Comments by minnow (page 51)

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Keepin' it 💯
    Types of Dancers
    I hereby appoint Papi _Chulo to be the author of "Tuscl Handbook of Dancer Types"
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    6 years ago
    Unexpected Reactions (Part 1)
    I think that the title of this thread is misleading. I think Amelia knew from the start that subtly slipping in the price of her services into a long paragraph would elicit a "rise" from Tuscl membership. Just witness the number of guys tripping over themselves to respond to thread.
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    6 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Sen John McCain
    RIP, John McCain, and thank you for your service. General, if you feel the need to be a horses ass, kindly start your own thread.
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    6 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    Two truths and a lie
    Looks like I made the right guess for the wrong reason on o-smith. Minnow Quiz #2- pick the lie. 1) I've been to both London, England, and London, KY. I spent several days vacation in the former, stopped long enough in the later only to grab a quick bite to eat, and refuel my car. 2) In my pre-Tuscl days, I had multiple business trips to Portland, OR and Portland, ME. I patronized strip clubs in both cities ( 1 in ME, 4 in OR ) 3) I've spent several nights in Richmond, VA, but I've only dropped in for food or gas in 3 other Richmonds(IN, KY, and CA).
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    Two truths and a lie
    Nina Quiz # 3- I'm picking #2 . As for my quiz answers, looks like crazyjoe doesn't like dancer threads. My lie is #2. I've been to Panama City, Panama, but not the one in FL. I'm curious why Nina thought #1 was a lie, or if she was just taking a wild stab. Dominic, I don't wear any fancy expensive watches (yet), and I've never met Richard Branson. I am getting the feeling that you've googled some of my posts. Bonus question #4 is the truth. I may have posted somewhere that I've stayed in hotels in 49 states, MT being the exception. I was eating low fiber during my singular limited stays in AR and WY. I have taken a whizz in all 50 states, though.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    Two truths and a lie
    Oops, I jumped in early. I'm guessing o-smith's lie is #3, because he crashed 1 or more of the cars before he could get to top speed. I guess he technically could survive #2 if he were on a submerged submarine directly underneath a waterspout. (term for a tornado over a body of water). D77- are you saying that 2 of my statements are lies ? (RE- "I'd never own a slushbox, Panama)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    Two truths and a lie
    1) Even though I first learned to drive on an automatic as a teenager, I didn't own an automatic transmission car as an adult until age 48. 2) I have been to both Panama City, FL and Panama City, Panama. 3) I've spent the night in hotel on a road trip in both Lexington, KY, and Lexington, NE. Bonus #4 for crazyjoe- I have taken a shit in 47 out of 50 states, exceptions being AR, MT, and WY.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Hanging out with Nicole right now
    ns, now that it's been (more or less) established that N94 is a human being, which one is her in your avatar pic ? (Upper left or lower right). I'm assuming you're the other one in pic.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    haggling over VIP prices
    ..."dancer's already indifferent attitude"... That right there is a buzz kill, and such a dancer wouldn't be getting a VIP from me in the first place. That said, I don't like to engage in bazaar style haggling. I'll accept her initial quote if reasonable. I may then make a counter offer. If not taken, I'll just move on.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    How much
    Thanks for link, DC. IMHO, may be off base in a few areas. They really don't know how things work in my former field, so they're immediately suspect wrt dancers/strippers. Especially considering that the exotic dancer field has more cases of un/under reported income than most other fields. I'm curious where gets it's data. (Cooperative respondents, culling tax returns, etc.) The part that I really question is the number of years as a dancer income graph resembles a trajectory pretty much in line with a vanilla job. Graph has 5 yr dancers making $52K, 10 yr dancers making ~ $72K, and 20 yr plus dancers making $142K. I don't doubt that there are some dancers north of 38 yo making 6 figures. Seeing that dancers have a limited shelf life like pro athletes, I would suspect that income would rise at a steep curve the first 5 to 10 years, then level off, not be a shallow rise the first 10-15 years as presented, then skyrocketing years 15-20.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    What is your ethnicity?
    Tonto "Bubba" Goldstein.............
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Treating yourself.
    In the last 2 decades or so, I've done things with "bonus" $$ like buy an expensive toy (2nd car, etc), go on a good weekend getaway or vacation, engine repair work on expensive toy...…..
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Favorite cut of steak and why
    1) Filet Mignon 2) * Whatever "cut" Top Round packaged and sold as London Broil in grocery stores would be. 3) Porterhouse * Wrt London Broil, that is a method of cooking and serving a top round of steak, not the cut itself. I like the method of serving, but if I feel lazy, I'm fine with eating the steak as originally packaged. (Thicker than ribeye, less thick than Filet Mignon.) I prefer medium (mostly pink center). I find that meat is cooked less than ordered in (too) many cases, so I often order the next higher level than the one that I really want.
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    6 years ago
    Average TUSCL user age
    Good one, tiredtraveller. You forgot to mention the "cougars." There have been several threads asking pretty much the same question. Quick version- Not many 20 somethings, plenty of AARP qualified tusclers.(age 50 plus.)
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Keepin' it 💯
    Deja Vu
    @samsung- I never knew Kahoots was under the DV umbrella. I don't see it listed under DV locations on DV website. Anyway, post topic could make good subject for a book. I haven't set foot in a DV in over 10 years. From the early 90's until 2007, I visited 15 DV clubs in 9 different states. In several cases, DV was the only game in town, or else had little meaningful competition. In those monopoly cases, I appreciated them coming in. Over time, the gimmicky lean of the club became wearisome. Mileage depends on the area, but in SF, mileage came at a price. Posted price was $20, but was told that would only get a bikini dance, but $40 would get a good nude contact dance. (late 90's). At first I went along with that, rationalizing that SF was a high cost area, but when they jacked price up to $60 in early 2000's, I said screw that and left. (Hello, Crazy Horse ) As for dancer attractiveness, IME, club chain had a good solid midrange of lapable prospects, and very few dogs. There were more true hotties than dogs, but in areas with meaningful competition/alternatives, they weren't the club to have the hottest dancers in town. Since I like hot dancers, good mileage at a reasonable price while abhorring gimmickry/cheesiness, I've seen little reason to patronize DV clubs in the last decade.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Demographic Changes and Strip Clubs
    nicespice, whatever gave you the notion that I think this thread is stupid ? Just because I offered some constructive criticism towards a source with a better handle on the subject does not mean that I think you're being frivolous. To the contrary, strip club demographics is a fascinating subject, but a very inexact science. If you want to predict future demographic trends, you must first define the current demographic reference point. That in itself is tricky, because strip club customer demographics don't necessarily resemble the national, or local demographics. Furthermore, the $$ spent is likely not proportionate either. (i.e, Non-Hispanic Caucasians comprise ~ 60% of the population, but might well represent 75% or more of the $$ spent in clubs- something I assume would be of interest to a stripper.) I'd be glad to expound on this subject, but there's not enough bandwidth here to cover all the bases, and something best done over drinks. On an earlier post, you asked me if I thought you should observe young white millennials to predict future trends. To that I'd say yes- if you can find enough of them in the clubs. Because that generation has hardly known life without the internet would be , IMO, more likely to seek online entertainment than visit club. But, a subject for another thread........
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Demographic Changes and Strip Clubs
    nicespice, are you a sociology major in college ? Or are you in your early 20's and planning to be still dancing well into your 40's ? If you are neither of these, why do you care ? Secondly, what is your "angle" ? Are you thinking that because there will be fewer natural blondes coming into the pipeline that customers will "learn" to favor non blondes, maybe even Asians ? Or that fewer white customers in the coming years will make money tighter ? Or that the demographic shift might find more customers less enthusiastic about white blondes and more enthusiastic about Asians ? I ask your age, and long term career plans because demographic trends take a decade or more to really have a significant impact on club experience. Are you bothered that white blondes are out-earning you in club ? If so, don't count on demographic shift in population helping you anytime soon. Case in point- rap music. Rap music was originally "on the radar screen" in the late 80's/ early 90's. Yet heavy metal/rock was the prominent music genre until about the last 5 - 8 years when rap elbowed in as the more prominent genre. (I mostly go to mid tier to high end clubs.) If you're in your 20's now, you'll probably be in your upper 30's before you notice a significant demographic shift in clubs. Lastly, if you have such a serious interest in club demographic trends, you'd be better off posing that question on the pink site. Really, strippers have a much better handle on club customer demographics than a customer. First, I don't pay that much attention to customer demographics beyond a vague general awareness level. I'm zeroing my attention in on the dancers, namely, which ones that I'm attracted to seem most likely to provide a good experience ? How many are there in the club right now ? You correctly observe that blondes are "favored" in American culture. I like blondes as much as the next guy, but I'm "EO" wrt favored dancers. If I see a redhead, brunette, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, whatever that is attractive, friendly, and compatible with me, guess who I'm spending my money on ? Honestly, who is better qualified to observe and comment on customer demographics ? 1) A customer who visits club once, maybe twice a week for a 2 hour visit, and has minimal/zero interaction with other customers 2) A dancer who works 2 - 4 6 hour shifts per week, and interacts with dozens of customers per night.
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    6 years ago
    Demographic Changes and Strip Clubs
    nicespice, I'm surmising that the question you're asking in a roundabout way is "How will the ongoing paradigm shift in US population demographics translate into a paradigm shift in strip club customer preferences?" "What exactly will that paradigm shift look like ? I have no ready answer for that, because I'm not so sure that the strip club SPENDING customer demographic duplicates the US population demographics. I presume that is the demographic profile that you, a dancer is most interested in. As of today, ~60% of US population is non-Hispanic whites. This demographic has a greater share of higher income households, which should translate into higher $$ share spending in clubs and thus "voting power" for preferences. One thing I've noticed in some mid-tier FL clubs the last 3 years or so is an increase in dancers getting butt injections/enhancements. Not a majority, but an increase from a few years ago. Twerking, phat booty contests, etc, are more a young black or Hispanic thing than an old white guy with money thing. So I guess the (slowly) changing society demographics has already influenced 1 aspect of strip club "norms".
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    Appropriate "justice" for ROBs
    rick dugan +1 - I have no compunction about outing a ROB in a review. Some version of #3 or #4 goes without saying. Additionally, I will refuse to tip a ROB's stage set. (i.e, don't approach the stage during her set). Now a couple of bucks or so isn't going to alter my life spending much either way. On the flip side I keep a certain amount of $$ in interest bearing checking accounts. The amount I'd save in one night withholding tips from ROB dancer equals the monthly interest earned at todays (still) absurdly low rates on some accounts.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    What do strippers and tornadoes have in common?
    @flagooner: No, do you ? I have with Katrina, Camille on my bucket list. Last Irene was a 1 and done, so good night.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.
    Would it be easy or a bad idea to take cannibis across the border into Mexico?
    "There is no such thing as a stupid question, only that there will be some dumbshits that would ask such a question." Anonymous web sage
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    I swear, it's just shrinkage due the cold
    When Trolls become pitiful
    sc, lg, and cmi "ftw".
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    What do strippers and tornadoes have in common?
    Sometimes I think strippers chose their s/n after hurricanes. One FL club has Katrina and Camille as dancers on their roster. Google those storms for your enlightenment.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Conversation with a hiring manager
    "Managing strippers is like trying to herd cats around." Anonymous club manager. NS, as you can see, the practice of low fees for early arrival, high fees for late arrival seem to be the prevalent practice in clubs. The club that I'm aware of with the greatest flexibility is Mons Venus. I see dancers arriving and leaving at various hours, though there may be constraints on working only certain shifts.( Day shift mgr "hires" you, but night mgr may not want you). Towards the other spectrum, 2 Los Angeles area higher tier clubs have published shifts on website. The dancers that you see listed you can count on them being there, though additional dancers not listed showing up aren't uncommon.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Who the fuck is Ninabambina?
    Name 10 movies you love
    So many good choices from prior posters. I'll break my list down to 10 Comedies, and 10 Action/Drama COMEDIES: Blazing Saddles, Animal House, It's A Mad Mad World, Planes Trains & Automobiles, Airplane, Monty Python-Holy Grail, Good Morning Vietnam, Horrible Bosses, Naked Gun-Final Insult, Caddyshack. ACTION/DRAMA: The Untouchables, Patton, The Outlaw Josey Wales, Dirty Harry, Body Heat, The Dirty Dozen, The Right Stuff, Das Boot (German with English sub titles version), The Shootist, The Natural.