 100% certain it isn't her figure.............5'7" 116 lbs.....22 inch waist with a natural 34C bust size........
avatar for Clubber
7 years ago
avatar for lotsoffun201
7 years ago
Drug use on premises
Extras in a non extras club
Gaining weight
avatar for skibum609
7 years ago
Banned: Drugs, theft, no-show, fighting, pimp boyfriend in club
avatar for math14
7 years ago
I heard a 19 year got fired for drinking, club didn’t want to risk loosing liquor license. But they hired her back three months later
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
1. Doing things that might get the club in trouble with the law (or at least not being discrete about it).

2. Stealing.

3. Causing more drama / turmoil than she's worth.
avatar for Icey
7 years ago
When a bitch who gets along better with management doesnt like her
avatar for MackTruck
7 years ago
When he farts on the manager
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
K pretty much hit it.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
K pretty much hit it.
avatar for loper
7 years ago
getting drunk while under 21.
avatar for DandyDan
7 years ago
95 percent of the time I knew about someone getting fired, it was either stealing or illegal drug use. At the one juice bar I used to visit, getting caught with alcohol was an automatic termination. I think if it's anything else, the club management just makes up a reason.
avatar for April9424
7 years ago
Not paying enough for staff to overlook everything mentioned.
avatar for Warrenboy75
7 years ago
I could probably write a novel on the interactions I have had with this women since she started stripping, and that is just the stuff I know about.

Beautiful girl and was a very good student when she attended college. I'm not sure what shifted her life path but it's a downward spiral and becoming a stripper hasn't helped.

I would suspect theft first and foremost and no doubt when confronted by a manager there was probably a rage induced tirade that came out of her mouth......
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