The joy of making it rain

avatar for GACA
Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
Since a lotta white guys seem so perplexed about it, here's my two cents.

When you're from a community so goddamn poor and you could get got over $20, well the absolute status of success is being so rich you can throw the money away quite literally.

Poor niggas (I was one of them) actually resent the construct of money since not having money makes them feel worthless. We (mistakenly) blame a lot of our social problems on the fact that we don't have money. Being broke is oppression. We are always indebted to the power company, phone company and rent. And feeling indebted to anything wears away at one's self worth.

Being to make it rain is turning the tables back on money. Where money is now so worthless and we can have zero regard for it, a just throw that mutherfucka away.

That's success. Ya that's freedom baby, and all slaves wanna feel like they're free HNIC.


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avatar for TheeOSU
7 years ago
I suppose I see your point. Is there a forum for broke black former millionaires that lament whatever happened to the millions they made and no longer have because they foolishly pissed it away turning the tables back on money?
avatar for GACA
7 years ago
^^^^OSU holy shit I'm Lmao with that comment
avatar for Icey
7 years ago
Thats actually true.

I once surprised a bitch by throwing $600 in ones on stage. I brought the money into the club in a Target shopping bag....It was like watching a kid play in the snow for the first time. The impact was completely different from giving her smaller bills. It was her money anyways though lmfao

But I got a lot of jealous hateful looks from all the broke niggaz in there.

Its the ITC version of taking a bitch to the mall and letting her get anything and everything without looking at the prices, then watching the look on her face and the employees faces when you pay in cash.
avatar for Icey
7 years ago
But yeah money is freedom and showing that it doesnt matter to you is the ultimate sign of being nigga rich, hood rich, whatever you want to call it
avatar for MackTruck
7 years ago
Haja you funny mr Georgia California
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
GACA - I understand your point. That’s a very useful insight. It explains a lot about the impetus behind making it rain.

What about the girls who are rained on? The guys are throwing money away - and the girls keep it. Is the perception different - for the girls?
avatar for Lone_Wolf
7 years ago
That's going pretty deep just to explain a PL trying to impress a dancer.
avatar for Warrenboy75
7 years ago
+ 1 to
avatar for April9424
7 years ago
Makes sense. Seems like a celebrity or drug dealer thing.. with the others just trying to emulate that cuz the media makes it seem cool- like bachelor parties/young guys do it a lot.

Older “gentleman” type dudes are more likely to tip me a $20 bill rather than throw it at me in ones. Which catches my attention just the same.
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
Interesting insights, GACA! I guess I still question, why "throw that muthafucka away" translates to "do it in a way that maximizes your impact on the other clients, rather than maximizing your impact on the girls, who you are presumably there for in the first place".

True life example: when I first started going to non-extras clubs, there was an older black guy there who was an established regular. I hated being there when he was, because he would always have 3 or 4 of the hottest strippers attending to him the entire time. Sometimes a stripper would be with another customer, he'd just get her attention and call her over ... and she'd go. He spread so much money around that the girls went to him when called. Like a rainmaker, he did the "this money ain't shit" move, but at least HE benefited from it in some way... instead of throwing it away at the stage, he "threw it away" getting hot chicks to sit with him all afternoon. And yes, all the rest of the customers noticed, just as we would have noticed if he just "made it rain" all that $$ at the stage. But this guy made the same statement, while getting personal up-close attention from hot strippers. Made total sense to me. Grudging respect for his operating model.

BTW, that guy is no longer around, and I'm usually the one with a few girls at my table all afternoon. So I'm thinking this makes me the HNIC.
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
LOL at anyone who focuses more on making money than being the best. Nicole out .
avatar for GACA
7 years ago
@Subra damn your wit had me spitting my Pepsi on my computer.

Yeah I don't think rainmaking is a smart move at all. But niggas like to floss in front of other niggas.

That "Haha, I'm better off than you" complex started way back as far as field vs house, know what I'm say'n?

I play it like the old dude you were speaking of, but I'm there for pussy not to make niggas feel I'm better off than them.
avatar for Icey
7 years ago
Of course its a smart move. It sets you apart and gains attention. it gets bitches wet
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
Subra that was fucking funny, the rest of ya’all should remember “a fool and his money are soon parted”
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
That is some fucked up shit GACA! The only place this white guy flosses is in the bathroom!

Booty poppin - making it rain - and practicing good dental hygiene at the same time? WTF!
avatar for shailynn
7 years ago
People spend their hard earned money in different ways. Some people buy the best house they can afford and drive conservative cars, others buy expensive cars, and live in modest houses. If they earned it, they should be able to spend how they please, if they want to throw it in a strip club on a stripper, so be it. Dude may have worked a lot of overtime to be able to do that, and if it pleases him, so be it.
avatar for Baller_Biggie_Playa_69
When are you going to make up your mind on what your ethnicity is?
avatar for GACA
7 years ago
^^^ huh????

avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
GACA: another troll persona brought to you by the makers of Phatboy, Nicole, etc.
avatar for GACA
7 years ago
Oh... Thanks. Where is TrollbotWarning when you need him?
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
Trollbotwarning falling down on the job. Chop chop man!
avatar for Pizza (hiatus)
Pizza (hiatus)
7 years ago
I tried this once, and only once. Got about $30.00 in singles, fanned them out, and tossed them on top of the lady. Immediate regret. I wanted to jump on stage and shovel those dollars back into my pocket. She seemed flattered by it though.

I wish I could make it rain like this guy:…
avatar for shadowcat
7 years ago
If a white guy makes it rain is it cultural appropriation ?
avatar for Cashman1234
7 years ago
EchoPizza - a Saudi billionaire can make it rain and really not care about the cash he’s throwing away! You can see that he doesn’t give a shit about the money.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
7 years ago
I appreciate the insight. It's still not something I'll ever do. As far as others in the club, I try not to tell people that they're having fun wrong.
avatar for flagooner
7 years ago
I hate to say it, but I do kinda understand OP with his explanation. I think it's stupid, but I do understand it.

If it is a cultural thing among the impoverished black population it is just another display of attitude that perpetuates their collective inability to break the cycle.

Others include ostracising peers who perform well in school and the abundance of absentee fathers.
avatar for Warrior15
7 years ago
@Echo - " I tried this once, and only once. Got about $30.00 in singles, fanned them out, and tossed them on top of the lady. Immediate regret. I wanted to jump on stage and shovel those dollars back into my pocket ".

This would be me if I tried it.
avatar for Subraman
7 years ago
-->"It's still not something I'll ever do. As far as others in the club, I try not to tell people that they're having fun wrong."

Exactly. GACA's explanation gave me some more insight. I still think it's a questionable way to engage in conspicuous consumption -- you could also use that same money to conspicuously consume by having all the hottest strippers at your table for the next 3 hours. But whatever. I've always said I don't mind rainmakers -- I'd rather a guy with money be making it rain on the girls in order to impress other customers, than using that same money to monopolize the hottest stripper all day. Over the next 4 hours, I'll hang out with her at my table and do VIPs with her, he showers her with singles whenever she's on stage. Win-win-win! Which, as I scientifically proved above, makes me the HNIC, which amuses me immensely

That said, I rarely run into guys who make it rain in the clubs and shifts I go to.
avatar for minnow
7 years ago
There are many times that I **suspect** that a certain person is a douchebag. Making a show of making it rain serves to confirm my hunch.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
I don't care how much a guy spends on a dancer or how he does it - I've just never liked showboating/braggadocious-people
avatar for nicespice
7 years ago
It’s annoying when it comes to atm deposits, since the machine at my bank only accept 30 bills at a time. But otherwise hey money is money. One of my regulars at the moment is a thug so it is what it is.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
7 years ago
I can see most dancers being ok with it - it's easy basically free $$$ and she gets attention and makes her look good on stage being given $$$
avatar for twentyfive
7 years ago
I understand it but it’s still stupid, the girls that I hang with appreciate much better a Grant or a Franklin folded and put in their hand or wherever you put it, I put it in her hand discreetly so she doesn’t need to deal with it at tip out, I get great attention and appreciation, makes me look classy and I’m usually the guy who locked down the hot dancer you tried to impress with your make it rain faggitry.
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